20 research outputs found

    Эпидемиологические и вирусологические аспекты гриппа, острых респираторных вирусных инфекций и тяжелых острых респираторных инфекций в Республике Молдова, сезон 2018/2019

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    Agenția Națională pentru Sănătate Publică, Congresul al VIII-lea al specialiștilor din domeniul sănătății publice și managementului sanitar 24-25 octombrie 2019 Chișinău, Republica MoldovaSezonul de gripă 2018/2019 a debutat mai devreme în comparație cu sezoanele precedente. Perioada epidemică a debutat în săptămâna 03/2019, atingând apogeul în săptămâna 06/2019 și s-a terminat în săptămâna 11/2019. Virusul gripal A(H1)pdm09 a fost predominant, fi ind detectat în 79,8% din cazurile de gripă confi rmate de laborator. Virusul gripal A(H3) a fost detectat în 20,2% cazuri. Virusurile gripale de tip B nu au fost detectate în acest sezon. Toate (4) virusurile gripale A(H1)pdm09 caracterizate genetic aparțin subgrupei 6B.1 (reprezentată prin A/Michigan/45/2015). Principalele caracteristici ale virusurilor din grupa 6B.1 sunt prezența substituțiilor aminoacizilor S84N, S162N (cu apariția unui nou loc potențial de glicozilare) și I216T în HA1. Virusurile gripale A/H3 detectate aparțin subclaselor 3C.2a1b și 3C.2a2. În ceea ce privește virusurile H3N2 circulante în prezent, caracterizarea lor antigenică prin reacția de hemaglutinoinhibare rămâne dificilă din cauza aglutinării instabile a globulelor roșii de cobai, curcan și umane. Nivelul morbidității prin gripă a sporit de 2,2 ori față de sezonul 2017/2018. Nivelul morbidității prin IACRS în sezonul 2018/2019 s-a majorat de 1,07 ori, iar prin SARI – de 1,17 ori față de sezonul precedent. Începând cu săptămâna 40/2018, virusurile respiratorii negripale au fost detectate în 37,7% (130/345) din probe colectate în timpul monitoringului în sistemul de tip santinelă. Au predominat rinovirusurile, adenovirusurile și virusul respirator sincițial.The influenza season started earlier that previous seasons. The epidemic period started at week 03/2019, peaked in week 06/2019 and ended in week 11/2019. Influenza A(H1)pdm09 was the predominant virus detected in 79,8% of ILI cases. Influenza A(H3) was detected in 20,2%. Influenza B viruses were not detected this season. All (4) of the A(H1)pdm09 viruses genetically characterized, belonged to the subgroup 6B.1 (represented by A/Michigan/45/2015). The main characteristics of viruses in the 6B.1 group are that the viruses carry the amino acid substitutions S84N, S162N (introducing a new potential glycosylation site) and I216T in HA1. Detected influenza A/ H3 viruses belonged to subclades 3C.2a1b and 3C.2a2. In the case of currently circulating H3N2 virus’s antigenic characterization continues to be difficult by HI assay due to variable agglutination of red blood cells from guinea pig, turkey and humans. The level of influenza morbidity increased 2,2 times compared to 2017/2018 season. The level of ARI morbidity in this season increased 1,07 times and the SARI recorded increased 1,17 times compared to the previous season. Since week 40/2018 other respiratory viruses were detected in 37,7% (130/345) of samples in sentinel surveillance. Rhinovirus, adenovirus and respiratory syncytial virus was detected in higher level during this season.Сезон гриппа 2018/2019 начался раньше, чем в предыдущие сезоны. Эпидемический период начался на неделе 03/2019, достигнув максимума на неделе 06/2019, и завершился на неделе 11/2019. Вирус гриппа A(H1)pdm09 был доминирующим и выявлен в 79,8% случаев гриппа. Вирус гриппа A(H3) был обнаружен в 20,2% случаев. Вирусы гриппа B не были выявлены в этом сезоне. Все (4) вирусы гриппа A(H1)pdm09б охарактеризованные генетически, относятся к подгруппе 6B.1 (представленную вирусом A/Michigan/45/2015). Основные характеристики вирусов из подгруппы 6B.1 – это наличие аминокислотных замен S84N, S162N (с появлением нового потенциального места гликозилирования) и I216T в HA1. Выявленные вирусы гриппа A/H3 относятся к подклассам 3C.2a1b и 3C.2a2. В случае циркулирующих в настоящее время H3N2, их антигенная характеристика с помощью реакции торможения гемаглютинации по-прежнему затруднена из за нестабильной агглютинации эритроцитов морской свинки, индейки и человека. Уровень заболеваемости гриппом повысился в 2,2 раза по сравнению с сезоном 2017/2018. Заболеваемость ОРВИ в сезоне 2018/2019 увеличилась в 1,07 раз по сравнению с предыдущим сезоном, а количество случаев ТОРИ увеличилось в 1,17 раз. Начиная с недели 40/2018 другие респираторные вирусы были выявлены в 37,7% (130/345) образцов, собранных во время дозорного надзора. Риновирусы, аденовирусы и респираторно-синцитиальные вирусы выявлялись в большом количестве в течении этого сезона

    Multi-Regge kinematics and the moduli space of Riemann spheres with marked points

