59 research outputs found

    Diversity of phylum Ascomycota in the area of Fruska Gora with special reference to the ordo Helotiales

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    Osnovni cilj ove doktorske disertacije  bio  je izrada relevantne liste  –  spiska vrsta, gljiva pripadnika razdela  Ascomycota  Fruške gore, sa posebnim osvrtom na red Helotiales objedinjavanjem postojećih podataka iz literature i podataka sakupljenih tokom poslednjih 5 godina istraživanjem kandidata na terenu. Na osnovu istraživanja ukupno je zabeleženo 727  vrsta.  Od ukupnog broja 420  predstavljaju prve nalaze za područje Fruške gore, a 304  su prvi podaci za čitavo područje Srbije.  U okviru reda Helotiales zabeleženo je ukupno 133  vrsta iz 17 familija i ukupno 58 rodova.  Pored toga, na osnovu morfo-anatomske analize i molekularnih metoda opisana je i jedna nova vrsta za nauku- Psilocalycina fraxini-orni. Za sve vrste iz reda Helotiales dat je tekstualni opis, fotografija u prirodi, crtež mikroskopskih karaktera i ključevi za determinaciju. Ovim istraživanjem značajno je upotpunjeno poznavanje ove grupe organizama ne samo na ovoj planini, već u Srbiji uopšte.General aim of this doctoral thesis was the development of relevant list  -  the list offungal species of phylum Ascomycota originates from Fruska Gora, with special emphasis to the order Helotiales, based on consolidating existing data from theliterature and data collected  during the last 5 years of research in the field. Based on the research 727  species were recorded, among all 420  are recorded for the first  time in the area of Fruska Gora, and 304  represent the first data for the whole territory of Serbia. Based on this research for order Helotiales were recorded 133 species from 17 families and 58 genera. In addition, based on morpho-anatomical  and molecular analysis method is described and a new species - Psilocalycina fraxini-arable. In additional for all species of order Helotiales is given next description,photos from nature, drawing microscopic character and determination keys. This research has significantly complemented the knowledge of this group of organisms, not only on this mountain, but in Serbia in general

    Diversity of phylum Ascomycota in the area of Fruska Gora with special reference to the ordo Helotiales

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    Osnovni cilj ove doktorske disertacije  bio  je izrada relevantne liste  –  spiska vrsta, gljiva pripadnika razdela  Ascomycota  Fruške gore, sa posebnim osvrtom na red Helotiales objedinjavanjem postojećih podataka iz literature i podataka sakupljenih tokom poslednjih 5 godina istraživanjem kandidata na terenu. Na osnovu istraživanja ukupno je zabeleženo 727  vrsta.  Od ukupnog broja 420  predstavljaju prve nalaze za područje Fruške gore, a 304  su prvi podaci za čitavo područje Srbije.  U okviru reda Helotiales zabeleženo je ukupno 133  vrsta iz 17 familija i ukupno 58 rodova.  Pored toga, na osnovu morfo-anatomske analize i molekularnih metoda opisana je i jedna nova vrsta za nauku- Psilocalycina fraxini-orni. Za sve vrste iz reda Helotiales dat je tekstualni opis, fotografija u prirodi, crtež mikroskopskih karaktera i ključevi za determinaciju. Ovim istraživanjem značajno je upotpunjeno poznavanje ove grupe organizama ne samo na ovoj planini, već u Srbiji uopšte.General aim of this doctoral thesis was the development of relevant list  -  the list offungal species of phylum Ascomycota originates from Fruska Gora, with special emphasis to the order Helotiales, based on consolidating existing data from theliterature and data collected  during the last 5 years of research in the field. Based on the research 727  species were recorded, among all 420  are recorded for the first  time in the area of Fruska Gora, and 304  represent the first data for the whole territory of Serbia. Based on this research for order Helotiales were recorded 133 species from 17 families and 58 genera. In addition, based on morpho-anatomical  and molecular analysis method is described and a new species - Psilocalycina fraxini-arable. In additional for all species of order Helotiales is given next description,photos from nature, drawing microscopic character and determination keys. This research has significantly complemented the knowledge of this group of organisms, not only on this mountain, but in Serbia in general

    Diversity of phylum Ascomycota in the area of Fruska Gora with special reference to the ordo Helotiales

