77 research outputs found

    Launching Delta Alliance, final report of phase 2

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    Delta Alliance is a network that aims to improve the resilience of the world’s deltas. It provides a foundation and framework for international knowledge sharing and development around delta issues. Phase 2 focussed on three components: developing the Delta Alliance organization, initiating network activities and (development of) research and knowledge sharing projects

    Delta's zoeken steun bij elkaar

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    Wereldwijd staan delta’s onder druk door bevolkingsgroei, industrialisatie en klimaatverandering. In de Delta Alliance zijn nu tien delta’s uit Noord- en Zuid-Amerika, Afrika, Azië en Nederland verenigd, en een tiental andere Afrikaanse en Aziatische delta’s zoeken nog aansluiting. ‘Men wil weten hoe andere delta’s met problemen omgaan’, verklaart programmamanager Wim van Driel de belangstelling. In juni 2011 is de stichting Delta Alliance International opgericht om het geheel meer slagkracht te geven en de Delta Alliance als onafhankelijk netwerk te kunnen profileren

    Knowledge for Climate (KvK) launching Delta Alliance: first phase final report

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    River delta regions worldwide experience mounting challenges in the face of global changes. River delta regions may be considered some of the wealthiest places in the world, drawing huge populations with their rich environmental resources and strong economic potentials. Yet, natural vulnerability and dense populations present great problems for many river deltas, which are aggravated by the impacts of a changing climate

    Scrum methodology in context-based secondary chemistry classes: effects on students’ achievement and on students’ perceptions of affective and metacognitive dimensions of their learning

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    Teaching with Scrum methodology includes ceremonies, roles and artefacts supporting students in planning, monitoring and directing their learning process. It scafolds students’ learning in complex and sometimes overwhelming context-based learning environments. Efects of the implementation on both students’ learning outcomes and self-reported perceptions of six afective and metacognitive outcomes were investigated. Six teachers implemented Scrum methodology in a context-based secondary chemistry module on Green Chemistry. Their classes formed the experimental group. Based on how students experienced the quality of the implementation, teachers of the experimental group were subdivided into top-teachers and growth-teachers. Consequently, their students formed two sub-experimental groups. The comparison group, which did not use Scrum methodology, consisted of students taught by four teachers. A pre-test post-test control group design was used to study its efect on students’ achievements and self-reported afective and metacognitive outcomes. Students of both experimental groups outperformed students of the comparison group with a large efect-size (top-teachers); and medium efect-size (growthteachers) on learning outcomes. Findings on students’ perceptions of afective and metacognitive outcomes revealed medium and small efects of Scrum methodology. Despite the fact that the implementation is challenging for teachers, it appears that Scrum methodology has positive efects on students’ achievement and on students’ perceptions of afective and metacognitive dimensions of their learning.NWO023.004.069Teaching and Teacher Learning (ICLON

    The Enabling Delta Life Initiative - Global Programme of Action on Deltas - Programme description

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    Being ‘hotspots’ of human activity with generally high population densities, deltas are vulnerable to changes induced by a range of driving forces, both natural and anthropogenic. In addition to already existing challenges, uncertainty of the possible impacts of climate change, low lying deltas around the world increasingly face challenges to cope with subsidence, flood risk, storms and salinization. Due to on-going urbanization, demographic growth and economic activities, which have to be combined with food production and ecosystem integrity, the demand for sustainable water allocation and sound infrastructure in deltas is omnipresent. Competing demands from a variety of sectors and stakeholders require a transparent dialogue and an enabling governance environment for sound decision-making. The complex and interrelated issues in deltas need to be specifically addressed to make these deltas more resilient and sustainable for the years to come. For that purpose the Global Water Partnership (GWP) and Delta Alliance (DA) developed the ‘Enabling Delta Life Initiative’: a Global Programme of Actions on Deltas, with support from the Netherlands International Development Programme (DGIS). This programme will be part of the Global Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) of GWP and will be jointly implemented by GWP and Delta Alliance

    Launching the Delta Alliance: business development report phase 3

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    Delta Alliance is an international knowledge-driven network organisation. Its mission is to improve the resilience of deltas through more integrated and effective efforts, building on scientific research and knowledge exchange. It aims at disclosure of knowledge for application by a wide audience of end-users from the knowledge institutions, public partners and private sector, as well as to identification of upcoming research agenda

    Enabling Delta Life - What makes managing land and water in deltas different?

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    This discussion paper describes an integrated framework for delta assessment, the need for specific strategies for deltas, especially as it relates to integrated water resources management, and taking into account the increasing interest for the institutional, socio-economic, financial and awareness-raising aspects

    Launching the Delta Alliance: Content report phase 3

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    Delta Alliance is an international knowledge-driven network organisation. Its mission is to improve the resilience of deltas through more integrated and effective efforts, building on scientific research and knowledge exchange. It aims at disclosure of knowledge for application by a wide audience of end-users from the knowledge institutions, public partners and private sector, as well as to identification of upcoming research agenda

    Comparative assessment of the vulnerability and resilience of deltas, extended version with 14 deltas : work document

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    Worldwide, deltas host dense populations and are important centres of agricultural and industrial production, and economic activity. Many deltas are areas of great ecological importance as well, featuring wetlands of high and unique biodiversity. Deltas are vulnerable to changes by natural forces and human activities. Major drivers of change are population growth, economic development, climate change and subsidence
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