62 research outputs found

    Učinkovitost koŔtanoga morfogenetskoga proteina BMP1-3 u procesu cijeljenja kosti

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    Members of the astacin superfamily of zinc-dependent metalloproteinases regulate morphogenesis by processing precursors to mature functional extracellular matrix proteins as well as several growth factors such as TGFĪ², BMP2, BMP4 and GFD8. It has been recently discovered that BMP1-3 isoform of the Bmp-1 gene circulates in the human plasma and is significantly increased in acute bone fractures. Circulating BMP1-3 regulates collagen deposition in the process of bone callus formation. In this paper role of BMP1-3 in the process of bone healing in vivo and in vitro has been evaluated. When administred systemically to rats with a femur fracture and locally to rabbits with critical size defect of ulna, recombinant BMP1-3 enhanced healing. On the opposite side, neutralization of the BMP1-3 by specific polyclonal antibody resulted in a delayed union or bone non-union. In vitro, BMP1-3 increased the expression of collagen type I and osteocalcin in MC3T3E1 osteoblast-like cells and enhanced mineralized bone modules formation from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. This paper shows the importance of BMP1-3 in the process of bone healing and its potential as a novel bone biomarker. By developing BMP1-3 specific assays we could monitor specific variations of its level in plasma, which could reflect on the possibility of a wide local implemantation of BMP1-3 in combinantion with other morphogens

    Ozljede zdjelice ā€“ izbor i metode liječenja

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    Rationalization of a Core Warehouse in the Casting Plant: A Case Study

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    The warehouse is an important factor in the manufacturing process. At present, there are constant demands for the more efficient and effective operation of warehouse systems. For this reason, the rationalization of existing warehouses and/or storage systems is one of the ways to achieve the previously set targets. The possibilities of rationalization are numerous in all segments of the observed system. The most suitable solutions for a particular warehouse will be found based on the nature of the observed problem and the available investment funds. The paper defines the place and the role of the warehouse in a casting plant. Besides, the current situation in the warehouse segment of casting plants is analyzed to identify problems. Finally, the development of different concepts of rationalization to relevant constraints is discussed. This approach has enabled us to solve the problem of the rationalization task and to produce the desired effects


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    It is well known that physical activity and proper diet can have beneficial effects on health improvement, as a prevention and as a therapy of chronic non-communicable diseases. Pregnancy is a special period in the life of every woman. Therefore, you often ask yourself whether it is advisable to exercise during pregnancy, when and how much? This review article, by analyzing the available literature data, has tried to explain what form of physical activity is recommended during pregnancy, depending on the period of pregnancy, under what conditions pregnant women should exercise, what forms of physical activity they should avoid and when they should not to practice it. In addition, we analyzed the role of physical activity in the prevention of gestational diabetes, the most common metabolic disorder that occurs during pregnancy. Following the recommendations of the FITT principle outlined in this paper, controlled exercise conditions with a specialized trainer and nutritionist, regular moderate physical activity adapted to different periods of pregnancy, undoubtedly contributes to the maintenance and improvement of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular system of the pregnant woman, better control of her body weight and improvement of her psychological state

    Offshoring as potential financial instrument in international relations

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    This article problematize the conflict of two dimensions of offshoring. On the one hand, jobs and capital are moving through offshore entities in the states out of control of onshore _tates, and on the other hand, some countries accept this modality of business, even at the cost of establishing a special legal regime on the part of the territory. The initial assumption is that offshoring impacts the relations between the states, and represents a factor of globalization of a highly individualized value order. This assumption is subjected to the analysis from functional and phenomenological aspect, in terms of activities and opportunities it creates, as well as in the ways in which it supports the global system. In the aforementioned context we have also analyzed the offshoring related to the Republic of Serbia. The findings confirm that offshoring exceeds the economic context, since it causes concrete efforts of the onshore states, the host-states and of the international community. The obtained results lead to the conclusion offshoring has a determining effect in international relations, primarily as a challenge to the essential values of the states. From this stems the need to provide the balance between private and public interests on the international level

