993 research outputs found


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    This article advocates for a new, fundamentally different plan for how cities should be coded, the Smart Code. It links urbanism and environmentalism and is strongly aligned with smart growth and sustainability. The Smart Code is offered as an alternative to the current anti-urban, conventional codes which are rigid and focus on single-use zones that separate human living space from the natural environment, as illustrated by the sprawl

    Recent Changes in U.S.-Cuba Relations

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    Cuban Americans will likely be one of the key social actors in the reconstruction of the Cuban economy ater the restoration of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States. They are already sending large sums of money, purchasing goods, transferring technology, and consuming services in the private sector of the Cuban economy. The role of Cuban-American remittances could be even more significant in the near future as sources of funding for independent business growth on the Island. However, in order to maximize the potential contribution of Cuban Americans to the Cuban economy, substantial changes in the laws and regulations established by both the Cuban and U.S. governments are necessary

    Oral History: Charles Whidden: An Infantry Soldier in the Korean War

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    Ergometría para boxeadores y Cardiotraining_CIDC en la era post Covid-19

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    Introduction: Sports ergometry performed on boxers allows the assessment of physiological parameters, used as indicators of physical performance. Objectives: Redesign specific ergometric protocols for boxing and apply the CARDIOTRAINING_CIDC software, for the benefit of individualized sports planning. Material and method: Longitudinal retrospective study, between April 2020 and April 2021; sample: 14 boxers from the Cuban National Team; Age: 24 to 31 years old, all male. Two types of maximum effort tests were carried out on a treadmill: one conventional and the other specific for boxing. Software, CARDIOTARINING_CIDC, an Excel VBA macro, was used to calculate and store heart rate values. Results: The following were recorded in the first and second ergometries: maximum heart rate and its percentage with respect to the estimated one; maximal oxygen consumption (means: 45 and 61.4 mL/kg/min), myocardial oxygen consumption (30.3 mL/min and 41.8 mL/min), and metabolic equivalent (means: 12.8 METS and 17.6 METS). Three of these indicators had a statistically significant relationship (p<0.01) in the ergometry designed for the study, compared to the conventional one. Conclusions: The specific redesign of ergometry for boxing was more effective in performing maximal cardiopulmonary stress tests.Introducción: La ergometría deportiva realizada a los boxeadores permite valorar los parámetros fisiológicos, utilizados como indicadores del rendimiento físico. Objetivos: Rediseñar protocolos ergométricos específicos para el boxeo y aplicar el software CARDIOTRAINING_CIDC, en beneficio de la planificación deportiva individualizada. Material y método: Estudio retrospectivo longitudinal, entre abril de 2020 y abril de 2021; muestra: 14 boxeadores del Equipo Nacional cubano; edad: 24 a 31 años, todos del sexo masculino. Se realizaron dos tipos de pruebas de esfuerzo máximas sobre estera rodante: una convencional y otra específica para boxeo. Se utilizó un software, el CARDIOTARINING_CIDC, una macro VBA de Excel, para calcular y archivar los valores de la frecuencia cardíaca. Resultados: Se registraron en la primera y segunda ergometrías: la frecuencia cardíaca máxima y su porcentaje respecto a la estimada; el consumo máximo de oxígeno (medias: 45 y 61,4 ml/kg/min), el consumo miocárdico de oxígeno (30,3 ml/min y 41,8 ml/min) y el equivalente metabólico (medias: 12,8 METS y 17,6 METS). Tres de estos indicadores tuvieron relación estadística significativas (p<0,01) en la ergometría diseñada para el estudio, respecto a la convencional. Conclusiones: El rediseño específico de la ergometría para el boxeo resultó más efectivo en la realización de las pruebas de esfuerzo máximas cardiopulmonares

    Application of the Real Options in Engineering Design and Decision Making: Focus on Mine Design and Planning at Operational Level

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    Flexibility and adaptability are essential for long-term corporate success, and real options (RO) is the preferred tool for analysis. This research argues that uncertainty is a source of value as the opportunities that it presents can be leveraged by having a flexible system. As a contribution to knowledge, a relationship between the beta and flexibility index was derived, RO identification framework for mine operational decision-making was proposed and predictive data analytics was utilised to create managerial flexibility

    The helicase-like domain from "Thermotoga maritima" reverse gyrase : catalytic cycle and contribution to DNA supercoiling

