112 research outputs found

    Eclipsing high-mass binaries I. Light curves and system parameters for CPD-518946, PISMIS24-1 and HD319702

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    We present first results of a comprehensive photometric O-star survey performed with a robotic twin refractor at the Universit\"atssternwarte Bochum located near Cerro Armazones in Chile. For three high-mass stars, namely Pismis24-1, CPD-518946 and HD319702, we determined the period through the Lafler-Kinman algorithm and model the light curves within the framework of the Roche geometry. For Pismis24-1, a previously known eclipsing binary, we provide first light curves and determined a photometric period of 2.36 days together with an orbital inclination of 61.8 degrees. The best-fitting model solution to the light curves suggest a detached configuration. With a primary temperature of T1 = 42520K we obtain the temperature of the secondary component as T2 = 41500K. CPD-518946 is another known eclipsing binary for which we present a revised photometric period of 1.96 days with an orbital inclination of 58.4 degrees. The system has likely a semi-detached configuration and a mass ratio q = M1/M2 = 2.8. If we adopt a primary temperature of T1 = 34550K we obtain T2 = 21500K for the secondary component. HD319702 is a newly discovered eclipsing binary member of the young open cluster NGC6334. The system shows well-defined eclipses favouring a detached configuration with a period of 2.0 days and an orbital inclination of 67.5 degrees. Combining our photometric result with the primary spectral type O8 III(f) (T1 = 34000K) we derive a temperature of T2 = 25200K for the secondary component.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    An eccentric companion at the edge of the brown dwarf desert orbiting the 2.4 Msun giant star HIP67537

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    We report the discovery of a substellar companion around the giant star HIP67537. Based on precision radial velocity measurements from CHIRON and FEROS high-resolution spectroscopic data, we derived the following orbital elements for HIP67537 b\,b: mb_bsinii = 11.1−1.1+0.4^{+0.4}_{-1.1} Mjup_{\rm {\tiny jup}}, aa = 4.9−0.13+0.14^{+0.14}_{-0.13} AU and ee = 0.59−0.02+0.05^{+0.05}_{-0.02}. Considering random inclination angles, this object has ≳\gtrsim 65% probability to be above the theoretical deuterium-burning limit, thus it is one of the few known objects in the planet to brown-dwarf transition region. In addition, we analyzed the Hipparcos astrometric data of this star, from which we derived a minimum inclination angle for the companion of ∼\sim 2 deg. This value corresponds to an upper mass limit of ∼\sim 0.3 M⊙_\odot, therefore the probability that HIP67537 b\,b is stellar in nature is ≲\lesssim 7%. The large mass of the host star and the high orbital eccentricity makes HIP67537 b\,b a very interesting and rare substellar object. This is the second candidate companion in the brown dwarf desert detected in the sample of intermediate-mass stars targeted by the EXPRESS radial velocity program, which corresponds to a detection fraction of ff = 1.6−0.5+2.0^{+2.0}_{-0.5}%. This value is larger than the fraction observed in solar-type stars, providing new observational evidence of an enhanced formation efficiency of massive substellar companions in massive disks. Finally, we speculate about different formation channels for this object.Comment: Accepted for publication to A&

    Dust reverberation-mapping of the Seyfert 1 galaxy WPVS48

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    Using robotic telescopes of the Universitatssternwarte Bochum near Cerro Armazones in Chile, we monitored the z=0.0377 Seyfert 1 galaxy WPVS48 (2MASX J09594263-3112581) in the optical (B and R) and near-infrared (NIR, J and Ks) with a cadence of two days. The light curves show unprecedented variability details. The NIR variation features of WPVS48 are consistent with the corresponding optical variations, but the features appear sharper in the NIR than in the optical, suggesting that the optical photons undergo multiple scatterings. The J and Ks emission, tracing the hot (1600 K) dust echo, lags the B and R variations by on average 64 +/- 4 days and 71 +/- 5 days, respectively (restframe). WPVS48 lies on the known tau-M_V relationship. However, the observed lag is about three times shorter than expected from the dust sublimation radius r_sub inferred from the optical-UV luminosity, and explanations for this common discrepancy are searched for. The sharp NIR echos argue for a face-on torus geometry and allow us to put forward two potential scenarios: 1) as previously proposed, in the equatorial plane of the accretion disk the inner region of the torus is flattened and may come closer to the accretion disk. 2) The dust torus with inner radius r_sub is geometrically and optically thick, so that the observer only sees the facing rim of the torus wall, which lies closer to the observer than the torus equatorial plane and therefore leads to an observed foreshortened lag. Both scenarios are able to explain the factor three discrepancy between tau and r_sub. Longer-wavelength dust reverberation data might enable one to distinguish between the scenarios.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, Published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Early Dust Formation and a Massive Progenitor for SN 2011ja?

