828 research outputs found

    Traumatic superior mesenteric arteriovenous fistula

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    CITATION: Du Toit, D.F & Rademan, F. 1987. Traumatic superior mesenteric arteriovenous fistula - a case report. S Afr Med J, 71(9):587-588.The original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.zaENGLISH ABSTRACT: In a case of traumatic superior mesenteric arteriovenous fistula resulting from a stab wound in the abdomen clinical signs of high-output cardiac failure or portal hypertension were absent. Selective angiography was useful in confirming and locating the fistula. The patient made a good recovery after resection of the aneurysm and fistula and insertion of a prosthetic graft.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen opsomming beskikbaarPublisher’s versio

    Recurrent pancreatitis after partial ileal bypass for hyperlipidaemia : a case report

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    CITATION: Du Toit, D. F., Knott-Craig, C. & Laker, L. 1985. Recurrent pancreatitis after partial ileal bypass for hyperlipidaemia : a case report. South African Medical Journal, 68:483-484.The original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.zaThe case of a 28-year-old man with alcohol-induced bouts of recurrent acute pancreatitis after a partial ileal bypass performed for hyperlipidaemia is presented. Serial computed tomography proved valuable for assessing the resolution of the pancreatic mass. Peripheral parenteral hyperalimentation for 6 weeks had a beneficial effect on the course of the pancreatitis and proved to be useful for nutritional support.Publisher’s versio

    Cost of breast preservation surgery for cancer

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    CITATION: Smit, B. J., Liebenberg, T. J. & Du Toit, D. F. 1992. Cost of breast preservation surgery for cancer. South African Medical Journal, 82:481.The original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.za[No abstract available]Publisher’s versio

    A 10-year analysis of organ donor referrals to a South African tertiary public sector hospital

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    Background. South Africa (SA) has one of the lowest deceased organ donor rates in the world (1.4 donors per million population), with thousands of patients awaiting solid-organ transplantation. In order to improve access to transplantation we have to clearly define the reasons for the low deceased donation rate, specific to the population we serve.Objectives. Review of actual donor statistics highlights our successes, yet is not able to contextualise the factors responsible for the unsuccessful conversion of referred organ donors to actual organ donors. In an attempt to identify key factors preventing referred donors from becoming actual donors, we analysed the donor referral patterns at our institution over a 10-year period.Methods. This was a retrospective descriptive study of consecutive deceased donor referrals at Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, SA (from January 2007 to December 2016), utilising a regional donor referral registry. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected and presented as descriptive statistics and temporal trends.Results. Over the 10-year study period, 861 possible organ donors were referred, with a steady increase in the number of referrals over time. Of the referrals, 514 (59.7%) were eligible for donation of at least one solid organ. Of the 508 families that were approached for consent to donation, 342 declined consent for a variety of reasons, resulting in a consent rate of 32.7%. Ultimately, at least one solid organ was obtained from 159 of the 166 consented donors. Despite the increasing number of possible and eligible donors, a statistically significant decline in consent rate was observed over time (ptrend=0.023). Furthermore, increasing trends in medical (as opposed to trauma) (ptrend<0.001) and extended criteria (as opposed to standard criteria) donor referrals (ptrend<0.001) were observed over the 10-year study period.Conclusions. Donor referral patterns have changed over time, with a notable increase in medical and extended criteria donors. Despite the increase in possible and eligible donors, the consent rate has declined. Further qualitative and quantitative research studies are required to understand and address this trend.

