544 research outputs found

    The metaphysical mind in its physical environment: Religious implications of neuroscience

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    This article introduces ideas originating from different sciences of mind and the challenge they present to religion. In spite of overcoming the mind-body dualism, it seems that the mind-brain dualism still prevails. The mind-brain relation is discussed in the light of some models. Special attention is given to supervenient theories of mind. In light of this information the article investigates how the impact of these theories on religious experience. D’Aquili and Newberg’s explanation of extraordinary religious experience is discussed. It is concluded that the phenomenon of religion and religious experience are more than mere brain functions. The place of religion and the continued importance of religion and religious experience are confirmed

    Fictional transfiguration of Jesus : images of Jesus in literature

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    Over the years the literary world has been one of the most productive and creative sources of Jesus interpretation. This article gives an overview of some aspects of developments in this field with reference to the African and Afrikaner contexts. The way in which Jesus is fictionally transformed may reflect the influence of scholarly research, popular and innovative Jesus interpretations, existential questions, and cultural fluctuations, or simply a celebration of imagination. The relationship between theology and literature is vital to both fields. Theology is challenged by the freedom of the novel and the novel stimulated by theological findings. After dealing with some categories of fictional narratives, a few examples are discussed. The article gives attention to Jesus in postmodern novels and in postcolonial literature. An African novel is referred to and then Jesus is dealt with more extensively in Afrikaans poems. Examples are given from the work of Sheila Cussons, Breyten Breytenbach and Adam Small. The article closes with the sentiment that Jesus interpretations remain a critical and creative comment on humankind and its religion.Spine cut of Journal binding and pages scanned on flatbed EPSON Expression 10000 XL; 400dpi; text/lineart - black and white - stored to Tiff Derivation: Abbyy Fine Reader v.9 work with PNG-format (black and white); Photoshop CS3; Adobe Acrobat v.9 Web display format PDFhttp://explore.up.ac.za/record=b1001341wm201

    An immanent approach to death : theological implications of a secular view

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    The thesis of this article is that contemporary people are increasingly ousting death from their consciousness and focussing instead on the complexities of life in a context of horizontal transcendence. This replaces the Pauline notion that death is the fruit of sin and will be overcome if its real cause, sin, is vanquished through the death and resurrection of Christ. The article shows how religions, the state and civil society have abused human fear of death in the course of history. It examines the way science has ‘biologised’ death and the impact this has on concepts such as soul, the hereafter and identity. Reflection on the hereafter tends to make light of death. The article deals with some philosophical models (especially those of Hegel and Heidegger) that incorporate the negative (non-being, death) into life (the subject). I then outline a model incorporating death into life at a horizontal transcendental level in order to make death plausible. The example cited is Sölle’s work. The article concludes with a discussion of some theological implications of an immanent approach to death.http://www.hts.org.zahb201

    Synergistic therapeutic effect of arsenic trioxide and radiotherapy in BALB/C nude mice bearing nasopharyngeal carcinoma xenografts

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    It has been shown that arsenic trioxide (ATO) induced apoptosis in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells and inhibited the growth of nasopharyngeal carcinoma xenografts (NPCX) in nude mice. Aim: The present study was designed to determine whether ATO at the non-toxic dose level could potentiate the therapeutic effectiveness of radiation therapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma, using a BALB/C nude mouse xenograft model. Methods: The mice bearing NPCX were treated with radiation alone (2, 4, and 6 Gy), ATO alone (4 mg/kg/day x 6 days), and ATO plus radiation at the same dosage levels. Time of tumor growth delay (defined as the time necessary for the tumor to grow four-fold of its initial volume after, compared with untreated tumors) and toxic effects were determined. Results: The low dose ATO alone has no pronounced effects on tumor growth delay compared to untreated control. However, compared with radiation alone, the combined regimen delayed the tumor growth by 2–10 days and had no significant toxic effects such as the liver function damage. Conclusions: Combination of ATO at non-toxic dose level and radiation has synergistic effects on tumor growth inhibition in vivo and is well tolerated.Установлено, что триоксид мышьяка (ТОМ) индуцирует апоптоз в клетках карциномы носоглотки человека и ингибирует рост ксенографта карциномы носоглотки у атимических мышей. Цель работы — установить терапевтическую эффективность радиотерапии в комбинации ТОМ в нетоксичной дозе мышам линии BALB/ с ксенографтом карциномы носоглотки. Методы: животные с ксенографтом карциномы носоглотки получали либо только радиотерапию (2, 4 и 6 Гр) или ТОМ (4 мг/кг/день в течение 6 дней), или их комбинацию в тех же режимах и дозах. Задержку роста опухоли определяли как различие во времени, необходимом для достижения опухолью 4-кратного объема по сравнению с начальным объемом в опытной группе versus такового в контрольной группе. Результаты: введение ТОМ в низкой дозе не оказывало выраженного влияния на рост опухоли по сравнению с показателями в конт­рольной группе, а в комбинации с облучением приводило к задержке роста опухоли на 2–12 сут по сравнению с показателями у животных, получавших только лучевую терапию при отсутствии выраженных побочных эффектов. Выводы: комбинация ТОМ в нетоксической дозе и лучевой терапии приводит к ингибированию роста опухоли in vivo и не вызывает побочных эффектов. Ключевые слова: триоксид мышьяка, радиотерапия, ксенографт карциномы носоглотки

