178 research outputs found

    Analysis of Privacy Issues in Cloud Computing

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    Recent evolutions in information technology have led to a more distributed computing environment, while also reviving the utility of centralized storage. The growth in high-speed data lines, the falling cost of storage, the advent of wireless high-speed networks, the proliferation of handheld devices that can access the web – together, these factors mean that users now can store data on a server that likely resides in a remote data center. Cloud computing premise is very similar in that it provides a virtual computing environment that’s dynamically allocated to meet user needs. But How much secure is cloud computing environment is a big challenge. This paper, focused on the security issues in cloud computing and its main objectives to describe cloud computing and all major security risks and issues related with it

    To Evaluate the effect of Ashwatha on Mutrakrichhra w.s.r. to E.coli

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    In Ayurvedic classics E.Coli infection is not mentioned, but Krimis and Mutrakrichhra are mentioned. Most of the symptoms of Mutrakrichhra are similar with Escherichia coli infection. Escherichia coli is the major cause of urinary tract infections. The disease Mutrakrichhra has been described by almost all Acharyas. UTI is a major problem in society which causes Mutravaha Srotas Vikriti. Modern medical science physicians are facing problem in the treatment of E.coli. Infection, due to its relapse and synthetic antibiotic hazards. Due to this reason present study was planned to evaluate the efficacy of Ashawath which have been used by ancient Acharyas in Mutravaha Srotas Vikriti. In view of above fact the present trial has been undertaken to understand the effect of Ashawatha having antibacterial and diuretic properties. The present research work has been carried out with a view to provide a scientific basis for the claims made in various Ayurvedic texts regarding the effect of Shigru Ashwatha Ghana on Mutrakrichhra (UTI)

    To evaluate the efficacy of Shigru in Mutrakrichhra w.s.r. to E.Coli

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    All the Acharyas have described the pathogenesis of Mutrakrichha and Vasti (bladder) Rogas. Acharya Charaka has given specific pathogenesis of Mutrakrichha, that Doshas being provoked by their respective aetiological factors, individually or altogether reaches Vasti and Mutramarga and begins to compress on all sides and thus results in Mutrakrichha. The vitiated Doshas enter into Vasti, which is the place of Khavaigunya. Dosa Dushya Sammurchhana takes place and Mutradusti occurs. Dushita Mutra causes irritation and spasm of urinary tract and leads to difficulty in micturition. Sushruta in general has explained the pathogenesis of Vasti Roga and Vayu as the main causative factor. Samyak Apana Vayu helps in proper excretion of urine from Vasti and when this Vayu becomes Pratiloma (opposite) produces disorders in Vasti

    An Analysis Of National Education Policy Focusing On Girl's Education And Challenges Of Child Marriage

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    Education is the fundamental concept to attain human potential to develop an equitable and just society, thereby providing universal access to quality education and also in promoting national development. The global education development agenda reflected in the Goal 4 (SDG4) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by our nation in 2015 itself, seeks to "ensure inclusive and equitable quality of education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” by 2030.  NEP 2020 provides for setting up a Gender Inclusion Fund (GIF) to build the nation’s capability to provide equitable quality education for all girls. But Girl's education is a big challenge to India, and it is also very difficult to develop the girls socially and economically, as child marriage is one of the biggest obstacles. However, NEP offers an equity model in giving education, whereas most of the girls are forced to marry at an early age, which results in a plethora of problems such as health issues, personality development, empowerment of women, and so on. If we look into the dominant factors that lead to child marriage we can list out the issues of poverty, unemployment, economic backwardness, and superstitious beliefs among the lead factors. We can also notice the typical stereotypical issue of gender-based violence in imparting education to young girls. Poor and uneducated families usually favor boys when they deviate their mind in investing for education. In some places, schools do not meet the safety, hygiene or sanitation needs of girls. This paper focuses on analyzing the New Education Policy 2020 in addressing the girls education and the challenges of the child marriage which is one of the barrier to achieve the goal being set up by SDG4

    Network Security Based on Quantum Cryptography

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    An approach is described for generating a secret key using polarized photons in quantum systems. A message is encoded and decoded by using code generated through the properties of Hadamard matrices. The algorithm uses the features of certain existing algorithms and makes the transmission of data through an insecure channel less vulnerable to various attacks. The algorithm uses the concept of bases: rectilinear and diagonal for the sender and the receiver respectively [1]. This is a deterministic algorithm in which the two communicating parties use the same orthogonal bases to measure each qubit in the transmitted message. The algorithm uses the concept described by Lester-Hill [2] in the intermediate steps of the cryptographic process. The key that is transmitted over the network is made less vulnerable to the man-in-the-middle attack using the Diffie-Hellman concept of key exchange [3]

    Combine Therapy of Gallic Acid and Allicin in Management of Diabetes

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    Type 2 diabetes, also known (DM) is a metabolic disorder with a high mortality and disability incidence. The development and activation of oxidative stress (OS) are crucial to the pathogenic development of DM. Pathophysiological evidence suggests that OS contributes to the onset and progression of DM through its association with hyperglycemia, resistance to insulin, and inflammation. It\u27s worth noting that more and more studies are investigating the benefits of natural antioxidants for managing DM. Many different types of culinary and herbal plants contain the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds gallic acid (GA) and allicin, respectively. The synthesis of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) is inhibited, fat is stored less, blood sugar and weight are improved, and the body produces fewer AGEs, according to the study\u27s authors. Inhibition of RAGEs and prevention of AGE activity following treatment with GA and allicin resulted in reduced oxidative stress and enhanced insulin secretion. The goals of this article are to (1) provide evidence that GA and allicin may be effective antihyperglycemic treatments for DM and its complications and (2) provide a comprehensive review of the current state of knowledge regarding studies examining the role of oleic acid in this disease
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