67 research outputs found

    Tematizacija Prvog svetskog rata u srpskoj i angloameričkoj prozi od 1914. do 1940: komparativna analiza

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    Prvi svetski rat se smatra prelomnim događajem XX veka i periodom koji je označio kraj jedne faze moderne svetske istorije i najavio početak naredne. Kada se na globalnom planu analizira geopolitička, ekonomska, društvena i umetnička situacija pre i nakon završetka sukoba, jasno je da su u pitanju dve potpuno drugačije slike sveta koje su se, očekivano, reflektovale i na stanje svesti ljudi koji su preživeli taj period. Shodno tome, komparativna analiza predratne i poratne književnosti objašnjava kako su pisci doživeli taj trusni period i u kom kontekstu se njihovo osećanje stvarnosti i umetnosti menja tokom ratnih godina. Kao taoci slučaja u kojem su se našli, različiti pisci manifestuju različita ponašanja na osnovu iskustava koje nose iz rata. Književno stvaralaštvo inspirisano ratom mora se povezati sa biografijom pisaca, učešćem ili neučešćem u sukobima i snalaženjem u poratnom svetu, ali i sa njihovim poetičkim načelima, opusom i odnosom prema poziciji umetnika i umetnosti uopšte. Srpski i angloamerički pisci obezbeđuju potrebnu širinu da se uvidi sveobuhvatnost književnosti o Prvom svetskom ratu jer su među njima direktni učesnici sukoba, oni koji su rat preživali daleko od fronta, pisci ratnih putopisa i memoara, kao i spisateljice koje su u ratu imale specifičnu ulogu, dok su njihova iskustva dovoljno sadržajna i obimna da predstave sve aspekte rata. Sa druge strane, među njima postoje određena razdvajanja uslovljena istorijskim prilikama i, kako se istraživanje zasniva na analizi biografskog predloška, bitno je pronaći i objasniti različita ratna iskustva, zbog čega se pripadnici srpske, engleske i američke književnosti nameću kao adekvatan izbor usled tri različite pozicije svojih zemalja pre i tokom rata. Autori koje obrađuje disertacija su Miloš Crnjanski, Stanislav Krakov, Dušan Vasiljev, Dragiša Vasić, Rastko Petrović, Isidora Sekulić, Ernest Hemingvej, Vilijam Fokner, Virdžinija Vulf, Rebeka Vest, Džon Dos Pasos i Ford Madoks Ford

    Tematizacija Prvog svetskog rata u srpskoj i angloameričkoj prozi od 1914. do 1940: komparativna analiza

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    Prvi svetski rat se smatra prelomnim događajem XX veka i periodom koji je označio kraj jedne faze moderne svetske istorije i najavio početak naredne. Kada se na globalnom planu analizira geopolitička, ekonomska, društvena i umetnička situacija pre i nakon završetka sukoba, jasno je da su u pitanju dve potpuno drugačije slike sveta koje su se, očekivano, reflektovale i na stanje svesti ljudi koji su preživeli taj period. Shodno tome, komparativna analiza predratne i poratne književnosti objašnjava kako su pisci doživeli taj trusni period i u kom kontekstu se njihovo osećanje stvarnosti i umetnosti menja tokom ratnih godina. Kao taoci slučaja u kojem su se našli, različiti pisci manifestuju različita ponašanja na osnovu iskustava koje nose iz rata. Književno stvaralaštvo inspirisano ratom mora se povezati sa biografijom pisaca, učešćem ili neučešćem u sukobima i snalaženjem u poratnom svetu, ali i sa njihovim poetičkim načelima, opusom i odnosom prema poziciji umetnika i umetnosti uopšte. Srpski i angloamerički pisci obezbeđuju potrebnu širinu da se uvidi sveobuhvatnost književnosti o Prvom svetskom ratu jer su među njima direktni učesnici sukoba, oni koji su rat preživali daleko od fronta, pisci ratnih putopisa i memoara, kao i spisateljice koje su u ratu imale specifičnu ulogu, dok su njihova iskustva dovoljno sadržajna i obimna da predstave sve aspekte rata. Sa druge strane, među njima postoje određena razdvajanja uslovljena istorijskim prilikama i, kako se istraživanje zasniva na analizi biografskog predloška, bitno je pronaći i objasniti različita ratna iskustva, zbog čega se pripadnici srpske, engleske i američke književnosti nameću kao adekvatan izbor usled tri različite pozicije svojih zemalja pre i tokom rata. Autori koje obrađuje disertacija su Miloš Crnjanski, Stanislav Krakov, Dušan Vasiljev, Dragiša Vasić, Rastko Petrović, Isidora Sekulić, Ernest Hemingvej, Vilijam Fokner, Virdžinija Vulf, Rebeka Vest, Džon Dos Pasos i Ford Madoks Ford


