364 research outputs found

    Theoretical estimates of the anapole magnetizabilities of C4H4X2 cyclic molecules for X=O, S, Se, and Te

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    Calculations have been carried out for C4H4X2 cyclic molecules, with X=O, S, Se, and Te, characterized by the presence of magnetic-field induced toroidal electron currents and associated orbital anapole moments. The orbital anapole induced by a static nonuniform magnetic field B, with uniform curl C =∇× B, is rationalized via a second-rank anapole magnetizability tensor aαβ , defined as minus the second derivative of the second-order interaction energy with respect to the components Cα and Bβ. The average anapole magnetizability a equals −χ, the pseudoscalar obtained by spatial averaging of the dipole-quadrupole magnetizability χα,βγ . It has different sign for D and L enantiomeric systems and can therefore be used for chiral discrimination. Therefore, in an isotropic chiral medium, a homogeneous magnetic field induces an electronic anapole Aα, having the same magnitude, but opposite sign, for two enantiomorphs.Fil: Pagola, Gabriel Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Ferraro, Marta Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Provasi, Patricio Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Modelado e Innovación Tecnológica. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Naturales y Agrimensura. Instituto de Modelado e Innovación Tecnologica; ArgentinaFil: Pelloni, Stefano. Universidad de Modena y Reggio Emilia. Departamento de Química; ItaliaFil: Lazzeretti, Paolo. Universidad de Modena y Reggio Emilia. Departamento de Química; Italia; Itali

    Parity violation in deuteron photo-disintegration

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    We analyze the energy dependence for two types of parity-non-conserving (PNC) asymmetries in the reaction γDnp\gamma D\to np in the near-threshold region. The first one is the asymmetry in reaction with circularly polarized photon beam and unpolarized deuteron target. The second one corresponds to those with an unpolarized photon beam and polarized target. We find that the two asymmetries have quite different energy dependence, and their shapes are sensitive to the PNC-meson exchange coupling constants. The predictions for the future possible experiments to provide definite constraints for the PNC-coupling constants are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to Phys.Rev.C 10Oct.0

    The Toroid Moment of Majorana Neutrino

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    If neutrino is the Majorana particle it can possess only one electromagnetic characteristic, the toroid dipole moment (anapole) in the static limit and nothing else. We have calculated the diagonal toroid moment (form factor) of the Majorana neutrino by the dispersion method in the one-loop approximation of the Standard Model and found it to be different from zero in the case of massive as well as massless neutrinos. All external particles are on the mass shells and there are no problems with the physical interpretation of the final result. Some manifestations of the toroid interactions of Majorana neutrinos, induced by their toroid moments, are also remarked.Comment: 22 pages, 1 table and 3 EPS-figures included, uses prd.sty, preprint.sty, aps.sty and epsfig.sty (RevTeX is used), major conceptual changes of E2-96-53 are include

    Retrieval of spatio-temporal distributions of particle parameters from multiwavelength lidar measurements using the linear estimation technique and comparison with AERONET

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    The results of the application of the linear estimation technique to multiwavelength Raman lidar measurements performed during the summer of 2011 in Greenbelt, MD, USA, are presented. We demonstrate that multiwavelength lidars are capable not only of providing vertical profiles of particle properties but also of revealing the spatio-temporal evolution of aerosol features. The nighttime 3β + 1α lidar measurements on 21 and 22 July were inverted to spatio-temporal distributions of particle microphysical parameters, such as volume, number density, effective radius and the complex refractive index. The particle volume and number density show strong variation during the night, while the effective radius remains approximately constant. The real part of the refractive index demonstrates a slight decreasing tendency in a region of enhanced extinction coefficient. The linear estimation retrievals are stable and provide time series of particle parameters as a function of height at 4 min resolution. AERONET observations are compared with multiwavelength lidar retrievals showing good agreement

