560 research outputs found


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    A collection of poems, Still, asks and attempts to answer the questions: how does memory function; how do we grieve; and what is time? The poems contend that the one consistent quality of memory is that it is never static; instead, it comes in waves like nausea, and that this ebb and flow of memory influences necessarily the process of grieving, a recursive, rather than linear process. Time is a human construct having little bearing on the most significant, either enlightening or devastating, of human experiences. The intention of Still is not to definitively answer these questions; rather, it acknowledges that while they are ultimately unanswerable, the investigation is vital to the search for meaning

    Automatic Detection of Performance Anomalies in Task-Parallel Programs

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    To efficiently exploit the resources of new many-core architectures, integrating dozens or even hundreds of cores per chip, parallel programming models have evolved to expose massive amounts of parallelism, often in the form of fine-grained tasks. Task-parallel languages, such as OpenStream, X10, Habanero Java and C or StarSs, simplify the development of applications for new architectures, but tuning task-parallel applications remains a major challenge. Performance bottlenecks can occur at any level of the implementation, from the algorithmic level (e.g., lack of parallelism or over-synchronization), to interactions with the operating and runtime systems (e.g., data placement on NUMA architectures), to inefficient use of the hardware (e.g., frequent cache misses or misaligned memory accesses); detecting such issues and determining the exact cause is a difficult task. In previous work, we developed Aftermath, an interactive tool for trace-based performance analysis and debugging of task-parallel programs and run-time systems. In contrast to other trace-based analysis tools, such as Paraver or Vampir, Aftermath offers native support for tasks, i.e., visualization, statistics and analysis tools adapted for performance debugging at task granularity. However, the tool currently does not provide support for the automatic detection of performance bottlenecks and it is up to the user to investigate the relevant aspects of program execution by focusing the inspection on specific slices of a trace file. In this paper, we present ongoing work on two extensions that guide the user through this process.Comment: Presented at 1st Workshop on Resource Awareness and Adaptivity in Multi-Core Computing (Racing 2014) (arXiv:1405.2281

    Evaluation of the use of PetrifilmTM EB count plates for the enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae in poultry samples.

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    Avaliação do uso de placas PetrifilmTM EB para a enumeração de enterobacteriaceae em amostras de carcaças de frango. Um teste rápido, que apresente o resultado em curto período de tempo, que seja simples, sensível para detectar baixos níveis de micro-organismos, preciso e que não seja caro, seria o mais adequado para a rotina laboratorial da indústria de alimentos ou mesmo para os laboratórios de Saúde Pública. Um dos métodos alternativos prontos para o uso, comercialmente disponíveis no mercado, são as placas PetrifilmTM. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se há diferença estatística significativa entre o método convencional - empregando o ágar vermelho violeta bile glicose ? e o método alternativo, PetrifilmTM EB (3M Company), para a enumeração de Enterobacteriaceae em carcaças de frango

    Método para localização de falhas na rede de distribuição de energia elétrica com o uso de equipamentos telecomandados

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    O presente trabalho contempla o desenvolvimento de um método para localização de falhas em uma rede de distribuição de energia elétrica da CERTEL, através da aplicação de equipamentos telecomandados. Para tanto, foi utilizado um religador NOJA Power comunicando remotamente via driver DNP 3.0 com um Sistema SCADA desenvolvido em ambiente Elipse E3 para este trabalho, através do qual é possível acessar um Banco de Dados SQL que contém uma Tabela relacionando diversos valores de curto circuito com a distância do sinistro em relação ao religador. Sendo assim, na ocorrência de um sinistro, o operador do Sistema SCADA receberá instantaneamente a informação do local do ocorrido, com base em uma consulta SQL gerada automaticamente. Este sistema passou a ser utilizado com o objetivo de melhorar os indicadores de qualidade dos serviços do sistema de distribuição de energia elétrica, agilizando a identificação do local da falha e, consequentemente, tornando a manutenção mais eficiente.The present work has the objective of presenting the integration of remote-controlled devices of the electric power system with the power distributor’s supervision and control system, to locate faults in the trunk of the distribution network. Through a supervision and control software, it’s desired to develop a real-time operating system, capable to inform the operator in the operations center the location of the fault, with the distance of the network stretch between the recloser and the fault location. This system will be used with the objective of improving the quality indicators of the electric power distribution system. For the development of this project, Elipse E3 software will be used in conjunction with remote- controlled reclosers, from the manufacturer Noja Power. For the first validation of the proposal will be compared the results obtained in the testing laboratory with the real results of field, also, will be simulated several short circuits using a welding machine connected directly to the terminals of the recloser

