80 research outputs found

    The European military helicopter industry: Trends and perspectives

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    This article discusses the European military helicopter market. It first recalls historical antecedents in the structural development of the main helicopter programs that helped to consolidate the industry and then reviews the industry’s current major trends. A paradoxical situation is identified: While European countries presently are able to cope with both, the growing needs in helicopter capabilities and the maintenance of ageing fleets, no large helicopter programs for the future have been launched. Some uncertainties regarding how future helicopter procurement will be organized are identified. The current situation underlines the challenges that European states will face to maintain both industrial skills in the industry and sovereignty in military helicopter capabilities. A number of industry options are discussed: more exports, more cooperation, more dual use, and more reliance on support and service sales

    Conceptualizing both spatial and economic organization of defense support

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    International audienceThis paper discusses the on-going transformations of the French defense support. We technically define defense support as all the means contributing to the readiness of military forces. The literature in defense economics presents very little analysis of defense support in its different forms. Neither space nor base locations have been deeply analyzed in such a literature. We try to bridge this gap by discussing and defining an original research framework. Considering both economic and spatial perspectives, we present here the preliminary steps of a theoretical framework to understand the on-going changes in defense support activities. This paper focus on the MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) processes in the three branches of the French armed forces. Several factors are involved in the organization of defense support and its cost for a country. If some of them are related to economic activities in general (e.g. budget constraint, cost of inputs, nature of the technology), others represent more specific constraints due to the military nature of defense support activities (e.g. strategic choices in location, technology-driven systems, ageing of military platforms, intensification of operations and its consequences for the obsolescence of systems). Considering both economic and spatial leverages, how can the cost of attaining defense capabilities be minimized under the previous constraints? We focus on the array of measures that surround French defense support in MRO since the end of the 1990s. Considering the importance of economic activities related to defense support, this contribution aims at discussing the evolution of defense support and its costs for the State. More precisely with the tools of spatial economics we expect to examine the concept of optimum in the defense system and new type of economic interconnections (e.g. Public Private Partnerships and outsourcing) between military and civilian activities. More broadly speaking, this path of research could help us to better understand the new type of economic interrelations between defense organization and "territory" as a social fabric

    Technological change and disruptive trends in the support of defense systems in France

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    International audienceDefense support is defined as all the means contributing to the readiness of military forces. The literature in defense economics presents very little analysis of defense support in its different forms. Neither space nor base locations have been deeply analyzed in that literature. This paper aims to bridge this gap by discussing and defining preliminary steps of a research agenda in order to connect defense and spatial economics in the case of defense support activities. This contribution discusses the on-going transformations and especially technological changes in the MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) of defense systems in the French army. With concepts from spatial economics, this paper aims at examining the geographic pattern of the defense system and new types of economic interconnections (e.g. outsourcing, Public Private Partnerships and "productive duality") between military and civilian activities. This paper aims to answer to the following questions: What are the main trends in the evolution of defense support for modern defense platforms that embody increasing technology? What are the consequences of such trends for the defense system as a whole? Finally, considering both economic and spatial organizational innovations, how can the defense support system be optimized

    Le facteur spatial en économie de la défense : application à l'organisation du Maintien en Condition Opérationnelle (MCO) des matériels de défense

