637 research outputs found

    A Study of Konigliche Hoheit -- Thomas Mann

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    The object of my thesis is to study Konig­liche Hoheit and through it come to a knowledge of the personality and character of the writer. In the first chapter I have discussed his life and his works and the second, third and fourth chapters are devoted to a study of the Konig­liche Hoheit . My intention is first to give the content of the novel and then follow it up by a criticism of character - and in this the reader can obtain a clear notion of the attri­butes of Mann\u27s writings as well as his understanding of human emotions. The last chapter has been devoted to a scientific analysis and criticism of the novel with the view of estab­lishing it a place in the literary world

    Analysis of criteria for entry of the austrian warm-blood horse into the stud book

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    Prevention of acute kidney injury and protection of renal function in the intensive care unit : update 2017

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    Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) in the intensive care unit is associated with significant mortality and morbidity. Objectives: To determine and update previous recommendations for the prevention of AKI, specifically the role of fluids, diuretics, inotropes, vasopressors/vasodilators, hormonal and nutritional interventions, sedatives, statins, remote ischaemic preconditioning and care bundles. Method: A systematic search of the literature was performed for studies published between 1966 and March 2017 using these potential protective strategies in adult patients at risk of AKI. The following clinical conditions were considered: major surgery, critical illness, sepsis, shock, exposure to potentially nephrotoxic drugs and radiocontrast. Clinical endpoints included incidence or grade of AKI, the need for renal replacement therapy and mortality. Studies were graded according to the international GRADE system. Results: We formulated 12 recommendations, 13 suggestions and seven best practice statements. The few strong recommendations with high-level evidence are mostly against the intervention in question (starches, low-dose dopamine, statins in cardiac surgery). Strong recommendations with lower-level evidence include controlled fluid resuscitation with crystalloids, avoiding fluid overload, titration of norepinephrine to a target MAP of 65-70 mmHg (unless chronic hypertension) and not using diuretics or levosimendan for kidney protection solely. Conclusion: The results of recent randomised controlled trials have allowed the formulation of new recommendations and/or increase the strength of previous recommendations. On the other hand, in many domains the available evidence remains insufficient, resulting from the limited quality of the clinical trials and the poor reporting of kidney outcomes

    We are the work

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    „WE ARE THE WORK“ stellte der Kunsthistoriker Victor Stoichita in Bezug auf das Oeuvre Rafael Lozano-Hemmers fest. Seit Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts wird dem Betrachter von KĂŒnstlern zunehmend eine aktive Beteiligung am Schaffensprozess ihrer Werke eingerĂ€umt. Diese interaktive Rolle gewann nicht zuletzt auch durch die Möglichkeiten neuer Technologien und Medien in den letzten Jahrzehnten immer mehr an Bedeutung und nimmt heute bei vielen KĂŒnstlern eine zentrale Position in ihrem Schaffen ein. Der zeitgenössische KĂŒnstler Rafael Lozano-Hemmer ist fĂŒr dieses PhĂ€nomen ein besonders illustratives Beispiel: Seine großformatigen Installationen, die oftmals im öffentlichen Raum prĂ€sentiert werden, sind sehr stark von der Partizipation eines Betrachters abhĂ€ngig. Doch obwohl die wesentliche Rolle des Rezipienten inzwischen seit geraumer Zeit auch von der Kunsttheorie behandelt wird, mangelt es nach wie vor an konkreten, werkbezogenen Beispielen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Position des Betrachters in Bezug auf die Werke Lozano-Hemmers. Dabei lassen sich verschiedene Auswirkungen der InteraktivitĂ€t auf die Rezeption nachweisen, sowohl was eine Steigerung der Aufmerksamkeit, die Förderung eines emotionalen Zugangs, als auch die Erfahrungsgestaltung des Publikums betrifft. Der Betrachter hat lĂ€ngst nicht mehr „nur“ die Position des passiv Beobachtenden inne, er kann nun vielmehr die Rolle eines Co-Autors, eines Schauspielers, eines „Betrachter des Betrachters“ und sogar jene eines Bestandteils des Kunstwerks selbst einnehmen. Doch es ist nicht nur der Rezipient, der von der Möglichkeit einer Interaktion beeinflusst wird: Auch der Autor und das Werk bleiben davon nicht unberĂŒhrt. Der KĂŒnstler muss sich nun die Autorschaft mit seinem Publikum teilen und die Kunst die Aufmerksamkeit, die ihr gegenĂŒbergebracht wird.„WE ARE THE WORK“, declared art historian Victor Stoichita in regard to the oeuvre of Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the spectator was more and more intended by artists as active part in the process of creation of their works. This interactive role has gained in importance throughout the past decades, not least because of the possibilities of new technologies and media, and plays a key part within the oeuvre of many artists today. Contemporary artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer is a particularly illustrative example for this phenomenon: his large-scale installations, which are often presented in public space, are strongly dependent on the participation of the viewer. While the role of the spectator is treated by theorists already for some time, there is still a lack of precise examples related to artworks. The paper at hand examines the position of the spectator in regard to Lozano-Hemmer’s works of art. Thereby it is observed that possible effects of the interactivity on the reception are an increased attentiveness, the promotion of a more emotional approach as well as the creation of experience by the audience. Since long ago the spectator isn’t seen as “merely” passive viewer anymore; he may now in fact become a co-author, an actor, a “spectator of the spectator”, and even an integral part of the artwork itself. However, it is not only the recipient who is influenced by the possibility of an interaction: neither the author nor the works of art remain unaffected. The artist is now forced to share the authorship with his audience; the art has to share the attention

