87 research outputs found

    Análisis del trabajo desempeñado en la asignatura «Prácticas profesionales» (Genetics Essentials. Concepts and Connections)

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Traducció Medicosanitària. Codi: SBA031. Curs: 2020/2021El presente trabajo de fin de máster profesional (en adelante «TFM») condensa la labor desempeñada en el marco de la asignatura «Prácticas profesionales» del máster en Traducción Médico-Sanitaria de la Universidad Jaime I de Castellón, a la vez que pretende dejar constancia de los conocimientos adquiridos en el transcurso del máster, en general, y de la asignatura, en particular. Por lo tanto, este trabajo sirve de memoria de las prácticas realizadas en la Editorial Médica Panamericana, iniciadora del encargo, en modalidad online, durante el mes de junio del curso 2020/21. Dicho encargo estipulaba la traducción, entre los distintos grupos de alumnos organizados para tal fin, de varios capítulos de la obra Genetics Essentials. Concepts and Connections de Benjamin Pierce (2021). A lo largo de estas páginas se tratará de detallar el proceso seguido durante la experiencia traductora. Tras una breve sección introductoria, se incluirán el texto origen («TO») y el texto meta («TM») enfrentados y se procederá con la presentación del comentario, concerniente a cuestiones metodológicas, criterios seguidos, clasificación de los problemas de traducción encontrados y las soluciones propuestas para resolverlos. Asimismo, se hará una valoración de los recursos y las herramientas utilizadas en el proceso. A continuación, se expondrá un glosario inglés-español con los términos de la especialidad, estructurado en cuatro columnas, junto con las fuentes que se utilizaron para su creación. A este subapartado le sigue la clasificación de los textos paralelos y la enumeración de los recursos y herramientas que hicieron posible la comprensión de los conceptos específicos del campo de especialidad. En último lugar se formularán unas breves conclusiones y se procederá con la especificación de la bibliografía, estructurada en recursos impresos y electrónicos

    Nuevas intervenciones de terapia ocupacional en demencias. Una revisión sobre el uso de las tecnologías en Asia Oriental

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    El envejecimiento acelerado de la población ha supuesto un aumento de los casos de demencias a nivel mundial. Actualmente no existe un tratamiento efectivo. En el mundo occidental se han empleado y se siguen explorando varias estrategias. El objeto de este trabajo consiste en indagar acerca de las principales estrategias que se utilizan en terapia ocupacional en el campo de las demencias, en el entorno asiático, dado el alto desarrollo tecnológico y de innovación que presenta esta zona. Los resultados de la búsqueda bibliográfica señalan que la tecnología es una herramienta útil para el tratamiento de las demencias desde la terapia ocupacional.<br /


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    Accurate, clear, and concise communication in the military is one of the most important elements of interaction at all levels of the organization. Qualitative writing draws on unambiguous and coherent discourse, whose construction must respect a specific style and standards. The article proposes an informed discussion targeting the development of military writing skills, based on clear standards and guidelines. Drawing on a specific example (military memorandum), the authors discuss the most prevalent elements of effective military writing and suggest a specific military writing style aimed at ensuring a successful written interaction in this professional context

    Effects on corporate stakeholders and limitations of the implementation of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (2014/95/EU)

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    Research question: What are the effects of non-financial reporting (NFR) for companies and stakeholders? Motivation: We draw on previous research that examines the effects and limitations of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive on key stakeholders. Idea: This article investigates the increasing significance of the sustainability orientation in corporate operations, as well as the role of NFR in providing information about social, ethical, and environmental aspects of a particular organization. Additionally, the article explores the possible benefits of sustainability reporting, such as improved reputation, in addition to the company’s ability to contribute to the sustainable development goals. Data and tools: This paper provides a scoping review that explores the influence of NFR on the decisions of various stakeholders, such as companies, investors, governments or regulators, accountants and auditors, employees, and the general public. The review discusses existing studies in the literature focusing on NFR and the legislative context in respect to the transition from NFR to sustainability reporting. Findings and Contribution: This article shows that Directive 2014/95/EU positively influenced the quality and transparency of the sustainability disclosure process of companies. Also, we identify various gaps in the literature, along with challenges faced by firms when reporting on non-financial information and ensuring accuracy and completeness. Based on summarized evidence from the literature, the limitations of NFR include inconsistent formats, lack of standardization, weaknesses in the reliability and comparability of information used in decision-making process, and limited assurance. Finally, our study highlights the importance of transitioning from NFR to sustainability reporting, the latter having significant effects in increasing stakeholder participation, safeguarding business reputation, boosting investor confidence and achieving the sustainable development goals, while complying with legislation. It explores the challenges and opportunities linked to NFR (a synonym of ESG reporting) and specifies the necessary components of sustainability reporting frameworks

    Baroclinic Ocean Response to Climate Forcing Regulates Decadal Variability of Ice‐Shelf Melting in the Amundsen Sea

