28 research outputs found

    Establishment of lupin seedlings

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    Good seedbed conditions lead to high and rapid seedling emergence and vigorous seedlings best equipped to avoid disease, weed competition and sand-blasting. Good establishment is needed for a high yielding crop. In Western Australia, seedbed moisture and temperature are most likely to limit successful emergence of lupins, especially with the trend toward early sowing. Research by the Department of Agriculture is helping to define seedbed temperature and moisture requirements for successful lupin establishment that will help future research for improving seedbed conditions

    Stunt patch disorder of lupins.

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    Trial 89ME1 and 90ME5 Stunt patch disorder of lupins. Location: Merredin. Studies on the disorder have been initiated (89ME1 and 90ME5) on two sites 15 km south of Merredin. This report will summarize data on: 1) The soil; 2) Soil strength and lupin emergence on 90ME5; and 3) Soil chemical and physical characteristics associated with the patches on 89ME1 (investigations by A. Thomson for B Sc (Agric) dissertation). Trial 90PE56 Understanding the importance of moisture and temperature in the seedbed on establishment of lupin. However, despite their importance in determining the success of establishment, there have been few attempts to measure seedbed temperature and moisture, let alone their effects on pre-emergent growth. This project is investigating the impact of sub-optimal seedbed temperature and moisture on lupin establishment. It is essential to define and understand these factors so that: i) management guidelines to early sowing can be established; and ii) seasonal and soil-type variability in crop establishment can be accounted for

    Waterlogging limits growth on duplex soils

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    Duplex soils - soils with a sandy topsoil overlying a clayey subsoil -are ividespread in Western Australia\u27s agricultural areas (see map). These soils are potentially highly productive, but crop growth is variable and the soils can become waterlogged. Work on a duplex soil site near Beverley has shoivn that the soil ivaterlogs where the permeability of the clay is low, and that this permeability varies ividely over the site. Waterlogging accounts for an average of half of the variation in wheat yields on this site; surprisingly, lupins have so far appeared less sensitive to waterlogging- The Department of Agriculture and CSIRO dryland crops and soils group are studying the causes of reduced crop growth on duplex soils to devise management strategies to overcome the problems

    Understanding crop growth on duplex soils.

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    Trial 88EB18 Location: East Beverley Research Station Impeded early root growth. Using aerial photography and crop growth data from previous seasons we identified areas on the site where crops grow well or poorly. One of the factors implicated in the poor growth areas is impeded early root growth (see Belford et al. and Tennant et at., 1990 Experimental Summaries, this section). Here we describe the problem and outline possible causes. Trial 88EB18 Growth and yield of wheat and lupin crops at East Beverley. Location: East Beverley Research Station. To measure the growth and yield of wheat and lupin crops in relation to waterlogging and other soil factors on the Duplex soil at East Beverley. Trial 88EB18 Water use and water efficiency of wheat and lupins at East Beverley. Based on observations made in 1988 and 1989, poor and good crop growth areas were identified. Several studies were undertaken on these areas to identify constraints to crop growth and to measure responses to ameliorative treatments. this report describes results of soil water measurements made to describe: 1. Water infiltration and water extraction patterns of wheat and lupins at poor and good growth areas. 2. Water use and water use efficiencies of wheat and lupins at poor and good growth areas. 3. Effects of treatments used to improve root penetration in the sand (Deep ripping) and to improve the permeability of the clay (Deep ripping and deep placement of gypsum) on water infiltration, extraction and use