    NephroCheck data compared to serum creatinine in various clinical settings

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    Figure B: TIMP-2 immunofluorescence staining of tubular cells in the urine sediment of patient #2. (TIF 6713 kb

    Genetic diversity, population structure and subdivision of local Balkan pig breeds in Austria, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina and its practical value in conservation programs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>At present the Croatian Turopolje pig population comprises about 157 breeding animals. In Austria, 324 Turopolje pigs originating from six Croatian founder animals are registered. Multiple bottlenecks have occurred in this population, one major one rather recently and several more older and moderate ones. In addition, it has been subdivided into three subpopulations, one in Austria and two in Croatia, with restricted gene flow. These specificities explain the delicate situation of this endangered Croatian lard-type pig breed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In order to identify candidate breeding animals or gene pools for future conservation breeding programs, we studied the genetic diversity and population structure of this breed using microsatellite data from 197 individuals belonging to five different breeds.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The genetic diversity of the Turopolje pig is dramatically low with observed heterozygosities values ranging from 0.38 to 0.57. Split into three populations since 1994, two genetic clusters could be identified: one highly conserved Croatian gene pool in Turopoljski Lug and the"Posavina" gene pool mainly present in the Austrian population. The second Croatian subpopulation in Lonjsko Polje in the Posavina region shows a constant gene flow from the Turopoljski Lug animals.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>One practical conclusion is that it is necessary to develop a "Posavina" boar line to preserve the "Posavina" gene pool and constitute a corresponding population in Croatia. Animals of the highly inbred herd in Turopoljski Lug should not be crossed with animals of other populations since they represent a specific phenotype-genotype combination. However to increase the genetic diversity of this herd, a program to optimize its sex ratio should be carried out, as was done in the Austrian population where the level of heterozygosity has remained moderate despite its heavy bottleneck in 1994.</p

    Nutrition Support in Acute Kidney Injury

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    Acute kidney injury is a frequent complication affecting many hospitalized patients and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Acute kidney injury often occurs in conjunction with critical illness, which is a hypermetabolic state presenting with hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, hypertriglyceridemia, and increased protein catabolism. In addition to addressing these changes, the clinician should evaluate the important nutrition implications of decreased kidney function. These include vitamins, electrolytes, minerals, trace elements, and the presence and type of renal replacement therapy. Optimal nutrition management in acute kidney injury includes providing adequate macronutrient support to correct underlying conditions and prevent ongoing loss, supplementing micronutrients and vitamins during renal replacement therapy, and adjusting electrolyte replacement based on the degree and extent of renal dysfunction

    From scientific exploitation to individual memorialization: Evolving attitudes towards research on Nazi victims’ bodies

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    During the Third Reich, state-sponsored violence was linked to scientific research on many levels. Prisoners were used as involuntary subjects for medical experiments, and body parts from victims were used in anatomy and neuropathology on a massive scale. In many cases, such specimens remained in scientific collections and were used until long after the war. International bioethics, for a long time, had little to say on the issue. Since the late 1980s, with a renewed interest in the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes, a consensus has increasingly taken hold that research on human tissues and body parts from the Nazi era is inadmissible, and that such specimens should be removed from scientific collections and buried. The question of what to do with scientific data obtained from these sources has not received adequate attention, however, and remains unsolved. This paper traces the history of debates about the ethical implications of using human tissue or body parts from the Nazi period for scientific purposes, primarily in the fields of anatomy and neuropathology. It also examines how this issue, from after the war until today, influenced the establishment of legal and bioethical norms on the use of human remains from morally tainted sources, with a particular emphasis on Germany and Austria. It is argued that the use of such specimens and of data derived from them is unethical not only because of potential harms to posthumous rights of the victims, but also because such use constitutes a moral harm to society at large
