9 research outputs found

    Coexistence of Anogenital Psoriasis and Genital Warts – Is There an Optimal Treatment?

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    A 21-year-old female student with a 3-month history of mild psoriasis (erythematosquamous plaque on the elbows and nail pitting on the nails of the hand) was referred to our Department. One month earlier, suddenly appearance of erythematous, smooth, clearly demarcated plaques was observed on the labia majora, the mons pubis, the perineal and perianal region together with a brownish hyperkera-totic papule on the pubic region (Figure 1, a-b). The patient underwent excisional biopsy at the Department of Surgery, and the pathohistological finding was unavailable to us. The elbows were treated with corticosteroid-keratolytic preparation, whereas the anogenital lesions were treated with moderately potent topical corticosteroids. In addition to anogeni-tal erythema, on clinical examination we noticed an erythematosquamous plaque on the site of excision with a hyperkeratotic verrucous papule on the edge of the lesion (the Koebner phenomenon on the site of skin injury). In the pubic region, we noticed two hyperkeratotic papules and a few verrucous papules on labia majora. Localized dermatophyte or candida infection were excluded with a KOH test and scrapings culture. Serology for syphilis, HIV, and hepatitis were negative. Cervical Pap smear was normal. Biop-sy of erythematosus lesion from the mons pubis was conclusive for psoriasis, and of the keratotic papule with the genital wart with positive HPV 6 and 11. The patient’s older sister had chronic plaque psoriasis

    Human Papilloma Virus Associated with Genital Infection

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    Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infections are among the most common sexually transmitted diseases. HPV is associated with a spectrum of diseases ranging from benign vulgar verrucae and condylomata accuminata to malignant cancers of the cervix, vulva, anus and penis. Genital HPV is in most cases transmitted sexually, but non-sexual routes of transmission, such as perinatal and autoinoculation, are possible. Men can be a reservoir of the virus that lives in latent or subclinical form on genital mucosa. Such an asymptomatic infection may be an oncogenic factor in the development of cervical cancer. Colposcopic examination of the genitalia after the application of 3–5% acetic acid is a reliable method for the identification of subclinical HPV infection. Successful therapy of anogenital warts is characterized by their complete clearance, as well as by the lack of recurrence. Current treatments do not reliably eradicate HPV infections. The diagnosis and therapy of HPV infection in men is potentially beneficial because the eradication of penile HPV infection may decrease the reservoir of the virus


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    Karcinom vrata maternice u svijetu je drugi po učestalosti u žena. U Hrvatskoj je na osmome mjestu zastupljenosti. Ova vrsta karcinoma je bolest mlađih žena. Cervikalne intraepitelijalne neoplazije i karcinom vrata maternice su povezani su s trajnom infekcijom visoko onkogenim sojevima HPV-a. Cijena liječenja bolesti ovisi o njenom stadiju. Cjepivo Cervarix, primijenjeno u još spolno neaktivnih djevojčica i djevojaka, je u multinacionalnim dvostruko slijepim randomiziranim studijama pokazalo svoju visoku učinkovitost u stvaranju cirkulirajućih protutijela u serumu te smanjenju prevalencije HPV infekcije, preinvazivnih lezija i karcinoma vrata maternice. Cjepivo Cervarix također smanjuje prevalenciju trajne infekcije HPV-om u spolno aktivnih žena. Korištenjem matematičkih modela, uz visoku učinkovitost cjepiva od 100%, predviđa se 60–75% smanjenje morbiditeta i mortaliteta od karcinoma vrata maternice. Analizom izravnih troškova liječenja karcinoma vrata maternice i neizravnih troškova te kvalitetom života i usporedbom s cijenom cijepljenja u Hrvatskoj bi se godišnje moglo uštedjeti oko 50 milijuna kuna.Cervical carcinoma is the second most fequent female carcinoma in the world. In Croatia it took the 8th place. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasms and cervical carcinoma are related to permanent infection caused by high oncogenic type of HPV. The cost of treatment and therapy depends on grade of disease. In multinational double blinded randomised studies Cervarix vaccine has demonstrated its high efficiency in production of circulating serum antibodies, and the decrement of prevalence of HPV infection, preinvasive lesions and cervical carcinoma when applied in sexually not active adolescents. Cervarix vaccine also decreases the prevalence of permanent infections caused by HPV in sexually active women. Using mathematical models and considering high vaccine efficiency, it is predicted decrease of morbidity and mortality due to cervical carcinoma by 60–75%. When direct and indirect costs of therapy of cervical carcinoma and life quality were compared to cost of vaccination by Cervarix, it could be saved more than 50 milions of kunas in Croatia annually