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    Public health is an important area of health care that reflects the readiness of the state and society to provide the welfare of all citizens through the promotion of health and the preservation of a healthy environment - factors that directly affect the health of the population. The field of public health is very broad and its concept is changing over time, being defined in a narrower and wider sense. In short, public health is a science and practice that aims at ensuring the conditions in which people can preserve and improve their health and prevent health damage. The third millennium brings its specifics, needs and priorities according to challenges public health is faced by in the twenty-first century: the economic crisis, rising inequality, population aging, rising rates of chronic diseases, migration, urbanization, ecosystem change, climate change, etc. The role of public health is to protect, improve health, prevent diseases and injuries. Such a public health approach implies a multisectoral work focusing on "wider health determinants", and within this activity experts from various medical and non-medical profiles, whose field of public health is concerned, can be found. The development of inter-departmental co-operation skills contributes to a better understanding of health professionals and professionals of other profiles, and facilitates common, synergistic actions in addressing public health problems in the community. Symposium on Public Health Achievements and Challenges organized by the University of Mostar Faculty of Health Studies is just another indication of the obligation, the need and the desire for professional and scientific contribution to the fight for better health. Our faculty has so far organized other numerous symposia, and the aim of this symposium is to present public health achievements and challenges in our surrounding in order to protect, improve health, prevent diseases and injuries in a modern way

    Determination analysis of temperature regimes, functional characteristics and sliding curves of a hydrodynamic clutch

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    Analysis of output quality of power transmitters is possible in position when characteristics are determined earlier. This is the reason why we focused on determination of these characteristics for a concrete power hydro-transmitter. This means that the investigation task primarily consisted of determination of functional characteristics, defining of the sliding curves and temperature regimes of a concrete hydrodynamic clutch. Results of velocity and pressure field investigations in the working space of this clutch, obtained by use of the same test setup, are the basis for determination and analysis of the functional characteristics, sliding curves and temperature regimes. In this work we also analyzed function of the hydrodynamic transmitter in assembly with an internal combustion engine, as well as a process of acceleration and deceleration of a vehicle with this assembly in it

    Overview of a new method for designing high efficiency small hydro power plants

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    Significant number of research projects in the area of renewable energy sources (especially for small hydro power plants) has been made within the Department for Energy and Process Engineering and Regional Euro Energy Efficiency Center at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (University of Kragujevac, Serbia) since early eighties. The results are various; numerous domestic and international recognition and technical performance tell about the success of the research. Research projects have been following the technical and technological development of research equipment and economy growth. This has led to the development of software for designing turbines of small hydro power plants. In order to notify the public about possibilities of our software, in this paper is briefly described a mathematical model and procedures for calculating and designing of small hydro power for known conditions. As an argument for assessing the validity and potentialof our research results is shown constructedsmall hydro power plant Bosnia 1, 2 x 100 kW power


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    Background: Previous research showed inconsistent results concerning a possible association between solute carrier family 6 member 3 (SLC6A3) gene polymorphisms and dopamine symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Several studies also indicate that the myelin basic protein (MBP) gene is of importance in the etiology of several psychiatric disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate the relation of distinct SLC6A3 and MBP gene polymorphisms with PTSD and whether SLC6A3 and MBP genotypes contribute to PTSD symptom severity. Subjects and methods: The study included 719 individuals who had experienced war trauma in the South Eastern Europe (SEE). Genotypes of variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphism within the SLC6A3 gene were assessed in 696 participants, and the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs12458282 located within the MBP gene region was genotyped in a total of 703 subjects. The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, the Clinical Administrated PTSD Scale (CAPS) and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), were used for data collection. Results: No significant differences concerning the investigated SLC6A3 and MBP polymorphisms was identifiable between PTSD and non PTSD participants. Also we could not detect significant influence of these distinct SLC6A3 and MBP alleles on the severity of PTSD symptoms (CAPS) or BSI scores. However, the results of MBP rs12458282 within the patients with lifetime PTSD may point to a possible correlation of the major allele (T) with elevated CAPS scores. Conclusions: Our results do not support an association of the analysed SLC6A3 and MBP gene polymorphisms with PTSD in war traumatized individuals. We found that there is a possibility for a correlation of the T allele rs12458282 within the MBP gene with higher CAPS scores in lifetime PTSD patients which would need to be tested in a sample providing more statistical power


