2,912 research outputs found

    Difference between right and left side in total knee and unicondylar knee replacement: An interesting observation

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    We report an observation made about the differences between right and left side in case of total knee and unicondylar knee replacement. It was found that unicondylar knee replacement was performed more commonly on the left side (66%), as compared to only 34% on right side, where as total knee replacement was more common on the right side (64%) as compared to 36% on left side. The exact clinical utility of this difference is yet to be known

    The Cold War in the West Asian Planet: A Historical Study of the Afghanistan Unsettledness

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    The cold war in West Asia was come across by the world in shape of Afghanistan conflict This battle besides unfocused the U S S R from her armaments competition by way of the U S A consequently let America to achieve a scientific plus USA ratcheted up stress on U S S R all the way through several means The Reagan government initiated introducing missiles in Western Europe principally in Western Germany tactically positioned to terrorize Eastern Europe and the U S S R Reagan moreover initiated buttressing the United States armed forces Reagan custom-built innovative jumbo jet carriers and long-drawn-out America s stealth aircraft curriculum Toward the Soviets these measures indicated a broaden armaments fissure in particular in terms of scientifically sophisticated armament

    Human Capital and Economic Growth: Time Series Evidence from Pakistan

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    Human capital is generally considered as a positive contributor in the economic growth. In this study, we estimate this relationship using time series data of Pakistan for the period 1978 to 2007. A health adjusted education indicator for human capital is used in the standard Cobb-Douglas production function confirms the long run positive relationship between human capital and the economic growth in Pakistan. A sensitivity analysis was also performed in order to check the robustness of the initial findings. The estimation results supported the findings of the previous studies that human capital is positively related to growth and also that the results are robust. The health adjusted education indicator was found to be a highly significant determinant of economic growth, which indicates that both the health and education sectors should be given special attention in order to ensure long run economic growth.Human Capital, Economic Growth, Education and Health

    Chinas Seat in United Nations, Kashmir Issue and the India-Pakistan War of 1965

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    On the one hand the Sino-Indian border war Sino- Soviet hostile relations and the US-China rivalry and on the other hand Pak-India enmity Pak-Soviet hostility and Pakistan s disillusionment with the US brought China and Pakistan closer to each other China was in struggle to get membership in United Nations where the Western powers were blocking its way and Taiwan was allowed to be a Chinese nation representative In 1960s Pakistan abandoned its policy of following the West and voted for Communist China in the UN China too refrained from its policy of neutrality regarding Indo-Pak issues and openly started to support Pakistan on Kashmir issue Beijing supported Islamabad in its war with New Delhi China condemned Indian aggression against Pakistan and appreciated the Kashmiri freedom fighters in their struggle from Indian illegal occupation This paper covers discussion and analysis on China s seat in UN Kashmir issue and Indo-Pak war of 196

    Capacity of local communities in pre and post disasters situation in coastal area of Pakistan

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    The present study attempted to assess the vulnerability of coastal areas of Pakistan that cashed in one's chips in the monsoon flood, 2010. This assessment helps to recognize the vulnerability of local people of coastal communities for planning better developmental work. The study conducted through field work in two districts ā€œThatta and Badinā€ of coastal area of Sindh Province of Pakistan. Multistage cluster sampling technique has used to select the sample size of 360 households from the area. Data was collected through well-structured questionnaire. Most of population in the study area is illiterate i.e. about 61% of population. This is not only due to lack of awareness and lack of passion to seek education, but, government also ignores these areas in the provision of educational facilities. Considering the disaster vulnerability of coastal areas, these health facilities are very few and it leads to make them more vulnerable towards various diseases caused by frequent disasters. Depending on the disaster vulnerability of the target area, disaster management arrangement had analyzed through the availability of emergency camp along with its distance from the villages. Vulnerability of coastal communities assessed using various indicators and in the end suggestions and recommendations put forward in the light of local vulnerability to have minimum loss in upcoming disasters.Disaster, Disaster Management, Vulnerability, Hazards, Global Warming, Rehabilitation, Awareness, Local Community

    Multiple sclerosis an Ayurvedic approach - A Critical View

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    Autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system attacks self-molecules as a result of a breakdown of immunologic tolerance to autoreactive immune cells. Autoimmune disorders are on the rise globally and affect 8.5% of the population worldwide. Multiple sclerosis (MS), the most prevalent neurological disability is an autoimmune disease of Central nervous system characterized by chronic inflammation, demyelination, gliosis and neuronal loss. Although the aetiology and pathogenesis of MS remains unclear, several studies illustrate that the cause of MS is multifactorial and include genetic predisposition together with environmental factors. Therapies for MS are based on the use of antiinflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs, but these treatments are not able to stop the destruction of nerve tissue. Hence a comprehensive management programme is strongly recommended for all patients with multiple sclerosis, enhancing health-related quality of life through advocating wellness, addressing aggravating factors, and managing comorbidities. Multiple Sclerosis can be understood as anuktavata vyadhi based on similarity of symptoms as there is no direct correlation in Ayurvedic classics. With immunosuppressant or cortico-steroids as only available treatment in modern sciences, Ayurveda can be ray of hope. The scope of Ayurvedic Management and preventive aspects mainly concentrates on improving the quality of life and decrease dependency by patients on others. Hence here an attempt is made to analyse the disease and its management

    Examining the Impact of an English in Action Training Program on Secondary-School English Teachersā€™ Classroom Practice in Bangladesh