    Crop Updates 2001 - Lupins

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    This session covers twenty six papers from different authors: INTRODUCTION, 1. Introduction, Dr Mark Sweetingham LUPIN RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT, Agriculture Western Australia VARIETIES 2. Lupin variety performance: Are you making the most of it? Bevan J. Buirchell, Agriculture Western Australia 3. Adaption of restricted-branching lupins in Western Australia, Bob French and Laurie Wahlsten, Agriculture Western Australia 4. Isolated microspore culture of lupin for production of doubled haploids, Dr Janet Wroth, Dr Kirsty Bayliss and A/Prof. Wallace Cowling, Plant Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia NUTRITION 5. Banding manganese fertiliser below the seed increases seed yields of narrow-leafed lupins, R.F. Brennan, Agriculture Western Australia 6. Residual value of manganese fertiliser for lupin grain production, R.F. Brennan, Agriculture Western Australia AGRONOMY 7. Lupin seeding density, Miles Dracup, Agriculture Western Australia, Nick Galwey, University of Western Australia and Bob Thomson, University of Western AustraliaPESTS AND DISEASES 8. Anthracnose in lupins – understanding the risk, Moin Salam, Art Diggle, Geoff Thomas, Mark Sweetinghamand Bill O’Neill, Agriculture Western Australia 9. Implications of the ‘green bridge’ for viral and fungal disease carry-over between seasons, Debbie Thackray, Agriculture Western Australia and Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture 10. Insect pest development in WA via the ‘green bridge’, Kevin Walden, Agriculture Western Australia 11. Lupin anthracnose – seed infection thresholds, Geoff Thomas, Agriculture Western Australia 12. Identification and characterisation of resistance genes to Phomopsis blight in narrow-leafed lupin, M. Shankar1, M.W. Sweetingham1&2 and W.A. Cowling1&3 , 1Co-operative Research Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, 2Agriculture Western Australia, 3Plant Sciences 13. Plant disease diagnostics, Dominie Wright and Nichole Burges, Agriculture Western Australia 14. Detection of strains of Phomopsis exhibiting species preference in lupins, M. Shankar, 1Co-operative Research Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture and M.W. Sweetingham, Agriculture Western Australia 15. Potential alternate host for the lupin anthracnose pathogen, Geoff Thomasa, Hu’aan Yangb, Mark Sweetinghamab and Ming Pei Youa, aAgriculture Western Australia, bCooperative Research Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture WEEDS 16. Wild radish – the implications for our rotations, Dr David Bowran, Centre for Cropping Systems 17. Competitiveness of wild radish in a wheat – lupin rotation, Abul Hashem, Nerys Wilkins, and Terry Piper, Agriculture Western Australia 18. Population explosion and persistence of wild radish in a wheat-lupin rotation, Abul Hashem, Nerys Wilkins, Aik Cheam and Terry Piper, Agriculture Western Australia 19. Inter-row knockdowns for profitable lupins, Paul Blackwell, Agriculture Western Australia, Miles Obst, Mingenew 20. Is it safe to use 2,4-D Ester 80% pre-sowing when furrow sowing lupins? Andrew Sandison, Elders Ltd QUALITY AND MARKET DEVELOPMENT 21. Lupin protein – what we know, Bill O’Neill, Agriculture Western Australia 22. Foliar N application increases grain protein in lupins, Bob French and Laurie Wahlsten, Agriculture Western Australia 23. Can lupin grain protein be increased with Flexi-N? Cameron Weeks, Erin Hasson, Mingenew-Irwin Group and Luigi Moreschi, CSBP futurefarm 24. Putting a value on lupin use in the aquaculture industry: a fishy business? Brett D. Glencross, Fisheries WA, Fremantle Maritime Centre, Fremantle 25. Selection for thinner seed coats and pod walls in lupins, Jon Clements, Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture and Miles Dracup, Agriculture Western Australia 26. Assessing the nutritional benefit of Australian sweet lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) in human foods, Ramon Hall (SPIRT PhD scholar), Stuart Johnson, Madeleine Ball, Deakin University, Melbourne, Sofia Sipsas and David Petterson, Agriculture Western Australi