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    Osnovni cilj ove doktorske disertacije  bio  je izrada relevantne liste  –  spiska vrsta, gljiva pripadnika razdela  Ascomycota  Fruške gore, sa posebnim osvrtom na red Helotiales objedinjavanjem postojećih podataka iz literature i podataka sakupljenih tokom poslednjih 5 godina istraživanjem kandidata na terenu. Na osnovu istraživanja ukupno je zabeleženo 727  vrsta.  Od ukupnog broja 420  predstavljaju prve nalaze za područje Fruške gore, a 304  su prvi podaci za čitavo područje Srbije.  U okviru reda Helotiales zabeleženo je ukupno 133  vrsta iz 17 familija i ukupno 58 rodova.  Pored toga, na osnovu morfo-anatomske analize i molekularnih metoda opisana je i jedna nova vrsta za nauku- Psilocalycina fraxini-orni. Za sve vrste iz reda Helotiales dat je tekstualni opis, fotografija u prirodi, crtež mikroskopskih karaktera i ključevi za determinaciju. Ovim istraživanjem značajno je upotpunjeno poznavanje ove grupe organizama ne samo na ovoj planini, već u Srbiji uopšte.General aim of this doctoral thesis was the development of relevant list  -  the list offungal species of phylum Ascomycota originates from Fruska Gora, with special emphasis to the order Helotiales, based on consolidating existing data from theliterature and data collected  during the last 5 years of research in the field. Based on the research 727  species were recorded, among all 420  are recorded for the first  time in the area of Fruska Gora, and 304  represent the first data for the whole territory of Serbia. Based on this research for order Helotiales were recorded 133 species from 17 families and 58 genera. In addition, based on morpho-anatomical  and molecular analysis method is described and a new species - Psilocalycina fraxini-arable. In additional for all species of order Helotiales is given next description,photos from nature, drawing microscopic character and determination keys. This research has significantly complemented the knowledge of this group of organisms, not only on this mountain, but in Serbia in general

    Boundary layer of the dissociated gas flow over a porous wall under the conditions of equilibrium dissociation

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    This paper studies the ideally dissociated air flow in the boundary layer when the contour of the body within the fluid is porous. By means of adequate transformations, the governing boundary layer equations of the problem are brought to a general form. The obtained equations are numerically solved in a three-parametric localized approximation. Based on the obtained solutions, very important conclusions about behavior of certain boundary layer physical values and characteristics have been drawn

    Invasive Bruchid species Bruchidius siliquastri Delobel, 2007 and Megabruchidius tonkineus (Pic, 1914) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) new in the fauna of Serbia: Review of the distribution, biology and host plants

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    Two invasive bruchid species - Bruchidius siliquastri Delobel, 2007 and Megabruchidius tonkineus (Pic, 1914) - found on Mt. Fruška Gora during 2011 and 2012 were recorded for the first time in Serbian fauna. Originating from Asia, these beetles were accidentally introduced into Europe. Data on their introduction into Serbia, distribution, biology and host plant associations are presented and discussed


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    Fruška Gora Mountain. In this paper 93 species represent new findings for the investigated area, while 17 of them such as Eresus moravicus Rezač, 2008 , Steatoda paykulliana (Walckenaer, 1805), Heterotheridion nigrovariegatum Simon, 1873, Donacochara speciosa (Thorell 1875), Neottiura suaveolens (Simon, 1879), Saloca diceros (O.P.-Cambridge, 1871), Minicia marginella (Wider, 1834), Tetragnatha striata L. Koch 1862, Larinioides suspicax (O.P.-Cambridge 1876), Dictyna civica (Linnaeus, 1758), Clubiona pseudoneglecta Wunderlich, 1994, Gnaphosa opaca Herman 1879, Philodromus marmoratus Kulczynski 1891, Ozyptila scabricula (Westring 1851), Leptorchestes berolinensis (C.L. Koch, 1846), Pseudeuophrys obsoleta (Simon, 1868) and Synageles hilarulus (C.L. Koch, 1851) represent new records for the Serbian spiders fauna. In the manuscript, some new and previous interesting findings are discussed, and some revision of literature data is done

    MHD flow and heat transfer of two immiscible fluids between moving plates

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    The magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of two immiscible and electrically conducting fluids between isothermal, insulated moving plates in the presence of an applied electric and inclined magnetic field has been investigated in the paper. The partial differential equations governing the flow and heat transfer are solved analytically with appropriate boundary conditions for each fluid and these solutions have been matched at the interface. The numerical results for various values of the Hartmann number, the angle of magnetic field inclination, load parameter and the ratio of electrical and thermal conductivities have been presented graphically. It was found that decrease of magnetic field inclination angle flattens out the velocity and temperature profiles. With the increase of the Hartmann number velocity gradients near the plate's increases, temperature in the middle of the channel decreases and near the plate's increases. Induced magnetic field is evidently suppressed with an increase of the Hartman number. The effect of changes of the load factor is to aid or oppose the flow as compared to the short-circuited case


