215 research outputs found

    Acculturative Stress and Latino Depression: The Mediating Role of Behavioral and Cognitive Resources

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    Although research has found that acculturative stress is significantly associated with adverse psychological adjustment among Latinos, the mechanism by which this relationship exists is not clearly understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of behavioral and cognitive resources—active coping and self-efficacy, respectively—as mediators of the relationship between acculturative stress and depression among a sample of Latina/o adults (N = 469). Multiple mediator analysis indicated that active coping partially mediated the relationship between acculturative stress and depression symptom severity. The indirect relationship of acculturative stress to depression symptom severity through self-efficacy was not significant. The results suggest that acculturative stress directly relates to Latino psychological adjustment, and lower behavioral active coping partially accounts for this relationship. Results are discussed in the context of culturally based stress and coping models, wherein the relationship between stressors and subsequent psychological adjustment is influenced by the degree of fit between stressor demands and individuals’ resources. Implications for treatment and theory are discussed

    Discrimination, Acculturation, Acculturative Stress, and Latino Psychological Distress: A Moderated-Mediational Model

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    Prior research has found that perceived discrimination is associated with adverse mental health outcomes among Latinos. However, the process by which this relationship occurs remains an understudied area. The present study investigated the role of acculturative stress in underlying the relationship between perceived discrimination and Latino psychological distress. Also examined was the ability of acculturation to serve as a moderator between perceived discrimination and acculturative stress. Among a sample of Latino adults (N = 669), moderated mediational analyses revealed that acculturative stress mediated the perceived discrimination-psychological distress relationship, and that the link between perceived discrimination and acculturative stress was moderated by Anglo behavioral orientation but not Latino behavioral orientation. The findings are discussed within a stress and coping perspective that identifies the psychological consequences associated with perceived discrimination and acculturative stress

    Stress-Generation Processes in Latinos: The Roles of Acculturation, Acculturative Stress, and Intercultural Competence

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    Using a brief longitudinal design, this study examined the role of cultural adaptation processes (acculturation, acculturative stress, and intercultural competence) in predicting depression symptoms among Latinos living in the United States. Based on previous research employing stress generation processes (e.g., Hammen, 2005), it was hypothesized that depression symptoms measured at baseline predicted dependent stressful life events measured at six-month follow-up. It was further hypothesized that depression symptoms measured at baseline predicted dependent stressful life events measured at six-month follow-up indirectly through acculturation, acculturative stress, and intercultural competence, also measured at six-month follow-up. Finally, it was hypothesized that six-month follow-up acculturation, acculturative stress, and intercultural competence predicted severity of six-month follow-up depression symptoms indirectly through dependent stressful life events. Although results did not support study hypotheses, supplementary analyses found support for a longitudinal relationship between baseline dependent stressful life events and six-month follow-up acculturative stress mediated by baseline depression. Supplementary analyses also found evidence of possible longitudinal relationship between Latino acculturation and six-month follow-up acculturative stress mediated by baseline depression at the trend level of significance. Results are discussed in the context of a transactional relationship between stress and depression and the possible corresponding influence of this relationship on the cultural adaptation experience of Latinos living in the United States

    Microaggressions and Psychological Functioning among High Achieving African-Americans: A Mixed-Methods Approach

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    Racial microaggressions and their influence on mental health were examined among African American doctoral students and graduates of doctoral programs. Using a mixed-methods approach, the current study first identified the types of microaggressions reported by African American participants (N = 97) and then investigated the mechanism by which these experiences influence mental health over time with a separate sample of African Americans (N = 107). The qualitative findings revealed three categories of microaggressions including Assumption of Criminality/Second-Class Citizen, Underestimation of Personal Ability, and Cultural/racial Isolation. The quantitative analyses found support for a moderated-mediational model by which Underestimation of Personal Ability was associated with greater perceived stress at one-year follow-up, which in turn was related to greater depressive symptoms. Active coping was found to moderate the racial microaggression-perceived stress link such that individuals who endorse active coping behaviors reported lower perceived stress. These findings are discussed in terms of practical and theoretical implications regarding the role of racial micro-aggressions in the lives of high-achieving African Americans and the mechanisms by which these experiences contribute to mental health problems

    The Protective Roles of Latinx Intercultural Competence and Acculturation on Acculturative Stress and Depression: A Brief Longitudinal Study

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    This study examined the ability of cognitive schemas of culturally based skills, or Latinx intercultural competence (LIC), and acculturation to influence later acculturative stress and depression symptom severity. Latinx adults (final n 98), recruited from national e-mail listings and organizations with a predominant Latinx cultural base, completed online self-report measures of Latinx and Anglo acculturation, acculturative stress, LIC, and depression symptom severity at baseline (T1) and 6-month follow-up (T2). Path analysis indicated that T1 LIC was significantly related to greater T1 Latinx and T1 Anglo acculturation, and that T1 LIC was significantly, indirectly related to lower T2 acculturative stress through greater T1 Latinx acculturation. Greater T1 Latinx acculturation, but not T1 Anglo acculturation, was significantly, indirectly related to lower T2 depression through lower T2 acculturative stress. For Latinx adults, LIC may guide the expression of culturally sanctioned behavior through greater Latinx and Anglo acculturation. Heritage-culture acculturation may be crucial in protecting against later acculturative stress and depression. Findings are discussed in the context of the person-environment fit for effective intercultural exchange, and the potential importance of strengthening ties to cultural heritage in promoting Latinx mental health