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    Sažetak. Cilj rada. Retrospektivna studija nakon primjene kombiniranog ultrazvučno-biokemijskog testa probira trisomija u prvom tromjesečju trudnoće. Metode. Od veljače 2006. do srpnja 2008. godine probir je učinjen u 1112 trudnica između 10. i 14. tjedna trudnoće. Individualni rizik trisomije 21, 18 i 13 izračunavali smo kombinacijom dobnog rizika trudnice, ultrazvučnih biljega u ploda (debljina nuhalnog nabora – NT, udaljenosti tjeme-trtica – CRL) te biokemijskih biljega u serumu trudnice (slobodni -hCG i PAPP-A), pomoću licenciranog računalnog programa (Typolog). Koncentracije biokemijskih biljega smo određivali imunometrijskom kemiluminiscentnom metodom (IMMULITE). Biokemijske biljege, kao i NT u odnosu na CRL, izrazili smo u obliku višekratnika MoM, u odnosu na dnevne regresijske medijane za odgovarajuću gestaciju u neugroženim trudnoćama. Rezultate smo obradili nakon dovršenih svih ispitanih trudnoća. Ukupno su 62 testirane trudnice imale povećani kombinirani rizik trisomije 21, od kojih je 10 trudnica imalo i povećani rizik trisomije 18/13. Četiri trisomije 21 i jedna trisomija 18 otkrivene su prenatalnom dijagnozom; stopa detekcije bila je 100% (5/5). U trudnica s povećanim rizikom u probiru učinjeno je 7 biopsija koriona i 38 ranih amniocenteza. Udio lažno-pozitivnih rezultata bio je 5.1%. Zaključak. Prvi rezultati provođenja kombiniranog probirnog testa u Hrvatskoj potvrdili su visoku osjetljivost i veću specifičnost, u poredbi s biokemijskim probirnim testom u drugom tromjesečju trudnoće.Objective. Retrospective study of the results of the first-trimester combined screening for fetal trisomies with ultrasound and biochemical markers. Methods. In the period from February 2006 to July 2008, a total of 1112 pregnant-women underwent screening between the 10th and 14th gestational week. Individual risk for trisomies 21, 18 and 13, combining maternal age, ultrasonography (nuchal translucency, crown-rump length) and serum biochemical analytes (free -hCG, PAPP-A) was computed by means of licensed Typolog software. Concentrations of biochemical markers were determined by chemiluminiscent immunometric assay (IMMULITE). Both biochemical markers, as well as NT, were expressed as Multiples of the Median (MoM), based on the regressed medians of the corresponding gestational age in unaffected pregnancies. Results. All studied pregnancies were followed up to term. A total of 62 pregnant women were categorized as high-risk for trisomy 21, and 10 of them had also an elevated risk for trisomies 18/13, respectively. Four trisomies 21 and one trisomy 18 were detected through combined test and confirmed with prenatal diagnostic procedure. Detection rate was 100%. In those with high risk, 7 chorionic villi sampling and 38 amniocenteses were performed. False-positive rate was 5.1%. Conclusion. The results of the first-trimester screening in Croatia confirmed high sensitivity and better specificity of the combined ultrasonic and biochemical markers, in relation with the second-trimester biochemical screening test