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    English teachers in Bangladesh have undergone numerous training programs. Both government-initiated and donor-sponsored training programs have been in operation in Bangladesh. Government initiated institutions to train teachers are Primary Training Institutes (PTIs) and Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs). However, researchers seemed to label training provided by PTIs and TTCs as inadequate. Bridging the gaps intrigued government of Bangladesh to devise donor-aided training programs, including English Language Teaching Improvement Project (ELTIP), English for Teaching, Teaching for English (ETTE), Secondary Education Quality and Access Enhancement Project (SEQAEP), Teaching Quality Improvement in Secondary Education Project (TQI-SEP). Studies reported their potential failure to bring changes in English teachersā€™ classroom practices. English in Action (EIA) was the last donor-funded project that incorporated school-based training program. The aim of the study was to examine the impact of EIA training program on secondary-school English teachersā€™ classroom practice in Bangladesh, drawing the questions in relation to the elements learned in the training program and the elements practiced in the training program. The present study undertook the Integrated Approaches to Teacher Development suggested by Hargreaves and Fullan (1992) and Reflective Model developed by Wallace (1991). This study adopted phenomenological approach since it subsumed the experience of an activity or concept from the participantsā€™ perspective. Eight Participants were selected who had been trained from EIA training program and who had experience of participating in other donor-aided program, in the spirit of yielding the uniqueness of EIA which informed the sustainability of this program. It had been divulged that teachers learned a lot of activities that were related to English language teaching. However, the present studies observed limited practice of such activities in the classroom

    The Dynamic Role of aoMawlana Shah Ahmad Noorania in the Constitution-Making of Pakistan (1972-1975)

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    Mawlana Noorani could be found busy in politics even before the independence of Pakistan in 1947 Mawlana Shah Ahmad Noorani entered into Pakistani Parliament through the general elections held in 1970 He always struggled for the democratization and Islamization of Pakistani society through constitutional means When the Interim Constitution was presented in the National Assembly on April 14 1972 by the Bhutto Government Mawlana Noorani on that very day urged the President to prepare a constitution based on the teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah and on the twenty-two points of the Ulama A twenty-five member Committee which was entrusted with the task of preparing the draft for permanent constitution Mawlana was one of them Mawlana Noorani was one of the signatories of the Constitutional Accord signed by the opposition parties and the then Government on October 20 197

    Role of Ayurveda in the management of Vandhyatva w.s.r. to Infertility

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    Vandhyatva (infertility) is a condition of one year of intercourse without conception involving a male and a female partner. This health problem is present since ancient period and is increasing with the changing lifestyle. Stress and working pattern with multiple other factors affects the health and motility of spermatozoa leading to abnormalities in the factors which are essential for the conception. It is hard to accurately pinpoint male infertility prevalence across the globe since many cases do not get reported in many countries. Some studies concludes infertility cases close to 48 million couples worldwide, 50% infertility cases are women related, 30% are caused due to male infertility, and rest due to other factors. There is increasing public awareness for the implications of this problem and about the advancement available in the field of infertility. Many concepts and medicine are introduced by modern practitioner but they are not free from side effects. In Ayurveda, Vandhyatva (infertility) is a condition where, due to factors like Sukra Dosha (unhealthy semen), Ativyayama (over exercise), loss of Bala (low strength) and improper Ahara (food) and Vihara (lifestyle) etc., the Beejamsha (spermatozoa and ova) gets defected and finally leads to reduced fertility of Sukradhatu (sperm). In Ayurveda, this condition is managed with multiple concepts of correcting the states of Dhatu and Doshas. Balya (which increases strength of body), Vrishya (which increase fertility), Brumhana (which nourishes body), Rasayana (nourishing tissues) and Vajeekarana Dravya (increasing sexual potency) are used effectively in improving sexual wellness. Therefore here an attempt is made, to understand Vandhyatva (infertility) from all aspects of reduced fertility and management of the condition from Ayurveda point of view has been elaborated

    Management of Cerebral Atrophy in Ayurveda

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    Cerebral Atrophy is a degenerative condition where there is wasting or shrinkage of the brain due to loss of cerebral volume. In brain tissue, atrophy describes the loss of neurons and the connections between the brain tissues. Cerebral atrophy is a common feature of many of the diseases that affect the brain. Rates of cerebral atrophy differs in different degenerative pathologies and depending upon the area of brain involved, the manifestation of the symptoms occurs which can be generalized or focal. It is not possible to reverse brain atrophy after it has already occurred but there may be some ways of preventing it or slowing it down. However, preventing brain damage, especially by preventing a stroke, may reduce the amount of atrophy that may develop over time. Healthy lifestyle strategies could minimize the atrophy that is normally associated with aging. In Ayurveda, this particular condition is not described as it is but itā€™s pathology can be understood on the basis of Tridoshas. Nervous system is related to aggravation of Vata Dosha due to diet and lifestyle changes which aggravate Vata in body. As old age is a period for Vata aggravation thus atrophy is common in old age therefore approach for the treatment of Cerebral Atrophy is according to Vata Vyadhi by nourishing the body with Snigdha Dravya (oily substances), Panchakarma (therapeutic cleaning of body) etc. Cerebral atrophy can also be understood on the basis of concepts of Majja Dhatu Kshaya.[1] Therefore here an attempt is made, to understand Cerebral atrophy from both modern and Ayurvedic concepts and to discuss the management of the condition from Ayurvedic point of view
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