15 research outputs found

    Problem of taking drugs by the students of Lublin schools

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    Abstract Introduction. The problem of drug use among young people is noticeable and has its basis not only in the individual problem, but also in the broader sense of acceptance of the peer group or the prevailing fashion. Aim. The aim of the study is to identify the level of consumption of psychoactive substances by pupils of Lublin schools and to indicate the socio-demographic components of behavior. Material and methods. The study was conducted on a random sample of 1444 students from 32 schools. A survey questionnaire was used as an anonymous questionnaire. Results. Men are more likely to be exposed to drug use. Taking into account the level of schools attended by the students, the largest group dealing with drugs are middle school students. Drugs are not foreign to primary school students. The atmosphere at home affects the consumption of drugs. The highest level of knowledge about the organization of helping people who have a problem with drugs is the high school students. Conclusions. The study of the problem of drug use by students from Lublin schools is a serious social problem

    The problem of tobacco use among students of Lublin universities

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    Introduction. As for operational purposes concerning risk factors and activities in health promotion of the National Health Program, one should find the point of talking about reducing the prevalence of smoking. The main characteristics of tobacco dependence are: inability to stop smoking or significantly reducing it, the emergence of withdrawal syndrome caused by smoking cessation, persistent intake of tobacco, even when serious illness should prompt discontinuation. Aim. The aim of the research conducted among the students of Lublin universities was to identify the level of nicotine use by young people, to find out socio-demographic components of these behaviours and to determine the need for preventive activities in the field of cigarette smoking Meterial and methods. Studies were carried out among full-time students of all the public universities in Lublin: the Medical University (MU), the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (MCSU), University of Life Sciences (ULS), the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (CUL), Technical University of Lublin (TUL). Results.The study shows that 75% of students do not smoke cigarettes at all, while among smokers – 12% smoke regularly and 13% occasionally. We noticed a very interesting relationship - it turned out that women smoke more than men and are more likely to declare regular smoking. Also interesting is the fact that people living while studying in the family home and having parents with higher education smoke more. Conclusions.Nicotine smoking is a serious problem among students of Lublin universities

    Psychoactive substances use experience and addiction or risk of addiction among by Polish adolescents living in rural and urban areas

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    The objective of the study was to determine the similarities and differences between adolescents with psychoactive substances use experience living in urban and rural areas as regards the intensity of Internet addiction symptoms as well as the evaluation of prevalence of psychoactive substances use among adolescents depending on the place of residence. The examined group consisted of 1 860 people (1 320 girls and 540 boys) their average age being 17 years. In the study the following research methods were used: the Sociodemographic Questionnaire designed by the authors, the Internet Addiction Questionnaire by Potembska, the Internet Addiction test by Young, the Internet Addiction Questionnaire (KBUI) designed by Pawłowska and Potembska. Statistically significant differences were found as regards the prevalence of psychoactive substances use by the adolescents living in urban and rural areas and as regards the intensity of Internet addiction symptoms in adolescents, both from the urban and rural areas, who use and do not use illegal drugs. Significantly more adolescents living in urban areas as compared to their peers living in rural areas use psychoactive substances, mainly marihuana. The adolescents who use psychoactive substances, as compared to the adolescents with no experience using illegal drugs, living both in urban and rural areas significantly more often play online violent games and use web pornography. The adolescents living in rural areas who use psychoactive substances significantly more often as compared to the adolescents who do not use these substances claim that it is only thanks to the interactions established on the Internet that they can get acceptance, understanding and appreciation

    Prevalence of Internet addiction and risk of developing addiction as exemplified by a group of Polish adolescents from urban and rural areas

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    [b]Objective. [/b]The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of Internet addiction and the risk of developing this addiction in Polish adolescents attending junior high schools and high school in Lublin Province, to indicate the differences regarding the intensity of Internet addiction symptoms, and the types of online activity of adolescents residing in urban and rural areas. [b]Material and Methods[/b]. The examined group comprised 1,860 participants (1,320 girls and 540 boys) with an average age of 17 years. 760 students lived in urban areas and 1,100 lived in rural areas. The following were used in the study: the Socio-demographic Questionnaire designed by the authors, the Internet Addiction Questionnaire designed by Potembska, the Internet Addiction Test by Young and the Internet Addiction Questionnaire (Kwestionariusz do Badania Uzależnienia od Internetu – KBUI) designed by Pawłowska and Potembska. [b]Results[/b]. The adolescents living in urban areas showed a significantly greater intensity of Internet and computer addiction symptoms measured by the KBUI Questionnaire, compared to those living in rural areas. [b]Conclusions.[/b] The Internet addiction criteria were fulfilled by 0.45% of adolescents living in urban areas and 2.9% of those living in rural areas, whereas 35.55% of urban dwelling students and 30.18% of students living in rural areas showed a risk of developing this addiction. More adolescents living in urban areas, compared to those living in rural areas, use Internet pornography, play computer games, disclose their personal data to unknown individuals encountered on the Internet, use Instant Messaging (IM) services, electronic mail and Facebook social networking service. Compared to their peers from urban areas, significantly more adolescents from rural areas use ‘Nasza Klasa’ (Our Classmates) online social networking service