    Uticaj materijala za Ŕivenje na zarastanje rana - eksperimentalna studija na psima

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    Background/Aim. The most common materials implanted in the human organism are suture materials that are classified on the basis of several criteria, usually the origin, structure, and properties. The properties of suture materials are related to its absorbability and non-absorbability. When using resorbable materials it is of great importance to determine whether its absorbability and tensile strength help wound healing in function of time. Sutures themselves can become a source of inflammation, that may reduce or compromise the potential of reparation and regeneration. The aim of this experimental study on dogs was to ascertain whether the absorption rate and the degree of local tissue reactions differ from information provided by the manufacturers, whether there are differences between the applied suture materials and which of the used suture materials have better effect on wound healing. Methods. Experimental testing of the selected suture materials basic characteristics was performed on 6 German Shepherd dogs, which, after induction of general anesthesia, were made 3 identical incisions each in all 4 quadrants (left and right side of the upper and lower jaws), so that 12 horizontal incisions were formed, 10 mm long, 20-25 mm distant from one another, on each animal. Randomly, incisions were stitched up in the following order, starting from back to front: catgut, DexonĀ®, Vicryl-RapidĀ®. The experiment was terminated by histopathological examination of tissue samples, taken on postoperative day 3, 7, 14 and 21 in order to identify the effect of healing and the degree of local reaction. Results. The obtained results suggest that catgut has the highest absorption rate, while DexonĀ® the lowest. Vicryl-RapidĀ® causes the lowest level of local reactions, while DexonĀ® the highest. Conclusion. There is no ideal suture material because various patient factors also influence the wound healing process.Uvod/Cilj. NajčeŔći materijali koji se ugrađuju u organizam čoveka jesu materijali za Å”avove koji se klasifikuju prema viÅ”e kriterijuma, najčeŔće prema poreklu, strukturi i osobinama. Osobine Å”avnog materijala odnose se na njegovu resorptivnost, odnosno neresorptivnost. Pri upotrebi resorptivnih materijala važno je utvrditi da li njegova resorptivnost i tenziona snaga pomažu zarastanju rane u funkciji vremena. Sami konci mogu postati izvor upale koji može sniziti ili ugrozititi potencijal reparacije i regeneracije. Cilj ove eksperimentalne studije bio je da se utvrdi da li se brzina resorpcije i stepen lokalne reakcije tkiva razlikuju od podataka koje daje proizvođač, da li postoje razlike između primenjenih materijala za Å”avove, kao i koji od njih bolje utiče na zarastanje rane. Metode. Eksperimentalna studija sprovedena je na Å”est nemačkih ovčara, kojima su načinjene po tri identične incizije u sva četiri kvadranta (sa leve i desne strane u gornjoj i donjoj vilici). Tako je kod svake životinje formirano 12 horizontalnih incizija, dužine 10 mm, međusobno udaljenih 20-25 mm, koje su uÅ”ivene trima različitim Å”avnim materija-lima: ketgat, DexonĀ®, Vicryl-RapideĀ®, a eksperiment je okončan patohistoloÅ”kim pregledom preparata, uzetih trećeg, sedmog, četrnaestog i dvadesetprvog postoperativnog dana, kako bi se video efekat zarastanja i stepen lokalne reakcije. Rezultati. Rezultati pokazuju da najbržu resorpciju ima ketgat, a najsporiju DexonĀ®. Najmanji stepen lokalne reakcije izaziva Vicryl-RapideĀ®, a najveći DexonĀ®. Zaključak. Idealan materijal za Å”avove ne postoji. Različiti faktori koji su povezani sa pacijentom takođe utiču na proces zarastanja rane

