71 research outputs found

    Anatomske promene listova Convolvulus arvensis L. prouzrokovane eriofidom Aceria malherbae Nuzz

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    Anatomical alterations of leaves of weed plant Convolvulus arvensis L. (Convolvulaceae) caused by eriophyoid mite Aceria malherbae Nuzz. are described and quantified. Designated as compatible interaction, they are expressed in dedifferentiation of plant cells, hyperplasia of epidermal layer and their turn to so-called nutritive tissue. Curling of leaf edges emerge as the consequence of mesophyll hypertrophy. It provides protected microhabitat for the huge colony of eriophyoids.U radu su opisane i kvantifikovane promene na listovima korovske vrste Convolvulus arvensis L. (Convolvulaceae) prouzrokovane ishranom eriofidne grinje Aceria malherbae Nuzz.(Acari:Eriophyoi-dea). Simptomi koji se manifestuju uvijanjem listova se mogu uvrstiti u kompatibilne interekcije tipa gala. Biljno tkivo na prisustvo i hranjenje grinja reaguje dediferencijacijom ćelija i hiperplazijom pre svega epidermalnog tkiva, pri čemu nastaje nutritivno tkivo kojim grinje nastavljaju da se hrane. Hipertrofija tkiva mezofila dovodi do uvijanja lista, pa se tako stvara relativno zaÅ”tićen prostor na licu lista u kome se razvija populacija grinja velike brojnosti. Dobijeni rezultati doprinose rasvetljavanju interakcije eriofida sa biljkom domaćinom

    Anatomske promene listova Galium mollugo L. prouzrokovane eriofidom Aculus anthobius (nal.)

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    Anatomical alterations of leaves of weed plant Galium mollugo L. (Rubiaceae) caused by eriophyoid mite Aculus anthobius (Nal) are described and quantified. Symptoms can be considered as leaf rolling (galls). Anatomical alterations are expressed as destructions of epidermal cells of upper and under surface of leaves and they can be classified as toxemias.U radu su opisane i kvantifikovane promene na listovima korovske vrste Galium mollugo L. (Rubiaceae) prouzrokovane ishranom eriofidne grinje Aculus anthobius (Nal) (Acari:Eriophyoidea). Simptomi koji se manifestuju uvijanjem ivica listova se mogu uvrstiti u promene tipa gala. Na anatomskom nivou promene se manifestuju u vidu destrukcije epidermalnih ćelija lica i naličja lista koje se mogu prema sadaÅ”njoj klasifikaciji (Westphal & Manson,1996) smatrati toksemijama. Ukazano je na potrebu da se opiÅ”u i druge slične promene izazvane drugim vrstama eriofida na istoj i /ili srodnim vrstama roda Galium radi jasnog razgraničenja uticaja na biljku domaćina

    PalinomorfoloŔko proučavanje jagorčevine (Primula vulgaris Huds.) sa područja nacionalnog rezervata Obedska bara (Srbija)

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    The pollen morphology of primrose (Primula vulgaris, fam. Primulaceae) has been investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy to contribute to melissopalynological studies of honeys originating from the native apiflora. Palynomorphological investigation included the examination of pollen symmetry, polarity, ornamentation, aperturation, shape and size. The pollen grains are isopolar, radially symmetric and shed as monads. The exine ornamentation is reticulate. Analysis of pollen morphometric characteristics revealed that grains are small to medium size and prolate in shape. Given the aperturation, the number of colpi was mostly variable among individuals with a different type of flower ranging from 6 to 9.PalinomorfoloÅ”ka istraživanja jagorčevine (Primula vulgaris) koja su obuhvatila analizu osnovnih karakteristika polenovih zrna kao Å”to su simetrija, polarnost, ornamentacija, aperturacija, oblik i veličina, obavljena su uz pomoć svetlosne i skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije u cilju doprinosa melisopalinoloÅ”kim istraživanjima meda poreklom iz apiflore različitih područja Srbije. Polenova zrna jagorčevine su izopolarna i radijalno simetrična, retikulatne ornamentacije. U pogledu aperturacije, evidentna je varijabilnost u broju brazdi na polenovim zrnima sakupljenim sa cvetova različitih individua, te su ona 6(-7) ili 8(-9)-zonokolpatna. Analiza morfometrijskih karakteristika polena pokazala je da polenova zrna po veličini spadaju u grupu malih do srednjih i da imaju prolatni oblik

    Kinetika suŔenja i analiza skupljanja biomaterijala korenja Valeriana officinalis

