117 research outputs found

    From natural hazards to outer space and to Plan9

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    International audienceAn information system for scholarly work on natural hazards calls for the design of a computer system for transmission of information over very long periods, and for traceability. An abstract analysis shows that these requirements are dual to the fundamental question of assisting the cognitive activity of a user using external memories, which reaches a very general scope. The solutions should be implemented at the operating system level, mainly the file system, and Plan9's file systems and other properties make it the soundest base for our work. We present our road-map for development

    Perceptions and relation-mediating mechanisms in human-wildlife conflicts

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    Human-wildlife conflict represents a recurring challenge in the history of humankind. Since the 1970s and the environmental awakening of consciousnesses, the problem took a new dimension through competitions between people with different views about nature and wildlife. Some would consider it as an utilitarian object to manage and exploit while others would adopt a more empaphetic and ecological attitude, thus causing disagreements. This study takes a perception-based approach to unravel the conflict surrounding the reintroduction of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in the French Pyrenees, in order to understand how individuals in this case of human-wildlife conflict perceive the animal, and to identify the key-components that contribute to the creation of those perceptions. The findings reveal that people share a connection with bears, positive or negative, which results from their initial perception and whose elaboration is continuously influenced by various relation-mediated mechanisms. The analysis of specific historical events and cultural factors related to bears shows that perceptions are prone to change and relations between humans and bears are never simple. In addition, it demonstrates that as an animal, the bear has always left a significant impression on human communities, either as a magnificent entity worthy of respect or a powerful creature deemed too dangerous to be allowed near their habitations and activities

    Analyse des enduits de visualisation pariétale utilisés en aérodynamique

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    En aérodynamique, la visualisation du frottement pariétal est souvent réalisée à l'aide d'un enduit déposé sur une maquette testée en soufflerie. Les enduits de visualisation sont des suspensions de particules solides (le traceur) dans une phase continue qui peut être volatile ou non au cours de l'essai. L'efficacité d'un enduit est liée à sa composition et à la plage de vitesses sur laquelle il est actif. Ce travail a pour but de progresser dans la compréhension de ce processus et d'établir un lien entre les caractéristiques physiques de ces enduits et leur efficacité en visualisation afin d'améliorer leurs performances

    Electromagnetic Transmission of Intellectual Property Data to Protect FPGA Designs

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    International audienceOver the past 10 years, the designers of intellectual properties(IP) have faced increasing threats including cloning, counterfeiting, andreverse-engineering. This is now a critical issue for the microelectronicsindustry. The design of a secure, efficient, lightweight protection scheme fordesign data is a serious challenge for the hardware security community. In thiscontext, this chapter presents two ultra-lightweight transmitters using sidechannel leakage based on electromagnetic emanation to send embedded IPidentity discreetly and quickl

    Le sculpteur flamand François du Quesnoy

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    du Colombier Pierre. Le sculpteur flamand François du Quesnoy . In: Journal des savants, Juillet-décembre 1946. pp. 173-176

    Choix de thèses en sciences sociales (1er janvier-1er mai 1968)

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    Du Colombier Madeleine. Choix de thèses en sciences sociales (1er janvier-1er mai 1968). In: Revue française de sociologie, 1968, 9-3. pp. 405-407

    Les Quatre Couronnés, patrons des tailleurs de pierre

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    Colombier Pierre du. Les Quatre Couronnés, patrons des tailleurs de pierre. In: Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 96ᵉ année, N. 3, 1952. pp. 512-515

    Nicolas Manuel, peintre et soudard

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    du Colombier Pierre. Nicolas Manuel, peintre et soudard. In: Journal des savants, Janvier-mars 1953. pp. 27-35

    Deux sculpteurs du XVIIe siècle

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    du Colombier Pierre. Deux sculpteurs du XVIIe siècle. In: Journal des savants, 1967, n°4. pp. 235-243

    Choix de thèses intéressant les sciences sociales (février l968 - février 1969)

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    Du Colombier Madeleine. Choix de thèses intéressant les sciences sociales (février l968 - février 1969). In: Revue française de sociologie, 1969, 10-2. pp. 214-219
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