9 research outputs found

    Importance of phytoplankton as indicator of eutrophication in aquatorium of the Boka Kotorska Bay

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    Fitoplanktonski organizmi su primarna karika u lancima ishrane, odnosno primarni producenti organskih supstanci. Sa jedne strane se ističe njihova važnost u ishrani, a sa druge njihov povećan razvoj može da dovede do neželjenih posljedica za ekosistem. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se prikaže kvalitativno i kvantitativno stanje fitoplanktona u Bokokotorskom zalivu, uključujući tu u posljednjem slučaju i biomasu fitoplanktona, a izraženu preko koncentracije hlorofila a. Preko kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog aspekta fitoplanktona može se stvoriti okvirna slika o stepenu eutrofikacije u zalivu i ukazati na moguće opasnosti i mjere koje treba preduzeti da bi se izbjegle negativne posljedice. Sve nabrojane bioloÅ”ke parametre nije moguće odvojiti od fizičko-hemijskih parametara sa kojima su u međusobnoj interakciji i koji direktno utiču na količinu i sastav fitoplanktona. Brojnost fitoplanktona je često dostizala vrijednosti 106 ćelija/l, Å”to je karakteristično za eutrofno područje i nije bila ispod 105 ćelija/l tokom cijelog istraživanja, Å”to opet ukazuje na povećanu eutrofikaciju. Fitoplanktonska grupa koja je dominirala tokom istraživanja su bile dijatomeje, koje su eurivalentna grupa organizama. Druga grupa organizama koja je bila prisutna su dinoflagelate, koje su interesantne s obzirom da mnoge od njih proizvode toksine koji mogu biti Å”tetni za čovjeka. Među dijatomejama zabilježene su vrste koje su karakteristične za područja bogata nutrijentima, Å”to govori o promjenama u zalivu. Alge koje su nađene, a koje preferiraju povećanu količinu nutrijentima su Chaetoceros affinis, Dactyliosolen fragilissimus, Leptocylindrus danicus, Navicula spp., Pseudonitzschia spp., Thalassionema nitzschioides i dr. Analizirani su indeksi diverziteta Shannon-ov indeks diverziteta (Hā€™), recipročan Simpson-ov indeks(1/D) i Margalef-ov indeks (d) za područje Bokokotorskog zaliva i nađeno je da su indeksi bili manji kada je brojnost fitoplanktona bila veća i kada je bila prisutna dominacija određenih vrsta, kao npr. u julu mjesecu kada je dominirala vrsta Thalassionema nitzshioides. To ukazuje na činjenicu da je diverzitet manji kada je prisutna dominacija određenih vrsta. U odnosu na biomasu fitoplanktona izraženu koncentracijom hlorofila a, prema raznim kriterijumima (HĆ„kanson et al., 1994; Ignatiades 2005), zalivsko područje je okarakterisano kao mezo-eutrofno područje. S obzirom da parametri koji pokazuju stepen eutrofikacije ukazuju da Bokokotorski zaliv počinje da dobija karakteristike eutrofnog, treba preduzeti mjere da bi se spriječilo dalje napredovanje prema joÅ” viÅ”em stepenu eutrofije. Bokokotorski zaliv je jedan osjetljiv ekosistem, a naročito Kotorski zaliv koji je zatvoreniji, sa slabijom dinamikom vodenih masa i pod većim pritiskom eutrofikacije. slabijom dinamikom vodenih masa i pod većim pritiskom eutrofikPhytoplankton organisms are primary link in the food chain and primary producers of organic substances. On one side, it is emphasissed their importance in the diet and, on the other, their excessive growth can lead to undesirable consequences for the ecosystem. The aim of this study is to present qualitative and quantitative situation of phytoplankton in the Boka Kotorska Bay, including in the last case phytoplankton biomass too, which is expressed through the concentration of chlorophyll a. Through qualitative and quantitative aspects of phytoplankton can be create a general overview of the degree of eutrophication in the Bokakotorska Bay and to point out possible hazards and precautions to be taken to avoid negative consequences. All these biological parameters can not be separated from the physical-chemical parameters with which they are in interaction and which directly affect the quantity and qualitative composition of phytoplankton. The abundance of phytoplankton often reached values of 106 cells/l, which is typical for an eutrophic area and abundance of phytoplankton wasnā€™t below 105 cells/l throughout the study, which again points to increased eutrophication. Phytoplankton group that has dominated almost during all investigated period were diatoms, which are eurivalent group of organisms. Another group of organisms that were present were dinoflagellates, which are interesting because they produce toxins that can be harmful to humans. Among diatoms, it was found algae that are otherwise characteristic of nutrients-enriched areas, which indicate changes in the Bay. Noticed algae that prefer higher nutrients concentration were Chaetoceros affinis, Dactyliosolen fragilissimus, Leptocylindrus danicus, Navicula spp., Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and Thalassionema nitzschioides. The following diversity were analyzed: Shannon's diversity index (H '), the reciprocal of Simpson's index (1 / D) and Margalef's index (d) for the Boka Kotorska Bay. It was found that indices were lower when phytoplankton abundance was higher and when the dominance of certain species was noticed, such in current study it was in July, when dominated species Thalassionema nitzshioides. That suggests that diversity is lower when occurrs predominance of certain species. In relation to phytoplankton biomass expressed in chlorophyll a concentration, according to various criteria (HĆ„kanson et al., 1994; Ignatiades 2005), Boka Kotorska Bay was identified as meso-eutrophic area. Considering that parameters which indicate the degree of eutrophication suggest that the Boka Kotorska Bay begins to take characteristic of eutrophic area, it should be taken measures to prevent further progression to an even higher degree of eutrophication. Boka Kotorska Bay is one particularly sensitive ecosystem, especially the Kotor Bay, which is closed and with the weaker dynamics of water masses and under the growing pressure of eutrophication