    The Impact of Nike Project 40/Generation Adidas Players on Major League Soccer

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    Created in 1997, the Nike Project40/Generation Adidas program encourages soccer players to leave college early to sign professional contracts with Major League Soccer teams, guaranteeing them a 3-year salary with two one-year options. In theory, if the best players are being chosen to this program each year, they should be outperforming those who are drafted to MLS teams but are not a part of the program. By comparing the top draft picks within and outside the program, researchers hoped to determine whether Nike/Adidas players were having a different impact on the league than their counterparts. Results showed that, of 15 statistical categories analyzed, only three resulted in a statistically significant difference between groups. Though Nike/Adidas players were outperforming players who were not a part of the program, they were not doing so at a rate to justify the claim that they have a greater impact on the league

    Type IV pili interactions promote intercellular association and moderate swarming of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitous bacterium that survives in many environments, including as an acute and chronic pathogen in humans. Substantial evidence shows that P. aeruginosa behavior is affected by its motility, and appendages known as flagella and type IV pili (TFP) are known to confer such motility. The role these appendages play when not facilitating motility or attachment, however, is unclear. Here we discern a passive intercellular role of TFP during flagellar-mediated swarming of P. aeruginosa that does not require TFP extension or retraction. We studied swarming at the cellular level using a combination of laboratory experiments and computational simulations to explain the resultant patterns of cells imaged from in vitro swarms. Namely, we used a computational model to simulate swarming and to probe for individual cell behavior that cannot currently be otherwise measured. Our simulations showed that TFP of swarming P. aeruginosa should be distributed all over the cell and that TFP−TFP interactions between cells should be a dominant mechanism that promotes cell−cell interaction, limits lone cell movement, and slows swarm expansion. This predicted physical mechanism involving TFP was confirmed in vitro using pairwise mixtures of strains with and without TFP where cells without TFP separate from cells with TFP. While TFP slow swarm expansion, we show in vitro that TFP help alter collective motion to avoid toxic compounds such as the antibiotic carbenicillin. Thus, TFP physically affect P. aeruginosa swarming by actively promoting cell-cell association and directional collective motion within motile groups to aid their survival.National Institutes of HealthIndiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institut

    I smoke to cope with pain: patients\u27 perspectives on the link between cigarette smoking and pain

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    BACKGROUND: For people with chronic pain, cigarette smoking is associated with greater pain intensity and impairment. Researchers have hypothesized a reciprocal relationship in which pain and smoking exacerbate each other, resulting in greater pain and increased smoking. This study aimed to qualitatively examine patient perspectives on this association. METHODS: A retrospective thematic analysis of smoking cessation counseling notes for 136 veterans in the Pain and Smoking Study, a tailored smoking cessation trial, was conducted. A validated codebook was applied to each counseling note by four independent coders using Atlas.ti (Atlas.ti, Berlin, Germany). Coders participated in a consensus-forming exercise with salient themes validated among the wider research team. KEY RESULTS: Participants averaged 60 years of age (range 28-77 years) and were 9% female. The median number of cigarettes smoked per day was 15, with a mean pain intensity score in the last week (from 0-10) of 5.1. While not all patients acknowledged a connection between pain and smoking, we found that (1) pain motivates smoking and helps manage pain-related distress, as a coping strategy and through cognitive distraction, and (2) pain motivates smoking but smoking does not offer pain relief. Concerns about managing pain without smoking was identified as a notable barrier to cessation. CONCLUSION: Many patients with chronic pain who smoke readily identified pain as a motivator of their smoking behavior and are reluctant to quit for this reason. Integrated interventions for smokers with pain should address these perceptions and expectancies and promote uptake of more adaptive self-management strategies for pain

    Hydrated Lanthanoid Complexes of 5-(2'-Pyridyl)tetrazole Formed in the Presence of Dimethyl Sulfoxide

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    Reaction of DMSO solvates of lanthanoid nitrates or perchlorates with 5-(2'-pyridyl)tetrazole (pytz) and triethylamine in organic solvents resulted in the unexpected crystallization of hydrates, rather than DMSO solvates. This was confirmed by the structural characterization of [Eu(pytz)3(H2O)3]. Decreasing the metal:ligand ratio in the reaction mixture resulted in the crystallization of a complex salt formulated as [Y(pytz)2(H2O)4](pytz).(Hpytz).4H2O; once again DMSO was absent from the product. Interestingly, the omission of base from one reaction resulted in the serendipitous crystallization of Hpytz in a zwitterionic form, unlike the neutral ligand structure reported previously

    Comment on Spracklandus Hoser, 2009 (Reptilia, Serpentes, ELAPIDAE): request for confirmation of the availability of the generic name and for the nomenclatural validation of the journal in which it was published (Case 3601; see BZN 70: 234–237; 71: 30–38, 133–135, 181–182, 252–253)

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