    The procedure proposal for order pick area design

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    Problem definiranja komisione zone pri projektiranju skladiÅ”ta je vrlo složen zadatak koji zahtijeva opsežnu analizu i Å”tovanje niza različitih faktora. Konfiguracija komisione zone je u funkciji niza kriterija koji se razlikuju po značaju i utjecaju pri donoÅ”enju odluke. U ovom članku predložena je hijerarhijska iterativna procedura za tehnoloÅ”ko uobličavanje komisione zone, čija primjena omogućava minimizaciju troÅ”kova uz Å”tovanje zahtjevane razine servisa. Procedura obuhvaća generiranje alternativnih koncepcija komisione zone, određivanje njene veličine i procjenu relevantnih troÅ”kova primjenom parcijalnih analitičkih metoda.The problem of order pick area (OPA) defining during warehouse designing is a very complex task that requires a full set of analysis and trade offs of different factors. Configuration of OPA is the function of numerous criteria, which differ by their significance and impact on decision-making. In this paper, hierarchy iterative procedure for technological configuration of picking area is proposed, whose appliance enables cost minimization respecting the required service level. The procedure includes generating alternative concepts, determinating size of OPA and evaluating relevant costs of certain concepts using partial analytical methods

    Combined lymphangioma and hemangioma of the spleen in a patient with Klippelā€“TrĆ©naunay syndrome

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    Introduction. Klippelā€“TrĆ©naunay syndrome (KTS) is a very rare congenital anomaly of blood vessels, characterized by the following clinical triad: varicose superficial veins, port-wine stain and usually bony and soft tissue hypertophy of extremities, most often located in the lower extremities. It is often accompanied by visceral manifestations, and rarely combined with splenomegaly. Case Outline. A 30-year-old female patient came to the Surgery Clinic because of occasional left hypochondrial pain. After she was diagnosed with KTS combined with splenomegaly, splenectomy was performed. Macroscopic and microscopic spleen examination indicated the presence of tumor of vascular origin, presenting a combination of lymphangioma and hemangioma. Conclusion. Diagnosed KTS demands a thorough clinical examination of the patient because of the potential presence of visceral manifestations. When splenomegaly is present, even though being often benign, splenectomy is usually performed to alleviate accompanying symptoms which occur as a result of organ enlargement and compression, to prevent rupture and consequential bleeding when the vascular spleen tumor is large, and finally to avoid a possibility of malignant transformation

    Uticaj odgajivačkog područja i godine na osobine mlečnosti bikovskih majki simentalske rase

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    Cows which represent top of the genetic value of the population in regard to their traits are chosen for bull dams. Selection is based on origin, production performance (quantity of milk, milk fat and protein content), milking/dairy traits, reproductive indicators, exterior and linear type scores. This study included 292 cows of Simmental breed selected for bull dams on the territory of Republic of Serbia during one year. Selection of cows for herd of bull dams was done after finalized first and subsequent lactation. In this study, the effect of region and year of calving on milk traits is presented. Applying the method of least squares average value of milk production was obtained - 5.754,49 kg, milk fat content - 3,98% and quantity of milk fat - 230,24 kg. Regions had statistically highly significant effect (P (lt) 0,01) on all investigated milk traits. Year of calving showed no statistically significant effect on milk yield, yield of milk fat and content of milk fat (P>0,05).Za bikovske majke se odabiraju krave koje prema osobinama predstavljaju vrh genetske vrednosti populacije. Izbor se vrÅ”i na osnovu porekla, proizvodnih osobina (količina mleka, sadržaj mlečne masti i proteina), muznih osobina, reproduktivnih pokazatelja, eksterijera i linearnih ocena tipa. Ovim istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 292 krave simentalske rase odabrane za bikovske majke na području Republike Srbije u toku godine. Odabiranje krava u zapat bikovskih majki izvrÅ”eno je posle zavrÅ”ene prve, odnosno na osnovu sledećih laktacija. U radu je ispitan uticaj odgajivačkog područja i godine telenja na osobine mlečnosti. Koristeći metod najmanjih kvadrata dobijene su prosečne vrednosti proizvodnje mleka 5.754,49 kg, sadržaja mlečne masti 3,98% i količine mlečne masti 230,24 kg. Regioni su imali statistički visoko značajan uticaj (P (lt) 0,01) na sve ispitivane osobine mlečnosti. Na osobine prinosa mleka, mlečne masti i sadržaja mlečne masti, godina telenja nije ispoljila statistički značajan uticaj (P>0,05)
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