16,189 research outputs found

    The role of human resources on the economy: a study of the Balkan eu member states

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    In this paper we analyze the impact of the quality of human capital on the main economic indicators of South-Eastern Europe countries [SEE] at the NUTS 2 level. The subjects of this research are the human capital indicators of regional competitiveness. The quality of human capital depends largely on the age structure of the population and the quality of education. Those regions, which have the highest percentage of the working-age population and highly educated people, are able to achieve higher productivity and gain a competitive advantage over other regions. As main indicators of the quality of human capital we identified: population; persons aged 25-64 with tertiary education attainment; students in tertiary education and participation of adults aged 25-64 in education and training and human resources in science and technology. As main economic indicators, we identified: regional gross domestic product; employment and income of households. The aim of this paper is to determine whether there is a correlation between the indicators of the quality of human capital and economic indicators. As a main methodology we have used the correlation coefficient which shows interdependence of the analyzed indicators. As part of our analysis, we consider only EU member states that belong to the SEE countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. We conclude that in all countries there is a high multiple correlation coefficient between the indicators human resources in science and technology, number of students and employment.This paper is the result of the project No. 47007 III funded by the Ministry for Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia

    Solving 1ODEs with functions

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    Here we present a new approach to deal with first order ordinary differential equations (1ODEs), presenting functions. This method is an alternative to the one we have presented in [1]. In [2], we have establish the theoretical background to deal, in the extended Prelle-Singer approach context, with systems of 1ODEs. In this present paper, we will apply these results in order to produce a method that is more efficient in a great number of cases. Directly, the solving of 1ODEs is applicable to any problem presenting parameters to which the rate of change is related to the parameter itself. Apart from that, the solving of 1ODEs can be a part of larger mathematical processes vital to dealing with many problems.Comment: 31 page

    A Numerical Study of Methods for Moist Atmospheric Flows: Compressible Equations

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    We investigate two common numerical techniques for integrating reversible moist processes in atmospheric flows in the context of solving the fully compressible Euler equations. The first is a one-step, coupled technique based on using appropriate invariant variables such that terms resulting from phase change are eliminated in the governing equations. In the second approach, which is a two-step scheme, separate transport equations for liquid water and vapor water are used, and no conversion between water vapor and liquid water is allowed in the first step, while in the second step a saturation adjustment procedure is performed that correctly allocates the water into its two phases based on the Clausius-Clapeyron formula. The numerical techniques we describe are first validated by comparing to a well-established benchmark problem. Particular attention is then paid to the effect of changing the time scale at which the moist variables are adjusted to the saturation requirements in two different variations of the two-step scheme. This study is motivated by the fact that when acoustic modes are integrated separately in time (neglecting phase change related phenomena), or when sound-proof equations are integrated, the time scale for imposing saturation adjustment is typically much larger than the numerical one related to the acoustics

    A calcareous nannofossil and organic geochemical study of marine palaeoenvironmental changes across the Sinemurian/Pliensbachian (early Jurassic, ~191Ma) in Portugal

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    The Sinemurian/Pliensbachian boundary (~ 191 Ma) is acknowledged as one of the most important steps in the radiation of planktonic organisms, especially primary producers such as dinoflagellates and coccolithophores. To date, there is no detailed study documenting changes in planktonic assemblages related to palaeoceanographic changes across this boundary. The aim of this study is to characterize the palaeoenvironmental changes occurring across the Sinemurian/Pliensbachian boundary at the São Pedro de Moel section (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal) using micropalaeontology and organic geochemistry approaches. Combined calcareous nannofossil assemblage and lipid biomarker data document for a decrease in primary productivity in relation to a major sea-level rise occurring above the boundary. The Lusitanian Basin was particularly restricted during the late Sinemurian with a relatively low sea level, a configuration that led to the recurrent development of black shales. After a sharp sea-level fall, the basin became progressively deeper and more open during the earliest Pliensbachian, subsequently to a major transgression. This sea-level increase seems to have been a global feature and could have been related to the opening of the Hispanic Corridor that connected the Tethys and palaeo-Pacific oceans. The palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic changes induced by this opening may have played a role in the diversification of coccolithophores with the first occurrence or colonization of Tethyan waters by placolith-type coccoliths