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    Sažetak. Cilj rada. Retrospektivna studija nakon primjene kombiniranog ultrazvučno-biokemijskog testa probira trisomija u prvom tromjesečju trudnoće. Metode. Od veljače 2006. do srpnja 2008. godine probir je učinjen u 1112 trudnica između 10. i 14. tjedna trudnoće. Individualni rizik trisomije 21, 18 i 13 izračunavali smo kombinacijom dobnog rizika trudnice, ultrazvučnih biljega u ploda (debljina nuhalnog nabora – NT, udaljenosti tjeme-trtica – CRL) te biokemijskih biljega u serumu trudnice (slobodni -hCG i PAPP-A), pomoću licenciranog računalnog programa (Typolog). Koncentracije biokemijskih biljega smo određivali imunometrijskom kemiluminiscentnom metodom (IMMULITE). Biokemijske biljege, kao i NT u odnosu na CRL, izrazili smo u obliku višekratnika MoM, u odnosu na dnevne regresijske medijane za odgovarajuću gestaciju u neugroženim trudnoćama. Rezultate smo obradili nakon dovršenih svih ispitanih trudnoća. Ukupno su 62 testirane trudnice imale povećani kombinirani rizik trisomije 21, od kojih je 10 trudnica imalo i povećani rizik trisomije 18/13. Četiri trisomije 21 i jedna trisomija 18 otkrivene su prenatalnom dijagnozom; stopa detekcije bila je 100% (5/5). U trudnica s povećanim rizikom u probiru učinjeno je 7 biopsija koriona i 38 ranih amniocenteza. Udio lažno-pozitivnih rezultata bio je 5.1%. Zaključak. Prvi rezultati provođenja kombiniranog probirnog testa u Hrvatskoj potvrdili su visoku osjetljivost i veću specifičnost, u poredbi s biokemijskim probirnim testom u drugom tromjesečju trudnoće.Objective. Retrospective study of the results of the first-trimester combined screening for fetal trisomies with ultrasound and biochemical markers. Methods. In the period from February 2006 to July 2008, a total of 1112 pregnant-women underwent screening between the 10th and 14th gestational week. Individual risk for trisomies 21, 18 and 13, combining maternal age, ultrasonography (nuchal translucency, crown-rump length) and serum biochemical analytes (free -hCG, PAPP-A) was computed by means of licensed Typolog software. Concentrations of biochemical markers were determined by chemiluminiscent immunometric assay (IMMULITE). Both biochemical markers, as well as NT, were expressed as Multiples of the Median (MoM), based on the regressed medians of the corresponding gestational age in unaffected pregnancies. Results. All studied pregnancies were followed up to term. A total of 62 pregnant women were categorized as high-risk for trisomy 21, and 10 of them had also an elevated risk for trisomies 18/13, respectively. Four trisomies 21 and one trisomy 18 were detected through combined test and confirmed with prenatal diagnostic procedure. Detection rate was 100%. In those with high risk, 7 chorionic villi sampling and 38 amniocenteses were performed. False-positive rate was 5.1%. Conclusion. The results of the first-trimester screening in Croatia confirmed high sensitivity and better specificity of the combined ultrasonic and biochemical markers, in relation with the second-trimester biochemical screening test

    Coexistence of Anogenital Psoriasis and Genital Warts – Is There an Optimal Treatment?

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    A 21-year-old female student with a 3-month history of mild psoriasis (erythematosquamous plaque on the elbows and nail pitting on the nails of the hand) was referred to our Department. One month earlier, suddenly appearance of erythematous, smooth, clearly demarcated plaques was observed on the labia majora, the mons pubis, the perineal and perianal region together with a brownish hyperkera-totic papule on the pubic region (Figure 1, a-b). The patient underwent excisional biopsy at the Department of Surgery, and the pathohistological finding was unavailable to us. The elbows were treated with corticosteroid-keratolytic preparation, whereas the anogenital lesions were treated with moderately potent topical corticosteroids. In addition to anogeni-tal erythema, on clinical examination we noticed an erythematosquamous plaque on the site of excision with a hyperkeratotic verrucous papule on the edge of the lesion (the Koebner phenomenon on the site of skin injury). In the pubic region, we noticed two hyperkeratotic papules and a few verrucous papules on labia majora. Localized dermatophyte or candida infection were excluded with a KOH test and scrapings culture. Serology for syphilis, HIV, and hepatitis were negative. Cervical Pap smear was normal. Biop-sy of erythematosus lesion from the mons pubis was conclusive for psoriasis, and of the keratotic papule with the genital wart with positive HPV 6 and 11. The patient’s older sister had chronic plaque psoriasis