15 research outputs found

    Promocija i promicanje čitanja u narodnim knjižnicama Republike Hrvatske

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    Rad obrađuje problematiku promocije i promicanja čitanja u narodnim knjižnicama te se fokusira na važnost razlikovanja tih dvaju pojmova u praksi hrvatskih narodnih knjižnica. Pregledom literature pokazano je da je promocija čitanja u hrvatskim narodnim knjižnicama još uvijek nedovoljno istraženo područje. Postojeća istraživanja na temu čitanja uglavnom se bave čitateljskim navikama pojedinih korisničkih skupina, čitanjem lektirnih djela ili općenitim značenjem čitanja, dok PISA i PIRLS istraživanja donose rezultate standardiziranih testova vezanih uz čitateljske kompetencije. Stručni radovi donose prikaze provedenih projekata i opisuju primjere dobre prakse. Poseban značaj u tome ima nacionalna kampanja za poticanje čitanja Čitaj mi! Objavljenih istraživanja na temu promocije čitanja u Hrvatskoj nema. Prvi dio rada donosi definicije ključnih pojmova, promicanja i promocije te kratki pregled istraživanja, projekata i udruga organiziranih u svrhu promocije i promicanja čitanja. Drugi dio rada donosi rezultate istraživanja koji prikazuju načine i pristupe promociji i promicanju čitanja u hrvatskim narodnim knjižnicama. Istraživanjem se nastojao dobiti uvid u načine i postupke pomoću kojih osobe odgovorne za aktivnosti promicanja i promocije čitanja provode promociju čitanja u knjižnici u kojoj su zaposlene. Također je istraženo kako knjižničari percipiraju pojmove vezane uz promicanje, poticanje i promociju čitanja i svijest o važnosti promocije aktivnosti koje se svakodnevno odvijaju u knjižnicama. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 35 narodnih knjižnica odabranih na temelju prijedloga i preporuke voditelja županijskih knjižnica. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua. Rezultati su pokazali da knjižničari često ne razlikuju (ili ne pridaju važnost razlikovanju) terminologije, da se najčešće koriste promocijom (ne svih) aktivnosti putem oglašavanja na Facebook-stranicama i mrežnim stranicama knjižnica, što je usmjereno mlađim korisnicima te oglašavanjem na oglasnim pločama u knjižnici, što je usmjereno prema starijim korisnicima. Mnogi provedeni programi prolaze nezapaženo u široj javnosti jer se ne promoviraju dovoljno, što je često rezultat nedovoljnog vremena knjižničara za obavljanje tog dijela poslovanja. Rezultati ukazuju i na nužnost edukacije i podizanja svijesti o važnosti različitih načina promocije čitanja kako bi poticanje i promicanje bilo vidljivije u javnosti

    Scholarly Electronic Databases and Library & Information Sciences Students in Croatia: Motivations, Uses and Barriers

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    The study investigated library and information science students’ motivations for and experiences with electronic database searching. Data was gathered through a self- administered print survey in May 2014 among undergraduate and graduate library and information science students at three Croatia's state universities. Quantitative analysis was conducted on 209 correctly completed questionnaires using the SPSS statistical package. Besides descriptive statistics, Chi- Square tests, T-tests, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney Test and Kruskal Wallis tests were used to test possible differences between the groups in the sample. Statistical difference was tested at the level of 95%. Almost all respondents indicated that they obtained electronic database training at university, but only slightly more than a half think that they are good or very good at searching this source of information. Although the majority of respondents indicated that they are intrinsically motivated to use electronic databases, they reported a more frequent use of Google than electronic databases when writing academic papers. Among the main barriers related to electronic database use respondents reported limited access to databases from home, the habit of using Google when searching for information either for private or academic purposes and difficulties with understanding the language (English) of publications available in databases. The results of the study could be used by university teachers and librarians when organizing their electronic resources, promoting their use and preparing information literacy classes

    Scholarly Electronic Databases and Library & Information Sciences Students in Croatia: Motivations, Uses and Barriers

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    The study investigated library and information science students’ motivations for and experiences with electronic database searching. Data was gathered through a self- administered print survey in May 2014 among undergraduate and graduate library and information science students at three Croatia's state universities. Quantitative analysis was conducted on 209 correctly completed questionnaires using the SPSS statistical package. Besides descriptive statistics, Chi- Square tests, T-tests, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney Test and Kruskal Wallis tests were used to test possible differences between the groups in the sample. Statistical difference was tested at the level of 95%. Almost all respondents indicated that they obtained electronic database training at university, but only slightly more than a half think that they are good or very good at searching this source of information. Although the majority of respondents indicated that they are intrinsically motivated to use electronic databases, they reported a more frequent use of Google than electronic databases when writing academic papers. Among the main barriers related to electronic database use respondents reported limited access to databases from home, the habit of using Google when searching for information either for private or academic purposes and difficulties with understanding the language (English) of publications available in databases. The results of the study could be used by university teachers and librarians when organizing their electronic resources, promoting their use and preparing information literacy classes

