273 research outputs found

    Impact of olive mill wastewater (OMW) on the soil hydraulic and solute transport properties

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    The Mediterranean area concentrates the world’s largest production area of olive oil. The olive oil industry represents, in this basin, one of the leading sectors of the agri-food economy. Olive mill water (OMW) is the principal waste effluent produced by the olive oil industry. Due to its high pollution load, this aqueous by-product cannot be directly disposed of in domestic wastewater treatment plants (especially those with a biological treatment unit). Untreated OMW is currently used for agronomic purposes in several countries, mainly because it is rich in valuable plant nutrients. However, OMW is characterized by toxic phenols, high organic matter, high salinity, suspended solids and several other components that may have possible negative effects on chemical and physical soil properties, as well as soil biological activities. In the present research, we focused on the effects of OMW application on transport and hydraulic soil properties. Three distinct soils from a pedological point of view were selected and a series of laboratory steady-state miscible flow tests were conducted under saturated conditions, on both OMW-treated and -untreated soil columns. Tests were conducted on disturbed and undisturbed soil columns. The approach proposed by Kachanoski, based on soil impedance (Z) measurements via the time domain reflectometry (TDR) technique, was used to monitor the leaching experiments. The breakthrough curves (BTCs) exhibited different shapes that allowed the repercussions of OMW applications on soil transport behaviour to be distinguished. Several additional tests conducted on OMW-treated and -untreated soil cores to determine water retention curves (SWRCs) and saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks allowed us to infer the probable mechanisms involved in soil hydrological behaviour changes under OMW treatments. The results show that when OMW leaches into the soil immediately after its disposal there is little effect on the evaluated hydraulic and hydrodispersive properties. By contrast, we demonstrated that a short incubation period (i.e. a short contact time between OMW and soil) of 10 days is enough to exert a great influence on all the values determined (e.g. soil pore velocity v and Ks reduced by up to one order of magnitude). These effects were especially evident in undisturbed soil samples. Graphic Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Dielectric Response of a Variable Saturated Soil Contaminated by Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs)

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    AbstractIn recent years, several studies have been conducted both in saturated and unsaturated soils to detect non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) hydrocarbon contamination in soils and groundwater by means of the time domain reflectometry (TDR) technique. This technique is widely used for measuring the dielectric permittivity and bulk electrical conductivity of multiphase systems. Only accurate knowledge of the dielectric response of soil matrix- water-NAPL (saturated condition) or soil matrix-air-water-NAPL (unsaturated condition) systems can allow the volumetric NAPL content (θNAPL) to be determined in the soil. This paper investigates the influence of NAPL contamination (corn oil, a non-volatile and non-toxic NAPL, was used) on TDR measurement in a volcanic soil, relating dielectric permittivity of the multiphase soil system to volumetric fluid content θf (i.e. water+NAPL). The soil samples were oven dried at 105°C and passed through a 2mm sieve. Known quantities of soil, water and oil were mixed and repacked into plastic cylinders (15cm high and 9.5cm in diameter); 40 different combinations of water and oil were tested, with θNAPL varying from 0.05 to 0.40 by 0.05cm3/cm3 increments. A volumetric mixing model with three (soil matrix-water-NAPL) or four (soil matrix-air-water-NAPL) phases permitted conversion from a dielectric permittivity domain into a θf domain. The results show that, the amount of contaminant in soil can be inferred if the total volume of pore fluid θf and the dielectric permittivity of the contaminated soil are known. Further work will be built on this initial study, concentrating on: i) enhancing the model linkage and validating it with new laboratory results; ii) validating the developed TDR interpretation tool with field results

    In situ estimation of soil hydraulic and hydrodispersive properties by inversion of electromagnetic induction measurements and soil hydrological modeling