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    Drying kinetics and shrinkage of valerian plant root (Valeriana officinalis) was investigated during the convective hot air dryer with forced convection mode. Whole root without cutting, root cut into quarters, and root cut into 2 mm thin slices were used in drying experiments. Initial moisture content of roots was 51.2Ā±0.3% and roots were considered to be dry when they lost 68% of the fresh weight and reached the moisture content of 10%. Drying air temperature was set to be 40 and 50Ā°C, air velocity at 1 m/s. The relative humidity of drying air was not controlled and it depended on surroundings. The experimental results were fitted to the five thin layer drying models and according to the non-linear regression analysis Page model was most suitable to describe the drying kinetics. The characteristic drying curves were created for each experimental set and they showed that the samples' preparation strongly influenced the drying process and drying time. Experiments to determine shrinkage of different cell structures of valerian root were carried out for raw material, as well as for dried samples, by using optical and electron microscopy observations and measurements. It was observed that shrinkage processes are significantly dependent of the type of cell tissue and drying air temperature.Istraživanje kinetike suÅ”enja i analiza skupljanja biomaterijala korenja lekovitog bilja Valeriana officinalis izvrÅ”eno je na konvektivnoj suÅ”ari sa vrućim vazduhom kao agensom suÅ”enja. U eksperimentima su koriŔćeni uzorci: ceo koren, koren sečen na četvrtine i koren sečen na uzorke debljine 2 mm. Početni sadržaj vlage u uzorcima iznosio je 51.2Ā±0.3%, a uzorak se smatrao suvim onda kada sadržaj vlage opadne na 10%. Temperatura vazduha u suÅ”ari iznosila je 40 i 50oC, sa brzinom strujanja od 1 m/s. Relativna vlažnost vazduha koji dospeva na materijal nije kontrolisana i zavisila je od spoljnih uslova. Eksperimentalni rezultati su analizirani kroz pet najčeŔće koriŔćenih modela za opisivanje promene bezdimenzionog sadržaja vlage u vremenu kod suÅ”enja u tankom sloju, pri čemu je ustanovljeno da se kinetika suÅ”enja najbolje opisuje modelom Page-a. Postupcima optičke i elektronske mikroskopije izvrÅ”eno je posmatranje uzoraka svežeg i osuÅ”enog korenja pri različitim režimima suÅ”enja u cilju praćenja skupljanja materijala. Ustanovljeno je da proces skupljanja bitno zavisi od vrste ćelijskog tkiva u posmatranom poprečnom preseku materijala i od temperaturnog režima suÅ”enja

    Comparative fractal analysis of Valeriana officinalis roots shrinkage during drying

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    Valerian plant roots (Valeriana officinalis)shrinkage was investigated during the convective hot air drying. Combined fractal and image analysis was performed in this study.The samples were prepared for light microscopy observation by standard paraffin wax method, sectioned by sliding microtome and stained by Alcian blue and Safranin. The fractal dimensions of sample images were calculated using the box counting method.Both polar and orthogonal meshes were used. The normalized changes of fractal dimension of the microstructural images were used to describe the shrinkage process of biomaterial. The changes of physical properties and microstructure of roots strongly depends on drying regime and drying agent properties. Comparative analysis of fresh and dry root samples shows thatmicrostructural changes in bio material can be correlated with drying parameters during the dehydration process. Fractal dimension was found to be a good indicator of the microstructural changes of an investigated bio-material

    Uporedna mikro-morfloŔka i anatomska analiza listova gajenog i hibridne forme korovskog suncokreta (Helianthus annuus)

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    There are various opinions in the literature on the importance of morpho-anatomical leaf features, such as the number of stomata, the presence of trichomes, cuticle thickness, cell size, leaf thickness, etc. for the susceptibility of plants to foliar herbicides. Knowing that differences in the plant's sensitivity to herbicides may be due to differences in leaf sufrace and inner structure of leaves, a detailed micromorphological and anatomical analysis was performed on the leaves of tolerant and susceptible sunflower forms, both in cultivated hybrids and populations of weedy sunflower. It is interesting that while no significant differences in the number of trichomes and stomata between the resistant and susceptible weedy sunflower populations were observed, in comercial sunflower genotypes these numbers were significantly different. Namely, the number of stomata in the sensitive comercial sunflower hybrid was significantly higher than in the tolerant ones, but the tolerant hybrids had significantly more leaf trichomes than the sensitive one. Consequently, it is possible that the higher density of trichomes makes it impossible for the herbicides to reach the surface of the leaf epidermis, resulting in a reduced uptake. It has also been shown that plants with different levels of herbicide susceptibility also differ in various anatomical parameters.U literaturi postoje oprečna miÅ”ljenja o značaju morfo-anatomskih parametara listova, kao Å”to su broj stoma, prisustvo dlaka, debljina kutikule, debljina lista i sl. za osetljivost biljaka prema folijarnim herbicidima. S obzirom na to da razlike u osetljivosti hibrida/populacija prema herbicidima mogu da budu posledica razlika u povrÅ”inskim strukturama i anatomskoj građi lista, u ovom radu je detaljno analizirana mikro-morfoloÅ”ka i anatomska građa listova tolerantnih i osetljivih formi suncokreta, kako gajenih hibrida tako i populacija hibridnih formi korovskog suncokreta (HFKS). Interesantno je da između rezistentnih i osetljivih populacija HFKS nije bilo statistički značajnih razlika u broju dlaka i stoma na listovima, ali kod hibridnih genotipova jeste. Naime, na naličju lista broj stoma kod osetljivog hibrida je bio statistički značajno veći nego kod tolerantnih, ali su tolerantni hibridi imali statistički značajno viÅ”e dlaka na listovima od osetljivog, tako da je moguće da veća maljavost onemogućava dospevanje herbicida do povrÅ”ine epidermisa, Å”to za posledicu ima njihovo manje usvajanje. Takođe je pokazano da se biljke različite osetljivosti prema herbicidima razlikuju i u različitim parametrima anatomske građe (debljina palisadnog i sunđerastog tkiva, debljina mezofila i debljina lista)

