460 research outputs found

    Suited Occupant Injury Potential During Dynamic Spacecraft Flight Phases

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    In support of the Constellation Space Suit Element [CSSE], a new space-suit architecture will be created for support of Launch, Entry, Abort, Microgravity Extra- Vehicular Activity [EVA], and post-landing crew operations, safety and, under emergency conditions, survival. The space suit is unique in comparison to previous launch, entry, and abort [LEA] suit architectures in that it utilizes rigid mobility elements in the scye (i.e., shoulder) and the upper arm regions. The suit architecture also utilizes rigid thigh disconnect elements to create a quick disconnect approximately located above the knee. This feature allows commonality of the lower portion of the suit (from the thigh disconnect down), making the lower legs common across two suit configurations. This suit must interface with the Orion vehicle seat subsystem, which includes seat components, lateral supports, and restraints. Due to the unique configuration of spacesuit mobility elements, combined with the need to provide occupant protection during dynamic vehicle events, risks have been identified with potential injury due to the suit characteristics described above. To address the risk concerns, a test series has been developed in coordination with the Injury Biomechanics Research Laboratory [IBRL] to evaluate the likelihood and consequences of these potential issues. Testing includes use of Anthropomorphic Test Devices [ATDs; vernacularly referred to as "crash test dummies"], Post Mortem Human Subjects [PMHS], and representative seat/suit hardware in combination with high linear acceleration events. The ensuing treatment focuses on test purpose and objectives; test hardware, facility, and setup; and preliminary results

    Вплив нової фітокомпозиції, що містить сухі екстракти листя шовковиці білої, стулок квасолі звичайної і пагонів чорниці, на ліпідний спектр крові при експериментальному цукровому діабеті 2 типу

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    Topicality. A rapid trend towards the incidence and prevalence of diabetes has created an alarming situation around the world. Complex treatment for patients with diabetes with dislipoproteinemia should include agents that will affect all metabolic disorders, including changes in lipid metabolism, which will provide for the prevention of vascularcomplications.Aim. To determine the specific activity of the new herbal remedy by comparing the lipid metabolism indices with the experimental model of type 2 diabetes induced by the introduction of streptozotocin with the prior nicotinamide administration.Materials and methods. A type 2 diabetes mellitus was reproduced by administering streptozotocin with prior nicotinamide administration to mature male rats. The aqueous solutions of investigational agents were administered intragastrically for four weeks, after which the parameters of the lipid blood spectrum were determined.Results and discussion. Herbal remedy reliably reduces the concentration of total lipids, total cholesterol, triglycerides, low and very low-density lipoprotein compared to the control group in the experimental model of type 2 diabetes. Such changes led to a significant decrease in the atherogenicity coefficient – by 37.7 % relative to the control group, which was 13.8 % and 10.9 % lower than the reference groups that received the infusion of Arfazetin and metformin respectively.Conclusions. The obtained results indicate the further research feasibility into the possibility of using the new phytoplankton for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes and diabetic dislipoproteinemia.Актуальность. Стремительная тенденция к увеличению заболеваемости и распространенности сахарного диабета создала тревожную ситуацию во всем мире. Комплексное лечение больных диабетом с дислипопротеидемией должно включать средства, которые будут влиять на все метаболические нарушения, включая изменения липидного обмена, обеспечивать профилактику сосудистых осложнений.Целью работы было установить специфическую активность новой фитокомпозиции путем сравнения показателей липидного обмена на экспериментальной модели сахарного диабета 2 типа, индуцированного введением стрептозотоцина с предварительным введением никотинамида.Материалы и методы. Модель сахарного диабета 2 типа воспроизводили путем введением стрептозотоцина с предварительным введением никотинамида половозрелым самцам крыс. Водные растворы исследуемых средств вводили внутрижелудочно в течение 4 недель, после чего определяли показатели липидного спектра крови.Результаты и их обсуждение. Фитокомпозиция достоверно снижает концентрацию общих липидов, общего холестерина, триглицеридов, липопротеидов низкой и очень низкой плотности в сравнении с группой контрольной патологии в условиях экспериментальной модели сахарного диабета 2 типа. Такие изменения приводили к существенному снижению коэффициента атерогенности на 37,7 % относительно группы контрольной патологии и на 13,8 % и 10,9 % ниже референс-групп, животные которых получали настой сбора «Арфазетин» и метформин соответственно.Выводы. Полученные результаты указывают на целесообразность дальнейших исследований возможности применения нового фитосредства для профилактики и лечения сахарного диабета 2 типа и диабетической дислипопротеидемии.  Актуальність. Стрімка тенденція до захворюваності та поширеності цукрового діабету створила тривожну ситуацію в усьому світі. Комплексне лікування хворих на діабет з дисліпопротеїдемією повинно включати засоби, які впливатимуть на всі метаболічні порушення, включаючи зміни ліпідного обміну, що забезпечуватимепрофілактику судинних ускладнень.Метою роботи було встановити специфічну активність нової фітокомпозиції шляхом порівняння показників ліпідного обміну на експериментальній моделі цукрового діабету 2 типу, індукованого введенням стрептозотоцину із попереднім введенням нікотинаміду.Матеріали та методи. Модель цукрового діабету 2 типу відтворювали шляхом введенням стрептозотоцину із попереднім введенням нікотинаміду статевозрілим самцям щурів. Водні розчини досліджуваних засобів вводили внутрішньошлунково впродовж 4 тижнів, після чого визначали показники ліпідного спектра крові.Результати та їх обговорення. Фітокомпозиція достовірно знижує концентрацію загальних ліпідів, загального холестеролу, тригліцеридів, ліпопротеїдів низької та дуже низької щільності у порівнянні з групою контрольної патології в умовах експериментальної моделі цукрового діабету 2 типу. Такі зміни призводили до суттєвого зниження коефіцієнта атерогенності на 37,7 % відносно групи контрольної патології, що на 13,8 % та 10,9 % нижче від референс-груп, тварини яких отримували настій збору «Арфазетин» та метформін відповідно.Висновки. Одержані результати вказують на доцільність подальших досліджень щодо можливості застосування нового фітозасобу для профілактики та лікування цукрового діабету 2 типу та діабетичної дисліпопротеїдемії