    Distribution changes of plankton communities in the harbour Porto Montenegro (South Adriatic Sea)

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    Plankton data (phyto, zoo and ichthyo) that were collected monthly from March 2016 to February 2017 in the harbour ?Porto Montenegro? and the referent station (Tivat Bay) were analysed to determine if there are any differences in plankton distribution, composition and diversity among sites. In contrast to phytoplankton and zooplankton, whose diversity and spatial distribution are driven considerably by temperature and salinity (phytoplankton) and inter-species interaction, affinity for aggregation with specific water masses (zooplankton), the spatial dynamics of ichthyoplankton is significantly dependent on the aggregation of adult populations, rates of mortality, and physical processes that affect the position and retention of organisms. Anchovy early life stages and the dominance of this species in referent station during all months of investigation, especially in August, caused significant difference among sites. We found that unfavourable conditions for adult fish aggregation in the harbour area ?Porto Montenegro? could be the reason for driving the differences in the ichthyoplankton spatial distribution compared with Bay area, while phytoplankton and zooplankton data didn?t show significant differences among sites.Fil: Pestorić, Branka. University of Montenegro. Institute of Marine Biology; MontenegroFil: Drakulović, Dragana. University of Montenegro. Institute of Marine Biology; MontenegroFil: Mandić, Milica. University of Montenegro. Institute of Marine Biology; MontenegroFil: LĆ³pez Abbate, MarĆ­a Celeste. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĆ­ficas y TĆ©cnicas. Centro CientĆ­fico TecnolĆ³gico Conicet - BahĆ­a Blanca. Instituto Argentino de OceanografĆ­a. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto Argentino de OceanografĆ­a; Argentin

    Algal pigments distribution and phytoplankton group assemblages in the coastal transitional environment ā€“ Boka Kotorska Bay (Southeastern Adriatic Sea)

