5 research outputs found


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    U ovom dijelu testa koriÅ”teno je meso svinje porijeklom od devet ispitivanih skupina različitog genotipa i porijekla, testiranih u istim uvjetima. Na mesu (MLD) ustanovljene su vrijednosti pHā‚ (45\u27,p.m.), pHā‚‚, (24 sata p.m.), sposobnost vezanja vode (sp.v.v.) i boja (Gƶfo) mesa, zatim je izmjerena povrÅ”ina (cmĀ²,) dugog leđnog miÅ”ića (musculus longissimus dorsi - MLD), povrÅ”ina pripadajućeg dijela potkožne slanine (cmĀ²) te izračunavanje međusobnog odnosa mesa i slanine. Dobiveni prosječni rezultati pokazatelja kvalitativnih svojstava mesa pokazuiu da se oni uglavnom nalaze u granicama- normalnog, tj. pHā‚ od 6,67 do 6,09; pHā‚‚ od 5,70 do 5,87; sp.v.v. do 6,70 do 8,54 cmĀ² boja od 61,30 do 55,17.Međutim, to se nebi moglo reći za sedmu skupinu (BL x [VJ x NjL x DL]), gdje je uz skoro granične srednje pHā‚ vrijednosti (ā€¾x 6,09) bila nepoželjna boja mesa (Gƶfo = 50,36), a sp.v.v. 9,07cmĀ². Isto tako je, doduÅ”e samo boja mesa (Gƶfo =42,579 znatno odstupala od poželjne u mesu pete skupine (H x [VJ x Å L] ), dok su ostala svojstva bila u granicama normale. Rezultati povrÅ”ine MLD (39,31- 32,40 cmĀ²), pripadajuće slanine (18,56 -26,67 cmĀ²) i odnosa meso:slanina (0,535-0,822) pokazuju da se radi pretežno o populaciiama dobre mesnatosti. U zakliučku ovog rada se ističe da se prilikom selekcijskog rada u svinjogojstvu, pored praćenja mesnatosti, povodi i stalno praćenje svojstava mesa.This investigation included meat of pigs belonging to 9 groups of different genotype and origin. All groups were tested under the same conditions. The following quality properties of the meat (MLD) were determined: the pHā‚, (45\u27 p.m.), the pHā‚‚, (24 hours p.m.), the water holding capacity (WHC) and the colour of the meat (Gƶfo). The investigation also included measuring the surface (cmĀ²) of the long dorsal muscle (musculus longissimus dorsi - MLD), the surface (cmĀ²) of the adjoining subcutaneous fat, and the calculating of the meat: fat ratio. The mean results obtained indicate that the quality properties of the meat ranged within the normal limits, as follows: the pHā‚, the pHā‚‚, the WHG and the colour of the meat ranged from 6.67 to 6.09, from 5.70 to 5.87, from 6.70 to 8.54 cmĀ² and from 61 .30 to 55.17, respectively. However, this was not the case in the trial group 7 ( BL x [VJ x NJL x DL]), where the value of the mean pHā‚ ( ā€¾x 6.09 was notsatisfactory results were and the meat colour was (Gƶfo= 50.36) and WHC (9.07 cmĀ²), erther. In the trial group 5, as well (H x [VJxSL]), meat colour varied considerably from the wanted, whereas the values of other properties were within the normal limits. From the results of measuring the MLD surface (from 39.31 to 32.40 cmĀ²), the adjoining fat (from 18.56 to 26.67 cmĀ²) and the meat: fat ratio (from 0.535 to 0.822), it was concluded that the swine were mainly of good meatiness. As a conclusion, it was suggested that during the swine selecti6n, not only meatiness but also quality properties of the meat should be monitored

    Geschlechts-/Gendergebundene Unterschiede bei Online-SexaktivitƤten und ihre Folgen

