43 research outputs found

    Structural Features of Cultural Landscape in the Karst Area (Landscape in Transition)

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    Na območju krasa se je v dolgi zgodovinski kontinuiteti razvil svojevrsten krajinski tip, kar je pripisati raznovrstnim podnebnim, geomorfološkim, topografskim kot tudi družbeno-gospodarskim razmeram. To zvrst označuje velika tipološka raznolikost, ki sloni na avtentičnih značilnostih naravnega in kulturnega izvora, nastala pa je kot nasledek uravnotežene gospodarske rabe tal od zgodnjih obdobij dalje. Glavna kvaliteta kraških krajin izvira iz edinstvenih vzorcev rabe prostora, ki pomenijo eno najvrednejših prostorskih dediščin v celotnem Sredozemlju. Toda novejši razvoj, predvsem v družbenogospodarski sferi, je izzval daljnosežne posledice na podeželju, kar močno prizadeva celovitost in tradicionalno skladnost krasa nasploh in njegovih pokrajin posebej. Temeljni namen prispevka je orisati to preobrazbo kot resno grožnjo in veliko izgubo nacionalne kulturne dediščine ter podčrtati odgovornost naše generacije v teh procesih.During a long historical continuity in the karst area a specific landscape type has evolved due to varied climatic, geomorphological, topographic as well as socio-economic conditions. This is characterized by great typological diversity based on authentic features both of natural and cultural origin. These have occurred as a consequence of balanced economic land-uses from early periods on. The main quality of these landscapes is derived from unique agricultural land-use patterns, which constitute one of the most valuable spatial heritages in the entire Mediterranean. However, the recent evolution, mainly in the socio-economic sphere, generated far-reaching impacts in the rural areas which largely affect the integrity and traditional harmony the karst countryside in general and the landscape in particular. The basic intention of the paper is to outline these transformations as a serious threat and immense loss of the national cultural heritage and to emphasize the great responsibility of this generation in these processes

    Prognostic value of cytogenetics in myelodysplastic syndrome

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    Uvod: Mijelodisplastični sindrom (MDS) je skupina klonalnih hematopoetskih poremećaja koji se očituju jednom ili više citopenija te sklonošću za transformaciju u akutnu mijeloičnu leukemiju. Kariogram pri dijagnozi ima veliku ulogu u stratificiranju ovih bolesnika u različite rizične skupine s obzirom na ishod te bolesti. ----- Ciljevi istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja je bilo odrediti prognostički značaj MDS-a u retrospektivnoj skupini bolesnika liječenih u periodu 1.11.2014. do 1.4.2017. godine u jednoj ustanovi. ----- Metode: Retrospektivno smo analizirali sve povijesti bolesti bolesnika s novo dijagnosticiranim MDSom u Kliničkoj bolnici Merkur. Glavni uključni kriterij je bio postojanje kariograma. ----- Rezultati: U istraživanje je uključen ukupno 30 bolesnika medijana starosti 68.4 godine. Medijan preživljenja ovih bolesnika je bio 13 mjeseci s dvogodišnjim preživljenjem od 24%. U analizi povezanosti bolesnika s kariogramom prema IPSS i IPSS-R prognostičkim indeksima nije bilo statistički značajne povezanosti, vjerojatno zbog malenog broja ispitanika u ovoj skupini. Kao sekundarne ciljeve postavili smo povezanost dijagnoze podtipa prema klasifikaciji SZO i broja blasta u aspiratu koštane srži. U bolesnika s MDS-om RAEB I i II postajala je statička tendencija lošijem preživljenju (p= 0.066) s jasnom separacijom krivulja. Što se tiče broja blasta u koštanoj srži, oni bolesni s manje od 2% blasta su imali bolje ishode s tendencijom prema statističkoj značajnosti (p=0.06). ----- Zaključak: U ovom istraživanju, najvjerojatnije zbog malenog broja bolesnika, nije pokazana povezanost ukupnog preživljenja s nalazom kariograma, no time se ne odbija značaj ove pretrage u MDSu jer su originalne i validacijske studije rađene na puno većem broju ispitanika. Nadalje, medijan preživljenja u našoj skupini je nešto niži od drugih studija što se može obrazložiti nedostupnosti pojedinih lijekova za ovu populaciju. Najvažniji nalaz ovog istraživanja da je uključeno tek 30 bolesnika što ukazuje da u svakodnevnoj praksi ova bolest ostaje dijagnostički zanemarena.Introduction: Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) is a group of clonal haematopoietic disorders that are manifested by one or more cytopenia and have a tendency to transform into acute myeloid leukaemia. Cytogenetic analysis has a significant role in stratifying these patients in different risk groups regarding the outcome of the disease. ----- Research goals: The aim of this study was to determine the prognostic significance of MDS in a retrospective group of patients treated in the period from 1.11. 2014 to 1.4. 2017 in one institution. ----- Methods: The history of illness of the patients with newly diagnosed MDS in the Merkur University Hospital in Zagreb was retrospectively analysed. The main inclusion criteria was the existence of a cytogenetic analysis. ----- Results: The study included a total of 30 patients, the median of age was 68.4 years. The median survival rate of these patients was 13 months with two-year survival rate of 24%. There was no statistically significant correlation between the survival rate and cytogenetic analysis based on the IPSS and the IPSS-R prognostic index, probably due to the small number of subjects in this group. As a secondary objective, the relationship between subtype diagnosis according to the World Health Organization classification and the number of blasts in the aspiration of the bone marrow was analysed. In patients with MDS RAEB I and RAEB II, a static tendency for poorer survival rate (p = 0.066) with a clear separation of curves became apparent. As for the patients with the blasts in their bone marrow, those which had less than 2% of blasts had better outcomes with a tendency towards statistical significance (p = 0.06). ----- Conclusion: In this study, most likely due to the small number of patients, no correlation of total survival rate with the finding of the cytogenetic analysis has been demonstrated, but this does not negate the significance of this diagnostic method for MDS since the original and validation studies were conducted on a much larger number of subjects. Furthermore, median survival rate in our group is somewhat lower than other studies, which may be explained by the unavailability of certain drugs for this population. The most important finding of this study is that only 30 patients are involved in it, which indicates that in daily practice this disease remains diagnostically neglected

    Man and Karst 2017, Sveučilište u Zadru, Zadar, 26. – 29. lipnja 2017.

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    Prognostic value of cytogenetics in myelodysplastic syndrome

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    Uvod: Mijelodisplastični sindrom (MDS) je skupina klonalnih hematopoetskih poremećaja koji se očituju jednom ili više citopenija te sklonošću za transformaciju u akutnu mijeloičnu leukemiju. Kariogram pri dijagnozi ima veliku ulogu u stratificiranju ovih bolesnika u različite rizične skupine s obzirom na ishod te bolesti. ----- Ciljevi istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja je bilo odrediti prognostički značaj MDS-a u retrospektivnoj skupini bolesnika liječenih u periodu 1.11.2014. do 1.4.2017. godine u jednoj ustanovi. ----- Metode: Retrospektivno smo analizirali sve povijesti bolesti bolesnika s novo dijagnosticiranim MDSom u Kliničkoj bolnici Merkur. Glavni uključni kriterij je bio postojanje kariograma. ----- Rezultati: U istraživanje je uključen ukupno 30 bolesnika medijana starosti 68.4 godine. Medijan preživljenja ovih bolesnika je bio 13 mjeseci s dvogodišnjim preživljenjem od 24%. U analizi povezanosti bolesnika s kariogramom prema IPSS i IPSS-R prognostičkim indeksima nije bilo statistički značajne povezanosti, vjerojatno zbog malenog broja ispitanika u ovoj skupini. Kao sekundarne ciljeve postavili smo povezanost dijagnoze podtipa prema klasifikaciji SZO i broja blasta u aspiratu koštane srži. U bolesnika s MDS-om RAEB I i II postajala je statička tendencija lošijem preživljenju (p= 0.066) s jasnom separacijom krivulja. Što se tiče broja blasta u koštanoj srži, oni bolesni s manje od 2% blasta su imali bolje ishode s tendencijom prema statističkoj značajnosti (p=0.06). ----- Zaključak: U ovom istraživanju, najvjerojatnije zbog malenog broja bolesnika, nije pokazana povezanost ukupnog preživljenja s nalazom kariograma, no time se ne odbija značaj ove pretrage u MDSu jer su originalne i validacijske studije rađene na puno većem broju ispitanika. Nadalje, medijan preživljenja u našoj skupini je nešto niži od drugih studija što se može obrazložiti nedostupnosti pojedinih lijekova za ovu populaciju. Najvažniji nalaz ovog istraživanja da je uključeno tek 30 bolesnika što ukazuje da u svakodnevnoj praksi ova bolest ostaje dijagnostički zanemarena.Introduction: Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) is a group of clonal haematopoietic disorders that are manifested by one or more cytopenia and have a tendency to transform into acute myeloid leukaemia. Cytogenetic analysis has a significant role in stratifying these patients in different risk groups regarding the outcome of the disease. ----- Research goals: The aim of this study was to determine the prognostic significance of MDS in a retrospective group of patients treated in the period from 1.11. 2014 to 1.4. 2017 in one institution. ----- Methods: The history of illness of the patients with newly diagnosed MDS in the Merkur University Hospital in Zagreb was retrospectively analysed. The main inclusion criteria was the existence of a cytogenetic analysis. ----- Results: The study included a total of 30 patients, the median of age was 68.4 years. The median survival rate of these patients was 13 months with two-year survival rate of 24%. There was no statistically significant correlation between the survival rate and cytogenetic analysis based on the IPSS and the IPSS-R prognostic index, probably due to the small number of subjects in this group. As a secondary objective, the relationship between subtype diagnosis according to the World Health Organization classification and the number of blasts in the aspiration of the bone marrow was analysed. In patients with MDS RAEB I and RAEB II, a static tendency for poorer survival rate (p = 0.066) with a clear separation of curves became apparent. As for the patients with the blasts in their bone marrow, those which had less than 2% of blasts had better outcomes with a tendency towards statistical significance (p = 0.06). ----- Conclusion: In this study, most likely due to the small number of patients, no correlation of total survival rate with the finding of the cytogenetic analysis has been demonstrated, but this does not negate the significance of this diagnostic method for MDS since the original and validation studies were conducted on a much larger number of subjects. Furthermore, median survival rate in our group is somewhat lower than other studies, which may be explained by the unavailability of certain drugs for this population. The most important finding of this study is that only 30 patients are involved in it, which indicates that in daily practice this disease remains diagnostically neglected

    Analysis of "standard" (Lipica) lemestone tablets and their weathering by carbonate staining and SEM imaging, a case study on the Vis island, Croatia

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    This paper focuses on the evolution and patterns of microscale weathering forms and dissolution rates of “standard” (Lipica) limestone tablets. Analysis of carbonate weathering using combination of methods (quantitative analysis by the weight loss of "standard" tablets, and qualitative analysis of the weathered surfaces by stained acetate peels and SEM imaging) showed that dissolution takes place not only at the surface of limestone tablets, but also along voids and cavities in limestone tablets which makes total weathering surface larger than the area of the tablet surface. Dissolution is more pronounced on the micritic calcite surfaces (due to different dissolution kinetics of carbonate minerals), resulting in lowering of the surface (calcite matrix) which causes gradual unburial and removal of authigenic dolomite grains

    Quantitative-geomorphological and Environmental-historical Impact of the Ecological Soil Depth; Northwestern Croatia

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    With regard to its geographical position, role and significance, North-Western Croatia represents the key area of the Republic of Croatia. It is the area of a long-lasting continuity of population and a great, although regionally differentiated, agrarian density. A long and intensive pressure on the environment is one of the most important factors which have influenced theecological soildepth. Because of the presumed influence of the quantitative geomorphological features (average height, relative height, slope length, length and relative height index, inclination, surface regularity, expositions) and lithology features (rock strength coefficient) on the volume and intensity of slope processes, a multiple regression analysis has been carried out for the dependent variable of ecological depth and the quoted variables as independent assessors

    A contribution to the knowing of climatic charasteristics of the Velebit mountain

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    U članku se razmatraju osunčanost, temperatura zraka, relativna vlaga, padaline i vjetar na Velebitu. Zahvaljujući visini i pružanju Velebita uz obalu, njegove se strane klimatski značajno razlikuju. Jedna je podvrgnuta utjecaju mora, a druga kopnenoj unutrašnjosti. Na klimatske prilike na Velebitu utječe raspodjela kopna i mora i reljef šireg područja. U članku je dan prikaz klimatskih obilježja Velebita u dosada najdužem zajedničkom nizu za sve relevantne klimatološke postaje istraživanog područja. Korigirani su dosadašnji podaci o vertikalnom rasporedu temperature zraka, te neki podaci o padalinama.The paper deals with insolation, air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation and wind on the Velebit mountain. Due to the height and the streaching of the mountain along the Adriatic coast Velebit mountain sides differ significantly in their climatic characteristics. Climatic characteristcs of the Velebit mountain are influenced by the land and sea distribution and relief in the region. The paper presents climatic characteristics of Velebit mountain according to the so far longest common period for relevant climatological stations in the researched area. A correction is given for values for values of vertical distribution of air temperatures, as well as for some data considering precipitation

    Morphogenesis of karst poljes on Vis Island, Croatia

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    Karst poljes are the most characteristic feature of Dinaric karst area. The number of poljes identified on the island of Vis (Croatia) differs according to the various authors who have studied the island. Considering the various existing definitions of polje in previous studies, in this paper we propose a set of criteria for identifying poljes in karst terrain using Geographic Information System. This enabled the identification of six poljes on the Vis Island, whose formation is predetermined by tectonic structures. Moreover, processes are frequently inferred by neotectonic (both uplift and subsidence) according to the analysis of longitudinal and transverse profiles gradients affecting balance of these morphologies. Since they are not hydrologically active in present hydrological conditions, poljes on Vis Island can be considered to be paleo - overflow or structural poljes

    Types of grikes and their genesis on the Velebit Mountain

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    Karbonatne stijene koje prevladavaju u sastavu gorskog hrpta masiva Velebita pogodovale su nastanku brojnih krških oblika. Na površini se svojom raznolikošću izdvajaju razni tipovi malih \u27\u27izjedlina\u27\u27 - grižina. Njihovo oblikovanje i učestalost pojave posljedica su međuovisnosti geoloških, klimatskih, pedoloških, vegetacijskih i geomorfoloških značajki, ali i antropogenih utjecaja. Među njima se izdvajaju brojni mikro oblici kao što su žljebići, škrape, kamenice, biokorozijska udubljenja, škrapski bunari, krški stolovi, zdjeličaste grižine, te grižine poznate pod lokalnim nazivom \u27\u27sige\u27\u27. Također, kod pojedinih tipova grižina uočavaju se razlike kao posljedica načina na koji su oblikovane: direktno pod utjecajem atmosferske vode, subkutanom korozijom ili vodom koja je u tlu dodatno obogaćena s CO2 biogenog porijekla.Numerous karst forms were generated on carbonate rocks which prevail on the Velebit Mt. Ridge. Here occur numerous varieties of karren (\u27\u27grižine\u27\u27 in Croatian), whose genesis and number is conditioned by interaction of geological, climatic, pedological, floristical and geomorphological characteristics, as well as by antropogenic influence. This term encompases various types of small-scale corrosional forms such as various types of karren, grikes, solution pans – kamenitzas (\u27\u27kamenice\u27\u27 in Croatian), root karren, karren wells, karst tables, pot-like karren, and the karren locally reffered to as \u27\u27sige\u27\u27 (\u27\u27tufa\u27\u27). Several types of karren display differences as a consequence of their genesis; directly under the atmospheric water, subcutal corrosion or the water which was secondary enriched by soil-derived biogenic CO2