4,326 research outputs found

    Local oxidation of Ga[Al]As heterostructures with modulated tip-sample voltages

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    Nanolithography based on local oxidation with a scanning force microscope has been performed on an undoped GaAs wafer and a Ga[Al]As heterostructure with an undoped GaAs cap layer and a shallow two-dimensional electron gas. The oxide growth and the resulting electronic properties of the patterned structures are compared for constant and modulated voltage applied to the conductive tip of the scanning force microscope. All the lithography has been performed in non-contact mode. Modulating the applied voltage enhances the aspect ratio of the oxide lines, which significantly strengthens the insulating properties of the lines on GaAs. In addition, the oxidation process is found to be more reliable and reproducible. Using this technique, a quantum point contact and a quantum wire have been defined and the electronic stability, the confinement potential and the electrical tunability are demonstrated to be similar to the oxidation with constant voltage.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted by J. Appl. Phy

    Range Queries on Uncertain Data

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    Given a set PP of nn uncertain points on the real line, each represented by its one-dimensional probability density function, we consider the problem of building data structures on PP to answer range queries of the following three types for any query interval II: (1) top-11 query: find the point in PP that lies in II with the highest probability, (2) top-kk query: given any integer knk\leq n as part of the query, return the kk points in PP that lie in II with the highest probabilities, and (3) threshold query: given any threshold τ\tau as part of the query, return all points of PP that lie in II with probabilities at least τ\tau. We present data structures for these range queries with linear or nearly linear space and efficient query time.Comment: 26 pages. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in ISAAC 2014. In this full version, we also present solutions to the most general case of the problem (i.e., the histogram bounded case), which were left as open problems in the preliminary versio

    Chaotic memristor

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    We suggest and experimentally demonstrate a chaotic memory resistor (memristor). The core of our approach is to use a resistive system whose equations of motion for its internal state variables are similar to those describing a particle in a multi-well potential. Using a memristor emulator, the chaotic memristor is realized and its chaotic properties are measured. A Poincar\'{e} plot showing chaos is presented for a simple nonautonomous circuit involving only a voltage source directly connected in series to a memristor and a standard resistor. We also explore theoretically some details of this system, plotting the attractor and calculating Lyapunov exponents. The multi-well potential used resembles that of many nanoscale memristive devices, suggesting the possibility of chaotic dynamics in other existing memristive systems.Comment: Applied Physics A (in press

    European wildcat populations are subdivided into five main biogeographic groups: consequences of Pleistocene climate changes or recent anthropogenic fragmentation?

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    Extant populations of the European wildcat are fragmented across the continent, the likely consequence of recent extirpations due to habitat loss and over-hunting. However, their underlying phylogeographic history has never been reconstructed. For testing the hypothesis that the European wildcat survived the Ice Age fragmented in Mediterranean refuges, we assayed the genetic variation at 31 microsatellites in 668 presumptive European wildcats sampled in 15 European countries. Moreover, to evaluate the extent of subspecies/population divergence and identify eventual wild × domestic cat hybrids, we genotyped 26 African wildcats from Sardinia and North Africa and 294 random-bred domestic cats. Results of multivariate analyses and Bayesian clustering confirmed that the European wild and the domestic cats (plus the African wildcats) belong to two well-differentiated clusters (average Ф ST = 0.159, r st = 0.392, P > 0.001; Analysis of molecular variance [AMOVA]). We identified from c. 5% to 10% cryptic hybrids in southern and central European populations. In contrast, wild-living cats in Hungary and Scotland showed deep signatures of genetic admixture and introgression with domestic cats. The European wildcats are subdivided into five main genetic clusters (average Ф ST = 0.103, r st = 0.143, P > 0.001; AMOVA) corresponding to five biogeographic groups, respectively, distributed in the Iberian Peninsula, central Europe, central Germany, Italian Peninsula and the island of Sicily, and in north-eastern Italy and northern Balkan regions (Dinaric Alps). Approximate Bayesian Computation simulations supported late Pleistocene-early Holocene population splittings (from c. 60 k to 10 k years ago), contemporary to the last Ice Age climatic changes. These results provide evidences for wildcat Mediterranean refuges in southwestern Europe, but the evolution history of eastern wildcat populations remains to be clarified. Historical genetic subdivisions suggest conservation strategies aimed at enhancing gene flow through the restoration of ecological corridors within each biogeographic units. Concomitantly, the risk of hybridization with free-ranging domestic cats along corridor edges should be carefully monitored

    Cotunneling-mediated transport through excited states in the Coulomb blockade regime

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    We present finite bias transport measurements on a few-electron quantum dot. In the Coulomb blockade regime, strong signatures of inelastic cotunneling occur which can directly be assigned to excited states observed in the non-blockaded regime. In addition, we observe structures related to sequential tunneling through the dot, occuring after it has been excited by an inelastic cotunneling process. We explain our findings using transport calculations within the real-time Green's function approach, including diagrams up to fourth order in the tunneling matrix elements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Angular dependent vortex pinning mechanisms in YBCO coated conductors and thin films

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    We present a comparative study of the angular dependent critical current density in YBa2Cu3O7 films deposited on IBAD MgO and on single crystal MgO and SrTiO3 substrates. We identify three angular regimes where pinning is dominated by different types of correlated and uncorrelated defects. We show that those regimes are present in all cases, indicating that the pinning mechanisms are the same, but their extension and characteristics are sample dependent, reflecting the quantitative differences in texture and defect density. In particular, the more defective nature of the films on IBAD turns into an advantage as it results in stronger vortex pinning, demonstrating that the critical current density of the films on single crystals is not an upper limit for the performance of the IBAD coated conductors.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to AP

    Isospectrality in Chaotic Billiards

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    We consider a modification of isospectral cavities whereby the classical dynamics changes from pseudointegrable to chaotic. We construct an example where we can prove that isospectrality is retained. We then demonstrate this explicitly in microwave resonators.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Normal state properties of high angle grain boundaries in (Y,Ca)Ba2Cu3O7-delta

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    By lithographically fabricating an optimised Wheatstone bridge geometry, we have been able to make accurate measurements of the resistance of grain boundaries in Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7-d between the superconducting transition temperature, Tc, and room temperature. Below Tc the normal state properties were assessed by applying sufficiently high currents. The behaviour of the grain boundary resistance versus temperature and of the conductance versus voltage are discussed in the framework charge transport through a tunnel barrier. The influence of misorientation angle, oxygen content, and calcium doping on the normal state properties is related to changes of the height and shape of the grain boundary potential barrier.Comment: 17 pages, 1 table, 5 figures, submitted to PR