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    Warm ocean waters drive rapid ice-shelf melting in the Amundsen Sea. The ocean heat transport toward the ice shelves is associated with the Amundsen Undercurrent, a near-bottom current that flows eastward along the shelf break and transports warm waters onto the continental shelf via troughs. Here we use a regional ice-ocean model to show that, on decadal time scales, the undercurrent's variability is baroclinic (depth-dependent). Decadal ocean surface cooling in the tropical Pacific results in cyclonic wind anomalies over the Amundsen Sea. These wind anomalies drive a westward perturbation of the shelf-break surface flow and an eastward anomaly (strengthening) of the undercurrent, leading to increased ice-shelf melting. This contrasts with shorter time scales, for which surface current and undercurrent covary, a barotropic (depth-independent) behavior previously assumed to apply at all time scales. This suggests that interior ocean processes mediate the decadal ice-shelf response in the Amundsen Sea to climate forcing

    Discutindo a educação ambiental no cotidiano escolar: desenvolvimento de projetos na escola formação inicial e continuada de professores

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    A presente pesquisa buscou discutir como a Educação Ambiental (EA) vem sendo trabalhada, no Ensino Fundamental e como os docentes desta escola compreendem e vem inserindo a EA no cotidiano escolar., em uma escola estadual do município de Tangará da Serra/MT, Brasil. Para tanto, realizou-se entrevistas com os professores que fazem parte de um projeto interdisciplinar de EA na escola pesquisada. Verificou-se que o projeto da escola não vem conseguindo alcançar os objetivos propostos por: desconhecimento do mesmo, pelos professores; formação deficiente dos professores, não entendimento da EA como processo de ensino-aprendizagem, falta de recursos didáticos, planejamento inadequado das atividades. A partir dessa constatação, procurou-se debater a impossibilidade de tratar do tema fora do trabalho interdisciplinar, bem como, e principalmente, a importância de um estudo mais aprofundado de EA, vinculando teoria e prática, tanto na formação docente, como em projetos escolares, a fim de fugir do tradicional vínculo “EA e ecologia, lixo e horta”.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Augmented reality to train user skills: integration of standard haptic device

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    Dynamics of the subpolar Southern Ocean response to climate change

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    This thesis first focuses on the imprint on sea surface of the interior circulation captured by the Amundsen Undercurrent (AU) and the atmospheric drivers that affect the regions of covariability. Then, we examine more broadly the large scale patterns of the joint forcing from wind and ice that affect the sea level. This is achieved using a novel 16-year long altimetry record of Sea Level Anomaly (SLA) that includes measurements in regions of near-perennial ice cover.Complemented by a 5-year record of mooring data from two glacial troughs in the Amundsen Sea, we find two robust patterns of co-variability between sea level and the undercurrent. On one hand, seasonal variability displays a Southern Mode modulation, whereby the sea level everywhere on the Antarctic shelf is coherent and anticorrelates with the AU strength. In contrast, on non-seasonal timescales, the undercurrent appears to be linked to ocean dynamics connected to tropical Pacific variability and likely indicative of baroclinic processes. In addition, this work presents a strong argument that remote processes can impact the AU via changes in SLA that propagate along the Antarctic shelf.We proceed to show that the first two dominant modes of SLA and joint sea ice and wind co-variability are consistent with previous studies that outline a quasi-instantaneous Ekman-driven mass exchange between shelf and the open ocean, as well as between the open ocean and the subtropics, the latter with a 2-month delay. Additionally, we show that teleconnections in the central/SE Pacific associated with the El Nino Southern Oscillation regulate the cross-slope SLA gradient, particularly on timescales longer than a year, and, to a lesser extent, drive an SLA pattern consistent with Zonal Wave 3 forcing, which is known to have a strong connection to sea ice variability

    Dataset supporting the University of Southampton doctoral thesis &quot;Dynamics of the subpolar southern ocean response to climate change&quot;

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    Dataset title: Gridded Altimetric Dynamic Ocean Topography for the Southern Ocean Southern Ocean product providing dynamic ocean topography to the south of 50S including over the ice covered regions. The gridded product combines data collected during two satellite missions monitored by the European Space Agency: Envisat and CryoSat-2. Along-track Sea Surface Height data referenced to the WGS84 ellipsoid are provided by the Centre of Polar Observation and Modelling and the University College London. Along-track data are processed to obtain a merged gridded product of monthly averages of Dynamic Ocean Topography (DOT) that span the period from July 2002 to October 2018. The DOT estimates are referenced to three geoid products: - GOCO05c - EGM2008 - EIGEN64v4 A separate file is avaialble for every geoid product used as a reference. The data in all files are binned on a 0.5 degree latitude x 1 degree longitude grid and have a Gaussian filter with a 300 km radius applied. Further details can be found in the linked Git repository. </span