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    Prisutnost zajednica fitoplanktona i rasprostranjenost pigmenata utvrđivani su u tranzicijskim vodama Bokokotorskog zaljeva. Uzorci su prikupljeni četiri puta na tri lokaliteta u unutraÅ”njosti Zaljeva u periodu između travnja 2008. i ožujka 2009. godine. Mikroskopskom analizom utvrđeno je da fitoplankton čine morske dijatomeje, dinoflagelati, kriptofiti, klorofiti i kokolitoforidi. Pored fukoksantina kao dominantnog biomarkerskog pigmenta, bili su zastupljeni i aloksantin, 19ā€²-heksanoiloksifukoksantin, peridinin i klorofil bā€. Fukoksantin i aloksantin su pokazali značajnu korelaciju sa klorofilom a kao indikatorom biomase fitoplanktona tijekom čitavog perioda ispitivanja. U studenom 2008. godine, dijatomeje su nadjačale kokolitoforide, koji su vjerovatno efikasno apsorbirali nutrijente tijekom perioda u kojem je njihova dostupnost bila smanjena. Kao rezultat smanjenog unosa nutrijenata, u ljetnom periodu, zajednicu fitoplanktona u Bokokotorskom zaljevu sačinjavali su uglavnom morski dinoflagelati, kriptofiti i klorofiti.Phytoplankton assemblages and pigment distribution were determined in the transitional Boka Kotorska Bay. Samples were collected four times from three stations in the inner part of the Bay between April 2008 and March 2009. Microscopic analysis revealed that the phytoplankton was composed of marine diatoms, dinoflagellates, cryptophytes, chlorophytes and coccolithophorids. Aside from fucoxanthin as the dominant biomarker pigment, alloxanthin, 19ā€²-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin, peridinin and chlorophyll b provided indicative contributions. Fucoxanthin and alloxanthin showed significant correlation with the phytoplankton chlorophyll a biomass throughout the investigated period. In November 2008, the diatoms were outcompeted by coccolithophorids, which probably efficiently absorbed nutrients during a period of their reduced supply. Due to the reduced nutrient input, in the summer, the phytoplankton community in the Bay was composed mostly of marine dinoflagellates, cryptophytes, and chlorophytes

    Status of faecal pollution in ports: A basin-wide investigation in the Adriatic Sea

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    Ports are subject to a variety of anthropogenic impacts, and there is mounting evidence of faecal contamination through several routes. Yet, little is known about pollution in ports by faecal indicator bacteria (FIB). FIB spatio-temporal dynamics were assessed in 12 ports of the Adriatic Sea, a semi-enclosed basin under strong anthropogenic pressure, and their relationships with environmental variables were explored to gain insight into pollution sources. FIB were abundant in ports, often more so than in adjacent areas ; their abundance patterns were related to salinity, oxygen, and nutrient levels. In addition, a molecular method, quantitative (q)PCR, was used to quantify FIB. qPCR enabled faster FIB determination and water quality monitoring that culture-based methods. These data provide robust baseline evidence of faecal contamination in ports and can be used to improve the management of routine port activities (dredging and ballast water exchange), having potential to spread pathogens in the sea

    Implementation of the One Health approach to fight arbovirus infections in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Region: Assessing integrated surveillance in Serbia, Tunisia and Georgia

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    Background In the Mediterranean and Black Sea Region, arbovirus infections are emerging infectious diseases. Their surveillance can benefit from one health inter-sectoral collaboration; however, no standardized methodology exists to study One Health surveillance. Methods We designed a situation analysis study to document how integration of laboratory/clinical human, animal and entomological surveillance of arboviruses was being implemented in the Region. We applied a framework designed to assess three levels of integration: policy/institutional, data collection/data analysis and dissemination. We tested the use of Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) to graphically present evidence of inter-sectoral integration. Results Serbia, Tunisia and Georgia participated in the study. West Nile Virus surveillance was analysed in Serbia and Tunisia, Crimea-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever surveillance in Georgia. Our framework enabled a standardized analysis of One Health surveillance integration, and BPMN was easily understandable and conducive to detailed discussions among different actors/institutions. In all countries, we observed integration across sectors and levels except in data collection and data analysis. Data collection was interoperable only in Georgia without integrated analysis. In all countries, surveillance was mainly oriented towards outbreak response, triggered by an index human case. Discussion The three surveillance systems we observed prove that integrated surveillance can be operationalized with a diverse spectrum of options. However, in all countries, the integrated use of data for early warning and inter-sectoral priority setting is pioneeristic. We also noted that early warning before human case occurrence is recurrently not operationally prioritized