26 research outputs found

    Analytical electron microscopy investigation of topologically close-packed phases in CMSX-4 single crystal superalloy

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    In this work the topologically close-packed phases precipitated during annealing of CMSX-4 single-crystal superalloy at temperature 1100°C were investigated. Microstructural analyses were carried out by means of scanning- and transmission electron microscopy as well as scanning-transmission electron microscopy in high angle annular dark field mode. Chemical composition in nanoareas was determined using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy investigation has shown that the topologically close-packed precipitates were formed already after 50 h of annealing at temperature 1000°C. With prolongation of the annealing time up to 2500 h the change of the morphology of topologically close-packed particles from blocky to needle-like occurred. Selected area electron diffraction analysis indicated that the topologically close-packed precipitates are the orthorhombic P phase. Quantitative energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis revealed that the topologically close-packed precipitates are enriched mostly in Re and W

    Analytical electron microscopy studies of the CMSX–4 single crystal superalloy subjected to high temperature annealing

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    The aim of the present work is to investigate the development of the γ/γ' microstructure and the changes in chemical composition of γ and γ' phases during high temperature annealing of CMSX-4 superalloy at a temperature of 1100°C in the time range from 500 to 2500 h. The studies were performed by means of scanning electron microscopy and the modern scanning-transmission electron microscopy with Super-X EDS system of four SDD detectors. Results of scanning electron microscopy and scanning-transmission electron microscopy analyses have shown that the microstructure of CMSX-4 superalloy is unstable during ageing at high temperature and the coalescence of cuboidal γ' precipitates was observed. Energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis revealed the distribution of particular alloying elements in the γ and γ' phases and the differences in their concentration in the function of the annealing time

    Arytmiczna manifestacja kardiomiopatii z niescalenia obu komór

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    W pracy przedstawiono opis przypadku pacjenta, u którego rozpoznano rzadką kardiomiopatię z niescalenia mięśnia obu komór serca. Rozpoznania dokonano na podstawie echokardiografii, po wykluczeniu innych możliwych przyczyn uszkodzenia mięśnia sercowego. Powodem rozpoczęcia diagnostyki kardiologicznej był wywiad omdleń, za których przyczynę ostatecznie uznano napadowe częstoskurcze komorowe. W profilaktyce wtórnej nagłej śmierci sercowej implantowano choremu wszczepialny kardiowerter-defibrylator. Stwierdzoną w lewej komorze skrzeplinę skutecznie leczono lekami przeciwzakrzepowymi.W pracy przedstawiono opis przypadku pacjenta, u którego rozpoznano rzadką kardiomiopatię z niescalenia mięśnia obu komór serca. Rozpoznania dokonano na podstawie echokardiografii, po wykluczeniu innych możliwych przyczyn uszkodzenia mięśnia sercowego. Powodem rozpoczęcia diagnostyki kardiologicznej był wywiad omdleń, za których przyczynę ostatecznie uznano napadowe częstoskurcze komorowe. W profilaktyce wtórnej nagłej śmierci sercowej implantowano choremu wszczepialny kardiowerter-defibrylator. Stwierdzoną w lewej komorze skrzeplinę skutecznie leczono lekami przeciwzakrzepowymi

    Arrhythmic manifestation of non-compaction cardiomyopathy of both ventricles

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    This paper presents a case report of a patient diagnosed with a rare non-compaction cardiomyopathy of both ventricles. The diagnosis was based on echocardiography after excluding other possible causes of myocardial damage. The reason for the initiation of cardiological diagnostics was a history of syncope, the cause of which was finally considered to be paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia. In the secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death, the patient was implanted with a cardioverter-defibrillator. The thrombus found in the left ventricle was successfully treated with anticoagulants

    Identification and characterization of cytochrome P450 1232A24 and 1232F1 from Arthrobacter sp. and their role in the metabolic pathway of papaverine

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    Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s) play crucial roles in the cell metabolism and provide an unsurpassed diversity of catalyzed reactions. Here, we report the identification and biochemical characterization of two P450s from Arthrobacter sp., a gram-positive organism known to degrade the opium alkaloid papaverine. Combining phylogenetic and genomic analysis suggested physiological roles for P450s in metabolism, and revealed potential gene clusters with redox partners facilitating the reconstitution of the P450 activities in vitro. CYP1232F1 catalyzes the para demethylation of 3,4-dimethoxyphenylacetic acid to homovanillic acid while CYP1232A24 continues demethylation to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid. Interestingly, the latter enzyme is also able to perform both demethylation steps with preference for the meta position. The crystal structure of CYP1232A24, which shares only 29% identity to previous published structures of P450s helped to rationalize the preferred demethylation specificity for the meta position and also the broader substrate specificity profile. In addition to the detailed characterization of the two P450s using their physiological redox partners, we report the construction of a highly-active whole-cell E. coli biocatalyst expressing CYP1232A24, which formed up to 1.77 g l-1 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid. Our results revealed the P450s' role in the metabolic pathway of papaverine enabling further investigation and application of these biocatalysts

    Knowledge of contraception among high school and university students in West Pomerania voivodeship

