363 research outputs found

    Trade Liberalization and Development in ICT Sector and its impact on household welfare in Viet Nam

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    The ICT sector in Viet Nam had not been developed until the 1980s. However, over the last decade of rapid growth, it has had a powerful impact on many aspects of life in this country. Although the ICT sector is still at an early stage of development and lags behind many other countries in the region, the government of Viet Nam made strong commitments to upgrade the nation’s ICT capability and implemented significant reforms in terms of trade and investment liberalization in ICT sector over the last decade.Trade Liberalization, ICT, Household welfare, Viet Nam

    Essays zum Einfluss der Corporate Governance auf Rechnungslegung und Kapitalkosten

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    Das moderne Wirtschaftsleben ist durch verschiedene Arten von Delegationsbeziehungen geprägt. Die Delegationsbeziehungen sind dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass Informationsasymmetrien zwischen dem Prinzipal und Agenten den Regelfall darstellen und Risiken und Chancen nicht vollständig auf den Agenten abgewälzt werden. Aus dieser Konstellation erwachsen Interessenkonflikte zwischen dem Management und den Anteilseignern, die unter den genannten Prämissen stets zu einem geringeren Wohlfahrtsniveau führen, verglichen mit der Situation vollkommener Zielkonformität zwischen Prinzipal und Agent. Zur Eindämmung der Interessenkonflikte bietet Corporate Governance ein breites Spektrum an Mechanismen, die etwa auf eine verbesserte Überwachung des Managements (Monitoring) und folglich eine Eingrenzung seines opportunistischen Verhaltens abzielt. Für die Investoren einer Gesellschaft stellt sich damit die Frage, wie Corporate Governance auf der Unternehmensebene ausgestaltet sein sollte, um eine möglichst große Interessenkonvergenz herzustellen und damit die Agency-Kosten zu minimieren. Im Mittelpunkt stehen hier die Auswahl und Überprüfung der Eignung von Governance Mechanismen zur Realisierung positiver Werteffekte. Wird die Nicht-Diversifizierbarkeit des aus dem Interessenkonflikt resultierenden Risikos (Governance Risk) unterstellt und der Unternehmenswert als Barwert der künftigen Cash Flows aufgefasst, können Werteffekte dann generiert werden, wenn hohe Corporate Governance Standards den Unternehmenswert über die Zählergröße (Cash Flow-Effekt) oder Nennergröße (Discount Rate-Effekt) beeinflussen. Governance Mechanismen, die dem Abbau von Informationsasymmetrien dienen (wie etwa die Rechnungslegung), sind hierbei von wesentlicher Bedeutung, da durch sie die wirtschaftliche Lage des Unternehmens transparent gemacht und damit die Überwachung der Unternehmensleitung erleichtert wird. Die Rechnungslegung unterscheidet sich dabei im Vergleich zu anderen informationsbezogenen Governance Mechanismen (z.B. Informationsintermediäre wie Finanzanalysten sowie Rating Agenturen) darin, dass sie durch das vielfache Bestehen von Spielräumen (Wahlrechte und Ermessenspielräume in den kodifizierten Bilanzierungsnormen) der autonomen Gestaltung durch das Management zugänglich ist. Dadurch gewinnen nicht-informationsbasierte Governance Mechanismen an Bedeutung, mit deren Hilfe die opportunistische Ausnutzung der bilanziellen Spielräume durch das Management restringiert werden kann. Damit wird deutlich, dass Interaktionen und Interdependenzen zwischen den Governance Dimensionen bestehen und Corporate Governance als mehrdimensionales Gefüge zu verstehen ist. Diese Arbeit umfasst insgesamt vier Beiträge, die sich mit den aufgeworfenen Fragestellungen auseinandersetzen

    Ba[Mg2Al2N4]Eu2+ phosphor for enhancing the optical quality of the 6600K CPW-LEDs

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    Compared with conventional lamps, LED-based light sources have a superior lifetime, efficiency, and reliability, which promise significant reductions in power consumption and pollution from fossil fuel power plants. The main purpose of this paper is proposed and investigated the effect of the concentration of Ba[Mg2Al2N4]Eu2+conversion phosphor on the CCT deviation (D-CCT) and lumen output (LO) of the 6600 K conformal-packaging white LEDs (CPW-LEDs). For this purpose, we used the Light Tools and Mat Lab software to investigate this problem. From the research results, we can state that the concentration of the red phosphor crucially influenced on the optical quality of the 6600 K CPW-LEDs. The D-CCT can be decreased from 4700K to 2500K, and the LO can be increased from 600 lm. to 1200 lm. This research can provide the new recommendation for LEDs industry at this time

    Improvement of Tuning Fork Gyroscope Drive-mode Oscillation Matched using a Differential Driving Suspension Frame