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    Soil hydraulic and hydrodispersive properties are necessary for modeling water and solute fluxes in agricultural and environmental systems. Despite the major efforts in developing methods (e.g., laboratory-based, pedotransfer functions), their characterization at applicative scales remains an imperative requirement. Accordingly, this paper proposes a noninvasive in situ method integrating electromagnetic induction (EMI) and hydrological modeling to estimate soil hydraulic and transport properties at the plot scale. To this end, we carried out two sequential water infiltration and solute transport experiments and conducted time-lapse EMI surveys using a CMD Mini-Explorer to examine how well this methodology can be used to (i) monitor water content dynamic after irrigation and to estimate the soil hydraulic van Genuchten-Mualem parameters from the water infiltration experiment as well as (ii) to monitor solute concentration and to estimate solute dispersivity from the solute transport experiment. We then compared the results with those estimated by direct time domain reflectometry (TDR) and tensiometer probe measurements. The EMI significantly underestimated the water content distribution observed by TDR, but the water content evolved similarly over time. This introduced two main effects on soil hydraulic properties obtained by the two methods: (i) similar water retention curve shapes, but underestimated saturated water content from the EMI method, resulting in a scaled water retention curve when compared with the TDR method; the EMI-based water retention curve can be scaled by measuring the actual saturated water content at the end of the experiment with TDR probes or by weighing soil samples; (ii) almost overlapping hydraulic conductivity curves, as expected when considering that the shape of the hydraulic conductivity curve primarily reflects changes in water content over time. Nevertheless, EMI-based estimations of soil hydraulic properties and transport properties were found to be fairly accurate in comparison with those obtained from direct TDR measurements and tensiometer probe measurements

    A soil non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) flushing laboratory experiment based on measuring the dielectric properties of soil-organic mixtures via time domain reflectometry (TDR)

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    The term non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) refers to a group of organic compounds with scarce solubility in water. They are the products of various human activities and may be accidentally introduced into the soil system. Given their toxicity level and high mobility, NAPLs constitute a serious geo-environmental problem. Contaminant distribution in the soil and groundwater contains fundamental information for the remediation of polluted soil sites. The present research explored the possible employment of time domain reflectometry (TDR) to estimate pollutant removal in a silt-loam soil that was primarily contaminated with a corn oil as a light NAPL and then flushed with different washing solutions. Known mixtures of soil and NAPL were prepared in the laboratory to achieve soil specimens with varying pollution levels. The prepared soil samples were repacked into plastic cylinders and then placed in testing cells. Washing solutions were then injected upward into the contaminated sample, and both the quantity of remediated NAPL and the bulk dielectric permittivity of the soil sample were determined. The above data were also used to calibrate and validate a dielectric model (the α mixing model) which permits the volumetric NAPL content (θNAPL m3 m-3) within the contaminated sample to be determined and quantified during the different decontamination stages. Our results demonstrate that during a decontamination process, the TDR device is NAPL-sensitive: the dielectric permittivity of the medium increases as the NAPL volume decreases. Moreover, decontamination progression can be monitored using a simple (one-parameter) mixing model

    An NF-kB site in the 5'-untraslated leader region of the Human Immunodeficiency virus type 1 enhances the viral expression in response to NF-kB-activating stimuli.

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    The 5'-untranslated leader region of human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1), includes a complex array of putative regulatory elements whose role in the viral expression is not completely understood. Here we demonstrate the presence of an NF-κB-responsive element in the trans- activation response (TAR) region of HIV-1 that confers the full induction of HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) in response to NF-κB-activating stimuli, such as DNA alkylating agents, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, and tumor necrosis factor-α. The TAR NF-κB site GGGAGCTCTC spans from positions +31 to +40 and cooperates with the NF-κB enhancer upstream of the TATA box in the NF-κB-mediated induction of HIV-1 LTR. The conclusion stems from the following observations: (i) deletion of the two NF-κB sites upstream of the TATA box reduces, but does not abolish, the HIV-1 LTR activation by NF-κB inducers; (ii) deletion or base pair substitutions of the TAR NF-κB site significantly reduce the HIV-1 LTR activation by NF-κB inducers; (iii) deletions of both the NF-κB sites upstream of the TATA box and the TAR NF- κB site abolish the activation of HIV-1 LTR in response to NF-κB inducers. Moreover, the p50·p65 NF-κB complex binds to the TAR NF-κB sequence and trans-activates the TAR NF-κB-directed expression. The identification of an additional NF-κB site in the HIV-1 LTR points to the relevance of NF-κB factors in the HIV-1 life cycle

    The exposure of the world’s mountains to global change drivers

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    Global change affects mountain areas at different levels, with some mountains being more exposed to change in climate or environmental conditions and others acting as local refugia. We quantified the exposure of the world’s mountains to three drivers of change, climate, land use, and human population density, using two spatial-temporal metrics (velocity and magnitude of change). We estimated the acceleration of change for these drivers by comparing past (1975–2005) vs. future (2020–2050) exposure, and we also compared exposure in lowlands vs. mountains. We found Africa’s tropical mountains facing the highest future exposure to multiple drivers of change, thus requiring targeted adaptation and mitigation strategies to preserve biodiversity. European and North America’s mountains, in contrast, experience more limited exposure to global change and could act as local refugia for biodiversity. This knowledge can be used to prioritize local-scale interventions and planning long-term monitoring to reduce the risks faced by mountain biodiversity