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    Adolescents and young adults are the most vulnerable group of unplanned pregnancy, which may result in early motherhood or often unsafe, illegal abortion. The teenager birth rate in Poland (total number of live births per 1000) is one of the highest in European Union and the West Pomerania voivodeship has the highest teenager birth rate in Poland. Low level of contraceptive use, choosing low efficacy methods and errors resulting from inadequate knowledge are considered the main reasons of unplanned pregnancies. In this study we aimed to assess the knowledge of high school and academic students of the West Pomeranian vivodeship about contraception. We recruited 500 students who were asked to fill in an anonymous questionnaire checking knowledge, beliefs and experiences regarding the use of contraception. 277 of the participants were using contraceptive methods. Our results showed that the knowledge about pregnancy prevention is insufficient and young people choose methods that are ineffective. The feeling of shame and the need to visit a doctor and undergo a gynecological examination to get a prescription are thought to be the main limitation in accessibility to contraceptive methods in the studied group. Since most of the respondents indicate the internet as the main source of their knowledge, it seems reasonable to create a professional website addressed to teenagers and young adults, introducing the subject of contraception

    Moral dilemmas in professions of public trust and the assumptions of ethics of social consequences

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    The aim of the article is to show the possibility of applying assumptions from ethics of social consequences when making decisions about actions, as well as in situations of moral dilemmas, by persons performing occupations of public trust on a daily basis. Reasoning in the article is analytical and synthetic. Article begins with an explanation of the basic concepts of “profession” and “the profession of public trust” and a manifestation of the difference between these terms. This is followed by a general description of professions of public trust. The area and definition of moral dilemmas is emphasized. Furthermore, representatives of professions belonging to them are listed. After a brief characterization of axiological foundations and the main assumptions of ethics of social consequences, actions according to Vasil Gluchman and Włodzimierz Galewicz are discussed and actions in line with ethics of social consequences are transferred to the practical domain. The article points out that actions in professional life are obligatory, impermissible, permissible, supererogatory and unmarked in the moral dimension. In the final part of the article an afterthought is included on how to solve moral dilemmas when in the position of a representative of the profession of public trust. The article concludes with a summary report containing the conclusions that stem from ethics of social consequences for professions of public trust, followed by short examples

    Teaching Ethics at School according to the Assumptions of a Changing Program Basis

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    W ostatnich latach zwiększa się dynamicznie liczba polskich szkół, w których nauczany jest przedmiot „etyka”. Ponieważ rośnie także liczba odbiorców treści etycznych, dlatego pojawia się zapotrzebowanie na umiejętność przekierownia dzieci i młodzieży na zajęcia z religii, a jeśli z jakiegokolwiek powodu nic mogą w nich uczestniczyć, zasadne staje się doprowadzenie ich na lekcje z etyki. Podlegający obowiązkowej edukacji młody człowiek potrzebuje obecnie spójnych narzędzi i elementów do budowy osobistego modelu moralnego. W dokumentach ministerstwa właściwego do spraw oświaty i wychowania zawarte są wiodące treści i cele nauczania etyki w szkole, wyeksponowane na bazie zmian w prawie oświatowym. Szczególnie Podstawa programowa ukazuje wytyczne organizacyjne oraz ideowe dla nauczania etyki na wszystkich etapach edukacyjnych. Zaproponowane treści na zajęcia dotyczą zagadnień etycznych i filozoficznych. Uczniowie mają szansę poznawania prawa moralnego, imperatywu moralnego, prawa naturalnego, dobra moralnego. Propozycja ministerialna nakazuje ćwiczyć umiejętność rozpoznawania wartości i kierowania się sumieniem w życiu oraz rozwiązywania dylematów moralnych w dobie kryzysu moralnego. Warto jednak pamiętać, że etyka jako przedmiot alternatywny dla religii w szkole ma zdecydowanie mniejszą liczbę uczniów. Jest to rezultatem zakorzenienia w tradycji chrześcijańskiej polskiej społeczności edukacyjnej. Popierając lekcje z etyki dla tych. którzy nic zdecydują się na uczestniczenie w wyznaniowych lekcjach religii rzymskokatolickiej, należy dołożyć starań, aby uczniowie nie rezygnowali pochopnie z dotychczasowych lekcji religii. Można to uczynić poprzez podniesienie jakości kształcenia religijnego i kompetencji nauczycieli.In recent years the number of Polish schools, in which the subject “ethics” is taught, has been dynamically growing. Since the number of recipients of ethical contents has been growing as well, the demand is ever greater for the abilities to redirect children and young people to religion classes, and if - for whatever reason - they cannot attend them, it is necessary to lead them to ethics lessons. A young man subject to obligatory education at present needs coherent tools and elements to build his personal moral model. In the documents issued by the ministry responsible for education and upbringing leading contents and aims of teaching ethics at school are contained and they are exposed on the basis of changes in the law concerning education. Especially Podstawa programowa (Program basis) shows organizational and ideological directives for teaching ethics on all the education stages. The proposed contents of the classes are concerned with ethical and philosophical issues. Pupils have a chance to acquaint themselves with the moral law, the moral imperative, the natural law, and the moral good. The ministerial proposition orders one to exercise the ability to discern values and to be guided by the conscience in one’s life, as well as to solve moral dilemmas at the age of moral crisis. However, it is worth remembering that ethics as a subject alternative to religion at school has a decidedly smaller number of students. This is a result of Polish educational community being rooted in the Christian tradition. Supporting ethics lessons for those who will not make the decision to participate in denominational lessons of the Roman-Catholic religion, efforts should be made so that students will not rashly give up religion lessons they attended formerly. This can be done by raising the quality of religious education and of the teachers’ competences