19 research outputs found

    Electrochemical Measurement of Annealed and Normalized Mild Steel in the Presence of Lime of Milk Solution

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    Mild steel have been widely used in production industries, particularly in engineering structure. This is because of its economical cost and easy formation. Various microstructures have a different performance with environmental effect. In this paper the electrochemical properties of various microstructure of mild steel in lime of milk solution Ca(OH)2 has reported. Different grain sizes were obtained by heat treatment, and the Jeffries Planimetric method was applied to measure the average grain diameter. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was applied to study the surface characteristics, with addition of chemical composition by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The electrochemical behavior of mild steel was investigated at ambient temperature using potentiodynamic polarization. The result shows that lower grain size has a higher corrosion resistance as compared with higher grain size

    New Paradigm New Practices and New Professionalism Needed to Meet Modern World Library Challenges

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    Since their existence libraries have been acquiring, organizing, disseminating and preserving recorded human knowledge only. However, inventions enforced through information and communication technologies have brought drastic changes in the medium of information storage, dissemination and use. There have been a number of studies in the developed world, which investigated and reported how they created, managed, adopted and reacted to the challenges and opportunities provided by the new information and communication technologies. Now the question is what type of systems, skills and services we need to establish and convert existing libraries into hybrid 21st Centry Libraries. This paper traces the shifts occurred in the developed world libraries and identifies the extent to which academic and other libraries in the developing world have adopted or should take a paradigm shift in improving the systems and services to meet the new challenges. This is first of its kind a study from this part of the world trace what has happened in the developed world in terms of information and communication technology applications in their libraries & their user expectations, and where we stand in this global phenomenon. Evidenced recommendations based coupled with more than three and half years of field experience provide applicable solutions to be our own and in the forefront of the developed world in terms of library and information services

    اُردو زبان اور ہمارے حکمران

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    It is an undeniable fact that one of the paramount aims of the establishment of Pakistan was conservation and flourishment of Urdu language. As two nation theory evolved from Urdu-Hindi controversy, so founder of Pakistan accentuated that national, official and bureaucratic language of the new empire will only be Urdu. Unfortunately, all leaders after Quaid e Azam were at loss to toss out of the slavery of English language. Leaders such as Zulfiqar Ali Bhutoo and General Zia ul Haq prolonged the process of thriving of Urdu in Pakistan. They along with many others favored their vested interests at the stake of the sentiments of the masses. This article sheds light on different egoistical aims of the leaders of Pakistan regarding Urdu Language development

    شاعرِ فردا و دوش

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    In all the literary traditions of the world, works of poetry are usually deemed as a source of happiness of mind and heart. But at the same time we also find such extraordinary example of great poets who tend to ponder over the fundamental questions of humanity and thus history bestows on these poets the title of 'thinker' and 'philosopher'. Allama Iqbal is such great poet in the world of Urdu literature. His wisdom has been universally acknowledged and he has rightly earned the title of 'Hakeem-ul-Ummat'.In this article ''the poet of today and tomorrow'' the author has sought to understand and highlight the factors that provide the basis to the greatness of poetry of Iqbal.The beautiful tree of Iqbal's great poetry is rooted in the golden age of Muslim Ummah. Iqbal teaches Muslims not to become victims of modern times but to become creators of a new world . The freshness of his imagination and depth of his thought earned him world acclaim. This article is an effort to dive deep into occean of Iqbal's thought


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    Business schools produce leaders who command ‘power’ and ‘governmentality’, as per Foucault’s theoretical conceptualisations, to institutionalise routines and social practices in contemporary organisations. These leaders must uphold ethics in their business decisions; however, this has not been reflected in many instances, as recurring financial crises have depicted over time. Ettorts to address the issue and reach its root cause have failed to deliver concrete results so far, which necessitates an objective probe into today’s business education. This conceptual-cum- analytical paper proposes an alternate, indirect approach to ettectively tackle the issue. We suggest two remedies: first, transformative teaching and learning activities that inculcate ethical values into students should be implemented at the grass root level – primary and secondary schools, that feed into business schools with future business leaders; second, a conducive corporate governance environment within business organisations that supports ethical decisions and nurtures ethical behaviour needs to be developed – arguably the first being the prerequisite for the second