    Crop Updates 2000 - Lupins

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    This session covers nineteen papers from different authors: 1.1999 Lupin Highlights, Bill O’Neill, LUPIN PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENTS AND INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT LUPIN ANTHRACNOSE 2. Anthracnose – 1999/2000, Geoff Thomas and Mark Sweetingham, Agriculture Western Australia LUPIN BREEDING AND AGRONOMY 3. The genetic control of mildly restricted branching in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus augustifolius L), Kedar Adhikari1,3, Nick Galwey1,3 and Miles Dracup2,3 1Plant Sciences, University of Western Australia 2Agriculture Western Australia 3Cooperative Research Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, University of Western Australia 4. Genotype x time of sowing interaction in lupins – Mingenew, Bob French, Agriculture Western Australia 5. Genotype x time of sowing interaction in lupins – Wongan Hills, Bob French, Agriculture Western Australia 6. Genetic variation in lupin tolerance to Brown Leaf Spot, Bob French, Agriculture Western Australia 7. Yellow lupin management in Western Australia, Bob French, Agriculture Western Australia APHIDS AND VIRUS CONTROL 8. Forecasting aphid and virus risk in lupins, Debbie Thackray, Jenny Hawkes and Roger Jones, Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture and Agriculture Western Australia 9. When should lupin crops be sprayed for aphids to achieve maximum yield response? Françoise Berlandier, Agriculture Western Australia 10. Yield limiting potential of the new, non-necrotic strain of bean yellow mosaic virus in narrow-leafed lupin, Roger Jones, Yvonne Cheng and Lisa Smith, Crop Improvement Institute, Agriculture Western Australia, and Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture LUPIN NUTRITION 11. Increasing the value of a rotation by applying lime, Chris Gazey and Michael O’Connell, Agriculture Western Australia HERBICIDE TOLERANCE AND WEED CONTROL 12. Herbicide damage does not mean lower yield in Lupins, Peter Carlton, Trials Coordinator, Elders Limited 13. Effect of herbicides Tordonä 75D and Lontrelä, used for eradication of Skeleton Weed, on production of Lupins in following seasons, John R. Peirce and Brad J. Rayner, Agriculture Western Australia 14. Herbicide tolerance of lupins, Terry Piper, Agriculture Western Australia 15. Tanjil lupins will tolerate metribuzin under the right conditions, Peter Newman, Agronomist Elders Limited and Cameron Weeks, Mingenew/Irwin Group LUPIN ESTABLISHMENT 16. A new seed pressing system for ryegrass suppression and healthy lupin establishment, Mohammad Amjad and Glen Riethmuller,Agriculture Western Australia 17. Banded surfactant for better lupin yield on non-wetting sand, Dr Paul Blackwell, Agriculture Western Australia DROUGHT TOLERANCE 18. Drought tolerance of lupin genotypes in Western Australia, Jairo A. Palta1,2,, Neil C. Turner1,2, Robert J. French2,3 ,1CSIRO Plant Industry, Centre for Mediterranean Agricultural Research, 2Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, University of Western Australia, 3Agriculture Western Australia, 19. Stem carbohydrate in lupins: a possible buffer to maintain seed growth under adverse conditions, Bob French1, Tim Setter2, Jairo Palta3 , 1Agriculture Western Australia, and CLIMA, 2Agriculture Western Australia, 3CSIRO, Floreat Park, and CLIM