    Empowering patients with high myopia:The significance of education

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    Purpose: To investigate the status of patient education among highly myopic individuals focusing on the presence, sources, content, timing of the education and impact on patients. Methods: Self-reported data were collected through an online 13-item questionnaire consisting of open and multiple-choice questions. The questionnaire was sent to 250 highly myopic members of a patient organization in the Netherlands, of whom 128 (51%) responded. Results: At least one acute event had occurred in 66% (84/128) of participants at the time of the questionnaire. Among all participants, 25% (32/128) had not received patient education regarding alarm symptoms for any of these events. Among those who had been informed, the ophthalmologist was the most frequent (57%, 73/128) source of information. Participants who visited the ophthalmologist annually were more frequently informed than participants without annual visits (53%, 26/49 versus 26%, 9/35, p = 0.002). Those not informed were more likely to have a more than 3 days patient delay (92%, 12/13). Doctors delay was also present; 26% (22/84) of the participants with alarm symptoms had to wait 2 or more days before the first appointment. Long-term consequences of myopia had been discussed with 102 participants (80%, 102/128), again with the ophthalmologist as the most frequent source (59%, 76/128). Perspectives: Many myopic individuals have not been educated about their increased risk of acute events, which can result in patient delay and serious consequences with respect to visual prognosis. These findings underscore the critical importance of integrating patient education across the entire ophthalmic care chain for myopia.</p

    Observed photodetachment in parallel electric and magnetic fields

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    We investigate photodetachment from negative ions in a homogeneous 1.0-T magnetic field and a parallel electric field of approximately 10 V/cm. A theoretical model for detachment in combined fields is presented. Calculations show that a field of 10 V/cm or more should considerably diminish the Landau structure in the detachment cross section. The ions are produced and stored in a Penning ion trap and illuminated by a single-mode dye laser. We present preliminary results for detachment from S- showing qualitative agreement with the model. Future directions of the work are also discussed.Comment: Nine pages, five figures, minor revisions showing final publicatio

    Study of Bc --> J/psi pi, etac pi decays with perturbative QCD approach

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    The Bc --> J/psi pi, etac pi decays are studied with the perturbative QCD approach. It is found that form factors and branching ratios are sensitive to the parameters w, v, f_J/psi and f_etac, where w and v are the parameters of the charmonium wave functions for Coulomb potential and harmonic oscillator potential, respectively, f_J/psi and f_etac are the decay constants of the J/psi and etac mesons, respectively. The large branching ratios and the clear signals of the final states make the Bc --> J/psi pi, etac pi decays to be the prospective channels for measurements at the hadron collidersComment: 21 pages, revtex

    A survey of partial differential equations in geometric design

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    YesComputer aided geometric design is an area where the improvement of surface generation techniques is an everlasting demand since faster and more accurate geometric models are required. Traditional methods for generating surfaces were initially mainly based upon interpolation algorithms. Recently, partial differential equations (PDE) were introduced as a valuable tool for geometric modelling since they offer a number of features from which these areas can benefit. This work summarises the uses given to PDE surfaces as a surface generation technique togethe

    A view from the clinic – Perspectives from Dutch patients and professionals on high myopia care

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    Purpose: To understand and compare perspectives of patients and professionals on current ophthalmologic care for high myopia, and to identify challenges and future opportunities. Methods: Self-reported data were collected through two online questionnaires. Patient perspective was obtained from highly myopic members of a patient organisation based in the Netherlands using a 17-item questionnaire consisting of open and multiple-choice questions regarding personal experience with myopia care. The ophthalmologist perspective was obtained from practising Dutch ophthalmologists with a 12-item questionnaire of multiple-choice questions on work-related demographics, myopia care in daily practice and need for improvement. The response rate for patients was 27% (n = 136/500) and for ophthalmologists, 24% (n = 169/716). Results: Patients were highly concerned about personal progressive loss of vision (69%) and feared their psychological well-being (82%) in case this would happen. The quality of performance of care provided by ophthalmologists was rated as excellent or satisfactory by 64% of the patients. These ratings for multidisciplinary care and insurance reimbursement were as low as 28% and 18% respectively. The mean concern among ophthalmologists about the rise in high myopia was 6.9 (SEM 0.1) on a 10-point scale. Sixty-nine per cent of the ophthalmologists reported that asymptomatic myopic patients should not be examined regularly at outpatient clinics. Ophthalmologists urged the development of clinical guidelines (74%), but did report (95%) that they informed patients about risk factors and complications. This contrasted with the view of patients, of whom 42% were discontent with information provided by ophthalmologists. Conclusions: These questionnaires demonstrated that the current clinical care delivered to highly myopic patients is in need of improvement. The expected higher demand for myopia care in the near future requires preferred practice patterns, professionals specifically trained to manage myopic pathology, accurate and comprehensive information exchange and collaboration of in- and out-of-hospital professionals across the full eye care chain.</p

    Charmless BPPB \to PP decays using flavor SU(3) symmetry

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    The decays of BB mesons to a pair of charmless pseudoscalar (PP) mesons are analyzed within a framework of flavor SU(3). Symmetry breaking is taken into account in tree (TT) amplitudes through ratios of decay constants; exact SU(3) is assumed elsewhere. Acceptable fits to BππB \to \pi \pi and BKπB \to K \pi branching ratios and CP asymmetries are obtained with tree, color-suppressed (CC), penguin (PP), and electroweak penguin (PEWP_{EW}) amplitudes. Crucial additional terms for describing processes involving η\eta and η\eta' include a large flavor-singlet penguin amplitude (SS) as proposed earlier and a penguin amplitude PtuP_{tu} associated with intermediate tt and uu quarks. For the B+π+ηB^+ \to \pi^+ \eta' mode a term StuS_{tu} associated with intermediate tt and uu quarks also may be needed. Values of the weak phase γ\gamma are obtained consistent with an earlier analysis of BVPB \to VP decays, where VV denotes a vector meson, and with other analyses of CKM parameters.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure. To be submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Reference update