    A Stochastic Texture-based Approach for Evaluating Solute Travel Times to Groundwater at Regional Scale by Coupling GIS and Transfer Function

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    AbstractInterpreting and predicting the evolution of non-point source (NPS) pollution of soil and surface and subsurface water from agricultural chemicals and pathogens, as well as overexploitation of groundwater resources at regional scale are continuing challenges for natural scientists. The presence and build up of NPS pollutants may be harmful for both soil and groundwater resources. Accordingly, this study mainly aims to developing a regional-scale simulation methodology for groundwater vulnerability that use real soil profiles data. A stochastic approach will be applied to account for the effect of vertical heterogeneity on variability of solute transport in the vadose zone. The approach relies on available datasets and offers quantitative answers to soil and groundwater vulnerability to non-point source of chemicals at regional scale within a defined confidence interval. The study area is located in the Metaponto agricultural site, Basilicata Region-South Italy, covering approximately 12000 hectares. Chloride will be considered as a generic pollutant for simulation purposes. The methodology is based on three sequential steps: 1) designing and building of a spatial database containing environmental and physical information regarding the study area, 2) developing travel time distributions for specific textural sequences in the soil profile, coming from texture-based transfer functions, 3) final representation of results through digital mapping. Distributed output of soil pollutant leaching behavior, with corresponding statistical uncertainties, will be visualized in GIS maps. Of course, this regional-scale methodology may be extended to any specific pollutants for any soil, climatic and land use conditions

    Impact of zeolite from coal fly ash on soil hydrophysical properties and plant growth

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    Zeolites can be extensively employed in agricultural activities because they improve soil properties such as infiltration rates, saturated hydraulic conductivity, water holding capacity, and cation exchange capacity. Natural and synthetic zeolites can efficiently hold water. Zeolites are also believed to have the ability to lose and gain water reversibly, without changing their crystal structure. In the present study, several laboratory tests were carried out using: (i) zeolite synthesized from coal fly ash (a waste product from burning coal in thermoelectric power plants), (ii) a silty loam soil, typically found in Southern Italy, and (iii) sunflower as a reference plant. The selected soil was amended with different percentages of zeolite (1, 2, 5, and 10%) and the effects of the synthetic mineral addition on the hydrophysical properties of the soil and plant growth were evaluated. The results indicated that soil–zeolite mixtures retained water more efficiently by pore radius modification. However, this causes a variation in the range of plant-available water towards higher soil humidity values, as the amount of added zeolite increases. These data confirm that zeolite addition modifies the selected hydrophysical properties of the soil with the effect of decreasing the soil drainage capacity, making the soil less habitable for plant growt

    Perylenetetracarboxy-3,4:9,10-diimide derivatives with large two-photon absorption activity

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    Three new perylenetetracarboxy-3,4:9,10-diimides, bearing 2,6-diisopropylphenyl groups at the imide positions and 4-(R-ethynyl)phenoxy moieties (R = 4,7-di(2-thienyl)benzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazole (P2), pyrene (P3) or pyrene-CH2OCH2 (P4)) at the four bay positions, were prepared, along with the known related derivative (R = phenyl (P1)), and well characterized. They have large two-photon absorption (TPA) cross-sections (sigma(2)), as determined by the Z-scan technique, the highest values being reached with P2 which bears a planar -delocalized donor moiety. P3 is characterized by higher sigma(2) values than both P1, as expected for the higher -conjugation of the donor pyrene moiety with respect to phenyl, and P4, due to the presence of the flexible and non-conjugated CH2OCH2 bridge between the pyrene and the ethynyl fragment in the latter compound. The molecular geometry of P1-P4 has been optimized by DFT modeling, showing that in P2 and P3 the bay substituents are stacked due to the - interactions of both pyrene and thiophene groups. The LUMO of P1-P4 lies at the same energy and is essentially delocalized on the perylene core whereas the HOMO and HOMO-1 of both P2 and P3 are degenerate and do not show contribution from the perylene core contrarily to that of P1 and P4. The HOMO-LUMO gap is therefore essentially influenced by the HOMO which reflects the electronic charge delocalization on the bay substituents, the lower gaps being observed for P2 and P3, which are characterized by the best TPA properties
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