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    This research discusses public policies related to the spatial organization of defense production as a public good with industrial dimensions. Our framework enables to incorporate the spatial factor in modeling such a production. How to integrate geographical space in defense economics? How does space structure the organization of defense production? Conversely, how does defense production structure space? Our research deals with the case of France and more particularly with the Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) of French defense equipment. In France, according to the Direction GĂ©nĂ©rale de l’Armement, MRO costs represent between 35% and 50% of the whole life cycle cost of defense equipment. In 2012, they accounted for about 15% of total French defense budget. Optimizing MRO costs has become a top priority issue since the beginning of the 1990s. Such costs are still of concern during the 2010-2014 period, since maintenance equipment expenditures are rising about 8.7% on average. A good management of MRO aims at keeping – or improving – the availability of defense equipment while at the same time reducing MRO costs. With this objective and considering the evolution of the sizes of army sections and their equipment, the spatial organization of MRO appears as a structuring dimension from both static and dynamic perspectives. The dissertation is organized in four chapters: Chapter I is a literature review that legitimates the methodological approach adopted in this research. We survey the regional economics literature that has mainly focused on the location of defense activities within their surrounding economic environment. Chapter II examines the contemporary transformations in French defense (doctrine, budget and size of the army) in order to identify the geographic consequences of such changes. Chapter III deals with the evolution of MRO since the end of the Cold War. We study the evolution of the availability of military platforms, the MRO costs evolution and the main reforms that the French State put in place to improve the management of MRO. Chapter IV discusses the optimal spatial organization of defense MRO. Our model suggests that space provides an opportunity to optimize MRO cost. However, it remains a constraint that is hard to cope with, because of transport costs but also due to the military nature of MRO. We model a strategic constraint with an Operational Social Cost.This constraint takes into account the intrinsic specificities of military activities (e.g. availability of military platforms, strategic imposed locations). It allows us to underline and to discuss the balance of forces between agglomeration and dispersion in the production of defense MRO. The main contribution of this research is to incorporate space in modeling defense production. We defend the idea that the organization of defense production cannot be understood without taking space into account. Optimizing the defense effort is based on a spatial dimension inherent to the concept of defense itself and the territory that has to be defended. As a result, economic research about optimality in the spatial organization of defense should fit in a spatial framework. Beyond MRO matters, our methodology can be applied to other dimensions of defense and more particularly in a multinational framework with two countries, several countries or within an alliance.Cette thĂšse questionne les choix de politiques publiques relatifs Ă  l’organisation spatiale de la production de dĂ©fense en tant que bien public. Notre cadre d’analyse permet d’intĂ©grer le facteur spatial dans la modĂ©lisation de cette production.Comment intĂ©grer l’espace en Ă©conomie de la dĂ©fense ? Comment l’espace structure-t-il l’organisation de la production de dĂ©fense ? Et inversement, comment la production de dĂ©fense structure-t-elle l’espace ? Notre travail s’intĂ©resse plus particuliĂšrement au cas de la France et plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment de la maintenance ou Maintien en Condition OpĂ©rationnelle (MCO) des matĂ©riels de dĂ©fense. En France, selon la Direction GĂ©nĂ©rale de l’Armement, les coĂ»ts de MCO se situent gĂ©nĂ©ralement entre 35 % et 50 % du coĂ»t global de possession des matĂ©riels. En 2012, ils reprĂ©sentaient environ 15 % du budget de la dĂ©fense. La maĂźtrise de ces coĂ»ts est devenue un enjeu de premier ordre depuis les annĂ©es 1990. Ils constituent un problĂšme d’actualitĂ© : sur la pĂ©riode 2010-2014, ces dĂ©penses vont augmenter de 8,7 % en moyenne. La bonne maĂźtrise du MCO vise Ă  maintenir – ou amĂ©liorer – la disponibilitĂ© des matĂ©riels de dĂ©fense tout en rĂ©duisant les coĂ»ts du MCO. Dans cet objectif, l’organisation spatiale du MCO est une dimension structurante d’un point de vue statique comme dynamique, compte tenu des Ă©volutions Ă  la fois du format des armĂ©es et de leurs Ă©quipements. La thĂšse est organisĂ©e autour de quatre chapitres : Le premier chapitre fait une revue de la littĂ©rature concernant les relations entre les activitĂ©s de dĂ©fense et les territoires dans lesquelles elles s’inscrivent. Le deuxiĂšme chapitre examine les transformations contemporaines de la dĂ©fense française en termes de doctrine, de budget et de dimensionnement des armĂ©es pour identifier les consĂ©quences gĂ©ographiques de ces transformations. Le troisiĂšme chapitre s’intĂ©resse Ă  l’évolution du MCO des matĂ©riels de dĂ©fense depuis la fin de la guerre froide. Nous Ă©tudions plus spĂ©cifiquement la disponibilitĂ© des matĂ©riels, l’évolution des coĂ»ts du MCO et les rĂ©formes mises en place par le dĂ©cideur public pour amĂ©liorer le MCO. Le quatriĂšme chapitre questionne l’organisation spatiale optimale du MCO. Notre modĂ©lisation montre que l’espace peut ĂȘtre un instrument d’optimisation des coĂ»ts du MCO des matĂ©riels de dĂ©fense. Cependant, il demeure une contrainte dont il est difficile de s’affranchir en raison de l’existence de coĂ»ts de transport, mais aussi et surtout de la nature mĂȘme des activitĂ©s de dĂ©fense. Nous modĂ©lisons alors une contrainte stratĂ©gique sous la forme d’un coĂ»t social opĂ©rationnel. Cette contrainte tient compte des spĂ©cificitĂ©s intrinsĂšques des activitĂ©s militaires (e.g. disponibilitĂ© des matĂ©riels, localisations stratĂ©giques imposĂ©es). Elle nous permet de souligner et de discuter l’équilibre de forces qui existe entre agglomĂ©ration et dispersion dans la production de MCO. L’apport de cette thĂšse est de permettre d’intĂ©grer le facteur spatial dans la modĂ©lisation de la production de dĂ©fense. Nous dĂ©fendons l’idĂ©e que la comprĂ©hension de l’organisation de la production de dĂ©fense ne peut se faire en faisant abstraction de l’espace. L’optimisation de l’effort de dĂ©fense repose sur une dimension spatiale inhĂ©rente au concept mĂȘme de dĂ©fense et de territoire Ă  dĂ©fendre. En consĂ©quence, les recherches sur l’optimalitĂ© de l’organisation de la production de dĂ©fense ne peuvent que s’inscrire dans un cadre d’analyse spatiale. Cette mĂ©thodologie peut s’appliquer Ă  d’autres dimensions de la dĂ©fense que le MCO et dans un cadre multinational entre deux pays, plusieurs pays ou au sein d’une alliance