    Access to chloroquine in patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases attending rheumatology outpatient clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Herbal medicines made from the bark of the Cinchona tree, and later quinine, have been widely used for centuries to treat medical conditions such as tropical malaria. More recently, chloroquine (CQ) and its synthetic derivatives have been used as antimalarials and to treat systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and in the past 14 months or so, COVID-19 pneumonia. Anecdotal evidence and the erratic covering through social media of its potential efficacy in the treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia have resulted in the widespread off-label use of CQ in South Africa and worldwide. This study aimed to show that access to CQ as a chronic medication for rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases was limited during the COVID-19 pandemic, and that this resulted in an increased incidence of flares in these patients, affecting their morbidity and potentially leading to mortality

    Neurologic outcome after penetrating extracranial arterial trauma

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    AbstractPurposeWe undertook this study to determine factors that adversely affect outcome in patients with penetrating injury to the extracranial cerebral vasculature.Patients and methodsMedical records were reviewed for all patients who had undergone surgical intervention to treat penetrating injury to the extracranial cerebral arteries between January 1989 and December 1999. Forensic autopsy findings were also reviewed for all patients who died as a result of their injury.ResultsOne hundred fifty-one patients with injury to the brachiocephalic artery (n = 21), common carotid artery (n = 98), or internal carotid artery (n = 32) were identified. Overall mortality was 21.2%, and stroke rate in surviving patients was 15.1%. Twenty-five of 32 deaths (78.1%) were stroke-related. Brachiocephalic artery injury was associated with the highest mortality (38.1%), and survivor stroke rate was highest in patients with internal carotid injuries (22.7%). Hemodynamic instability at presentation led to both higher mortality (30.7%) and stroke rate (19.2%). Preoperative angiography did not influence mortality or stroke rate in hemodynamically stable patients. Procedural mortality associated with arterial ligation was 45% (9 of 20 patients), and no surviving patient experienced a change in pre-ligation neurologic state. Nine patients remained neurologically intact after ligation, and 2 patients with preoperative localized neurologic deficit were unchanged postoperatively. In 131 patients, mortality after arterial repair was 17.6%, and in 5 surviving patients (5.4%) an ischemic neurologic deficit developed. Twelve of 15 surviving patients (80%) with preoperative neurologic deficit who underwent arterial repair had improved neurologic status. Cerebral infarcts were confirmed at autopsy in 23 patients; 18 infarcts were ischemic (10, repair; 8, ligation), and 5 infarcts were hemorrhagic (all, repair). No factor was identified that was predictive of ischemic versus hemorrhagic infarction in patients undergoing repair.ConclusionsThe presence of hypovolemic shock, internal carotid artery injury, complete vessel transection, and arterial ligation are associated with unfavorable outcome. Penetrating injury to the brachiocephalic, common carotid, or internal carotid artery should be repaired rather than ligated when technically possible. Subsequent ischemic or hemorrhagic cerebral infarction is unpredictable, but overall outcome is superior to that with ligation of the injured artery

    Transplant Unit, Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa

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    Organ and tissue donation depends on non-transplant clinicians to identify and timeously refer potential donors and to counsel families compassionately about the prognosis at end of life. Organ donation referral is often felt to be beyond the capacity of district-level hospital services. In this case series, we report on four referrals from a geographically remote, public sector district-level hospital, and review the identification, referral and consent process of potential donors after brain death, and also donors after circulatory death. For the one successfully consented donor we report on the donor work-up and management, and the outcome of the organ recovery and organ allocation process

    Dealing with a traumatic past: the victim hearings of the South African truth and reconciliation commission and their reconciliation discourse

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    In the final years of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century, there has been a worldwide tendency to approach conflict resolution from a restorative rather than from a retributive perspective. The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), with its principle of 'amnesty for truth' was a turning point. Based on my discursive research of the TRC victim hearings, I would argue that it was on a discursive level in particular that the Truth Commission has exerted/is still exerting a long-lasting impact on South African society. In this article, three of these features will be highlighted and illustrated: firstly, the TRC provided a discursive forum for thousands of ordinary citizens. Secondly, by means of testimonies from apartheid victims and perpetrators, the TRC composed an officially recognised archive of the apartheid past. Thirdly, the reconciliation discourse created at the TRC victim hearings formed a template for talking about a traumatic past, and it opened up the debate on reconciliation. By discussing these three features and their social impact, it will become clear that the way in which the apartheid past was remembered at the victim hearings seemed to have been determined, not so much by political concerns, but mainly by social needs
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