    Optical Properties of Aerosols from Long Term Ground-Based Aeronet Measurements

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    AERONET is an optical ground-based aerosol monitoring network and data archive supported by NASA's Earth Observing System and expanded by federation with many non-NASA institutions including AEROCAN (AERONET CANada) and PHOTON (PHOtometrie pour le Traiteinent Operatonnel de Normalisation Satellitaire). The network hardware consists of identical automatic sun-sky scanning spectral radiometers owned by national agencies and universities purchased for their own monitoring and research objectives. Data are transmitted hourly through the data collection system (DCS) on board the geostationary meteorological satellites GMS, GOES and METEOSAT and received in a common archive for daily processing utilizing a peer reviewed series of algorithms thus imposing a standardization and quality control of the product data base. Data from this collaboration provides globally distributed near real time observations of aerosol spectral optical depths, aerosol size distributions, and precipitable water in diverse aerosol regimes. Access to the AERONET data base has shifted from the interactive program 'demonstrat' (reserved for PI's) to the AERONET homepage allowing faster access and greater development for GIS object oriented retrievals and analysis with companion geocoded data sets from satellites, LIDAR and solar flux measurements for example. We feel that a significant yet under utilized component of the AERONET data base are inversion products made from hourly principal plane and almucanter measurements. The current inversions have been shown to retrieve aerosol volume size distributions. A significant enhancement to the inversion code has been developed and is presented in these proceedings

    The AMMA mulid network for aerosol characterization in West Africa

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    Three ground based portable low power consumption microlidars (MULID) have been built and deployed at three remote sites in Banizoumbou (Niger), Cinzana (Mali) and M'Bour (Senegal) in the framework of the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses (AMMA) project for the characterization of aerosols optical properties. A description of the instrument and a discussion of the data inversion method, including a careful analysis of measurement uncertainties (systematic and statistical errors) are presented. Some case studies of typical lidar profiles observed over the Banizoumbou site during 2006 are shown and discussed with respect to the AERONET 7-day back-trajectories and the biomass burning emissions from the Combustion Emission database for the AMMA campaign

    Anomalous asymmetry of magnetoresistance in NbSe3_3 single crystals

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    A pronounced asymmetry of magnetoresistance with respect to the magnetic field direction is observed for NbSe3_3 crystals placed in a magnetic field perpendicular to their conducting planes. It is shown that the effect persists in a wide temperature range and manifests itself starting from a certain magnetic induction value B0B_0, which at T=4.2T=4.2 K corresponds to the transition to the quantum limit, i.to the state where the Landay level splitting exceeds the temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, to be appeared in JETP Let

    Radioactive contamination of ZnWO4 crystal scintillators

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    The radioactive contamination of ZnWO4 crystal scintillators has been measured deep underground at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) of the INFN in Italy with a total exposure 3197 kg x h. Monte Carlo simulation, time-amplitude and pulse-shape analyses of the data have been applied to estimate the radioactive contamination of the ZnWO4 samples. One of the ZnWO4 crystals has also been tested by ultra-low background gamma spectrometry. The radioactive contaminations of the ZnWO4 samples do not exceed 0.002 -- 0.8 mBq/kg (depending on the radionuclide), the total alpha activity is in the range: 0.2 - 2 mBq/kg. Particular radioactivity, beta active 65Zn and alpha active 180W, has been detected. The effect of the re-crystallization on the radiopurity of the ZnWO4 crystal has been studied. The radioactive contamination of samples of the ceramic details of the set-ups used in the crystals growth has been checked by low background gamma spectrometry. A project scheme on further improvement of the radiopurity level of the ZnWO4 crystal scintillators is briefly addressed.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, submitted for publicatio

    Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation of 4G/5G Base Stations on Medical Short-Range Devices in Urban Area

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    The impact of electromagnetic radiation created by micro base stations of 4G/5G cellular networks on receivers of medical short-range devices of different systems (capsule endoscopy system, body area network system, and active implant system) located inside buildings is analyzed for urban area. The analysis is made by the use of computer simulation involving the multipath radiowave propagation model which takes into account outdoor-to-indoor propagation. To perform the simulation, a 3D model of a fragment of urban area containing buildings of a height from 6 m to 60 m is developed. The integrated interference margin is used as a criterion of electromagnetic compatibility. Results of the analysis show that 4G/5G base stations can create the interference to all considered types of medical short-range devices in cases when emitters are located outside buildings and receptors are located inside buildings. In order to achieve electromagnetic compatibility between these base stations and considered medical systems, recommendations on reducing of levels of electromagnetic interference are given. Results of this research can be used to ensure safe operation of 4G/5G base stations with respect to vital medical devices