84 research outputs found

    Mind the gap: examining the gap in international passenger expectations and perceptions of service quality in low-cost carriers

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    Meeting or exceeding passengers' service quality expectations has become a critical factor for lowcost carriers (LCC). Still, only limited efforts have been made to date to investigate the differences (gap) in LCC passengers' expectations and perceptions. A comprehensive 25-item SERVQUAL framework for LCC was first developed through an extensive literature review and insights obtained from exploratory interviews and focus groups with passengers and industry experts. Using survey data of LCC passengers, the validity and reliability of the framework were first established, and then the differences in the expectations and perceptions were understood. The results indicate that none of the service quality attributes of LCCs have met, let alone exceeded, expectations, and the most significant gaps were found for "reliability" and "responsiveness" dimensions. With the growing global demand for budget travel and new LCCs entering the market, the study provides timely insights for LCCs to narrow the expectation–perception gap and achieve competitive advantage

    An expectation-experience analysis of service quality of business travelers in low-cost airlines

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    A number of low-cost airlines (LCA) are repositioning their brand strategy to attract business travelers. This requires first understanding and then meeting business traveler's service quality expectations. Unfortunately, most studies on service quality attributes of LCAs have focused on leisure travelers. This formed the motivation of this study, which aims to examine the gap that exists between expectations and (actual) experience with the services received across the various dimensions of service quality (SERVQUAL) among international business travelers. A total of 142 responses from business travelers were collected using a structured questionnaire comprising 23 SERVQUAL items. An expectation-experience analysis (EEA) was then performed on the survey data to categorize each item in the EEA grid as 1) High priority (high expectation but low experience) 2) Keep up the good work (high expectation and high experience) 3) Low priority (low expectation and low experience) and 4) Possible overkill (low expectation but high experience). The results show that the LCAs should focus more on the 'reliability' factor as most of its items emerged in the high priority grid while low priority should be given to 'empathy'. Overall, an all-around improvement is required to narrow the service quality gap, given that none of the service quality attributes have met or exceeded business travelers' expectations. The results are useful for practitioners to prioritize service quality improvements and develop tailor-made marketing and branding strategies

    Is HR 6819 a triple system containing a black hole? -- An alternative explanation

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    HR 6819 was recently proposed to be a triple system consisting of an inner B-type giant + black hole binary with an orbital period of 40d and an outer Be tertiary. This interpretation is mainly based on two inferences: that the emission attributed to the outer Be star is stationary, and that the inner star, which is used as mass calibrator for the black hole, is a B-type giant. We re-investigate the properties of HR 6819 by spectral disentangling and an atmosphere analysis of the disentangled spectra to search for a possibly simpler alternative explanation for HR 6819. Disentangling implies that the Be component is not a static tertiary, but rather a component of the binary in the 40-d orbit. The inferred radial velocity amplitudes imply an extreme mass ratio of M_2/M_1 = 15 +/- 3. We infer spectroscopic masses of 0.40.1+0.3^{+0.3}_{-0.1} Msun and 63+5^{+5}_{-3} Msun for the primary and secondary, which agree well with the dynamical masses for an inclination of i = 32 deg. This indicates that the primary might be a stripped star rather than a B-type giant. Evolutionary modelling suggests that a possible progenitor system would be a tight (P_i ~ 2d) B+B binary system that experienced conservative mass transfer. While the observed nitrogen enrichment of the primary conforms with the predictions of the evolutionary models, we find no indications for the predicted He enrichment. We suggest that HR 6819 is a binary system consisting of a stripped B-type primary and a rapidly-rotating Be star that formed from a previous mass-transfer event. In the framework of this interpretation, HR 6819 does not contain a black hole. Interferometry can distinguish between these two scenarios by providing an independent measurement of the separation between the visible components.Comment: Submitted to A&A, 13 pages (16 figures and 2 tables); 4 pages supplementary material (4 figures and 4 tables). Comments are welcom

    Temporal ordering and registration of images in studies of developmental dynamics