    Pollen morphology and the flower visitors of Chaerophyllum coloratum L. (Apiaceae)

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    The pollen features of Chaerophyllum coloratum L., endemic to the Dinaric Alps, have been examined by both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy in order to contribute to a better understanding of the taxonomic status of the species. Flower visitors have also been observed and analyzed with the aim of clarifying certain pollination aspects of the species including flower attractiveness especially to honeybees, and also in order to ascertain its contribution to the bee pasture. The pollen grains of C. coloratum are isopolar, radially symmetrical and medium sized. Polar axis (P) is 26.83Ā±1.77 Ī¼m length, and equatorial diameter (E) is 9.17Ā±0.57 Ī¼m length. P/E ratio amounts 2.90Ā±0.10 indicating a perprolate shape. In an equatorial view, the grains are constricted in the equatorial region (bone-shaped), with obtuse polar caps. In polar view, they are triangular with obtuse angles and furrows in the sides of the triangle (interangular). The grains are tricolporate with three straight ectocolpi arranged regularly meridionally, of mean length 14.43Ā±2.17 Ī¼m, each of which has one endopore. The characteristic internal thickenings around the protruding, clearly visible endopores (costae) in the constricted equatorial region are obvious in light microscopy. The ornamentation is psilate, irregularly rugulate (ā€œcerebroidā€), the exine surface is rather undulating. With regard to the observed fl ower visitors, the following pollination types occurred: melittophily, myophily, sapromyophily, cantharophily, and phalaenophily, and the most frequent pollinator was the honeybee

    Proučavanje anatomske građe lista Chenopodium album u funkciji osetljivosti na herbicide

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    As the plant matures numerous changes at the morphological, physiological and anatomical level occur, leading to changes in the susceptibility to herbicides. Anatomical characteristics of apical fully developed leaves of Chenopodium album were studied in this paper. From plants at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 leaves stage, fully developed leaves were sampled and used to make permanent slides for light microscopy. The following parameters were measured on permanent microscope slide samples: thickness of the leaf, epidermal adaxial and abaxial, thickness of the mesophyll, palisade and spongy tissue. The obtained results have shown that maturing of the C. album plants can affect the anatomical structure of its fully developed leaves. Hence, it has been confirmed that the tissue thickness in leaves collected from plants in younger stages of development is significantly different from the tissue thickness of corresponding leaves collected from older plants.Sa starenjem biljke najčeŔće dolazi do promena na morfoloÅ”kom, fizioloÅ”kom i anatomskom nivou, Å”to dovodi do promena u osetljivosti na herbicide. Ova istraživanja obavljena su sa ciljem da se utvrdi da li se sa starenjem biljaka menjaju anatomske karakteristike gornjih fizioloÅ”ki zrelih listova Chenopodium album. Sa biljaka koje su bile u fazi 2, 4, 6, 8 i 10 listova uzorkovani su listovi u punoj fizioloÅ”koj zrelosti i napravljeni trajni preparati za svetlosnu mikroskopiju, na kojima su mereni: debljina lista, debljina epidermalnih ćelija lica i naličja lista, debljina mezofila, palisadnog i sunđerastog tkiva. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da starenje vrste C. album može uticati na anatomsku građu fizioloÅ”ki zrelih listova. Potvrđeno je da se debljina tkiva listova uzetih sa mlađih biljaka značajno razlikuje od debljine istih listova uzetih sa starijih biljaka

    Značaj funkcionalne anatomije u istraživanjima transporta vode i asimilata u plodove u razvoju

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    The yield of crop plants and fruit growth depends, to a large extent, on the efficiency of the vascular tissue, in optimal conditions, as well as in stress conditions. Most of the material on which fruit growth depends is transported from the stem into the fruit through the fruit pedicel, by the xylem and phloem, so the anatomy of fruit pedicel is an important factor in understanding water transport from stem to fruit. This paper provides an overview of micro-morphological research of the tomato fruit pedicel using various methods in the Laboratory for Functional Anatomy of Crop Plants at the Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade University. Such an approach is important for understanding transport mechanisms as important physiological processes occurring during fruit growth.Prinos gajenih biljaka i rast plodova u velikoj meri zavisi od efikasnosti provodnog sistema, kao u optimalnim uslovima, tako i u uslovima vodnog deficita. Većina materija od kojih zavisi rast plodova, transportuje se u plod kroz peteljku ploda ksilemom i floemom, pa je tako anatomija peteljke važan faktor za razumevanje transporta vode i asimilata. U ovom radu dat je pregled mikromorfoloÅ”kih istraživanja peteljki plodova paradajza primenom različitih metoda. Ovakav pristup je važan za razumevanje transportnih mehanizama kao važnih činilaca fizioloÅ”kih procesa značajnih za rast i sazrevanje ploda
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