    Crop Updates 1999 - Lupins

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    This article contains twenty three papers 1998 LUPIN HIGHLIGHTS LUPIN ANTHRACNOSE 1. Anthracnose overview, Greg Shea, Geoff Thomas and Mark Sweetingham, Agriculture Western Australia 2. Anthracnose – Critical seed infection levels for resistant and susceptible varieties, Geoff Thomas, Mark Sweetingham, Bill O\u27Neill and Greg Shea, Agriculture Western Australia 3. Fungicide seed treatment for anthracnose and brown spot control in lupin, G. Thomas and M. Sweetingham, Agriculture Western Australia LUPIN BREEDING AND AGRONOMY 4. Anthracnose resistance in lupins – an innovative Australian research effort 1996-1998, Wallace Cowling1\u272, Bevan Buirchell1,2 Mark Sweetinqham1,2, Hua\u27an Yang2, Geoff Thomas 1, David Luckett3, Allan Brown4 and John Hamblin2, 1 Agriculture Western Australia, 2 Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, University of Western Australia, 3 NSW Agriculture, Agricultural Institute, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 4 Consultant, 16 Rochester Way, Dianella, WA 5. Gene transfer to pulses: Challenges through 1989-99. Joanne E. Barton, Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, University of Western Australia 6. Can we select for restricted branching in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) Kedar Adhikari1, Nick Galwey1and Miles Dracup2, 1Plant Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia,2 Agriculture Western Australia 7. Getting the beat out of new lupin varieties, Dr Bob French, Grain Legume Agronomist, Agriculture Western Australia 8. Starter nitrogen on lupins, Dr Bob French, Grain Legume Agronomist, Agriculture Western Australia APHIDS AND VIRUS CONTROL 9. Forecasting aphid and virus risk in lupins, Debbie Thackray and Roger Jones, CRC for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture and Agriculture Western Australia 10. Screening for resistance to cucumber mosaic virus in lupins, Roger Jones, Brenda Coutts, Narelle Reeve, Wallace Cowling and Bevan Buirchell, Agriculture Western Australia and CRC for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture 11. The non-necrotic strain of bean yellow mosaic virus spreads faster than the necrotic strain in lupins, Y. Cheng 1 and R.A.C. Jones 1•2, 1 Cooperative Research Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, 2 Agriculture Western Australia 12. Spraying to control aphid feeding damage increases yields of some lupin varieties and faba bean, Francoise Berlandier and Linnet Cartwright, Entomology, Agriculture Western Australia LUPIN NUTRITION 13. Calculated lime requirements for rotations, James Fisher1, Art Diggle 1•2 and Bill Bowden 1•2, 1 Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, 2 Agriculture Western Australia 14. What does lime do to acidic soils – lupin nutrition, Chris Gazey, Research Officer, Agriculture Western Australia 15. Effect of application method of manganese fertiliser and manganese concentration of seed source on seed yield of lupins grown in the West Midlands, Luigi Moreschi, CSBP Area Manager HERBICIDE TOLERANCE AND WEED CONTROL 16. Herbicide tolerance of lupins, Terry Piper, Weed Science Group, Agriculture Western Australia 17. Weed control in Wodjil yellow lupins, Terry Piper, Weed Science Group, Agriculture Western Australia 18. Herbicide tolerance of new lupin varieties, Peter Newman, Agronomist, Elders Mingenew 19. Control of volunteer canola in lupins, Terry Piper and Dave Nicholson, Weed Science Group, Agriculture Western Australia LUPIN ESTABLISHMENT 20. A new seed pressing system for healthy lupin establishment and productivity, Mohammad Amjad, Glen Riethmuller and Ron Jarvis, Agriculture Western Australia 21. Encouragement for controlled traffic farming in the Northern Wheatbelt, Paul Blackwell, Agriculture Western Australia LUPIN HARVESTING 22. Improved lupin harvesting efficiency with different knife guard extensions, Glen Riethmuller, Agriculture Western Australia LUPIN AND PULSE UTILISATION 23. The value of pulse grains for sheep, C.L. White, CSIRO Division of Animal Productio

    Seasonal flows of international British Columbia-Alaska rivers: The nonlinear influence of ocean-atmosphere circulation patterns

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    The northern portion of the Pacific coastal temperate rainforest (PCTR) is one of the least anthropogenically modified regions on earth and remains in many respects a frontier area to science. Rivers crossing the northern PCTR, which is also an international boundary region between British Columbia, Canada and Alaska, USA, deliver large freshwater and biogeochemical fluxes to the Gulf of Alaska and establish linkages between coastal and continental ecosystems. We evaluate interannual flow variability in three transboundary PCTR watersheds in response to El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Arctic Oscillation (AO), and North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO). Historical hydroclimatic datasets from both Canada and the USA are analyzed using an up-to-date methodological suite accommodating both seasonally transient and highly nonlinear teleconnections. We find that streamflow teleconnections occur over particular seasonal windows reflecting the intersection of specific atmospheric and terrestrial hydrologic processes. The strongest signal is a snowmelt-driven flow timing shift resulting from ENSO- and PDO-associated temperature anomalies. Autumn rainfall runoff is also modulated by these climate modes, and a glacier-mediated teleconnection contributes to a late-summer ENSO-flow association. Teleconnections between AO and freshet flows reflect corresponding temperature and precipitation anomalies. A coherent NPGO signal is not clearly evident in streamflow. Linear and monotonically nonlinear teleconnections were widely identified, with less evidence for the parabolic effects that can play an important role elsewhere. The streamflow teleconnections did not vary greatly between hydrometric stations, presumably reflecting broad similarities in watershed characteristics. These results establish a regional foundation for both transboundary water management and studies of long-term hydroclimatic and environmental change

    Establishment of lupin seedlings

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    Good seedbed conditions lead to high and rapid seedling emergence and vigorous seedlings best equipped to avoid disease, weed competition and sand-blasting. Good establishment is needed for a high yielding crop. In Western Australia, seedbed moisture and temperature are most likely to limit successful emergence of lupins, especially with the trend toward early sowing. Research by the Department of Agriculture is helping to define seedbed temperature and moisture requirements for successful lupin establishment that will help future research for improving seedbed conditions

    Restricted branching narrow-leafed lupin. 2. Cross-pollination

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