56 research outputs found

    Chinois de Guyane et de Martinique : des mobilités sans cesse retravaillées

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    International audienceSurinam, Guyana, the Caribbean, Reunion, China… This is the area of movement used by Chinese people in Guyana and Martinique, the Hakkas from Canton or Zhejiang. The forms of their movement are continually being revised in line with economic projects. Their movement may be seen as having three aspects. The first is the initial migration, marking the departure from their home country towards a destination that was not always known, but which was to fulfil the promise of a better life. The second concerns movement in the Caribbean/Americas, but also beyond, sometimes in an attempt to try out new areas of commercial conquest. The third and last aspect involves exchanges undertaken with China through family and/or economic travel, or simply through the imagination. So, in this area many forms of movement intermingle and vary, according to themigratory sequences, according to the generation and ethnic origin.Surinam, Guyane, Caraïbe, Réunion, Chine… Tel est le territoire circulatoire que construisent les Chinois de Guyane et de Martinique, Hakkas originaires de Canton ou Zhejiang. Tous ont eu ou élaborent encore des mobilités sans cesse retravaillées autour de projets économiques. Mobilité qui se décline sous trois facettes. La première est celle de la migration initiale, marquant le départ du pays d’origine vers des horizons qui n’étaient pas toujours connus mais qui devaient répondre à la promesse d’une vie meilleure. La deuxième est celle de la circulation dans l’espace Caraïbe-Amériques mais aussi au-delà, parfois pour tester de nouveaux espaces de conquête commerciale. Enfin, la troisième facette est celle des échanges entretenus avec la Chine par le biais de déplacements familiaux et/ou économiques ou bien simplement fantasmés. Ainsi s’entremêlent dans cet espace bien des circulations, variables selon les séquences migratoires, selon les générations et selon les origines ethniques

    La Guadeloupe et la Martinique dans l’histoire française des migrations en régions de 1848 à nos jours

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    Entièrement constituées de populations immigrées, la Martinique et la Guadeloupe, où le phénomène migratoire a longtemps été une affaire d’État, ont été profondément marquées par l’esclavage. Les discriminations sont encore aujourd’hui nombreuses à l’égard des émigrants, tant dans les sociétés antillaises qu’en France métropolitaine. Car si ces deux îles sont des terres d’immigration, elles sont aussi des terres d’émigration, notamment vers la métropole, où différentes stratégies et constructions identitaires sont mises en œuvre par ces populations en vue d’une meilleure intégration

    Initial results from a hydroacoustic network to monitor submarine lava flows near Mayotte Island

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    In 2019, a new underwater volcano was discovered at 3500 m below sea level (b.s.l.), 50 km east of Mayotte Island in the northern part of the Mozambique Channel. In January 2021, the submarine eruption was still going on and the volcanic activity, along with the intense seismicity that accompanies this crisis, was monitored by the recently created REVOSIMA (MAyotte VOlcano and Seismic Monitoring) network. In this framework, four hydrophones were moored in the SOFAR channel in October 2020. Surrounding the volcano, they monitor sounds generated by the volcanic activity and the lava flows. The first year of hydroacoustic data evidenced many earthquakes, underwater landslides, large marine mammal calls, along with anthropogenic noise. Of particular interest are impulsive signals that we relate to steam bursts during lava flow emplacement. A preliminary analysis of these impulsive signals (ten days in a year, and only one day in full detail) reveals that lava emplacement was active when our monitoring started, but faded out during the first year of the experiment. A systematic and robust detection of these specific signals would hence contribute to monitor active submarine eruptions in the absence of seafloor deep-tow imaging or swath-bathymetry surveys of the active area

    Where is VALDO? VAscular Lesions Detection and segmentatiOn challenge at MICCAI 2021

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    Imaging markers of cerebral small vessel disease provide valuable information on brain health, but their manual assessment is time-consuming and hampered by substantial intra- and interrater variability. Automated rating may benefit biomedical research, as well as clinical assessment, but diagnostic reliability of existing algorithms is unknown. Here, we present the results of the VAscular Lesions DetectiOn and Segmentation (Where is VALDO?) challenge that was run as a satellite event at the international conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Aided Intervention (MICCAI) 2021. This challenge aimed to promote the development of methods for automated detection and segmentation of small and sparse imaging markers of cerebral small vessel disease, namely enlarged perivascular spaces (EPVS) (Task 1), cerebral microbleeds (Task 2) and lacunes of presumed vascular origin (Task 3) while leveraging weak and noisy labels. Overall, 12 teams participated in the challenge proposing solutions for one or more tasks (4 for Task 1-EPVS, 9 for Task 2-Microbleeds and 6 for Task 3-Lacunes). Multi-cohort data was used in both training and evaluation. Results showed a large variability in performance both across teams and across tasks, with promising results notably for Task 1-EPVS and Task 2-Microbleeds and not practically useful results yet for Task 3-Lacunes. It also highlighted the performance inconsistency across cases that may deter use at an individual level, while still proving useful at a population level

    Symptom-based stratification of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome: multi-dimensional characterisation of international observational cohorts and reanalyses of randomised clinical trials

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    Background Heterogeneity is a major obstacle to developing effective treatments for patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome. We aimed to develop a robust method for stratification, exploiting heterogeneity in patient-reported symptoms, and to relate these differences to pathobiology and therapeutic response. Methods We did hierarchical cluster analysis using five common symptoms associated with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pain, fatigue, dryness, anxiety, and depression), followed by multinomial logistic regression to identify subgroups in the UK Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Registry (UKPSSR). We assessed clinical and biological differences between these subgroups, including transcriptional differences in peripheral blood. Patients from two independent validation cohorts in Norway and France were used to confirm patient stratification. Data from two phase 3 clinical trials were similarly stratified to assess the differences between subgroups in treatment response to hydroxychloroquine and rituximab. Findings In the UKPSSR cohort (n=608), we identified four subgroups: Low symptom burden (LSB), high symptom burden (HSB), dryness dominant with fatigue (DDF), and pain dominant with fatigue (PDF). Significant differences in peripheral blood lymphocyte counts, anti-SSA and anti-SSB antibody positivity, as well as serum IgG, κ-free light chain, β2-microglobulin, and CXCL13 concentrations were observed between these subgroups, along with differentially expressed transcriptomic modules in peripheral blood. Similar findings were observed in the independent validation cohorts (n=396). Reanalysis of trial data stratifying patients into these subgroups suggested a treatment effect with hydroxychloroquine in the HSB subgroup and with rituximab in the DDF subgroup compared with placebo. Interpretation Stratification on the basis of patient-reported symptoms of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome revealed distinct pathobiological endotypes with distinct responses to immunomodulatory treatments. Our data have important implications for clinical management, trial design, and therapeutic development. Similar stratification approaches might be useful for patients with other chronic immune-mediated diseases. Funding UK Medical Research Council, British Sjogren's Syndrome Association, French Ministry of Health, Arthritis Research UK, Foundation for Research in Rheumatology

    Négociation des identités pour les pêcheurs martiniquais

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    L'insularité : un mythe pour les chercheurs ?

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    Texte publié dans Isle journal, Crusoe n°

    Le canot martiniquais : symbole du statut de pĂŞcheur

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    Bougerol, Christiane. - Une ethnographie des conflits aux Antilles. Jalousie, commérages, sorcellerie

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    Dubost Isabelle. Bougerol, Christiane. - Une ethnographie des conflits aux Antilles. Jalousie, commérages, sorcellerie. In: Cahiers d'études africaines, vol. 37, n°148, 1997. La Caraïbe. Des îles au continent. pp. 1010-1012
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