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    Abstract Dynamics of developmental progress is commonly reconstructed from imaging snapshots of chemical or mechanical processes in fixed embryos. As a first step in these reconstructions, snapshots must be spatially registered and ordered in time. Currently, image registration and ordering is often done manually, requiring a significant amount of expertise with a specific system. However, as the sizes of imaging data sets grow, these tasks become increasingly difficult, especially when the images are noisy and the examined developmental changes are subtle. To address these challenges, we present an automated approach to simultaneously register and temporally order imaging data sets. The approach is based on vector diffusion maps, a manifold learning technique that does not require a priori knowledge of image features or a parametric model of the developmental dynamics. We illustrate this approach by registering and ordering data from imaging studies of pattern formation and morphogenesis in three different model systems. We also provide software to aid in the application of our methodology to other experimental data sets

    Satb2 acts as a gatekeeper for major developmental transitions during early vertebrate embryogenesis

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    Zygotic genome activation (ZGA) initiates regionalized transcription underlying distinct cellular identities. ZGA is dependent upon dynamic chromatin architecture sculpted by conserved DNA-binding proteins. However, the direct mechanistic link between the onset of ZGA and the tissue-specific transcription remains unclear. Here, we have addressed the involvement of chromatin organizer Satb2 in orchestrating both processes during zebrafish embryogenesis. Integrative analysis of transcriptome, genome-wide occupancy and chromatin accessibility reveals contrasting molecular activities of maternally deposited and zygotically synthesized Satb2. Maternal Satb2 prevents premature transcription of zygotic genes by influencing the interplay between the pluripotency factors. By contrast, zygotic Satb2 activates transcription of the same group of genes during neural crest development and organogenesis. Thus, our comparative analysis of maternal versus zygotic function of Satb2 underscores how these antithetical activities are temporally coordinated and functionally implemented highlighting the evolutionary implications of the biphasic and bimodal regulation of landmark developmental transitions by a single determinant

    MELCHIORS: The Mercator Library of High Resolution Stellar Spectroscopy

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    Aims. Over the past decades, libraries of stellar spectra have been used in a large variety of science cases, including as sources of reference spectra for a given object or a given spectral type. Despite the existence of large libraries and the increasing number of projects of large-scale spectral surveys, there is to date only one very high-resolution spectral library offering spectra from a few hundred objects from the southern hemisphere (UVES-POP). We aim to extend the sample, offering a finer coverage of effective temperatures and surface gravity with a uniform collection of spectra obtained in the northern hemisphere.Methods. Between 2010 and 2020, we acquired several thousand echelle spectra of bright stars with the Mercator-HERMES spectrograph located in the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory in La Palma, whose pipeline offers high-quality data reduction products. We have also developed methods to correct for the instrumental response in order to approach the true shape of the spectral continuum. Additionally, we have devised a normalisation process to provide a homogeneous normalisation of the full spectral range for most of the objects.Results. We present a new spectral library consisting of 3256 spectra covering 2043 stars. It combines high signal-to-noise and high spectral resolution over the entire range of effective temperatures and luminosity classes. The spectra are presented in four versions: raw, corrected from the instrumental response, with and without correction from the atmospheric molecular absorption, and normalised (including the telluric correction)

    A case study of the Secure Anonymous Information Linkage (SAIL) Gateway: A privacy-protecting remote access system for health-related research and evaluation

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    AbstractWith the current expansion of data linkage research, the challenge is to find the balance between preserving the privacy of person-level data whilst making these data accessible for use to their full potential. We describe a privacy-protecting safe haven and secure remote access system, referred to as the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Gateway. The Gateway provides data users with a familiar Windows interface and their usual toolsets to access approved anonymously-linked datasets for research and evaluation. We outline the principles and operating model of the Gateway, the features provided to users within the secure environment, and how we are approaching the challenges of making data safely accessible to increasing numbers of research users. The Gateway represents a powerful analytical environment and has been designed to be scalable and adaptable to meet the needs of the rapidly growing data linkage community