    Customer Relationship Management e as Pequenas e Médias Empresas: um estudo de múltiplos casos em empresas Portuguesas

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    ABSTRACTCustomer Relationship Management (CRM) emerges as a response to organizations that choose to adopt strategies of relationship marketing so as to offer customers a more personalized experience. The need for significant investments in the purchase of technological systems and to adapt the internal procedures causes the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to remain in a more traditional posture, unlike the large enterprises. However, increased competition, globalization of markets, technological development and the ephemerality of customer preferences have led many SMEs to rethink their business. This article seeks to answer the question “how CRM is adopted in the SMEs, for the purpose of analyzing the critical success factors relevant to the adoption of CRM in the SMEs?” Therefore case studies were made of three Portuguese enterprises. Interviews were conducted and secondary documents were analyzed to collect data. As the main contribution, an analysis was made of those critical success factors for the adoption of CRM which should be considered most important by the SMEs. In conclusion it was found that the enterprises studied during the project of CRM implementation had attributed greater importance to the following critical success factors, integration of information and data, efficient human resource management and support of top management. Furthermore, because of limited resources, it is important for these enterprises to plan the process of CRM in advance to ensure that the best choices in terms of technology are made

    W4RM: A prescriptive framework based on a wiki to support collaborative risk management in information technology projects

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    Despite the positive influence of risk management in Information Technology (IT) project results, many project managers are not managing risks or are managing them partially. To enhance risk management, collaborative project management has gained attention in recent years with the introduction of Web 2.0 tools. Project managers have used such tools to facilitate open communication and distribution of activities. This research introduces a prescriptive framework (W4RM – Wiki for Risk Management) based on a wiki to support collaborative risk management in IT projects. An exploratory focus group was set up and a series of interviews with practitioners was conducted to explore how a wiki can support risk management in IT projects. Findings show that project managers are facing difficulties managing risks and are the only ones responsible for identifying, registering and monitoring risks. By implementing a collaborative tool, managers can disseminate a collaboration culture and participate in risk management processes. This sense of collaboration may be used to keep the community identifying new risks, relating these risks to one or more projects, and facilitating continuous risk management. Practitioners can also adopt W4RM as a tool to support communication regarding risks status to be established for internal team stakeholders

    Previsão de demanda de energia elétrica utilizando inteligência artificial

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    A previsão da demanda de energia elétrica é imprescindível para o planejamento e a operação do sistema elétrico, visto que através dela que é determinado o horário e a quantidade de geração que precisa ser injetada no sistema, para atender a carga sem interrupções no fornecimento de energia, como também otimizar os horários em que as fontes de geração de energia elétrica entram em operação. Com isto, este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia utilizando a mineração de dados para prever a demanda máxima de energia elétrica em um determinado dia para o sistema da Cooperativa Certel. O processamento de dados foi realizado com o histórico de variáveis climáticas e demanda de energia elétrica nos diferentes meses do ano, com a utilização do software Weka, chegando a respostas satisfatórias no final do processo, com diferença de no máximo 2,5 MW entre o previsto com o real o que representa 3% de erro.The forecast of the demand for electric energy is essential for the planning and operation of the electric system, since it is through it that the time and the amount of generation that needs to be injected into the system are determined, to meet the load without interruptions in the energy supply, as well as optimize the times when the sources of electric power generation come into operation. With this, this work presents a methodology using data mining to predict the maximum demand for electricity on a given day for the Certel Cooperative system. The data processing was carried out with the history of climatic variables and electricity demand in the different months of the year, using the Weka software, reaching satisfactory responses in the final process, with a difference of at most 2.5 MW between the predicted with the real which represents 3% error