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    Background: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a stress related disorder which can occur in an individual after exposure to a traumatic event. It most commonly co-occurs with depression. The two disorders share not only overlapping symptoms, but also genetic diathesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential role of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the two serotonergic candidate genes 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1A (HTR1A) and tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) in the pathogenesis of PTSD and comorbid psychopathology. Subjects and methods: 719 (487 males, 232 females) participants who had experienced war-related trauma between 1991 and 1999 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Croatia were included in the study. The Sociodemographic questionnaire, Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.), Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) were used to collect clinical data. The SNPs rs6295 (HTR1A), rs11178997 and rs1386494 (TPH2) were investigated for their association with PTSD and comorbid psychopathology. Results: A nominal significant association was found between the BSI total score in Lifetime PTSD with the SNP rs6295 of the HTR1A gene. The best result was seen in the dominant model (P=0.018), with the minor allele (C) being the risk allele. Several BSI subscores were also associated with the minor (C) allele in Lifetime PTSD. No association was found for the TPH2 SNPs rs11178997 and rs1386494 in relation to PTSD or comorbid psychopathology. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that rs6295 in the HTR1A gene may contribute to the psychopathology of PTSD


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    Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex stress related disorder, that follows a severe traumatic experience, characterized with an intense sense of terror, fear, and helplessness. The aim of this study is to identify associations of genetic variations within candidate genes DRD2 and DRD4 with various PTSD related phenotypes. PTSD lifetime and PTSD current subjects were analyzed separately, each of them were analyzed in a Case/Control design, as well as regarding BSI and CAPS within cases only. Subjects and methods: 719 (487 male, 232 female) participants who had experienced war-related trauma between 1991 and 1999 in Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo and Croatia were included in the study. Sociodemographic questionnaire, Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) were used to collect clinical data. Results: The DRD2 rs1800497 variant and a variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) located in exon three of DRD4 were investigated for association with PTSD. In case control analyses we did not identify any significant associations. Within the PTSD current patients, we identified an association of DRD2 rs1800497 with BSI in the genotypic and the recessive model with the T allele as the risk allele. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that rs1800497 of DRD2 gene is involved in pathogenesis of PTSD


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    Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder caused by highly traumatic experiences. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the neuropeptide S receptor 1 (NPSR1) and the glutamate decarboxylase 1(GAD1) gene on PTSD and its psychopathological aspects among individuals affected by the Balkan wars during the 90s. Subjects and methods: This study was conducted as part of the South Eastern Europe (SEE) study on molecular mechanisms of PTSD. It comprised 719 participants (539 males), including those with current PTSD, remitted PTSD and healthy volunteers. Psychometric evaluation was performed using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.), the Clinician Administrated PTSD Scale (CAPS) andthe Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). We examined NPSR1 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs324981 and GAD1 variant rs3749034 genotypes. Case-control analyses were carried out using logistical regression to determine genotype differences between all patients that had either current or remitted PTSD and control individuals. To analyse the influence of the analysed SNPs on PTSD severity, we performed linear regression analyses with CAPS and BSI within each of the two patient groups separately. All of the calculations were performed for additive allelic, recessive, dominant and genotypic models. Results: We observed a nominally significant association for the major allele (G) of GAD1 rs3749034 with an increased risk to develop PTSD in a case control analysis in the recessive model (P=0.0315, odds ratio=0.47, SE=0.35). In contrast, a nominally significant association of the minor allele (A) with higher CAPS scores was identified within the patient group with lifetime PTSD in the dominant model (P=0.0372, ????=6.29, SE=2.99). None of these results did withstand correction for multiple tests. No nominal significant results of GAD1 rs3749034 were found with regard to the intensity of psychological BSI symptoms. Case control analyses of NPSR1 rs324981 revealed a nominally significant higher risk for homozygous T allele carriers to develop PTSD (P=0.0452) in the recessive model. On the other hand, the T allele showed a nominally significant association with higher BSI scores in patients suffering from lifetime PTSD in the recessive model (P=0.0434). Again, these results were not significant anymore after correction for multiple tests. No associations of NPSR1 rs324981 and CAPS score was identified. Conclusion: The findings of this study provide some evidence that the NPSR1 and GAD1 polymorphisms might play a role in the development of war-related PTSD and its related psychological expressions. Further research is needed to elucidate the interactions of specific gene variants and environmental factors in the development of PTSD