    Advanced Hybrid Spacesuit Concept Featuring Integrated Open Loop and Closed Loop Ventilation Systems

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    A document discusses the design and prototype of an advanced spacesuit concept that integrates the capability to function seamlessly with multiple ventilation system approaches. Traditionally, spacesuits are designed to operate both dependently and independently of a host vehicle environment control and life support system (ECLSS). Spacesuits that operate independent of vehicle-provided ECLSS services must do so with equipment selfcontained within or on the spacesuit. Suits that are dependent on vehicle-provided consumables must remain physically connected to and integrated with the vehicle to operate properly. This innovation is the design and prototype of a hybrid spacesuit approach that configures the spacesuit to seamlessly interface and integrate with either type of vehicular systems, while still maintaining the ability to function completely independent of the vehicle. An existing Advanced Crew Escape Suit (ACES) was utilized as the platform from which to develop the innovation. The ACES was retrofitted with selected components and one-off items to achieve the objective. The ventilation system concept was developed and prototyped/retrofitted to an existing ACES. Components were selected to provide suit connectors, hoses/umbilicals, internal breathing system ducting/ conduits, etc. The concept utilizes a lowpressure- drop, high-flow ventilation system that serves as a conduit from the vehicle supply into the suit, up through a neck seal, into the breathing helmet cavity, back down through the neck seal, out of the suit, and returned to the vehicle. The concept also utilizes a modified demand-based breathing system configured to function seamlessly with the low-pressure-drop closed-loop ventilation system

    Molecular Dynamics on Quantum Annealers

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    In this work we demonstrate a practical prospect of using quantum annealers for simulation of molecular dynamics. A methodology developed for this goal, dubbed Quantum Differential Equations (QDE), is applied to propagate classical trajectories for the vibration of the hydrogen molecule in several regimes: nearly harmonic, highly anharmonic, and dissociative motion. The results obtained using the D-Wave 2000Q quantum annealer are all consistent and quickly converge to the analytical reference solution. Several alternative strategies for such calculations are explored and it was found that the most accurate results and the best efficiency are obtained by combining the quantum annealer with classical post-processing (greedy algorithm). Importantly, the QDE framework developed here is entirely general and can be applied to solve any system of first-order ordinary nonlinear differential equations using a quantum annealer

    Variational Quantum Eigensolver with Reduced Circuit Complexity

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    The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) is one of the most promising algorithms to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a given Hamiltonian on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. A particular application is to obtain ground or excited states of molecules. The practical realization is currently limited by the complexity of quantum circuits. Here we present a novel approach to reduce quantum circuit complexity in VQE for electronic structure calculations. Our algorithm, called ClusterVQE, splits the initial qubit space into subspaces (qubit clusters) which are further distributed on individual (shallower) quantum circuits. The clusters are obtained based on quantum mutual information reflecting maximal entanglement between qubits, whereas entanglement between different clusters is taken into account via a new "dressed" Hamiltonian. ClusterVQE therefore allows exact simulation of the problem by using fewer qubits and shallower circuit depth compared to standard VQE at the cost of additional classical resources. In addition, a new gradient measurement method without using an ancillary qubit is also developed in this work. Proof-of-principle demonstrations are presented for several molecular systems based on quantum simulators as well as an IBM quantum device with accompanying error mitigation. The efficiency of the new algorithm is comparable to or even improved over qubit-ADAPT-VQE and iterative Qubit Coupled Cluster (iQCC), state-of-the-art circuit-efficient VQE methods to obtain variational ground state energies of molecules on NISQ hardware. Above all, the new ClusterVQE algorithm simultaneously reduces the number of qubits and circuit depth, making it a potential leader for quantum chemistry simulations on NISQ devices

    Variational quantum eigensolver with reduced circuit complexity

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    The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) is one of the most promising algorithms to find eigenstates of a given Hamiltonian on noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices (NISQ). The practical realization is limited by the complexity of quantum circuits. Here we present an approach to reduce quantum circuit complexity in VQE for electronic structure calculations. Our ClusterVQE algorithm splits the initial qubit space into clusters which are further distributed on individual (shallower) quantum circuits. The clusters are obtained based on mutual information reflecting maximal entanglement between qubits, whereas inter-cluster correlation is taken into account via a new “dressed” Hamiltonian. ClusterVQE therefore allows exact simulation of the problem by using fewer qubits and shallower circuit depth at the cost of additional classical resources, making it a potential leader for quantum chemistry simulations on NISQ devices. Proof-of-principle demonstrations are presented for several molecular systems based on quantum simulators as well as IBM quantum devices