281 research outputs found

    Business' participation in the city's revitalisation processes – the case of Katowice

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    This article focuses on issues related to inclusion of the business sector in the process of revitalization and socio-economic development of a city, in this case the city of Katowice. A broader engagement of the business sector, in the form of investment projects as well as building an ecosystem, determines the success of economic revitalization and the economic viability of crisis areas. The aim of this paper is to present the scale of business engagement in Katowice revitalization projects, as well to indentify the expectations of the business sector in relation to the processes of urban revitalization. In terms of methodology, the study is based on case studies and on focus group interviews (FGI) which were held with selected business sectors in Katowice in 2016.Artykuł dotyczy zagadnień związanych z włączeniem sektora biznesu w proces rewitalizacji i społeczno-ekonomicznego rozwoju miasta. Założeniem badawczym jest postulowane szersze zaangażowanie sektora biznesu w formie projektów inwestycyjnych, jak również tworzenie ekosystemu determinującego rewitalizację ekonomiczną i żywotność ekonomiczną obszarów kryzysowych. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie skali zaangażowania sektora biznesu w projekty rewitalizacyjne w Katowicach, a także identyfikacja oczekiwań sektora biznesu dotyczących procesów miejskiej rewitalizacji. W ujęciu metodycznym badania bazują na metodach: studiów przypadków, zogniskowanych wywiadów grupowych (FGI), które były prowadzone z wybranymi sektorami biznesu w Katowicach w 2016 roku

    Evaluation of Local Development Strategies and Process of Their Implementation in the Silesia Region (?)

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    The paper is devoted to problems connected with adaptation of a strategic approach to the process of a local development planning by local authorities in the Silesia region. This approach have been popularised among the local governments in Poland in the second half of the 90?s mainly due to the possibilities of utilisation of the EU pre-accession funds (e.g. PHARE). Hence the paper is an attempt of evaluation of the local development strategies utility in polish conditions under the experiences of the Silesian county towns. On the basis of the questionnaires and interviews? carried out among all the Silesian county towns and cities with the local authorities? representatives (mainly mayors and head of local government departments) ? cross-evaluation was shown in the following aspects: methodology of local development strategy formulation; comprehension by local authorities the terms of development, strategies, goals, objectives; projects identification and defining; motivation which drives to take up the works on a strategy documentation; organisational changes connected with the strategy implementation process as well as real results and impacts of the strategies. In the field of the strategic planning methodology the degree of the advancement in using the strategy approach by local self-government was determined. Groups of county towns and cities with relatively great and small record of experience in using a strategy was distinguish. The research also was focused on the towns which have not a strategy, but their process of local development is visible with the naked eye. The above mentioned case studies enabled to do evaluation of the strategy approach usefulness in local development planning. It was also shown the participation of local communities, SMEs and other institution in a strategy formulation. Very interesting was the survey findings connected with the motivation of carry out the strategy formulation process and perceiving its desire effects. The general typology of motivation stimulus was shown. For example, it contains factors like: intentions to change a town image, desire to attract external investors, improving the local government effectiveness as well as imitation of behaviours of other towns and cities. The attention was also paid on the process of the strategic goals and objectives creation, their evaluation measures and identification of projects. The research confirmed a number of disagreements between objectives and projects and the lack of objectives measurement that, in practice enables to evaluate the advancement of their realisation. One of the key weaknesses of Silesian county towns strategies is the practice of defining the objectives in the large -extent that makes loss of concentration on serious local problems and ability to list almost unlimited number of projects, with a lack of hierarchy among them. Another aspect of the paper is focused on determination of using projects assessment methods by local governments in the financial, economical, environmental, social, technological, and risk aspects. The Silesia region experience proves a lack of system approach to project assessment and evaluation as well as problems with clear choice criteria determination.