    Innovationstransfer als sozialorganisatorischer Prozess

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das Phänomen des Innovationstransfers am Beispiel von Wikis auf der Grundlage von Web 2.0 innerhalb einer großen und komplexen Arbeitsorganisation eines chemisch-pharmazeutischen Industrieunternehmens. Als Innovationstransfer wird hierbei ein sozialorganisatorischer Prozess zur erfolgreichen Problembewältigung verstanden, indem in einem organisationalen Handlungskontext eine als bewährt angesehene Problemlösung auf ein neuartiges Problem übertragen wird. Die Ausgangshypothese der vorliegenden Untersuchung besteht in der Überlegung, dass ein derartiger Transfer innerhalb einer großen Arbeitsorganisation nicht nur im Hinblick auf die technisch-wirtschaftlichen Sacherfordernisse der betrieblichen Wertschöpfung zu verstehen ist, sondern ein längerfristiges Gelingen dieses Prozesses auch ein Verständnis der durchaus abweichenden subjektiven Interessenlagen von Mitarbeitern erfordert. Damit der Transfer gelingt, wird neben der technischen Effizienz und der wirtschaftlichen Rentabilität auch die soziale Akzeptanz der Mitarbeiter benötigt. Um das Resultat des Innovationstransfers zu verstehen, ist es notwendig, seine Entstehung, seine Verlaufsformen und die intendierten sowie die nicht intendierten Handlungsfolgen zu berücksichtigen. Die Forschungsfrage und das damit verbundene Interesse erfordern aufgrund eines nach außen hin abgeschlossenen und zugangsbeschränkten Untersuchungsfelds eine Kombination von Forschungsmethoden. Ein paradigmatisch wissenschaftlich theoretischer Einzelansatz mit einer entsprechend einseitigen Methodik erweist sich deshalb als ungeeignet. Anfängliche quantitative Forschungsdaten wurden durch die eigenständige Erhebung von qualitativen Forschungsdaten im Rahmen einer Feldforschung ergänzt. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse bestätigen die Ausgangshypothese, wonach es den verantwortlichen Handlungsakteuren über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg nicht gelingt, den Innovationstransfer von einem zunächst technischen Problemlösungsangebot hin zu einer innerbetrieblich akzeptierten, längerfristigen und nachhaltigen sozialorganisatorischen Innovation weiterzuentwickeln. Der Prozess des Innovationstransfers scheitert an einer intensiven Konzentration der Initiatoren der oberen Managementebene auf eine von ihnen wahrgenommene technisch-wirtschaftliche Problematik im Rahmen der betrieblichen Wertschöpfung. Eine längerfristige soziale Akzeptanz der Problemlösung durch die Mitarbeiter innerhalb der Arbeitsorganisation fehlt dagegen

    O mercado de franquias no Rio Grande do Sul : uma análise das barreiras ao setor

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as barreiras existentes à entrada no mercado de franquias do Rio Grande do Sul, bem como fazer um panorama do setor e entender quais os principais motivos, na ótica dos franqueados e possíveis franqueados, para o sucesso deste modelo de negócios. O trabalho trata dos temas pertinentes ao mercado de franquias, tais como: histórico, definições, legislações e estruturas. Para se atingir o objetivo proposto, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa com o intuito de entender as principais barreiras existentes no setor, sendo aplicada com franqueados e possíveis investidores do mercado de franquias. Por meio da análise destes questionários, concluiu-se que o mercado de franquias possui como principais barreiras as politicas governamentais, os custos de mudança e a necessidade de capital. Todavia, os empreendedores optam por adquirir uma franquia a fim de não só romper as barreiras de entrada como transformá-las em uma vantagem competitiva para a empresa franqueada.The present paper aims to analyze the entry barriers to the franchise market in Rio Grande do Sul, as well as to provide an overview of the sector and to understand the main purposes, on the franchisees and potential franchisees’ sight, for the success of this business model. The present study deals with issues related to the franchise market, such as: history, definitions, legislation and structures. To reach the projected objective, a research was developed to understand the main barriers in the industry, being applied with franchisees and possible investors in the franchise market. Through the examination of these questionnaires it was concluded that the franchise market has the government policies, costs of change and the need for capital as its main barriers. However, entrepreneurs choose to acquire a franchise not only to transpose the entry barriers but to make them a competitive advantage for the franchisee