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    We show that scattering amplitudes in planar N = 4 Super Yang-Mills in multi-Regge kinematics can naturally be expressed in terms of single-valued iterated integrals on the moduli space of Riemann spheres with marked points. As a consequence, scattering amplitudes in this limit can be expressed as convolutions that can easily be computed using Stokes' theorem. We apply this framework to MHV amplitudes to leading-logarithmic accuracy (LLA), and we prove that at L loops all MHV amplitudes are determined by amplitudes with up to L + 4 external legs. We also investigate non-MHV amplitudes, and we show that they can be obtained by convoluting the MHV results with a certain helicity flip kernel. We classify all leading singularities that appear at LLA in the Regge limit for arbitrary helicity configurations and any number of external legs. Finally, we use our new framework to obtain explicit analytic results at LLA for all MHV amplitudes up to five loops and all non-MHV amplitudes with up to eight external legs and four loops.Comment: 104 pages, six awesome figures and ancillary files containing the results in Mathematica forma

    Using the present to interpret the past: the role of ethnographic studies in Andean archaeology

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    Within Andean research it is common to use ethnographic analogies to aid the interpretation of archaeological remains, and ethnographers and archaeologists have developed shared research in technology, material culture and material practice. Although most of this research does not follow the detailed recording methods of spatial patterning envisioned in earlier formulations of ethnoarchaeology, it has had a profound effect on how archaeology in the region has been interpreted. This paper uses examples from the study of pottery production to address earlier debates about the use of ethnographic analogy, discusses the dangers of imposing an idealised or uniform vision of traditional Andean societies onto earlier periods (‘Lo Andino’) but stresses the benefits of combining ethnographic and archaeological research to explore continuities and changes in cultural practice and regional variations

    Assessment of the measures on health education in the field of infectious diseases for the population of the Republic of Moldova in 2006-2011

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    Department of Epidemiology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: The study of evaluating measures for health promotion and health education in the field of infectious pathologies done among the Moldovan population has been realized for the first time. Material and methods: For the analysis of data we have used the method of the epidemiological description and a statistical method. The activity of public health care institutions of different levels in the field of health education on infectious pathologies in the years 2006-2011 has been analyzed. We have evaluated the measures on health promotion and health education in the field of infectious pathologies covering 2 municipalities, 35 counties and 19 republican health facilities in the above period. This study has been based on the assessment of nine types of health promotion and health education in the field of infectious pathologies which are the following: conversations, health bulletins, methodical information, lectures, publications in press, radio, TV shows, seminars and soirees. Results: The following issues have been assessed: the volume of the infectious diseases information given as one of general measures of health promotion and health education, the volume of information on infectious diseases provided by healthcare professionals through various means in the regions of Moldova as well as highlighting the regions with the highest and lowest results of health promotion and health education measures in the field of infectious pathologies. Conclusions: The heads of public medical institutions and those of the health care facilities poorly use mass media – radio and television, including local ones for health education on treatment of infectious diseases. Local and national leaders do not use the Internet websites as an effective educational means for younger generation, who use more often Internet sites for searching the information

    A recurrent 14q32.2 microdeletion mediated by expanded TGG repeats

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    Nearly all recurrent microdeletion/duplication syndromes described to date are characterized by the presence of flanking low copy repeats that act as substrates for non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) leading to the loss, gain or disruption of dosage sensitive genes. We describe an identical 1.11 Mb heterozygous deletion of 14q32.2 including the DLK1/GTL2 imprinted gene cluster in two unrelated patients. In both patients, the deleted chromosome 14 was of paternal origin, and consistent with this both exhibit clinical features compatible with uniparental disomy (UPD) (14)mat. Using a high-resolution oligonucleotide array, we mapped the breakpoints of this recurrent deletion to large flanking (TGG)(n) tandem repeats, each approximately 500 bp in size and sharing > or =88% homology. These expanded (TGG)(n) motifs share features with known fragile sites and are predicted to form strong guanine quadruplex secondary structures. We suggest that this recurrent deletion is mediated either by NAHR between the TGG repeats, or alternatively results from their inherent instability and/or strong secondary structure. Our results define a recurrent microdeletion of the 14q32.2 imprinted gene cluster mediated by flanking (TGG)(n) repeats, identifying a novel mechanism of recurrent genomic rearrangement. Our observation that expanded repeats can act as catalysts for genomic rearrangement extends the role of triplet repeats in human disease, raising the possibility that similar repeat structures may act as substrates for pathogenic rearrangements genome-wide

    The Persistence of the Black Colour in Magnetite‐Based Pigments in Prehispanic Ceramics of the Argentine North‐West

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    The persistence of the black colour in magnetite-containing paints in polychrome ceramics of the Argentine North-West processed under conditions considered as oxidant has generated questions about ancient production technologies. In this work, the thermal oxidation reaction of magnetite to hematite under different temperatures, atmospheres and physicochemical characteristics of the materials is experimentally evaluated. The causes of this behaviour are elucidated, and it is concluded that in the archaeological context, a double-firing process was not necessary to achieve the coexistence of different colours.Fil: Puente, Veronica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Historia. Laboratorio de Arqueología Regional Bonaerense; ArgentinaFil: Porto López, J. M.. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Historia. Laboratorio de Arqueología Regional Bonaerense; ArgentinaFil: Desimone, Paula Mariela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales; ArgentinaFil: Botta, Pablo Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales; Argentin