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    SadaÅ”nja istraživanja, premda ograničena broja, upućuju na osobitu raÅ”irenost on-line seksualnih aktivnosti (OSA) među mlađim, obrazovanijim i profesionalno dokazanim generacijama. Uz to studije sugeriraju spolnu/rodnu specifičnost OSA. Kako bismo saznali u kojoj su mjeri rezultati inozemnih studija primjenjivi na razumijevanje situacije u Hrvatskoj, potkraj 2004. godine proveli smo prvo domaće on-line istraživanje OSA. Analize pokazuju da se muÅ”karci i žene razlikuju prema količini vremena provedenog u OSA, omjeru između komunikacijskih i konzumacijskih OSA, uspjeÅ”nosti ostvarivanja fizičkih susreta s on-line poznanicima, netočnom prikazivanju vlastita izgleda i učestalosti intimnih problema (ne i problema u druÅ”tvenom funkcioniranju) izazvanih OSA. U nekoliko važnih detalja naÅ”i se rezultati razlikuju od onih dobivenih u istraživanjima provedenim u SAD-u i Å vedskoj. Bez obzira na metodoloÅ”ka ograničenja studije, u zaključku naglaÅ”avamo potrebu nastavka praćenja fenomenologije internetske seksualnosti zbog potpunijega razumijevanja suvremenih promjena u seksualnim značenjima i obrascima interakcije.Current studies, although low in number, point to high prevalence of online sexual activities (OSA) among the younger, educated and professionally accomplished generations. Also, the existing body of research indicates a pattern of gender differences in OSA. In order to find out whether these findings are applicable to Croatia, in 2004 we carried out the first online survey on OSA. The analyses show that men and women differ in several important dimensions: in the amount of time spent in OSA, in the ratio between communicational and consummative motives for OSA, in the relative success of offline contacts, in lying about one\u27s appearance, and in the prevalence of intimate (but not professional) problems caused by OSA. In several important details, our findings do not corroborate the results of two US and a Swedish study. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the need for continuing research on the phenomenology of Internet sexuality. In spite of the methodological shortcomings and limitations typical of online surveys, such studies can provide better understanding of the contemporary, increasingly technologically mediated, sexual meanings, interactions and exchanges.Obwohl die Zahl einschlƤgiger Untersuchungen begrenzt ist, zeigen diese, dass Online-SexaktivitƤten (OSA) besonders in der Generation junger, beruflich realisierter Menschen mit hƶherem Bildungsgrad verbreitet sind. Die vorliegenden Studien suggerieren auƟerdem das Bestehen geschlechts-/ gendergebundener Spezifika von OSA. Um herauszufinden, inwiefern die Ergebnisse auslƤndischer Studien fĆ¼r ein VerstƤndis der in Kroatien herrschenden VerhƤltnisse verwendbar sind, haben die Autoren Ende 2004 die erste kroatische Online-Umfrage zur Untersuchung von OSA und mƶglichen relevanten Folgen durchgefĆ¼hrt. MƤnner und Frauen unterscheiden sich hinsichtlich der mit OSA verbrachten Zeit; unterschiedlich sind auch das VerhƤltnis zwischen kommunikationsbeschrƤnkten und "konsumierten" OSA, die Erfolgsrate physischer Kontakte mit Online- Bekanntschaften, die (von der Wirklichkeit abweichende) Beschreibung des eigenen Aussehens, die HƤufigkeit intimer Probleme als einer Folge von OSA (nicht gemeint sind Probleme mit dem allgemeinen Funktionieren in der Gesellschaft). Die kroatischen Umfrageergebnisse weichen von den in den USA und in Schweden gewonnenen Resultaten in einigen wesentlichen Punkten ab. Ungeachtet der methodologischen EinschrƤnkungen der Studie wird schlussfolgernd die Notwendigkeit betont, die PhƤnomenologie von Online-SexaktivitƤten auch in Zukunft mitzuverfolgen, um die aktuellen Wandel bezĆ¼glich des sexuellen Hintergrunds und der unterschiedlichen Muster menschlichen Interagierens besser verstehen zu kƶnnen

    Increased yield of enzymatic synthesis by chromatographic selection of different N-glycoforms of yeast invertase

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    Invertases are glycosidases applied for synthesis of alkyl glycosides that are important and effective surfactants. Stability of invertases in the environment with increased content of organic solvent is crucial for increase of productivity of glycosidases. Their stability is significantly influenced by N-glycosylation. However, yeast N-glycosylation pathways may synthesize plethora of N-glycan structures. A total natural crude mixture of invertase glycoforms (EINV) extracted from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was subfractionated by anion-exchange chromatography on industrial monolithic supports to obtain different glycoforms (EINV1ā€“EINV3). Separated glycoforms exhibited different stabilities in wateralcohol solutions that are in direct correlation with the amount of phosphate bound to N-glycans. Observed differences in stability of different invertase glycoforms were used to improve productivity of methyl Ī²-d-fructofuranoside (MF) synthesis. The efficiency and yield of MF synthesis were improved more than 50% when the most stabile glycoform bearing the lowest amount of phosphorylated N-glycans is selected and utilized. These data underline the importance of analysis of glycan structures attached to glycoproteins, demonstrate different impact of N-glycans on the surface charge and enzyme stability in regard to particular reaction environment, and provide a platform for improvement of yield of industrial enzymatic synthesis by chromatographic selection of glycoforms on monolithic supports.The peer-reviewed version: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3989

