73 research outputs found

    Les mots et les choses

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    RĂ©SUMĂ©Bien des publications mentionnent des tribus en Arabie, mais dĂ©finir une tribu s’avĂšre difficile. S’appuyant sur un ouvrage de Jacques Berque portant sur l’Afrique du Nord, le prĂ©sent article tente de cerner les relations qui lient groupes et catĂ©gories, identitĂ© tribale et historicitĂ©. La parentĂ© ne rend compte que d’une petite partie de ces questions. Le tribalisme, dont les États modernes se mĂ©fient, se nourrit d’idĂ©es trĂšs gĂ©nĂ©rales sur l’absorption, la protection et l’équivalence morale tout en situant les Ă©vĂ©nements locaux dans une vision plus large des rapports humains. Ce texte traitera du « registre » tribal comme alternative Ă  la rhĂ©torique d’État dans le cas du YĂ©men. Ironie de l’histoire : si le tribalisme est vĂ©ritablement menacĂ© par les États, ce sont les États, tels les États du Golfe, qui se prĂ©valent du langage de la parentĂ© et de la gĂ©nĂ©alogie.ABSTRACTMuch literature mentions tribes in Arabia, yet to say what a tribe is proves difficult. Beginning from a note on North Africa by Jacques Berque, the present article sketches the relation between groups and categories, and the relation of tribal identity to historicity. Kinship describes only a small part of this. Tribalism, of the kind modern states distrust, instead turns on very general ideas of absorption, protection and moral equivalence, while at the same time inserting local events in a wider vision of human relatedness. Tribal « register » as an alternative to state rhetoric is discussed with reference to Yemen. Ironically, if tribalism is really threatened by states, then it is probably by states which themselves use a language of kinship and genealogy, such as those of the Arab Gulf

    John Horsley Russell Davis, 9 September 1938 - 15 January 2017

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    Forms and degrees of truth

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    Even in Islamic law the notion of “intent” or Êżamd is not that of English or American court-proceedings. In sharÄ«Êżah it largely depends, as it can do in custom, not formally on premeditation, but on the nature of the weapon used. In custom it will often determine what amends are due, as for instance in text B section 2 (part six, below) where if oaths establish lack of intent then harm to a woman is paid two-fold, but otherwise is paid four-fold; in text B section 4 it seems to determine if a..

    The rules of Barat. Tribal documents from Yemen

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    Paul Dresch Rules of Barat presents several eighteenth-century agreements among tribesmen from Jabal Barat, north-east of Yemen. These documents, previously unedited, shed new light on the history of customary law ('urf) in Yemen. L'ouvrage de Paul Dresch Rules of Barat présente l'édition critique de plusieurs accords conclus au xviiie siÚcle entre des hommes de tribus du Jabal Barat, au nord-est du Yémen. Ces documents inédits jettent une lumiÚre nouvelle sur l'histoire du droit coutumier ..

    Le Yémen dans les années 80 : entre crises et développement

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    Au cours des annĂ©es 1980 se sont dessinĂ©es les tendances structurelles qui allaient modeler le rĂ©gime politique et le dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique du YĂ©men du Nord et, par la suite, le pays tout entier. Les « bonnes feuilles » qui suivent sont extraites de l’ouvrage A History of Modern Yemen, de Paul Dresch. Elles ont une double vocation : donner quelques aperçus de cet arriĂšre-plan historique essentiel et encourager le lecteur Ă  aller dĂ©couvrir, dans cet ouvrage fondamental, des clefs de lecture qui lui permettront de dĂ©crypter la situation complexe du  YĂ©men contemporain

    Editing conventions

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    To make the texts readable and yet fairly accurate in English is not easy, and the critical apparatus can be cumbersome. Each Arabic text is therefore given separately and in full; photocopies are followed by typed versions of the Arabic and these typed versions are divided into numbered sections for ease of reference. I have then divided the translations into corresponding sections, with commentary to each where needed. First comes the market guaranty (text 1; part four), with an English tra..

    Tribalisme et démocratie au Yémen

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    Paul Dresch est un spĂ©cialiste reconnu de l'organisation tribale au YĂ©men. Le rĂ©sultat de ses nombreuses enquĂȘtes de terrain a Ă©tĂ© publiĂ© sous forme d'articles mais surtout dans son opus magnus Tribes, Government and History in Yemen (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1989). Cet ouvrage, qui surpasse aujourd'hui tout ce qui a Ă©tĂ© Ă©crit sur la tribu yĂ©mĂ©nite, peut aussi compter comme une des meilleures Ă©tudes d'anthropologie politique parues sur le monde arabe durant ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. Il est vrai q..

    Contrasts and Principles

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    Those of us intrigued by Yemen become obsessed with purely Yemeni sources, and reading even of North Arabian badu seems a poor distraction. There is a great deal to be done on existing material from South Arabia (the documents examined here are merely provocation); there is much to do also with evidence from al-កijāz. It may, however, be worth standing further back. Shared history is not the only prism through which to view customary law, and neither is generalized comparison of a simple kind..

    Arabia to the end of the First World War

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    The chapter has been accepted for publication and will appear in a revised form, subsequent to appropriate editorial input by Cambridge University Press, in 'The New Cambridge History of Islam' Volume V, Chapter 4, published by Cambridge University Press. (ISBN: 13:9780521838269). Please note that the MS Word files attached include a non-standard font which may not display correctly
