12 research outputs found

    Sudden Generalized Weakness and Giddiness after administration of Lekhana Basti – An Unintended Drug Reaction (ADR)

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    It is common belief in Indians that herbal drugs or Ayurveda medicines are always 100% safe and doesn’t produce any of the adverse effects but which is not always true, well this is shown by our case report where the adverse effect were seen in the form of generalized weakness and giddiness. A South Indian Male patient of age 45 years who was resident of Belgaum for 10 years. Patient consulted us for the complaints of sudden weight gain with the associated complaints like heaviness of body, laziness etc. Giddiness and generalized weakness disappeared when dose of Lekhanabasti was reduced. Direct relation (score 6) were the causality according to Naranjo's Adverse Drug Reaction Probability Scale. This report highlights the importance of Preassessment and awareness towards the careful use of Ayurveda medicines like that of contemporary medications

    A Review on Grid Integration Challenges of Wind Energy Systems

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    In recent decades, the strengthening of electric energy security and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions acquired great traction. The integration of large-scale intermittent renewable energy resources (RER) such as wind energy into existing electrical systems has risen dramatically in recent years. In the last few years, however, this integration creates several operational and control issues that impede the process. Grid functioning must be reliable and stable. This article will look at the problems that have been documented as a result of the recommended solutions techniques and the integration of wind energy Among the many difficulties, Generation uncertainty, power quality difficulties, angular and voltage stability, and reactive power support are all factors to consider. The ability to ride through faults is examined and explored. Aside from that, there are financial, environmental, and political factors to consider

    A comparative clinical study to evaluate the effect of Indrayavadi Yoga and Bhoomyamalaki Choorna in the management of Asrigdara w.s.r. to Puberty Menorrhagia

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    A normal menstruation denotes a healthy state of female reproductive system. If the menstrual bleeding is abnormally excessive, prolonged and is associated with pain, it indicates some pathology. The abnormal menstrual cycle not only disturbs the general health, it also disturbs routine work schedule of the woman and her entire family. There is no direct reference of Puberty menorrhagia in classics. Puberty menorrhagia is defined as excessive bleeding occurring between menarche to 19 years of age. Anovulatory bleeding with irregular shedding of endometrium is the cause for puberty Menorrhagia which can be effectively tackled with the help of herbal drugs which contains hemostatic action. Asrigdara mainly due to vitiation of Vata and Pitta Doshas, hence the treatment should be based on use of drugs which are having predominance of Kashayarasa and Pitta-Vatashamaka properties and Stambhan action. Thus selected drugs are Indrayavadi Yoga and Bhoomyamalaki Choorna possess Vata-Pitta Shamaka and Raktastambhaka. This research work is comparative clinical study. 40 patients presenting with Pratyatma Lakshana of Asrigdara were randomly selected and divided into 2 groups of 20 patients each. Group A were given Indrayavadi Yoga and group B were given Bhoomyamalaki Choorna for a period of 2 menstrual cycle and two follow up during treatment and one follow up after treatment. After the completion of clinical trial, it was found that Bhoomyamalaki Choorna which was group B is more effective than group A. The overall effect in group A and Group B, both the groups shown excellent response, but when comparing all the parameters Bhoomyamalaki Choorna shown more significant response than Indrayavadi Yoga. Trial drug is a better remedy for Asrigdara. It has no side effect, cost effective

    Asana (Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.) - A Drug Review

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    Asana (Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.) commonly known as Honne Mara in Kannada, Bijasal in Hindi, Indian kino or Malabar kino in English, belongs to the family Fabaceae and it is widely distributed among several regions of India. It is one of the important medicinal plant of Indian traditional system of medicines and it has been used in India for several medicinal purposes. The Indian Kino is a medium to large; deciduous tree having chemical constituents like pterostilbene, (-)-epicatechin, pterosupin, marsupsin, etc. Asana have the pharmacological activity like antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antibacterial, etc

    Implementation Of Anonymous Vehicle Reporting And Communication System For Wrongly Parked Vehicle

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    Improper parking can cause several issues and problems, including Reduced Accessibility, Inconvenience for Other Drivers, Public Transportation Disruption, Environmental and Aesthetic Concerns, Public Perception, and Traffic Congestion. Addressing these issues typically calls for a combination of traffic management, public awareness campaigns, law enforcement, smart urban design, and community involvement to preserve the successful and safe usage of public spaces

    CoCo the Cool Robot Cat - (Home Safety Robot using AI, IoT, and DL).

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    <p><strong>This paper focuses on the development of a mobile robot cat, named Coco, which serves multiple purposes such as assisting visually impaired individuals, monitoring children while they study, detecting suspicious human activities in living areas, acting as a home security system, and functioning as a pet robot. The robot cat has five subsystems: an Artificial Intelligence (AI) voice assistant, a human activity monitoring system, a live video stream, an obstacle detection system, and a smart sensor module with alert notifications. The first subsystem is responsible for processing voice inputs with an AI voice assistant, which decodes and understands the input before generating voice outputs. This subsystem was implemented using the Python programming language on Raspbian OS. The second subsystem was developed using Keras and TensorFlow and is responsible for monitoring human activities and alerting the user via email if any suspicious activity is detected. The third subsystem streams live video over a network using OpenCV. The fourth subsystem uses backpropagation and forward propagation to control the motion of the robot cat. Finally, the fifth subsystem uses five types of sensors - the PIR sensor, MQ2 sensor, temperature sensor, voltage sensor, and LDR sensor - to detect motion, smoke and toxic gasses, temperature, and light. To implement these subsystems, a combination of Raspbian OS and Nodemcu (Arduino IDE) environment was used.</strong></p&gt

    Automatic Brain Tumor Detection Using K-Means and RFLICM

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    ABSTRACT: In this paper presented a simple method for detection of area of tumor in brain MRI. The tumor is an uncontrolled growth of tissues in any part of the body. As it is known, the brain tumor is inherently serious and life threatening. Most of research in developed countries shows that the numbers of people who have brain tumors were died due to the fact of inaccurate detection. Tumors have different characteristics and different treatment. However the manual tumor detection method of detection takes more time for the determination size of tumor. To avoid that, in this paper presented computer aided method for detection of brain tumor based on the combination of two algorithms, Kmeans and improved fuzzy C-means (RFLICM) algorithm for image segmentation by introducing weighted fuzzy factor local similarity measure to make a trade-off between image detail and noise. This method allows the segmentation of tumor tissue with accuracy. In addition, it also reduces the time for analysis. At the end of the process the tumor is extracted from the MR image and its position and the shape is determined