78 research outputs found

    Economy and ideology: an obstacle in materialist analysis

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    The several peaces of Yemeni tribes [comment on 'Fathers and fathers-in-law', by R. Just]

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    Les mots et les choses

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    RĂ©SUMĂ©Bien des publications mentionnent des tribus en Arabie, mais dĂ©finir une tribu s’avĂšre difficile. S’appuyant sur un ouvrage de Jacques Berque portant sur l’Afrique du Nord, le prĂ©sent article tente de cerner les relations qui lient groupes et catĂ©gories, identitĂ© tribale et historicitĂ©. La parentĂ© ne rend compte que d’une petite partie de ces questions. Le tribalisme, dont les États modernes se mĂ©fient, se nourrit d’idĂ©es trĂšs gĂ©nĂ©rales sur l’absorption, la protection et l’équivalence morale tout en situant les Ă©vĂ©nements locaux dans une vision plus large des rapports humains. Ce texte traitera du « registre » tribal comme alternative Ă  la rhĂ©torique d’État dans le cas du YĂ©men. Ironie de l’histoire : si le tribalisme est vĂ©ritablement menacĂ© par les États, ce sont les États, tels les États du Golfe, qui se prĂ©valent du langage de la parentĂ© et de la gĂ©nĂ©alogie.ABSTRACTMuch literature mentions tribes in Arabia, yet to say what a tribe is proves difficult. Beginning from a note on North Africa by Jacques Berque, the present article sketches the relation between groups and categories, and the relation of tribal identity to historicity. Kinship describes only a small part of this. Tribalism, of the kind modern states distrust, instead turns on very general ideas of absorption, protection and moral equivalence, while at the same time inserting local events in a wider vision of human relatedness. Tribal « register » as an alternative to state rhetoric is discussed with reference to Yemen. Ironically, if tribalism is really threatened by states, then it is probably by states which themselves use a language of kinship and genealogy, such as those of the Arab Gulf

    John Horsley Russell Davis, 9 September 1938 - 15 January 2017

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    Forms and degrees of truth

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    Even in Islamic law the notion of “intent” or Êżamd is not that of English or American court-proceedings. In sharÄ«Êżah it largely depends, as it can do in custom, not formally on premeditation, but on the nature of the weapon used. In custom it will often determine what amends are due, as for instance in text B section 2 (part six, below) where if oaths establish lack of intent then harm to a woman is paid two-fold, but otherwise is paid four-fold; in text B section 4 it seems to determine if a..

    The rules of Barat. Tribal documents from Yemen

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    Paul Dresch Rules of Barat presents several eighteenth-century agreements among tribesmen from Jabal Barat, north-east of Yemen. These documents, previously unedited, shed new light on the history of customary law ('urf) in Yemen. L'ouvrage de Paul Dresch Rules of Barat présente l'édition critique de plusieurs accords conclus au xviiie siÚcle entre des hommes de tribus du Jabal Barat, au nord-est du Yémen. Ces documents inédits jettent une lumiÚre nouvelle sur l'histoire du droit coutumier ..