    Conceptualizing both spatial and economic organization of defense support

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    International audienceThis paper discusses the on-going transformations of the French defense support. We technically define defense support as all the means contributing to the readiness of military forces. The literature in defense economics presents very little analysis of defense support in its different forms. Neither space nor base locations have been deeply analyzed in such a literature. We try to bridge this gap by discussing and defining an original research framework. Considering both economic and spatial perspectives, we present here the preliminary steps of a theoretical framework to understand the on-going changes in defense support activities. This paper focus on the MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) processes in the three branches of the French armed forces. Several factors are involved in the organization of defense support and its cost for a country. If some of them are related to economic activities in general (e.g. budget constraint, cost of inputs, nature of the technology), others represent more specific constraints due to the military nature of defense support activities (e.g. strategic choices in location, technology-driven systems, ageing of military platforms, intensification of operations and its consequences for the obsolescence of systems). Considering both economic and spatial leverages, how can the cost of attaining defense capabilities be minimized under the previous constraints? We focus on the array of measures that surround French defense support in MRO since the end of the 1990s. Considering the importance of economic activities related to defense support, this contribution aims at discussing the evolution of defense support and its costs for the State. More precisely with the tools of spatial economics we expect to examine the concept of optimum in the defense system and new type of economic interconnections (e.g. Public Private Partnerships and outsourcing) between military and civilian activities. More broadly speaking, this path of research could help us to better understand the new type of economic interrelations between defense organization and "territory" as a social fabric

    La nécessaire réorganisation de l'industrie de défense en Europe

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    National audienceSi le statu quo semble intenable au plan industriel, si une nouvelle phase de consolidation transeuropéenne des industries d'armement semble inéluctable, les différentes options possibles pour la réaliser semblent encore difficiles à conduire aujourd'hui. Tel est le constat que font les auteurs

    The spatial factor in defense economics : an application to the Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) of defense equipment