    Spolne/rodne razlike u on-line seksualnim aktivnostima i njihovim posljedicama

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    Current studies, although low in number, point to high prevalence of online sexual activities (OSA) among the younger, educated and professionally accomplished generations. Also, the existing body of research indicates a pattern of gender differences in OSA. In order to find out whether these findings are applicable to Croatia, in 2004 we carried out the first online survey on OSA. The analyses show that men and women differ in several important dimensions: in the amount of time spent in OSA, in the ratio between communicational and consummative motives for OSA, in the relative success of offline contacts, in lying about one's appearance, and in the prevalence of intimate (but not professional) problems caused by OSA. In several important details, our findings do not corroborate the results of two US and a Swedish study. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the need for continuing research on the phenomenology of Internet sexuality. In spite of the methodological shortcomings and limitations typical of online surveys, such studies can provide better understanding of the contemporary, increasingly technologically mediated, sexual meanings, interactions and exchanges.SadaÅ”nja istraživanja, premda ograničena broja, upućuju na osobitu raÅ”irenost on-line seksualnih aktivnosti (OSA) među mlađim, obrazovanijim i profesionalno dokazanim generacijama. Uz to studije sugeriraju spolnu/rodnu specifičnost OSA. Kako bismo saznali u kojoj su mjeri rezultati inozemnih studija primjenjivi na razumijevanje situacije u Hrvatskoj, potkraj 2004. godine proveli smo prvo domaće on-line istraživanje OSA. Analize pokazuju da se muÅ”karci i žene razlikuju prema količini vremena provedenog u OSA, omjeru između komunikacijskih i konzumacijskih OSA, uspjeÅ”nosti ostvarivanja fizičkih susreta s on-line poznanicima, netočnom prikazivanju vlastita izgleda i učestalosti intimnih problema (ne i problema u druÅ”tvenom funkcioniranju) izazvanih OSA. U nekoliko važnih detalja naÅ”i se rezultati razlikuju od onih dobivenih u istraživanjima provedenim u SAD-u i Å vedskoj. Bez obzira na metodoloÅ”ka ograničenja studije, u zaključku naglaÅ”avamo potrebu nastavka praćenja fenomenologije internetske seksualnosti zbog potpunijega razumijevanja suvremenih promjena u seksualnim značenjima i obrascima interakcije.Obwohl die Zahl einschlƤgiger Untersuchungen begrenzt ist, zeigen diese, dass Online-SexaktivitƤten (OSA) besonders in der Generation junger, beruflich realisierter Menschen mit hƶherem Bildungsgrad verbreitet sind. Die vorliegenden Studien suggerieren auƟerdem das Bestehen geschlechts-/gendergebundener Spezifika von OSA. Um herauszufinden, inwiefern die Ergebnisse auslƤndischer Studien fĆ¼r ein VerstƤndis der in Kroatien herrschenden VerhƤltnisse verwendbar sind, haben die Autoren Ende 2004 die erste kroatische Online-Umfrage zur Untersuchung von OSA und mƶglichen relevanten Folgen durchgefĆ¼hrt. MƤnner und Frauen unterscheiden sich hinsichtlich der mit OSA verbrachten Zeit; unterschiedlich sind auch das VerhƤltnis zwischen kommunikationsbeschrƤnkten und "konsumierten" OSA, die Erfolgsrate physischer Kontakte mit Online-Bekanntschaften, die (von der Wirklichkeit abweichende) Beschreibung des eigenen Aussehens, die HƤufigkeit intimer Probleme als einer Folge von OSA (nicht gemeint sind Probleme mit dem allgemeinen Funktionieren in der Gesellschaft). Die kroatischen Umfrageergebnisse weichen von den in den USA und in Schweden gewonnenen Resultaten in einigen wesentlichen Punkten ab. Ungeachtet der methodologischen EinschrƤnkungen der Studie wird schlussfolgernd die Notwendigkeit betont, die PhƤnomenologie von Online-SexaktivitƤten auch in Zukunft mitzuverfolgen, um die aktuellen Wandel bezĆ¼glich des sexuellen Hintergrunds und der unterschiedlichen Muster menschlichen Interagierens besser verstehen zu kƶnnen