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    Reverse gyrases are the only topoisomerases capable of introducing positive supercoils into circular DNA. Their exclusive presence in thermophilic and hyperthermophilic organisms indicates a DNA thermoprotective role in vivo. In spite of the efforts to improve our knowledge of reverse gyrase, modest progress has been made since its discovery. Currently, only one crystal structure of the enzyme is available, and the most widely accepted reaction mechanism is a hypothetical one, mostly derived from the functions of enzymes related to reverse gyrase domains. In the present work we address mechanistic aspects of the reaction by exploiting the capabilities of a wide range of techniques, to elucidate the role of one module of T. maritima reverse gyrase. Reverse gyrase consists of an N-terminal helicase-like domain, fused to a C-terminal topoisomerase domain. We selected the helicase-like domain as a model of study due to its capacity to couple ATP binding and hydrolysis to DNA processing. Exploiting of these features by reverse gyrase turns this region into a key player at virtually every step of DNA supercoiling. Steady-state ATPase assays and equilibrium binding titrations with the helicase-like domain and the full-length enzyme, enabled us to prove for the first time a harnessing effect of the topoisomerase over the helicase-like domain. We showed that properties intrinsic to the helicase-like domain, like DNA-stimulated ATP hydrolysis, nucleotide-dependent affinity switch for DNA, and thermodynamic coupling between DNA binding and ATP binding and hydrolysis, are strongly reduced in the context of reverse gyrase. At that time apparent contradictions arose, from reports stating that the isolated helicase-like domain is less active than within the context of the full-length enzyme. We reconciled these differences by demonstrating that the presence of the putative N-terminal Zn-finger in the helicase-like domain construct is the cause for the decreased activity. Furthermore, we have elucidated the thermodynamic and conformational cycle of the helicase-like domain, and predicted the stages fulfilling the requirements for interdomain communication, local duplex DNA unwinding, and the stages where DNA is in a suitable state to support the supercoiling reaction. Finally, besides the use of smFRET as a tool to investigate conformational changes in solution, we have also provided high-resolution snapshots of the helicase-like domain via X-ray crystallography. We have provided the most detailed structures of this region to this date, in the apo and ADP-bound forms. They also revealed high flexibility of the linker joining the RecA domains with relative orientations far from random, and local differences in secondary structure motifs that discard the assumption of all reverse gyrases having a “monolithic” build-up. We also created a deletion mutant of the latch, region with a sui generis location, perfectly suited for interdomain communication. Previous reports stated that its deletion from reverse gyrase abolishes positive supercoiling. We demonstrated its strong involvement in DNA binding, DNA-stimulated ATP hydrolysis, and thermodynamic coupling between these processes in the isolated helicase-like domain. We also revealed its role in presenting the ssDNA to the topoisomerase domain and in guiding the strand passage and resealing, ensuring the directionality leading to the introduction of positive supercoils. Additionally, we also elucidated the nucleotide cycle and conformational transitions for this helicase-like domain mutant, which gave the first indications of why no positive supercoiling can be performed by the full-length reverse gyrase lacking the latch, and only DNA relaxation is allowed. Finally, our pre steady-state kinetic studies allowed us to fully describe the unstimulated ATPase activity of the isolated helicase-like domain. We also demonstrated for the first time its DNA unwinding activity, shedding light on the rarely documented local B-DNA duplex destabilization of helicase-like modules, appended to bigger enzymes. Additionally, the sequence of ssDNA strand release, and identification of secondary structure motifs involved in ssDNA binding at different stages were determined. Together with the finding of new conformational states via smFRET, and “targeted” supercoiling assays with the full-length enzyme, we end up proposing a detailed catalytic mechanism, similar to the one derived from the reverse gyrase structure, only this time based on and supported by a combination of kinetic, thermodynamic, and structural data

    Reading Cuba: Literary Discourse and Transcultural Geography

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    This new bilingual volume compiles critical essays by 21 scholars specializing in Cuban culture, who invite readers to rethink and update their notions of the Cuban nation. Reading Cuba brings together diverse approaches to Cuba\u27s literary and cultural production inside and outside the island, including theater, documentary film, and the Internet.The contributors examine processes and phenomena that are traditionally studied separately, isolated in the margins of various humanistic disciplines. The volume is based on a selection of papers presented at a 2016 interdisciplinary conference cosponsored by FlU Cuban Research Institute and Department of Modern Languages. Reading Cuba features prominent literary and cultural critics such as Ekana Rivero, Rafael Rojas, Laura Alonso Gallo, Belen Rodriguez Moureilo Santiago Juan-Navarro, Maida Watson, Raul Rubio, and Vitalina Alfonso, as well as younger scholars.https://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cri_events/1394/thumbnail.jp

    Hubungan Dukungan Suami Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Primigravida Trimester III dalam Menghadapi Persalinan di Rumah Sakit TK II Udayana Denpasar

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    Latar Belakang: Kehamilan suatu keadaan fisiologis, tetapi juga dapat menjadi suatu kekhawatiran bagi mereka. Selama kehamilan tidak sedikit ibu yang mengalami rasa takut dan cemas, karena kehamilan periode kritis maturitas yang dapat menimbulkan stress. Dukungan suami yang diberikan kepada wanita hamil dapat menumbuhkan perasaan tenang, aman, dan nyaman sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kecemasan ibu hamil. Tujuan Penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan suami terhadap tingkat kecemasan ibu hamil primigravida trimester III dalam menghadapi persalinan. Metedologi: Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriktif korelasi dengan menggunakan populasi sebanyak 28 orang ibu hamil primigravida trimester III, dengan  tehnik  sampel yang digunakan adalah total sampling  yaitu populasi sebagai sampel. Data diuji dengan menggunakan  metode uji  cross sectional, dengan menggunakan kuisioner dalam pengumpulan data. Analisa data merupakan lanjutan dari pengolahan data. Analisa yang digunakan adalah analisa univariant dan bivariant, untuk menentukan hubungan variable yang terkait dengan uji chi – square dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%  dengan  nilai alpa 0,05, bila pValue ≤ 0,05 maka uji statistic bermakna, jika pValue > 0,05 maka hasil tidak bermakna.  Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara dukungan suami dengan tingkat kecemasan ibu primigravida trimester III dengan nilai Value = 0,463 dengan nilai significannya 0,013. Kesimpulan: Sehingga dapat disimpulkan ada hubungan antara kecemasan dan dukungan suami dalam menghadapi persalinan. Diharapkan perawat bisa menerapkan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang hubungan tingkat kecemasan primigravida trimester III dalam menghadapi persalinan