11 research outputs found

    FUS pathology in ALS is linked to alterations in multiple ALS-associated proteins and rescued by drugs stimulating autophagy

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a lethal disease characterized by motor neuron degeneration and associated with aggregation of nuclear RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), including FUS. How FUS aggregation and neurodegeneration are prevented in healthy motor neurons remain critically unanswered questions. Here, we use a combination of ALS patient autopsy tissue and induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons to study the effects of FUS mutations on RBP homeostasis. We show that FUS' tendency to aggregate is normally buffered by interacting RBPs, but this buffering is lost when FUS mislocalizes to the cytoplasm due to ALS mutations. The presence of aggregation-prone FUS in the cytoplasm causes imbalances in RBP homeostasis that exacerbate neurodegeneration. However, enhancing autophagy using small molecules reduces cytoplasmic FUS, restores RBP homeostasis and rescues motor function in vivo. We conclude that disruption of RBP homeostasis plays a critical role in FUS-ALS and can be treated by stimulating autophagy

    Heading towards a dead end: The role of DND1 in germ line differentiation of human iPSCs

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    The DND microRNA-mediated repression inhibitor 1 (DND1) is a conserved RNA binding protein (RBP) that plays important roles in survival and fate maintenance of primordial germ cells (PGCs) and in the development of the male germline in zebrafish and mice. Dead end was shown to be expressed in human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), PGCs and spermatogonia, but little is known about its specific role concerning pluripotency and human germline development. Here we use CRISPR/Cas mediated knockout and PGC-like cell (PGCLC) differentiation in human iPSCs to determine if DND1 (1) plays a role in maintaining pluripotency and (2) in specification of PGCLCs. We generated several clonal lines carrying biallelic loss of function mutations and analysed their differentiation potential towards PGCLCs and their gene expression on RNA and protein levels via RNA sequencing and mass spectrometry. The generated knockout iPSCs showed no differences in pluripotency gene expression, proliferation, or trilineage differentiation potential, but yielded reduced numbers of PGCLCs as compared with their parental iPSCs. RNAseq analysis of mutated PGCLCs revealed that the overall gene expression remains like non-mutated PGCLCs. However, reduced expression of genes associated with PGC differentiation and maintenance (e.g., NANOS3, PRDM1) was observed. Together, we show that DND1 iPSCs maintain their pluripotency but exhibit a reduced differentiation to PGCLCs. This versatile model will allow further analysis of the specific mechanisms by which DND1 influences PGC differentiation and maintenance

    Proteomic Analysis of Mouse Oocytes Reveals 28 Candidate Factors of the "Reprogrammome"

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    The oocyte is the only cell of the body that can reprogram transplanted somatic nuclei and sets the gold standard for all reprogramming methods. Therefore, an in-depth characterization of its proteome holds promise to advance our understanding of reprogramming and germ cell biology. To date, limitations on oocyte numbers and proteomic technology have impeded this task, and the search for reprogramming factors has been conducted in embryonic stem (ES) cells instead. Here, we present the proteome of metaphase II mouse oocytes to a depth of 3699 proteins, which substantially extends the number of proteins identified until now in mouse oocytes and is comparable by size to the proteome of undifferentiated mouse ES cells. Twenty-eight oocyte proteins, also detected in ES cells, match the criteria of our multilevel approach to screen for reprogramming factors, namely nuclear localization, chromatin modification, and catalytic activity. Our oocyte proteome catalog thus advances the definition of the "reprogrammome", the set of molecules--proteins, RNAs, lipids, and small molecules--that enable reprogrammin

    Unique vascular phenotypes following over-expression of individual VEGFA isoforms from the developing lens

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    Formation of a correctly organised vasculature and subsequently embryonic survival is critically dependent on the dosage and site-specific expression of VEGF. Murine VEGF exists in three common isoforms (viz. 120, 164 and 188 amino acids) having different organ specific distribution levels. Gene knock-in studies show that expression of any of the individual isoforms of VEGF extends survival until birth, although each is associated with distinct organ-specific abnormalities. Comparison of the effects of VEGF isoform expression is complicated by the general lethality of mis-expression, in addition to cumulative effects of adjacent tissues from the inappropriately patterned vasculature. Here we investigate the effects of over-expression of individual VEGFA isoforms from the lens-specific alphaA-Crystallin promoter and characterise their effects on the vessel morphology of the hyaloid and developing retinal vasculature. Since the hyaloid vasculature is an anatomically distinct, transient vasculature of the eye, comprising 3 cell types (endothelium, pericytes and macrophages) it is possible to more readily interpret the role of individual VEGF-A isoforms in vascular pattern formation in this model. The severity of the vascular phenotype, characterised by a hyperplastic hyaloid at E13.5 and subsequently retinal vascular patterning and ocular defects, is most severe in transgenics over-expressing the more diffusible forms of VEGFA (120 and 164), whereas in VEGFA(188) transgenics the hyaloid vascular defects partially resolve post-natally. The results of this study indicate that individual isoforms of VEGFA induce distinct vascular phenotypes in the eye during embryonic development and that their relative doses provide instructive cues for vascular patterning