    Persicaria nepalensis (Polygonaceae) : a new potentially invasive anthropophyte in the Polish flora

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    Persicaria nepalensis (L.) Mill. is an annual herb occurring natively in South, East and Southeast Asia, having a range extending from Oceania to East Africa. Here we report the first Polish stand of this species, found in 2011 near Baligród (Western Bieszczady Mountains), followed by the discovery of two more stands in the surrounding area up to 2013. The floristic composition of vegetation impacted by P. nepalensis is presented, and the invasive potential and pathways of introduction of the species are briefly discussed

    Tackling the 3 P\u27s in an LSP Migration: Policies, Procedures, and (Best) Practices for Technical Services

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    This session reviews an approach to refreshing policies, procedures, and practices following a migration to a library services platform (LSP). Using a method of intensive collaboration, we revised and developed new workflows to optimize consortial and international standards while evaluating and updating local policies and procedures with a critical eye. We designed templates and procedures incorporating standards established by Collaborative Futures partners, and including other international standards, such as CONSER, RDA, BIBCO and PCC

    Przykład długotrwałej efektywnej terapii celowanej pacjenta z przerzutowym rakiem nerki

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    Chory w wieku 67 lat zgłosił się w marcu 2007 r. dolekarza pierwszego kontaktu z powodu osłabienia orazduszności

    Przykład długotrwałej terapii paliatywnej chorego z jasnokomórkowym rakiem nerki

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    Pacjenta w wieku 62 lat diagnozowano od w kwietnia2005 r. z powodu trudnego do wyrównania nadciśnieniatętniczego. Chory źle się czuł od stycznia 2005 r.: zgłaszałbóle głowy, brzucha, bezsenność, drażliwość. Przypadkow

    Underpricing effect in Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic

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    Alle drei Länder haben 1989 am gleichen Startpunkt angefangen, sie mussten nämlich Marktwirtschaftreformen und Privatisierung durchführen. Kurz nach dem Start haben sich aber ihre Wege getrennt. Nach 17 Jahren kann man von über 3 verschiedenen Privatisierungsbeispielen sprechen. Dieses Thema ist ziemlich unfangreich, deshalb möchte ich mich nur auf den Underpricingeffekt in Polen, Ungarn und Tschechien konzentrieren. Meine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass dieser Effekt in diesen 3 Ländern unterschiedlich stark ist und die Privatisierungsmethode ihn beeinflussen könnte. Auf der ungarischen und polnischen Börse kann man die „heißen“ und „kalten“ Phasen erkennen. Ziemlich unüblich ist, dass man den „money left on the table“-Effekt in Polen beobachten kann, aber die Geldsummen minimal sind.Under the communistic regime whole economy was controlled by the Central Planning Office. When the communistic regime collapsed the whole economy had to be transformed in order to meet open market standards. One of these standards is privatisation process. Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland choose a different approach to this issue, because they implied different strategies. Actually you can speak about three different privatisation scenarios

    A comparative study of differential selection pressure over the nesting cycle in birds

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    Reproductive allocation varies greatly across species and is determined by their life-history and ecology. This variation is usually assessed as the number of eggs or propagules (hereafter: fecundity). However, in species with parental care, individuals face trade-offs that affect the allocation of resources among the stages of reproduction as well as to reproduction as a whole. Thus, it is critical to look beyond fecundity to understand the evolution of life-histories and how investment into different reproductive components interact with each other. Here we assessed the influence of species-specific traits and ecological factors on interspecific variation in reproductive performance at each nesting stage of 72 avian populations. Annual productivity was unrelated to annual fecundity. Annual fecundity correlated positively with a fast life-history pace, precociality and non-migratory habits, but these traits were unrelated to reproductive success. Rather, the breeding ecology of a species determined productivity at each stage of nesting, but did not influence fecundity. These results challenge prevailing theory and emphasize that conclusions of interspecific variation in fitness based on numbers of eggs may be equivocal. Moreover, parental decisions regarding reproductive allocation face diverse constraints at different stages of reproduction, influencing the evolution of reproductive tactics in species with parental care

    Przykład 9-miesięcznej terapii ewerolimusem u chorego na zaawansowanego raka nerkowokomórkowego

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    Pacjent w wieku 58 lat, dotychczas nieleczony z powodupoważniejszych chorób, zgłosił się do lekarzapierwszego kontaktu w październiku 2008 r. z powodukrwiomoczu. W rodzinie nie występowały zachorowaniana nowotwory złośliwe. Chory nie palił tytoniu