9 research outputs found

    Determination Of Toxicity Of Chopped Meat-based Semi-products In Vivo

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    At solving the problem of protein deficiency, the great role of the raw material for its production is played by leguminous cultures such as peas, haricot beans, lupine, forage beans, lentil, chick-peas, peavine and other. The chemical composition and food value of proteins of these cultures are most close to animal proteins – of meat, fish and also milk. Among the essential quantity of vegetable raw material that contains protein (33 - 50 %), the special place is occupied by lupine, characterized as an important reserve of high-quality protein substances at the World congress in 1991 in the USA [1].There were elaborated certain recipes of meat chopped semi-products, based on beef that contains 5 %, 10 %, 15 % of lupine flour and 0,5 % of elecampane root powder.There were carried out the studies on the determination of toxicity of functional raw material and cutlets with 10 % content of lupine flour and 0,5 % of elecampane on white mice organisms. There were used methods, based on toxic substances extraction from forages and peeled gains under condition of the intra-stomach administration and cutlets feed during 10 days. Blood was taken for hematological studies in mice, fed by functional cutlets.It was proved, that these products have no toxic influence on organisms. At the pathoanatomical dissection, any macroscopic changes in tissues were not revealed, blood hematological results are within norm.The best sample № 2 with 10 % content of lupine flour and 0,5 % of elecampane was determined by the gustatory method.It was determined, that functional meat chopped semi-product may be included in the ration for the sound, treating-prophylactic nutrition

    Визначення впливу люпинового борошна і дивосилу на перебіг процесів обміну в організмі

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    The authors carried out research on white mice into toxicity of lupin flour, inula root and functional cutlets containing 5 %, 10 %, 15 % of lupin flour with the replacement of meat share and 0.5 % of inula as a spicy-aromatic additive. Toxicity of lupin flour, inula and functional cutlets was determined under conditions of intragastrical introduction of 0.5 ml of the extract. Toxicity of the finished 10 % functional cutlets was studied under conditions of feeding white mice on them as the main feed for 10 days. Blood sampling was conducted in the control and experimental groups of mice for hematologic research.It was found that lupin flour and inula do not cause catarrhal or hemorrhagic inflammation of gastrointestinal tract and the death of mice, therefore, they are non-toxic. While feeding mice on cutlets with 10 % content of lupin flour and 0.5 % of inula, it was established that during pathoanatomical dissection, macroscopic changes in the organs and tissues were not found, p<0.05, which is within the normal range. Therefore, this product is non-toxic and it can be included in the diet of peopleНа белых мышах проведено изучение токсичности люпиновой муки, корня девясила и функциональных котлет. Доказано, что люпиновая мука и девясил не вызывают катарального или геморрагического воспаления желудочно-кишечного тракта и гибель мышей, поэтому являются нетоксичными. При скармливании мышам котлет с 10 % содержанием люпиновой муки и 0,5 % девясила установлено, что при патологоанатомическом вскрытии макроскопических изменений в органах и тканях не обнаружено. Масса органов (р<0,05) находится в пределах нормы и подтверждает, что данный продукт можно включать в рацион питания людейНа білих мишах проведено вивчення токсичності люпинового борошна, кореня дивосилу та функціональних котлет. Досліджено, що люпинове борошно та дивосил не викликають катарального або геморагічного запалення шлунково-кишкового тракту та загибель мишей, отож є нетоксичні. При згодовуванні мишам котлет з 10 % вмістом люпинового борошна та 0,5 % дивосилу встановлено, що при патологоанатомічному розтині макроскопічних змін в органах і тканинах не виявлено. Маса органів (р<0,05) є в межах норми та підтверджує, що даний продукт можна включати в раціон харчування люде

    Determining the Effect of Lupin Flour and Inula on the Flow of Metabolic Processes in the Organism

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    The authors carried out research on white mice into toxicity of lupin flour, inula root and functional cutlets containing 5 %, 10 %, 15 % of lupin flour with the replacement of meat share and 0.5 % of inula as a spicy-aromatic additive. Toxicity of lupin flour, inula and functional cutlets was determined under conditions of intragastrical introduction of 0.5 ml of the extract. Toxicity of the finished 10 % functional cutlets was studied under conditions of feeding white mice on them as the main feed for 10 days. Blood sampling was conducted in the control and experimental groups of mice for hematologic research.It was found that lupin flour and inula do not cause catarrhal or hemorrhagic inflammation of gastrointestinal tract and the death of mice, therefore, they are non-toxic. While feeding mice on cutlets with 10 % content of lupin flour and 0.5 % of inula, it was established that during pathoanatomical dissection, macroscopic changes in the organs and tissues were not found, p<0.05, which is within the normal range. Therefore, this product is non-toxic and it can be included in the diet of peopl

    The quest for endothelial atypical cannabinoid receptor: BKCa channels act as cellular sensors for cannabinoids in in vitro and in situ endothelial cells

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    Endothelium-dependent component of cannabinoid-induced vasodilation has been postulated to require G-protein-coupled non-CB1/CB2 endothelial cannabinoid (eCB) receptor. GPR18 was proposed as a candidate for eCBR. To address the hypothesis that the effects attributed to eCBR are mediated by G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)-independent targets, we studied the electrical responses in endothelial cells, focusing on BKCa channels. In patches excised from endothelial-derived EA.hy926 cells, N-arachydonoyl glycine (NAGly) and abnormal cannabidiol (abn-cbd), prototypical agonists for eCB receptor, stimulate single BKCa activity in a concentration- and Ca2+-dependent manner. The postulated eCB receptor inhibitors rimonabant and AM251 were found to inhibit basal and stimulated by NAGly- and abn-cbd BKCa activity in cell-free patches. In isolated mice aortas, abn-cbd and NAGly produced endothelial cell hyperpolarization that was sensitive to paxilline, a selective BKCa inhibitor, but not to GPR18 antibody, and mimicked by NS1619, a direct BKCa opener. In excised patches from mice aortic endothelium, single channel activity with characteristics similar to BKCa was established by the addition of abn-cbd and NAGly. We conclude that the two cannabinoids abn-cbd and NAGly initiate a GPR18-independent activation of BKCa channels in mice aortic endothelial cells that might contribute to vasodilation to cannabinoids

    Morphology and Properties of Microcapsules with Different Core Releases

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    The morphology, mechanical properties, and permeability of hydrogen-bonded layer-by-layer (LbL) microcapsule shells assembled on cubic CdCO<sub>3</sub> cores have been studied in comparison with traditional shells assembled on spherical SiO<sub>2</sub> cores. We observed that the morphology of LbL shells is dramatically affected by the different release processes with highly porous and softened LbL shells as a result of the intense CO<sub>2</sub> gas formation and ion release during the removal of cubic CdCO<sub>3</sub> cores. A substantial increase in porosity is reflected in a dramatic change in the mesh size of LbL shells, from 2 nm for spherical capsules to above 35 nm for cubic capsules. Shells also possess enhanced permeability with a many fold increase in diffusion coefficient for dextran molecules and enhanced softening with the elastic modulus dropping by almost an order of magnitude for cubic capsules. These dramatic changes in shell morphology, porosity, permeability, and stiffness, observed in this study for the first time, are all important for the intelligent projection of controlled loading and unloading behavior of microcontainers with different shapes and composition, a component usually overlooked in current studies

    Seven Millennia of Saltmaking. III Congreso Internacional de Antropologia de la Sal

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    International audienc