1,746 research outputs found

    Study on initial geometry fluctuations via participant plane correlations in heavy ion collisions: part II

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    Further investigation of the participant plane correlations within a Glauber model framework is presented, focusing on correlations between three or four participant planes of different order. A strong correlation is observed for cos⁡(2Ω2∗+3Ω3∗−5Ω5∗)\cos(2\Phi_{2}^*+3\Phi_{3}^*-5\Phi_{5}^*) which is a reflection of the elliptic shape of the overlap region. The correlation between the corresponding experimental reaction plane angles can be easily measured. Strong correlations of similar geometric origin are also observed for cos⁡(2Ω2∗+4Ω4∗−6Ω6∗)\cos(2\Phi_{2}^*+4\Phi_{4}^*-6\Phi_{6}^*), cos⁡(2Ω2∗−3Ω3∗−4Ω4∗+5Ω5∗)\cos(2\Phi_2^*-3\Phi_3^*-4\Phi_4^*+5\Phi_5^*), cos⁡(6Ω2∗+3Ω3∗−4Ω4∗−5Ω5∗)\cos(6\Phi_2^*+3\Phi_3^*-4\Phi_4^*-5\Phi_5^*), cos⁡(Ω1∗−2Ω2∗−3Ω3∗+4Ω4∗)\cos(\Phi_1^*-2\Phi_2^*-3\Phi_3^*+4\Phi_4^*), cos⁡(Ω1∗+6Ω2∗−3Ω3∗−4Ω4∗)\cos(\Phi_1^*+6\Phi_2^*-3\Phi_3^*-4\Phi_4^*), and cos⁡(Ω1∗+2Ω2∗+3Ω3∗−6Ω6∗)\cos(\Phi_1^*+2\Phi_2^*+3\Phi_3^*-6\Phi_6^*), which are also measurable. Experimental measurements of the corresponding reaction plane correlators in heavy ion collisions at RHIC and the LHC may improve our understanding of the physics underlying the measured higher order flow harmonics.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Guided Interface Waves

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    Many of tomorrow’s technologies are dependent upon the emergence of new advanced materials with superior stiffness and strength but reduced density. Metal matrix composites (MMC’s) consisting of light metal matrices (e. g., aluminum, titanium or magnesium) reinforced with very stiff ceramic fibers or particles (e. g. SiC, AI2O3 or graphite) show considerable promise for satisfying this need. However, the satisfactory performance of these materials has been found to be critically dependent upon the attainment of optimal properties at the metal-ceramic interface; a problem that is compounded by the possibility of chemical reactions between the reactive metal matrix and ceramic reinforcement. Of particular import are the interface adhesion and local elastic properties. Unfortunately no methods exist for the measurement of these quantities even for macroscopic interfaces let alone for the microscopic interfaces occurring within MMC’s

    VISHNU hybrid model for viscous QCD matter at RHIC and LHC energies

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    In this proceeding, we briefly describe the viscous hydrodynamics + hadron cascade hybrid model VISHNU for relativistic heavy ion collisions and report the current status on extracting the QGP viscosity from elliptic flow data.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, the proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement, Wuhan, China, Nov. 7-11, 201

    Time-Dependent Quasiparticle Current Density Functional Theory of X-Ray Nonlinear Response Functions

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    A real-space representation of the current response of many-electron systems with possible applications to x-ray nonlinear spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibilities is developed. Closed expressions for the linear, quadratic and third-order response functions are derived by solving the adiabatic Time Dependent Current Density Functional (TDCDFT) equations for the single-electron density matrix in Liouville space.Comment: 11 page

