293 research outputs found

    The impact of parental unemployment on childrens schooling

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    In the anglo-american countries there is a growing literature concerning various aspects of childrens development (schooling, transitions on the labour market, psychological well-being, health,&). At the same time policies aimed at eradicating childrens poverty are engaged. In France the data used to study childrens development are generally cross-section data rather than panel data. Consequently studies are limited to the outcomes (such as the probability of being held back) of the children who are still living at the parental home. In this paper we use the French survey Budget de Familles 2000-2001, which gives information on the occupational career of the parents. In particular we know if the father has been unemployed for a long time. Moreover we know the education level of every child, even those having left the parental home. The childs outcome we consider here is having got or not the baccalauréat. We show that when the father has been unemployed for a long time the children are less likely to have got the baccalauréat. To control for potential endogeneity, i.e. the fact that fathers unemployment and childs outcome may be simultaneously influenced by unobserved characteristics, we use information on the occupational status of the grand-father, considering that this variable is a predictor of the occupational status of the father without having any direct causal impact on the childrens educational level. Under this assumption, we show that the correlation between fathers unemployment and the childs educational level corresponds to a causal relationship. This means that improving the labour market situation not only have short term impacts for both parents and children but also long term effects on childrens well-being and human capital.parental unemployment - childrens human capital

    Modelling Demographic Events in the Microsimulation Model DESTINIE

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    This paper presents a new modelling of demographic events in the microsimulation model Destinie: union formations, union disruptions and births. The previous modelling was based on the 1997 Insee Survey on Young People and Job Histories, whose sample was of limited size (20 000 persons aged 19 to 45). This new version is based on the 1999 Family History Survey whose sample is large enough (280 000 persons aged at least 18) to take into account more covariates than before. In particular we systematically introduce age as a covariate; the age at leaving school, the only variable that represents social heterogeneity in the model Destinie, is also used more systematically than in the previous version. The probabilities are estimated between 1995 and 1999 using logistic regressions. As this period does not necessary correspond to a steady state, we have to adjust the intercepts in the equations so that simulations are consistent with some aggregates. In particular, simulations are consistent with a fertility of 1.9 children per woman, which corresponds to the observed fertility since 2000, and an average age at birth of 30 years. For women, simulations lead to satisfactory results for completed fertility, fertility rate by age and marital status at each age. Thus, the marital status appears to be a valid covariate for modelling transitions on the labour market. Results for men remain less satisfactory.microsimulation, demographic trends, fertility

    Financial Saving for Retirement: Ownership Behaviour Patterns and Amounts Invested

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    Saving for retirement increased slightly in France in the past decade. The 2004 Household Assets Survey gives a picture of the situation before the August 2003 pension reform: it covers instruments held by households in anticipation of retirement and the share of such assets in their total financial portfolios. This paper studies four long-term saving vehicles for which retirement planning is indicated as motivation in the questionnaire: the Plan d'Épargne Populaire (PEP), annuity plans, securities, and retirement saving instruments proper. The household's financial resources is chiefly a determinant of long-term saving products ownership. By contrast, the retirement saving decision and the ratio of sums invested to total financial assets tend to be positively influenced by the age of the household reference person. Occupational status is also a significant determinant of the ownership of long-term assets for retirement.Retirement, Saving, Discrete Choice Models

    Le Tour du monde en vélo d’appartement d’Eric Tournaire et de Fabien Palmari. Analyse des sujets énonciatifs

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    Dans cet article, nous allons nous pencher sur le récit de voyage, Le Tour du monde en vélo d’appartement d’Eric Tournaire et de Fabien Palmari, d’un point de vue de l’énonciation. La particularité de ce récit de voyage, qui n’en est pas un, repose sur une énonciation et une graphiation, qui impliquent des références énonciatives qui se font très complexes. C’est cette complexité que nous allons tenter de démêler en établissant tout d’abord les caractéristiques du carnet de voyage face à la bande dessinée, puis en approfondissant l’une des caractéristiques de ce type de relation texte-image, c’est-à-dire un certain type d’autobiographie. Ensuite, nous serons à même d’analyser les traces d’énonciation qui se dégage du texte et de l’image qui ne sont pas simplement celles des deux auteurs-narrateur et graphiateur, mais aussi celles qui ont contribué à l’élaboration de ce carnet de voyage en envoyant des objets contribuant ainsi à élaborer l’histoire de ce voyage fictif

    Une étude contrastive de « se faire/hacerse » + adjectif

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    Le problème de l’équivalence de se faire/hacerse + adj. n’est pas nouveau. En réalité ce sont de faux-amis. Dans cet article, nous voudrions esquisser à la fois les convergences et les divergences de ces deux verbes sur la base d’une analyse quantitative et qualitative de corpus espagnol et français et d’un point de vue sémantique/lexical sur laquelle vient se greffer une étude morphosyntaxique

    Les contributions privées au financement de la dépendance dans le cadre de l'obligation alimentaire : pratiques judiciaires et implications macroéconomiques.

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    L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser les transferts économiques liés à la mise en œuvre contentieuse de l'obligation alimentaire ascendante dans le financement de la dépendance des personnes âgées. Dans un premier temps, la mise en œuvre concrète de ce dispositif est étudiée à partir d'un échantillon de décisions rendues entre 2000 et 2003. La règle de mise à contribution estimée s'avère anti-redistributive à l'échelle inter-familiale mais redistributive à l'échelle intra-familiale. Dans un second temps, l'utilisation d'un échantillon représentatif des personnes âgées de 75 ans et plus et de leurs obligés alimentaires, simulé à l'aide du model DESTINIE, permet d'étudier les effets distributifs de la règle de mise à contribution mise à jour.This paper seeks to analyze economic transfers relating to the financing of long-term care for the elderly, as they arise from court decisions on the legal duty to financially support ascendants. The first section reviews the computation of the support obligation based on a sample of courtdecisions between2000 and 2003. The financial contribution ruleestimated from the decisions is found to be anti-redistributive in interfamily distribution terms but redistributive in intrafamily distribution terms. The second section uses the DESTINIE model to simulate a representative sample of persons aged 75 or older and those legally responsible for their financial support, and uses the sample to examine the distributive effects of the financial contribution rule.Long-term care; Obligation alimentaire; Microsimulation; Inégalités;

    Une étude contrastive de « se faire/hacerse » + adjectif

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    Le problème de l’équivalence de se faire/hacerse + adj. n’est pas nouveau. En réalité ce sont de faux-amis. Dans cet article, nous voudrions esquisser à la fois les convergences et les divergences de ces deux verbes sur la base d’une analyse quantitative et qualitative de corpus espagnol et français et d’un point de vue sémantique/lexical sur laquelle vient se greffer une étude morphosyntaxique
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