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    Cette thĂšse questionne les choix de politiques publiques relatifs Ă  l’organisation spatiale de la production de dĂ©fense en tant que bien public. Notre cadre d’analyse permet d’intĂ©grer le facteur spatial dans la modĂ©lisation de cette production.Comment intĂ©grer l’espace en Ă©conomie de la dĂ©fense ? Comment l’espace structure-t-il l’organisation de la production de dĂ©fense ? Et inversement, comment la production de dĂ©fense structure-t-elle l’espace ? Notre travail s’intĂ©resse plus particuliĂšrement au cas de la France et plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment de la maintenance ou Maintien en Condition OpĂ©rationnelle (MCO) des matĂ©riels de dĂ©fense. En France, selon la Direction GĂ©nĂ©rale de l’Armement, les coĂ»ts de MCO se situent gĂ©nĂ©ralement entre 35 % et 50 % du coĂ»t global de possession des matĂ©riels. En 2012, ils reprĂ©sentaient environ 15 % du budget de la dĂ©fense. La maĂźtrise de ces coĂ»ts est devenue un enjeu de premier ordre depuis les annĂ©es 1990. Ils constituent un problĂšme d’actualitĂ© : sur la pĂ©riode 2010-2014, ces dĂ©penses vont augmenter de 8,7 % en moyenne. La bonne maĂźtrise du MCO vise Ă  maintenir – ou amĂ©liorer – la disponibilitĂ© des matĂ©riels de dĂ©fense tout en rĂ©duisant les coĂ»ts du MCO. Dans cet objectif, l’organisation spatiale du MCO est une dimension structurante d’un point de vue statique comme dynamique, compte tenu des Ă©volutions Ă  la fois du format des armĂ©es et de leurs Ă©quipements. La thĂšse est organisĂ©e autour de quatre chapitres : Le premier chapitre fait une revue de la littĂ©rature concernant les relations entre les activitĂ©s de dĂ©fense et les territoires dans lesquelles elles s’inscrivent. Le deuxiĂšme chapitre examine les transformations contemporaines de la dĂ©fense française en termes de doctrine, de budget et de dimensionnement des armĂ©es pour identifier les consĂ©quences gĂ©ographiques de ces transformations. Le troisiĂšme chapitre s’intĂ©resse Ă  l’évolution du MCO des matĂ©riels de dĂ©fense depuis la fin de la guerre froide. Nous Ă©tudions plus spĂ©cifiquement la disponibilitĂ© des matĂ©riels, l’évolution des coĂ»ts du MCO et les rĂ©formes mises en place par le dĂ©cideur public pour amĂ©liorer le MCO. Le quatriĂšme chapitre questionne l’organisation spatiale optimale du MCO. Notre modĂ©lisation montre que l’espace peut ĂȘtre un instrument d’optimisation des coĂ»ts du MCO des matĂ©riels de dĂ©fense. Cependant, il demeure une contrainte dont il est difficile de s’affranchir en raison de l’existence de coĂ»ts de transport, mais aussi et surtout de la nature mĂȘme des activitĂ©s de dĂ©fense. Nous modĂ©lisons alors une contrainte stratĂ©gique sous la forme d’un coĂ»t social opĂ©rationnel. Cette contrainte tient compte des spĂ©cificitĂ©s intrinsĂšques des activitĂ©s militaires (e.g. disponibilitĂ© des matĂ©riels, localisations stratĂ©giques imposĂ©es). Elle nous permet de souligner et de discuter l’équilibre de forces qui existe entre agglomĂ©ration et dispersion dans la production de MCO. L’apport de cette thĂšse est de permettre d’intĂ©grer le facteur spatial dans la modĂ©lisation de la production de dĂ©fense. Nous dĂ©fendons l’idĂ©e que la comprĂ©hension de l’organisation de la production de dĂ©fense ne peut se faire en faisant abstraction de l’espace. L’optimisation de l’effort de dĂ©fense repose sur une dimension spatiale inhĂ©rente au concept mĂȘme de dĂ©fense et de territoire Ă  dĂ©fendre. En consĂ©quence, les recherches sur l’optimalitĂ© de l’organisation de la production de dĂ©fense ne peuvent que s’inscrire dans un cadre d’analyse spatiale. Cette mĂ©thodologie peut s’appliquer Ă  d’autres dimensions de la dĂ©fense que le MCO et dans un cadre multinational entre deux pays, plusieurs pays ou au sein d’une alliance.This research discusses public policies related to the spatial organization of defense production as a public good with industrial dimensions. Our framework enables to incorporate the spatial factor in modeling such a production. How to integrate geographical space in defense economics? How does space structure the organization of defense production? Conversely, how does defense production structure space? Our research deals with the case of France and more particularly with the Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) of French defense equipment. In France, according to the Direction GĂ©nĂ©rale de l’Armement, MRO costs represent between 35% and 50% of the whole life cycle cost of defense equipment. In 2012, they accounted for about 15% of total French defense budget. Optimizing MRO costs has become a top priority issue since the beginning of the 1990s. Such costs are still of concern during the 2010-2014 period, since maintenance equipment expenditures are rising about 8.7% on average. A good management of MRO aims at keeping – or improving – the availability of defense equipment while at the same time reducing MRO costs. With this objective and considering the evolution of the sizes of army sections and their equipment, the spatial organization of MRO appears as a structuring dimension from both static and dynamic perspectives. The dissertation is organized in four chapters: Chapter I is a literature review that legitimates the methodological approach adopted in this research. We survey the regional economics literature that has mainly focused on the location of defense activities within their surrounding economic environment. Chapter II examines the contemporary transformations in French defense (doctrine, budget and size of the army) in order to identify the geographic consequences of such changes. Chapter III deals with the evolution of MRO since the end of the Cold War. We study the evolution of the availability of military platforms, the MRO costs evolution and the main reforms that the French State put in place to improve the management of MRO. Chapter IV discusses the optimal spatial organization of defense MRO. Our model suggests that space provides an opportunity to optimize MRO cost. However, it remains a constraint that is hard to cope with, because of transport costs but also due to the military nature of MRO. We model a strategic constraint with an Operational Social Cost.This constraint takes into account the intrinsic specificities of military activities (e.g. availability of military platforms, strategic imposed locations). It allows us to underline and to discuss the balance of forces between agglomeration and dispersion in the production of defense MRO. The main contribution of this research is to incorporate space in modeling defense production. We defend the idea that the organization of defense production cannot be understood without taking space into account. Optimizing the defense effort is based on a spatial dimension inherent to the concept of defense itself and the territory that has to be defended. As a result, economic research about optimality in the spatial organization of defense should fit in a spatial framework. Beyond MRO matters, our methodology can be applied to other dimensions of defense and more particularly in a multinational framework with two countries, several countries or within an alliance