    Self-evaluation in patients treated for anorexia nervosa in Lublin province

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    Introduction. Self-esteem, or esteem, towards oneself has a tremendous impact on the various areas of human functioning. However, sometimes ICD-10 eating disorders with anorexia nervosa may adversely affect the perception of one's own body along with its self-evaluation. According to current medical knowledge, these disorders belong to serious mental disorders occurring mainly in young girls and women. Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the self-esteem of women treated for anorexia as classified by ICD-10 F 50.1. in medical facilities. Material and methods. The survey included 72 randomly selected women and adolescents of all ages who benefited from medical care and were diagnosed by specialists. The anonymous questionnaire was addressed to women and young girls suffering from anorexia nervosa. Patients were treated at the National Cancer Institute in Kraśnik, SN ZOZ in Lublin and USD in Lublin. The study was conducted from February to August 2017. Results. The study showed a significantly reduced self-esteem in patients, self-dissatisfaction, loss of sense of life. This disease mainly affects young girls and women up to 30 years of age who live in large cities. Conclusion. Positive was the result that 78% of women perceive anorexia as a disease and can properly indicate its adverse health consequences

    UV-C Seed Surface Sterilization and Fe, Zn, Mg, Cr Biofortification of Wheat Sprouts as an Effective Strategy of Bioelement Supplementation

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    Metalloenzymes play an important role in the regulation of many biological functions. An effective way to prevent deficiencies of essential minerals in human diets is the biofortification of plant materials. The process of enriching crop sprouts under hydroponic conditions is the easiest and cheapest to conduct and control. In this study, the sprouts of the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties Arkadia and Tonacja underwent biofortification with Fe, Zn, Mg, and Cr solutions in hydroponic media at four concentrations (0, 50, 100, and 200 µg g−1) over four and seven days. Moreover, this study is the first to combine sprout biofortification with UV-C (λ = 254 nm) radiation treatment for seed surface sterilization. The results showed that UV-C radiation was effective in suppressing seed germination contamination by microorganisms. The seed germination energy was slightly affected by UV-C radiation but remained at a high level (79–95%). The influence of this non-chemical sterilization process on seeds was tested in an innovative manner using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and EXAKT thin-section cutting. The applied sterilization process reduced neither the growth and development of sprouts nor nutrient bioassimilation. In general, wheat sprouts easily accumulate Fe, Zn, Mg, and Cr during the applied growth period. A very strong correlation between the ion concentration in the media and microelement assimilation in the plant tissues (R2 > 0.9) was detected. The results of the quantitative ion assays performed with atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) using the flame atomization method were correlated with the morphological evaluation of sprouts in order to determine the optimum concentration of individual elements in the hydroponic solution. The best conditions were indicated for 7-day cultivation in 100 µg g−1 of solutions with Fe (218% and 322% better nutrient accumulation in comparison to the control condition) and Zn (19 and 29 times richer in zinc concentration compared to the sprouts without supplementation). The maximum plant product biofortification with magnesium did not exceed 40% in intensity compared to the control sample. The best-developed sprouts were grown in the solution with 50 µg g−1 of Cr. In contrast, the concentration of 200 µg g−1 was clearly toxic to the wheat sprouts


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    The off-label use of medicinal products raises many interpretation-related issues, not only among physicians, but also pharmacists and lawyers. The use of drugs in a manner other than that specified in the Summary of Product Characteristics is not regulated by Polish law. The authors’ goal is to discuss the topic mainly from the practical perspective, while also considering its theoretical aspects, and to identify systemic solutions to several problems, that are extremely important for the proper functioning of the entire healthcare system. The paper highlights that there is a fine line between experimental medicinal practices and those that are in keeping with current medical knowledge

    Cytostatic and cytotoxic waste – rules of conduct in Poland

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    Polska jest jednym z krajów europejskich, w których wytwarza się najwięcej niebezpiecznych odpadów medycznych. Mimo że w Europie ilość produkowanych odpadów cytotoksycznych i cytostatycznych (stosowanych w chemioterapii przez chorych onkologicznie) od kilku lat się zmniejsza, w Polsce – rośnie. Odpady te stanowią zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa dla pracowników medycznych oraz chorych otrzymujących leki. Dlatego wymagane są specjalne procedury postępowania, które pozwalają ograniczyć szkodliwość tych leków dla zdrowia ludzi. Celem pracy było przedstawienie zasad postępowania w Polsce z lekami cytotoksycznymi i cytostatycznymi oraz ich odpadami. Med. Pr. 2019;70(3):377–391Poland is one of the European countries with the highest level of production of dangerous medical waste. Although in Europe the volume of produced cytotoxic and cytostatic waste (used in chemotherapy by oncological patients) has been declining for several years, in Poland a reverse trend has been observed. As this waste puts the safety of medical workers and patients at risk, special handling procedures are required to limit the harmful effect of these drugs on human health. In view of the above, the aim of the work was to present the rules of conduct with cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs, and their waste, in Poland. Med Pr. 2019;70(3):377–9

    Triple Stimulus-Responsive Polypeptide Nanoparticles That Enhance Intratumoral Spatial Distribution

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    To address the limited tumor penetration of nanoparticle drug delivery vehicles, we report the first pH-responsive polypeptide micelle that dissociates at the low extracellular pH of solid tumors. This histidine-rich elastin-like polypeptide block copolymer self-assembles at 37 °C into spherical micelles that are stabilized by Zn<sup>2+</sup> and are disrupted as the pH drops from 7.4 to 6.4. These pH-sensitive micelles demonstrate better in vivo penetration and distribution in tumors than a pH-insensitive control