    A Method to Tackle First Order Differential Equations with Liouvillian Functions in the Solution - II

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    We present a semi-decision procedure to tackle first order differential equations, with Liouvillian functions in the solution (LFOODEs). As in the case of the Prelle-Singer procedure, this method is based on the knowledge of the integrating factor structure.Comment: 11 pages, late

    Comprehensive multidimensional liquid chromatography for advancing environmental and natural products research

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    Chromatography is the separation method of choice in most laboratories worldwide. Nonetheless, the increasing need to decode complex samples has created a demand for better separation skills. The addition of extra separation dimensions to a conventional liquid chromatography system was one of the ways to answer to this demand. Although very common in proteomics and polymer research, the use of Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography (MDLC) coupled to high-resolution detectors for separation and analysis of environmental and natural products samples has yet to receive the deserved attention. This article presents a critical review on the most prominent of these comprehensive MDLC methods for targeted and untargeted analysis of complex environmental and natural products samples. This article also discusses the practical aspects of applying peak capacity and orthogonality concepts in MDLC analysis of complex matrices. It also addresses the limitations and challenges ahead for advancing environmental and natural products research using comprehensive MDLC.Thanks are due to FCT/MCTES for the financial support to CESAM (UID/AMB/50017/2019) and project AMBIEnCE (PTDC/CTA-AMB/28582/2017), through national funds (OE). FCT/MEC and the European Social Fund are also acknowledged for a PhD grant (PD/BD/142931/2018) and an Investigator FCT Contract (IF/00798/2015).publishe

    Perfil de progestinas fecais durante a gestação de veado-campeiro (ozotoceros bezoarticus) no Pantanal brasileiro.

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    A constante ameaça às populações de veado-campeiro (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) faz deste cervídeo uma espécie ameaçada de extinção, trazendo à tona a necessidade de mais estudos, principalmente relacionado à biologia e fisiologia reprodutiva. Sendo assim, os objetivos do trabalho foram: definir o padrão de excreção de progestágenos fecais durante a gestação do veado-campeiro e validar possível método não-invasivo para diagnóstico de gestação, com uso de análises endócrinas. Para isso, onze fêmeas da espécie foram capturadas, marcadas e receberam colares radiotransmissores no Pantanal, região da Nhecolândia. Elas foram acompanhadas mensalmente e tiveram sua fezes colhidas para caracterização hormonal da gestação, entre o período de agosto de 2008 a novembro de 2009. Foi observada a ocorrência de parto em sete fêmeas, as quais foram utilizadas na caracterização endócrina da gestação. As dosagens das progestinas fecais foram feitas por ensaio imunoenzimático. Os níveis das progestinas fecais durante o início da gestação foram semelhantes aos períodos não-gestantes, com aumento progressivo a partir do segundo terço da gestação até o momento do parto, decaindo após esse período aos níveis não-gestantes. Os níveis de progestinas fecais acima de 6 ?g/g de fezes são sugestivos de gestação

    Pathway Weathering in Granitoid Rocks from Central Region of Angola: Geochemical and Mineralogical Data

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    The Central Region of Angola is characterized by the abundance of granitoid rocks, whose weathering “in situ” originated the so-called residual soils. The textural, geochemical and mineralogical properties of these soils depend not only on the chemical composition of parent rock, but mainly on the local climatic and geomorphological characteristics. In the study area, sampling sites were selected, which extend from the region of Kwanza- Norte (Kassenda, Dondo) through Kwanza-Sul (Cangulo, Quibala and Waco Kungo) until the plateau of Huambo, where samples of fresh rock, weathered rock and its residual soil were collected along each weathering profile. Chemical analytical data were determined using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of the major and minor elements, whereas mineralogical data were determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD), on the samples of rock and on the respective residual soil. The results obtained and their comparative analysis between the sampling sites, as well as along each weathering profile is presented. This paper allows contributing to the knowledge of the geochemical weathering in tropical areas, as is the case of Angola