    Optimierung der optischen Komponenten einer Kapillarelektrophorese - Apparatur

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    Die hier vorliegende Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich als zweiter von mindestens zwei Teilen mit dem (Nach-) Bau einer funktionierenden und gleichzeitig preisgĂŒnstigen Kapillarelektrophorese-Apparatur. Durch den ersten Teil, der von Bernhard Schwabe ebenfalls in Form einer Zulassungsarbeit zum ersten Staatsexamen geschrieben wurde, ist die Themenstellung meiner Arbeit bereits vorgegeben. Da es bisher nicht möglich war, die Fluoreszenz der Farbstoffe an den DNA-MolekĂŒlen zu detektieren, sollte dies mein Auftrag sein. Die Arbeit enthĂ€lt zunĂ€chst einen theoretischen Teil. Das erste Unterkapitel stellt dabei die verschiedenen und gut erhĂ€ltlichen Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen vor, mit dem Hintergedanken, den bereits ausgewĂ€hlten Farbstoff ROX eventuell durch einen empfindlicheren und damit leichter detektierbaren zu ersetzen. Es folgt in einem weiteren Unterkapitel die Beschreibung der fĂŒr uns interessanten Lasertypen. Ohne das Wissen ĂŒber deren Funktionsweise ließe sich nĂ€mlich ein Teil der aufgenommenen Spektren nicht erklĂ€ren. Aus demselben Grund schließt sich im folgenden Kapitel die Beschreibung der Arbeitsweise eines Spektrometers an. Schließlich wird der theoretische Teil noch mit einem Kapitel ĂŒber die Trennung der DNA-Fragmente in der Kapillare ergĂ€nzt. Dieses Kapitel hat zwar nur bedingt mit der eigentlichen Themenstellung meiner Arbeit zu tun, andererseits könnte ohne eine ordentliche Auftrennung der DNA nach ihrer GrĂ¶ĂŸe auch keine sinnvolle Detektierung ĂŒber die optischen Elemente erfolgen. Außerdem empfinde ich die bisherige Darstellung zu diesem Thema als zu verkĂŒrzt, wenn man bedenkt, dass die Trennung der Fragmente die eigentliche Aufgabe dieser Apparatur ist. Im Kapitel mit den Berechnungen werden die Hypothesen zur Eignung der einzelnen Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe belegt, wobei ich bei meinen Annahmen auf die Überlegungen von Schwabe zurĂŒckgreife. Außerdem werden Überlegungen angestellt, wie der Detektor am besten eingestellt werden muss, um die vom Farbstoff ausgesandten Photonen zu grĂ¶ĂŸtmöglichen Teilen auffangen zu können. Der grĂ¶ĂŸte und auch wichtigste Teil dieser Arbeit ist jedoch der experimentelle Teil. In diesem Bereich der Arbeit werden zunĂ€chst alle BemĂŒhungen beschrieben, die ich angestrengt habe, um die Fragen zu klĂ€ren, die sich aus den bereits von Schwabe durchgefĂŒhrten Experimenten ergeben hatten. Im weiteren Verlauf werden dann sĂ€mtliche Experimente aufgefĂŒhrt, mit deren Hilfe ich versucht habe, die Fluoreszenz der FarbstoffmolekĂŒle sichtbar zu machen. Nachdem diese Aufgabe erfreulicher Weise gelungen ist, schließt meine Arbeit mit einigen Aufnahmen, die ich mit Hilfe des Computers von den TrennungsvorgĂ€ngen der Fragmente erhalten habe. TatsĂ€chlich ließe sich noch einige Arbeit in die Feinabstimmung der Apparatur investieren, was aufgrund der begrenzten Zeit, die fĂŒr eine Staatsexamensarbeit zur VerfĂŒgung steht, jedoch nicht möglich war.<BR

    Direct observation of isolated Damon-Eshbach and backward volume spin-wave packets in ferromagnetic microstripes

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    The analysis of isolated spin-wave packets is crucial for the understanding of magnetic transport phenomena and is particularly interesting for applications in spintronic and magnonic devices, where isolated spin-wave packets implement an information processing scheme with negligible residual heat loss. We have captured microscale magnetization dynamics of single spin-wave packets in metallic ferromagnets in space and time. Using an optically driven high-current picosecond pulse source in combination with time-resolved scanning Kerr microscopy probed by femtosecond laser pulses, we demonstrate phase-sensitive real-space observation of spin-wave packets in confined permalloy (Ni80Fe20) microstripes. Impulsive excitation permits extraction of the dynamical parameters, i.e. phase- and group velocities, frequencies and wave vectors. In addition to well-established Damon-Eshbach modes our study reveals waves with counterpropagating group- and phase-velocities. Such unusual spin-wave motion is expected for backward volume modes where the phase fronts approach the excitation volume rather than emerging out of it due to the negative slope of the dispersion relation. These modes are difficult to excite and observe directly but feature analogies to negative refractive index materials, thus enabling model studies of wave propagation inside metamaterials

    Vegetable production, consumption and its contribution to diets along the urban – rural continuum in Northern Ghana

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    Malnutrition continues to be a problem, with sub-Saharan Africa affected the worst. Women and children are at the pinnacle of this problem. The perpetual scourge of malnutrition in urban and periurban settings, coupled with levels of vegetable consumption below the recommended amounts, are a major problem in most African countries including West African cities. A household survey was conducted between November and December 2013 (dry season) in and around Tamale, Ghana as part of an urban food system analysis, to understand vegetable production and consumption and its contribution to household diets and income along the urban – rural continuum. Data collection was guided by a transect approach. A total of 240 households participated in the survey, with 62% males and 38% females. Additionally, 186 women of reproductive age (15 – 49 years) staying in the sampled households contributed to the computing of household dietary diversity through Women’s Dietary Diversity Scores (WDDS). Most vegetables produced were for subsistence use, considering that most households sold less than 50% of the crops and consumed the rest. Vegetable production varied significantly along the urban - rural continuum, with more households in rural areas producing all the requirements of their vegetables compared to urban and periurban areas. Nevertheless, the households in the rural areas (16%) had the lowest dietary diversity (≀ 3 WDDS) compared to urban areas (13%) and periurban areas (5%). The study showed low consumption of vegetables (especially the dark green vegetables) mostly in the rural area and limited diversity of vegetables, especially vitamin A rich vegetables and tubers, with only three vegetables (carrots, red pepper and sweet potato) consumed. There was evidence of more inclination toward staple crops compared to vegetables along the urban – rural continuum for both production and consumption, clearly shown in crops grown and food groups mostly consumed (cereals and tubers rather than dark green vegetables). There was overall low consumption of dark green leafy vegetables, such as amaranth, with only 26% reported to have consumed them during the reported period compared to food groups like cereals (98%). This study confirms the dual purpose of vegetables in complementing dishes (balanced diets) with much needed micronutrients and helping households along the urban – rural continuum to generate income.Keywords: Vegetables, dietary diversity, food groups, urban – rural continuum, Northern Ghan