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    Leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) have not been sufficiently studied in Serbia so far. The species of the family were investigated in a protected area – the Fruška Gora National Park (Vojvodina Province, Northern Serbia) over the period of 11 years (2001–2011). Mt. Fruška Gora is an isolated island mountain in the Pannonian Plain and is characterized by a complex assembly of forest, meadow, shrubby, grassland, cultivated land, wetland, and aquatic phytocenoses. At total of 99 chrysomelid species from 42 genera and 11 subfamilies were identified from the area. The data on nutritional preference of the found Chrysomelidae species and host plants are given by own observations in nature. Furthermore, economically important leaf beetle species (i.e., forest and crop pests) are identified and briefly discussed as well. The registered species can be classified into seven chorotypes of Holarctic and three chorotypes of Europe according to zoogeographical analysis.Zlatice (Chrysomelidae) za sada nisu dovoljno dobro proučene u Srbiji. Vrste ove obitelji istraživane su tijekom razdoblja od 11 godina (2001–2011) u zaštićenom području – Nacionalnom parku "Fruška gora". Planina Fruška gora je izolirana otočna planina u Panonskoj nizini, koju karakterizira kompleksni sklop šumskih, livadskih, žbunastih, travnatih, kultiviranih, močvarnih i vodenih fitocenoza. Kukci su prikupljeni sa 35 lokaliteta, odnosno različitih tipova staništa. Ukupno 99 vrsta zlatica iz 42 roda i 11 podobitelji identificirano je iz ovoga područja. Zajedno s rezultatima Grueva (1984, 1986), koji je vršio ranija istraživanja, fauna zlatica obuhvaća 135 vrsta iz 46 rodova i 11 podobitelji. Podobitelji Chrysomelinae i Alticinae obuhvaćaju najveći broj vrsta. Podaci o ishrani i biljkama hraniteljicama prikupljenih Chrysomelida dobiveni su na osnovi vlastitih zapažanja u prirodi. Zlatice su prikupljene sa 128 vrsta biljaka iz 84 roda i 26 obitelji. Većina je asocirana s biljkama klase Magnoliopsida. Gospodarski važne vrste zlatica (štetnici šuma i usjeva) identificirane su i kratko spomenute. Prema zoogeografskoj analizi registrirane vrste mogu se svrstati u sedam horotipova Holarktika i tri horotipa Europe. Velik broj vrsta ima široku distribuciju u Europi, ali su brojne i zapadnopalearktičke i euroazijske vrste. Zabilježeno je devet vrsta koje se tipično javljaju u brdsko-planinskim regijama


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    Leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) have not been sufficiently studied in Serbia so far. The species of the family were investigated in a protected area – the Fruška Gora National Park (Vojvodina Province, Northern Serbia) over the period of 11 years (2001–2011). Mt. Fruška Gora is an isolated island mountain in the Pannonian Plain and is characterized by a complex assembly of forest, meadow, shrubby, grassland, cultivated land, wetland, and aquatic phytocenoses. At total of 99 chrysomelid species from 42 genera and 11 subfamilies were identified from the area. The data on nutritional preference of the found Chrysomelidae species and host plants are given by own observations in nature. Furthermore, economically important leaf beetle species (i.e., forest and crop pests) are identified and briefly discussed as well. The registered species can be classified into seven chorotypes of Holarctic and three chorotypes of Europe according to zoogeographical analysis.Zlatice (Chrysomelidae) za sada nisu dovoljno dobro proučene u Srbiji. Vrste ove obitelji istraživane su tijekom razdoblja od 11 godina (2001–2011) u zaštićenom području – Nacionalnom parku "Fruška gora". Planina Fruška gora je izolirana otočna planina u Panonskoj nizini, koju karakterizira kompleksni sklop šumskih, livadskih, žbunastih, travnatih, kultiviranih, močvarnih i vodenih fitocenoza. Kukci su prikupljeni sa 35 lokaliteta, odnosno različitih tipova staništa. Ukupno 99 vrsta zlatica iz 42 roda i 11 podobitelji identificirano je iz ovoga područja. Zajedno s rezultatima Grueva (1984, 1986), koji je vršio ranija istraživanja, fauna zlatica obuhvaća 135 vrsta iz 46 rodova i 11 podobitelji. Podobitelji Chrysomelinae i Alticinae obuhvaćaju najveći broj vrsta. Podaci o ishrani i biljkama hraniteljicama prikupljenih Chrysomelida dobiveni su na osnovi vlastitih zapažanja u prirodi. Zlatice su prikupljene sa 128 vrsta biljaka iz 84 roda i 26 obitelji. Većina je asocirana s biljkama klase Magnoliopsida. Gospodarski važne vrste zlatica (štetnici šuma i usjeva) identificirane su i kratko spomenute. Prema zoogeografskoj analizi registrirane vrste mogu se svrstati u sedam horotipova Holarktika i tri horotipa Europe. Velik broj vrsta ima široku distribuciju u Europi, ali su brojne i zapadnopalearktičke i euroazijske vrste. Zabilježeno je devet vrsta koje se tipično javljaju u brdsko-planinskim regijama

    UNIQUE: Unsupervised Image Quality Estimation

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    In this paper, we estimate perceived image quality using sparse representations obtained from generic image databases through an unsupervised learning approach. A color space transformation, a mean subtraction, and a whitening operation are used to enhance descriptiveness of images by reducing spatial redundancy; a linear decoder is used to obtain sparse representations; and a thresholding stage is used to formulate suppression mechanisms in a visual system. A linear decoder is trained with 7 GB worth of data, which corresponds to 100,000 8x8 image patches randomly obtained from nearly 1,000 images in the ImageNet 2013 database. A patch-wise training approach is preferred to maintain local information. The proposed quality estimator UNIQUE is tested on the LIVE, the Multiply Distorted LIVE, and the TID 2013 databases and compared with thirteen quality estimators. Experimental results show that UNIQUE is generally a top performing quality estimator in terms of accuracy, consistency, linearity, and monotonic behavior.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 2 table