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    This paper presents a novel design of a vibration tuning fork gyroscope (TFG) based on a differential driving suspension coupling spring between two gyroscopes. The proposed TFG is equivalent to a transistor differential amplifier circuit. The mechanical vibrations of driving frames are, therefore, well matched. The matching level depends on stiffness of spring. When three various TFG structures respond to differential stiffness of spring, their the driving frame mechanical vibration is well matched in case the input excitation driving differential phase is less than 3.5°, 2.5°, and 4°, respectively. The fabricated tuning fork gyroscope linearly operates in the range from -200 to +200 degree/s with the resolution of about 0.45 mV/degree/s

    Power beacon-assisted energy harvesting in a half-duplex communication network under co-channel interference over a Rayleigh fading environment: Energy efficiency and outage probability analysis

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    In this time, energy efficiency (EE), measured in bits per Watt, has been considered as an important emerging metric in energy-constrained wireless communication networks because of their energy shortage. In this paper, we investigate power beacon assisted (PB) energy harvesting (EH) in half-duplex (HD) communication network under co-channel Interferer over Rayleigh fading environment. In this work, we investigate the model system with the time switching (TS) protocol. Firstly, the exact and asymptotic form expressions of the outage probability (OP) are analyzed and derived. Then the system EE is investigated and the influence of the primary system parameters on the system performance. Finally, we verify the correctness of the analytical expressions using Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, we can state that the simulation and analytical results are the same.Web of Science1213art. no. 257

    A Distributed Heuristic Algorithm for Delay Constrained Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Besides energy restriction, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) should be able to provide bounded end-to-end delay when they are used to support real-time applications such as early forest fire alarm systems. In this paper, we investigate the problem of finding the least energy consumption route subject to a delay constraint with low computational complexity in such networks. Based on the distance-vector routing approach, which has less computational complexity and message overhead, we propose a distributed heuristic algorithm called Delay Constrained Energy Efficient Routing (DCEER) in order to minimize the total energy consumption while meeting the end-to-end delay requirement. DCEER only requires a moderate amount of information at each sensor node and does not suffer from the excessive running time. We prove that our proposed algorithm always finishes within a finite time and the computation complexity is only O(n), where n is a divisor of the number of sensor nodes. By mathematical proof and simulation, we verify that DCEER is suitable for large-scale WSNs because the number of messages exchanged between sensor nodes are represented by a polynomial function. Furthermore, we evaluate our proposal to compare its performance with related protocols

    Hybrid decode-amplify and forward protocol of FD EH relaying network: outage probability analysis

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    Nowadays, many research papers focus on the WPCN problem and how to improve its efficiency. In this research, we propose and investigate Hybrid Decode-Amplify and Forward Protocol (HDAF) of the Full-Duplex (FD) Energy Harvesting (EH) Relaying Network with the Time Switching (TS) protocol. In the beginning stage, we present the HDAF mode, which can be work like a Decode-and-Amplify (DF) or Amplify-and-Forward (AF) modes based on the best of its performance in the FD EH relaying network. Furthermore, the closed-form expression of the outage probability (OT) is analyzed and derived in connection with the primary system parameters. Besides, the comparison of the system performance in the AF, DF, and HDAF is proposed and investigated. Finally, all the results are convinced by the Monte Carlo simulation for all cases

    Geotechnical seismic isolation based on high-damping polyurethane:centrifuge modelling

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    Geotechnical seismic isolation (GSI) is a new category of low-damage resilient design methods that are in direct contact with geomaterials and of which the isolation mechanism primarily involves geotechnics. Various materials have been explored for placing around the foundation system in layer form to facilitate the beneficial effects of dynamic soil-foundation-structure interaction, as one of the GSI mechanisms. To reduce the thickness of the GSI foundation layer and to ensure uniformity of its material properties, the use of a thin and homogeneous layer of high-damping polyurethane (HDPU) was investigated in this study via centrifuge modelling. HDPU sheets were installed in three different configurations at the interface between the structural foundation and surrounding soils for realising GSI. It was found that using HDPU for GSI can provide excellent seismic isolation effects in all three configurations. The average rates of structural demand reduction amongst the eight earthquake events ranged from 35 to 80%. A clear correlation between the period-lengthening ratio and the demand reduction percentage can be observed amongst the three GSI configurations. One of the configurations with HDPU around the periphery of the foundation only is particularly suitable for retrofitting existing structures and does not require making changes to the structural systems or architectural features.</p

    Increased success probability in Hardy's nonlocality: Theory and demonstration

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    Depending on the way one measures, quantum nonlocality might manifest more visibly. Using basis transformations and interactions on a particle pair, Hardy logically argued that any local hidden variable theory leads to a paradox. Extended from the original work, we introduce a quantum nonlocal scheme for n-particle systems using two distinct approaches. First, a theoretical model is derived with analytical results for Hardy's nonlocality conditions and probability. Second, a quantum simulation using quantum circuits is constructed that matches very well to the analytical theory. When demonstrated on real quantum computers for n=3, we obtain reasonable results compared to theory. Even at macroscopic scales as n grows, the success probability asymptotes 15.6%, which is stronger than previous results.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure