283 research outputs found

    Routing Protocols to Enhance Security in MANETS

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    Mobile ad hoc networking (MANET) is gradually emerging to be very important in the growth of wireless technology. This is anticipated to offer a range of flexible services to mobile and nomadic users by means of integrated homogeneous architecture. The proper routing protocol is necessary for better communication in MANET. One of the existing reliable protocols is Ad Hoc On-Demand Vector Routing (AODV) protocol which is a reactive routing protocol for ad hoc and mobile networks that maintains routes only between nodes that wants to communicate. There are various security issues to be considered in this protocol. In order to provide security for AODV protocol, Secure Ad Hoc On-Demand Vector Routing (SAODV) can be used. SAODV is an extension of the AODV routing protocol that can be used to shield the route discovery process by providing security characteristics like integrity and authentication. For secure protocol, digital signature, hash chains, etc., can be used in routing. This paper surveys on various techniques available for securing the mobile ad hoc network

    Comparitive study of clinical effect of Apamarga Kshara Sutra prepared by 7 and 21 coatings in Bhagandara

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    Background: Bhagandara is a 2nd highest prevalent disease among the anorectal diseases. It can be correlated to Fistula-In-Ano. For the management of fistula in ano various surgical, parasurgical and minimally invasive surgical procedures have been mentioned. But all these procedures carry a disadvantage of high rates of recurrence and also have a great chance of creation of serious complications like anal incontinence and anal stenosis. Hence the search for a newer, safer and scientific treatment for the management of this disease continues. Objectives: A new Kshara Sutra with fewer coatings has been tried to see if results are the same with an advantage of early and easy preparation. Materials and Methods: Total 30 patients were randomly selected in the study and divided into 2 groups fulfilling the inclusion criteria which were designed for the study. Results: Study showed significant results in reducing the discharge, pain, itching and burning sensation and induration within the group and insignificant result obtained between the groups statistically. Conclusion: The study revealed that Kshara Sutra prepared with 7 coating is more economical, easy to prepare and equally efficient in the management of Bhagandara

    Prelude to Anuktha Vyadhi - Understanding, Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Ayurveda is a complete science and many concepts are hidden in it. The principles of Ayurveda are eternal but its applications can be modified as per the timely changes in society. The diseases which have not been explained in classics with reference to their name, signs and symptoms are Anuktha Vyadhi. Any disease not mentioned in our classics can be understood by using the existing Ayurvedic concepts mentioned for diagnosis and management of diseases in common. The modern diseases which are evolving over a period of time may not have a mention in our classics but these can be very well understood by using tools mentioned in Ayurveda for diagnosis and management of diseases in common. The tools like Nidana Panchaka, assessing of Agni, different status of Dosha Dhatu and Mala, Sthanantharagata Dosha etc. The treatment for Anuktha Vyadhi can also be initiated by using Samanya Chikitsa Siddantha mentioned in common, which emphases on either Hetuvipareetha, Dosha Vipareetha and Ubhaya Vipareetha Chikistsa etc. concepts which helps in Samprathi Vighatana

    Role of Linagliptin in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Therapy: An Indian Perspective

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    Given the rising prevalence and significant health and economic burdens associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)globally, especially in low- and middle-income countries, exploring effective treatment options is crucial. In this review, wehave reviewed the role of linagliptin therapy in managing T2DM in the Indian context. The review specifically delves intothe pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of linagliptin, emphasizing its potential benefits in the context of theunique characteristics of Asian T2DM patients. The study provides valuable insights into the strategic use of linagliptin inthe treatment landscape of T2DM, offering a comprehensive and all-encompassing approach to its clinical implications invarious patient settings

    Design of Efficient Power Filter with Reduced Distortion Using Control Algorithm

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    The electrical distribution system is facing undesirable power quality disturbances due to different types of linear/nonlinear loads on the supply system. The objective of the project is to reduce the distortion level in voltage or current input to the load and at the output of the filter. To design a simple but highly viable hybrid active power buffer that is capable of feeding less distorted voltage to the nonlinear load model. To present an optimal controlling of these buffers so as to minimize the voltage distortion by designing a different algorithm for the same. Comparing the THD levels of the output voltage waveform with the standard controlling method with the proposed control design to further enhance the proposed design such that it is practically feasible to be implemented in grid system having renewable energy resources. In this work, a power filter has been designed using different algorithms with an objective to reduce the Total Harmonic Distortion in the voltage output waveforms. The total harmonic distortion in the voltage output waveform being fed to the load using only the PQ_RLS algorithm is found to be 2.18 %. In the case of the output voltage from the power buffer using PQ_RLS algorithm, the THD level is 0.17 %. The distortion level in the output voltage waveforms in both the cases being fed to the load when compared, it is found that RLS algorithm in combination with PQ algorithm is more effective in reducing the distortion as compared to standard RLS method or PQ method

    Review on Power System Performance in High/Low Voltage Distribution System

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    The HVDS system must reconfigure the existing low voltage (LT) network into a high voltage distribution system. The advent of high-power converters makes the modern power grid more active than before. In the existing LT system, large capacity transformers are provided at one point and connections to each load are extended across the LT lines. This document explains the distribution networks of the low voltage distribution system (LVDS) and the distribution system currently in use, the high voltage distribution system (HVDS). This paper presents the advantages and disadvantages of high voltage distribution systems

    URTI Associated with Reuse of Mask during COVID 19

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