15 research outputs found

    The late glacial and holocene history of Tabo艂y mire (the Puszcza Knyszy艅ska Forest)

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    Na torfowisku Tabo艂y (Puszcza Knyszy艅ska) wykonano 艂膮cznie 20 odwiert贸w, charakteryzuj膮cych jego budow臋 geologiczn膮. W analizowanym materiale biogenicznym rozpoznano szcz膮tki wegetatywne i generatywne 94 takson贸w ro艣linnych. Rozw贸j torfowiska rozpocz膮艂 si臋 w starszym dryasie, kiedy to zatorfienie zosta艂o zainicjowane przez zbiorowisko Scorpidium scorpioides. Na prze艂omie allerod/m艂odszy dryas rozwin膮艂 si臋 zbiornik wodny, kt贸rego zanik przypad艂 na prze艂om p贸藕nego glacja艂u i holocenu. W okresie preoborealnym na torfowisku dominowa艂y zbiorowiska mch贸w brunatnych z udzia艂em brz贸z krzewiastych oraz szuwary wielkoturzycowe. Od schy艂ku okresu subborealnego post臋powa艂a oligotrofizacja siedlisk, co doprowadzi艂o do przekszta艂cenia si臋 z艂贸偶a w torfowisko przej艣ciowe. Spadek poziomu w贸d gruntowych znalaz艂 odzwierciedlenie w podwy偶szonym stopniu rozk艂adu torfu, w najm艂odszej fazie rozwoju torfowiska. Tempo akumulacji torfu by艂o w贸wczas najmniejsze.In Tabo艂y mire (the Puszcza Knyszy艅ska Forest) 20 drillings were made altogether. Vegetative and generative remains of 94 plant taxa were recognized. According to radiocarbon dating, the mire started to develop in the Late Glacial period. In the Preboreal period brown moss communities with and admixture of shrub birches and sedge rushes dominated in the mire. At the end of the Subboreal period habitat oligotrophication proceeded which resulted in the transformation of deposits into transitional bog. Groundwater decline was reflected in a higher intensity of peat decomposition. The rate of peat accumulation was then the lowest

    Peat units of uncertain systematic position recognized in development of three peat deposits of the Puszcza Knyszy艅ska Forest

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    Badania prowadzono na trzech torfowiskach po艂o偶onych w Puszczy Knyszy艅skiej (p贸艂nocno-wschodnia Polska): Tabo艂y, K艂adkowe Bagno i Borki. Osad torfowy poddano analizom ro艣linnych szcz膮tk贸w makroskopowych (wegetatywnych i generatywnych). Opisano 艂膮cznie 23 jednostki torfu. Reprezentowa艂y one trzy typy torfu: niski, przej艣ciowy i wysoki. Rozpoznano kilka jednostek w randze odmiany, w tym odmiany torfu mszystego oraz torfowcowego wysokiego. Podj臋to pr贸b臋 odniesienia ka偶dej z mniej lub bardziej problematycznych jednostek torfu do jednostek znanych z literatury. Szczeg贸lne powi膮zania stwierdzono z torfami opisanymi na obszarze Rosji.Studies were carried on three mires of the Puszcza Knyszy艅ska Forest (NE Poland): Tabo艂y, K艂adkowe Bagno and Borki. Peat deposit was analysed for plant macrofossil remains (vegetative and generative). Altogether 23 peat units were described. Recognised units represented three peat types: fen, transition and raised bog. A few varieties were defined, like varieties of brown moss peat and Sphagnum raised bog peat. Systematic position of problematic peat units was discussed, based on literature data. Particular connections with peat units described in Russia were found

    Evolution of boreal bog-birch forest (thelypterido-betuletum pubescentis czerwi艅ski 1972) in selected mires of North Podlasie Upland

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    Przedmiotem bada艅 przeprowadzonych w latach 2007-2008 by艂proces powstawania subborealnych las贸w brzozowych, wyst臋puj膮cych na chronionych torfowiskach Niziny P贸艂nocnopodlaskiej. Na podstawie analiz botanicznych szcz膮tk贸w makroskopowych (przebadano 164 pr贸by osadu) odtworzono subfosylne zbiorowiska ro艣linne, poprzedzaj膮ce faz臋 le艣n膮 ro艣linno艣ci torfowisk. Sosnowo-brzozowe lasy bagienne wyst臋puj膮 na 艣rednio g艂臋bokich i g艂臋bokich torfach (艣rednio 2,3 m) rzadko pod艣cielonych gyti膮. W osadach rozpoznano szcz膮tki reprezentuj膮ce 51 takson贸w r贸偶nej rangi. Ro艣linno艣膰 subfosylna badanych torfowisk przynale偶y do czterech klas: Scheuchzerio-Caricetea nigrae, Phragmitetea, Oxycocco-Sphagnetea i Alnetea glutinosae. Zbiorowisko le艣no-zaro艣lowe + turzyce-torfowce, pojawiaj膮ce si臋 na wi臋kszo艣ci stanowisk, w warstwie stropowej z艂贸偶 wyra藕nie nawi膮zuje do wsp贸艂czesnego zespo艂u Thelypterido-Betuletum pubescentis i zawsze wyst臋puje w najm艂odszym okresie holocenu. W ewolucji ro艣linno艣ci torfowisk rozw贸j brzezin by艂 zwi膮zany z wyst臋powaniem okres贸w klimatycznych o zmniejszonej wilgotno艣ci.The object of the study carried out between 2007 and 2008 was the process of evolution of boreal bog-birch forest situated on protected mires of North Podlasie Upland. The reconstruction of subfossil plant communities was based on the analysis of peat sediments (164 peat samples were studied). The boreal bog-birch forests are situated on medium-deep and deep peat ca. 2.3 m seldom underlined with gyttja layer. Remains of 51 different plant taxa were identified in the investigated peat sediments. They belonged to four vegetation classes: Scheuchzerio-Caricetea nigrae, Phragmitetea, Oxycocco-Sphagnetea and Alnetea glutinosae. In most locations, in the subsoil layer of peat deposit the forest-brushwood + Carex-Sphagnum community was identified. This subfossil community occurred during the Subboreal and Subatlantic periods and can be related to the contemporary Thelypterido-Betuletum pubescentis. Spreading of bog-birch forest onto mires was related to the occurrence of climatic periods featuring decreased humidity

    Postglacial change of the floristic diversity gradient in Europe

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    International audienceClimate warming is expected to cause a poleward spread of species, resulting in increased richness at mid to high latitudes and weakening the latitudinal diversity gradient. We used pollen data to test if such a change in the latitudinal diversity gradient occurred during the last major poleward shift of plant species in Europe following the end of the last glacial period. In contrast to expectations, the slope of the gradient strengthened during the Holocene. The increase in temperatures around 10 ka ago reduced diversity at mid to high latitude sites due to the gradual closure of forests. Deforestation and the introduction of agriculture during the last 5 ky had a greater impact on richness in central Europe than the earlier climate warming. These results do not support the current view that global warming alone will lead to a loss in biodiversity, and demonstrate that non-climatic human impacts on the latitudinal diversity gradient is of a greater magnitude than climate change