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    SN 2011ja was a bright (I = -18.3) Type II supernova occurring in the nearby edge on spiral galaxy NGC 4945. Flat-topped and multi-peaked H-alpha and H-beta spectral emission lines appear between 64 - 84 days post-explosion, indicating interaction with a disc-like circumstellar medium inclined 30-45 degrees from edge-on. After day 84 an increase in the H- and K-band flux along with heavy attenuation of the red wing of the emission lines are strong indications of early dust formation, likely located in the cool dense shell created between the forward shock of the SN ejecta and the reverse shock created as the ejecta plows into the existing CSM. Radiative transfer modeling reveals both ~1.5 x 10^-4 Msun of pre-existing dust located ~ 10^16.7 cm away and ~ 5 x 10^-5 Msun of newly formed dust. Spectral observations after 1.5 years reveal the possibility that the fading SN is located within a young (3-6 Myr) massive stellar cluster, which when combined with tentative 56Ni mass estimates of 0.2 Msun may indicate a massive (> 25 Msun) progenitor for SN 2011ja.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRAS awaiting final referee repor

    Four new planets around giant stars and the mass-metallicity correlation of planet-hosting stars

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    CONTEXT. Exoplanet searches have demonstrated that giant planets are preferentially found around metal-rich stars and that their fraction increases with the stellar mass. AIMS. During the past six years, we have conducted a radial velocity follow-up program of 166 giant stars, to detect substellar companions, and characterizing their orbital properties. Using this information, we aim to study the role of the stellar evolution in the orbital parameters of the companions, and to unveil possible correlations between the stellar properties and the occurrence rate of giant planets. METHODS. Using FEROS and CHIRON spectra, we have computed precision radial velocities and we have derived atmospheric and physical parameters for all of our targets. Additionally, velocities computed from UCLES spectra are presented here. By studying the periodic radial velocity signals, we have detected the presence of several substellar companions. RESULTS. We present four new planetary systems around the giant stars HIP8541, HIP74890, HIP84056 and HIP95124. Additionally, we find that giant planets are more frequent around metal-rich stars, reaching a peak in the detection of ff = 16.7−5.9+15.5^{+15.5}_{-5.9}% around stars with [Fe/H] ∼\sim 0.35 dex. Similarly, we observe a positive correlation of the planet occurrence rate with the stellar mass, between M⋆_\star ∼\sim 1.0 -2.1 M⊙_\odot, with a maximum of ff = 13.0−4.2+10.1^{+10.1}_{-4.2}%, at M⋆_\star = 2.1 M⊙_\odot. CONCLUSIONS. We conclude that giant planets are preferentially formed around metal-rich stars. Also, we conclude that they are more efficiently formed around more massive stars, in the mass range of M⋆_\star ∼\sim 1.0 - 2.1 M⊙_\odot. These observational results confirm previous findings for solar-type and post-MS hosting stars, and provide further support to the core-accretion formation model.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The reddest ISO-2MASS quasar

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    In the course of the NIR/MIR AGN search combining the 6.7 mu ISOCAM Parallel Survey and 2MASS we have discovered 24 type-1 quasars about a third of which are too red to be discriminated by optical/UV search techniques. Here we report on a detailed case study of the reddest type-1 quasar of our sample (J2341) at redshift z=0.236 with M_K=-25.8 and J-K=1.95. We performed spectroscopy in the optical with VLT/FORS1 and in the MIR with Spitzer as well as NIR imaging with ISPI at CTIO. The optical and NIR observations reveal a star forming emission-line galaxy at the same redshift as the quasar with a projected linear separation of 1.8 arcsec (6.7 kpc). The quasar and its companion are embedded in diffuse extended continuum emission. Compared with its companion the quasar exhibits redder optical-NIR colours, which we attribute to hot nuclear dust. The MIR spectrum shows only few emission lines superimposed on a power-law spectral energy distribution. However, the lack of strong FIR emission suggests that our potentially interacting object contains much less gas and dust and is in a stage different from dust reddened ULIRG-AGN like Mrk 231. The optical spectrum shows signatures for reddening in the emission-lines and no post-starburst stellar population is detected in the host galaxy of the quasar. The optical continuum emission of the active nucleus appears absorbed and diluted. Even the combination of absorption and host dilution is not able to match J2341 with standard quasar templates. While the BLR shows only a rather moderate absorption of E_(B-V)=0.3, the continuum shorter than 4500 AA requires strong obscuration with E_(B-V)=0.7, exceeding the constraints from the low upper limit on the 9.7 mu silicate absorption. This leads us to conclude that the continuum of J2341 is intrinsically redder than that of typical quasars.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    A near-infrared survey of the entire R Corona Australis cloud

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    To understand low- to intermediate-mass star-formation in the nearby R CrA molecular cloud, we try to identify the stellar content that is accessible with near-infrared observations. We obtained a JHK band mosaic of 10 x 60 arcmin square covering the entire RCrA molecular cloud with unprecedented sensitivity. We present a catalogue of about 3500 near-infrared sources fainter than the saturation limit K = 10 mag, reaching K = 18mag. We analysed the extended sources by inspecting their morphology and point sources by means of colour-colour and colour-magnitude diagrams. Additionally, we compared the extinction inferred from the NIR data with the line-of-sight dust emission at 1.2 mm. Sources towards high dust emission but relatively low H-K show a projected mm-exces; these sources are either immediately surrounded by cold circumstellar material or, if too red to be a true foreground object, they are embedded in the front layer of the 1.2 mm emitting dust cloud. In both cases they are most likely associated with the cloud.Comment: 11 pages, 12 Figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic
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