    IPSP Scoping Report

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    In the transition towards Open Access (OA), institutional publishing is challenged by fragmentation and varying service quality, visibility, and sustainability. To address this issue, DIAMAS gathers 23 organisations from 12 European countries, well-versed in OA academic publishing and scholarly communication. The project will: 1. Map the current landscape of Institutional Publishing Service Providers (IPSPs) in 25 countries of the ERA with special attention for IPSPs that do not charge fees for publishing or reading. This will yield a taxonomy of IPSPs and an IPSP landscape report, a basis for the rest of the project. 2. Coordinate and improve the efficiency and quality of IPSPs by developing an Extensible Quality Standard for Institutional Publishing (EQSIP). This quality standard will professionalise, strengthen, and reduce the fragmentation of institutional publishing in Europe. EQSIP will serve as a benchmark for a gap analysis of the data

    Diachronic semantics: changes of meaning of words over time and the consequences for keeping classification systems up to date

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    <p>Meaning of words in a natural language are changing over time under the influences of different factors. Words adapt to new meanings, lose old meanings, rearrange current meanings and change some parts of previous meanings, etc. The language as a living organism needs to be able to accept and adapt to those changes. Like natural languages, artificial languages such as classification systems or subject indexing systems have to adjust to those changes too. Linguist F. de Saussure defines language as a 'system of signs'. If we transfer this definition into the artificial language such as a classification system (e.g., Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)) and define it also as a 'system of signs' which has a vocabulary, a grammar and a syntax, we could draw parallels between phenomena which occur in natural and in artificial languages. The young linguistic discipline which deals with changes in meanings over time is called diachronic semantics and this paper explores how its mechanisms can be used to analyze the changes that occur in classification systems over time. Diachronic semantics uses various mechanisms to describe adapting and changing meanings of words. These mechanisms include: metaphor, metonymy, specialization, generalization, analogy and splitting. This paper also aims to explain the borrowing and adjusting of the theory from the field of linguistics into the field of information sciences.</p&gt

    Diachronic semantics: changes of meaning of words over time and the consequences for keeping classification systems up to date

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    <p>Words in the natural language adapt to new meanings, lose old meanings, rearrange current meanings and change some parts of previous meanings, etc. The language as a living organism needs to be able to accept and adapt to those changes. Artificial languages such as classification systems or subject indexing systems have to adjust to those changes too. Linguist F. de Saussure</p><p>defines language as a 'system of signs'. If we transfer this definition into the artificial language such as a classification system (e.g., Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)) and define it also as a 'system of signs' which has a vocabulary, a grammar and a syntax, we could draw parallels between phenomena which occur in natural and in artificial languages. The linguistic discipline which deals with changes in meanings over time is called diachronic semantics and this paper explores how its mechanisms can be used to analyze the changes that occur in classification systems over time. The mechanisms used to describe adapting and changing meanings of words include: metaphor, metonymy, specialization, generalization, analogy and splitting. This paper also aims to explain the borrowing and adjusting of the theory from the field of linguistics into the field of information sciences.</p&gt

    Reading promotion and boosting reading in public libraries in Croatia

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    Rad obrađuje problematiku promocije i promicanja čitanja u narodnim knjižnicama te se fokusira na važnost razlikovanja tih dvaju pojmova u praksi hrvatskih narodnih knjižnica. Pregledom literature pokazano je da je promocija čitanja u hrvatskim narodnim knjižnicama još uvijek nedovoljno istraženo područje. Postojeća istraživanja na temu čitanja uglavnom se bave čitateljskim navikama pojedinih korisničkih skupina, čitanjem lektirnih djela ili općenitim značenjem čitanja, dok PISA i PIRLS istraživanja donose rezultate standardiziranih testova vezanih uz čitateljske kompetencije. Stručni radovi donose prikaze provedenih projekata i opisuju primjere dobre prakse. Poseban značaj u tome ima nacionalna kampanja za poticanje čitanja Čitaj mi! Objavljenih istraživanja na temu promocije čitanja u Hrvatskoj nema. Prvi dio rada donosi definicije ključnih pojmova, promicanja i promocije te kratki pregled istraživanja, projekata i udruga organiziranih u svrhu promocije i promicanja čitanja. Drugi dio rada donosi rezultate istraživanja koji prikazuju načine i pristupe promociji i promicanju čitanja u hrvatskim narodnim knjižnicama. Istraživanjem se nastojao dobiti uvid u načine i postupke pomoću kojih osobe odgovorne za aktivnosti promicanja i promocije čitanja provode promociju čitanja u knjižnici u kojoj su zaposlene. Također je istraženo kako knjižničari percipiraju pojmove vezane uz promicanje, poticanje i promociju čitanja i svijest o važnosti promocije aktivnosti koje se svakodnevno odvijaju u knjižnicama. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 35 narodnih knjižnica odabranih na temelju prijedloga i preporuke voditelja županijskih knjižnica. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua. Rezultati su pokazali da knjižničari često ne razlikuju (ili ne pridaju važnost razlikovanju) terminologije, da se najčešće koriste promocijom (ne svih) aktivnosti putem oglašavanja na Facebook-stranicama i mrežnim stranicama knjižnica, što je usmjereno mlađim korisnicima te oglašavanjem na oglasnim pločama u knjižnici, što je usmjereno prema starijim korisnicima. Mnogi provedeni programi prolaze nezapaženo u široj javnosti jer se ne promoviraju dovoljno, što je često rezultat nedovoljnog vremena knjižničara za obavljanje tog dijela poslovanja. Rezultati ukazuju i na nužnost edukacije i podizanja svijesti o važnosti različitih načina promocije čitanja kako bi poticanje i promicanje bilo vidljivije u javnosti