    مسئلہ کفاءت میں علامہ سعیدی کا منفرد اسلوب استدلال: ALLAMA SAEEDI'S UNIQUE STYLE OF REASONING IN THE ISSUE OF EQUALITY

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    The vastness of the Quran and Hadith is limitless, and their wisdom transcends enumeration. From the era of the Companions to the present day, scholars and virtuous individuals have continued to dive into this ocean of knowledge and attain invaluable treasures. Indeed, only those whom Allah Almighty has blessed with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding can perform this task and they are distinguished from others. Allama Saeedi is counted among individuals who have utilized their juristic insight in various matters and presented individual opinions. A unique feature of his books is that they encompass all important issues of the contemporary era in a systematic manner, conducting thorough research and investigation with clarity and presenting the evidence and arguments in a simple and accessible style. Therefore, in the article, Allama Saeedi's distinctive method of argumentation and his stance will be presented in light of the specific issue of "Mas'alah Kifa`t


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    This analytical and comparative study aims to explore and analyze the perspectives on animal rights in Islam and Christianity, two of the world\u27s major religions. The treatment of animals and their rights within religious frameworks is a topic of significant ethical, cultural, and social relevance. By examining the teachings, scriptures, and historical practices of Islam and Christianity, this research seeks to highlight the similarities and differences in their approaches to animal welfare and rights. The study begins with an overview of the beliefs and attitudes towards animals in both religions. Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of kindness and compassion towards all living beings, reflecting the concept of stewardship over the Earth. Christianity, on the other hand, often draws from the Biblical notion of human dominion over animals while also emphasizing themes of compassion and responsible stewardship. The study will delve into historical and contemporary practices within Islamic and Christian societies, highlighting instances where adherence to or deviation from religious teachings has impacted the treatment of animals. Additionally, the role of religious leaders, scholars, and institutions in shaping attitudes towards animal rights will be examined. It will shed light on how these religions address the moral responsibilities of humans towards the non-human creatures they share the planet with, and how these perspectives have evolved over time. Ultimately, the findings of this research can facilitate discussions on fostering a more compassionate and responsible approach to animal welfare within religious contexts and beyond

    New Paradigm New Practices and New Professionalism Needed to Meet Modern World Library Challenges

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    Since their existence libraries have been acquiring, organizing, disseminating and preserving recorded human knowledge only. However, inventions enforced through information and communication technologies have brought drastic changes in the medium of information storage, dissemination and use. There have been a number of studies in the developed world, which investigated and reported how they created, managed, adopted and reacted to the challenges and opportunities provided by the new information and communication technologies. Now the question is what type of systems, skills and services we need to establish and convert existing libraries into hybrid 21st Centry Libraries. This paper traces the shifts occurred in the developed world libraries and identifies the extent to which academic and other libraries in the developing world have adopted or should take a paradigm shift in improving the systems and services to meet the new challenges. This is first of its kind a study from this part of the world trace what has happened in the developed world in terms of information and communication technology applications in their libraries & their user expectations, and where we stand in this global phenomenon. Evidenced recommendations based coupled with more than three and half years of field experience provide applicable solutions to be our own and in the forefront of the developed world in terms of library and information services

    Mediating Role of Work Engagement in the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention: An empirical evidence from Hospitals in Lahore, Pakistan: Dr. Rizwan Qaiser Danish, Amna Gohar, Dr. Ashfaq Ahmad, Saba Shaukat

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    The basic purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention in the presence of mediating variable of work engagement in hospitals of Lahore, Pakistan. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaire which was distributed among public and private hospital nurses holding positions of nurse or head nurse. The sample size was 270. SPSS and AMOS software was used for demographic and inferential analysis. Results conclude that job satisfaction with determinants of JS (pay, promotion, nature of job etc.) have negative relationship with turnover intention. Results also showed that work engagement has partial mediating role in the relationship of job satisfaction and turnover intention. This study mainly focused on service sector (hospitals) in Lahore. So the results are limited to only service sector which narrow down its generalizability. Current study is cross sectional and longitudinal study is recommended to generalize results. The survey data was collected from nurses of one city that is Lahore it required to do similar research on other cities of Punjab. Various studies in literature have explored relationships among different variables of organizational behavior rather than explaining any other mechanism; they have focused much on their relationships but less on mediating relationship of work engagement