8 research outputs found

    Analysis of the selected carriers of rail freight transport in Slovakia

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    Bakalárska práca "Analýza vybraných dopravcov nákladnej železničnej dopravy na Slovensku" približuje problematiku súčasného stavu nákladnej železničnej dopravy na Slovensku a jej konkurencieschopnosť v kontexte liberalizácie dopravného trhu. Primárnym cieľom mojej práce je posúdiť súčasný stav sektoru nákladnej železničnej dopravy na Slovensku z hľadiska celkového prepravného trhu na Slovensku, jeho špecifiká a jednotlivé princípy a procesy pri preprave tovaru. Sekundárnym cieľom je analýza vybraných dopravcov na trhu. Prostredníctvom aplikovania analytických metód a postupov, práca rozoberá faktory ovplyvňujúce konkurenčné prostredie odvetvia nákladnej železničnej dopravy na Slovensku a z neho vyplývajúce silné a slabé stránky, príležitosti, prípadne hrozby pre ďalšie fungovanie odvetvia. Záverom práce je sumarizácia získaných výsledkov vyplývajúcich z uskutočnených analýz a následné navrhnutie odporúčaní, ktoré by mali viesť k zlepšeniu konkurencieschopnosti sektoru nákladnej železničnej dopravy na Slovensku.The Bachelor’s Thesis "Analysis of selected carriers of rail freight transport in Slovakia" approaches the current condition of rail freight transport in Slovakia and its competitiveness in the context of liberalization of the transport market. The primary goal of my thesis is to evaluate the current state of the rail freight sector in Slovakia in terms of the overall transport market in Slovakia, its specifics, and individual principles and processes in the field of transport of goods. The secondary goal is the analysis of selected carriers on the market. The thesis analyses the factors affecting the competitive environment of the rail freight industry in Slovakia and the resulting strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, or threats to the further functioning of the industry through the application of analytical methods and procedures. The conclusion of the thesis contains a summary of the results obtained from the analyses and the subsequent recommendations that should lead to improvement of competitiveness of the rail freight sector in Slovakia.Bakalářská práce "Analýza vybraných dopravců nákladní železniční dopravy na Slovensku" přibližuje problematiku současného stavu nákladní železniční dopravy na Slovensku a její konkurenceschopnost v kontextu liberalizace dopravního trhu. Primárním cílem mé práce je posoudit současný stav sektoru nákladní železniční dopravy na Slovensku z hlediska celkového přepravního trhu na Slovensku, jeho specifika a jednotlivé principy a procesy při přepravě zboží. Sekundárním cílem je analýza vybraných dopravců na trhu. Prostřednictvím aplikování analytických metod a postupů, práce rozebírá faktory ovlivňující konkurenční prostředí odvětví nákladní železniční dopravy na Slovensku a z ní vyplývající silné a slabé stránky, příležitosti, případně hrozby pro další fungování odvětví. Závěrem práce je sumarizace získaných výsledků vyplývajících z provedených analýz a následné navržení doporučení, které by měly vést ke zlepšení konkurenceschopnosti sektoru nákladní železniční dopravy na Slovensku

    Social infrastructure of the town Liberec

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    Práce je zaměřena na zhodnocení současného stavu sociální infrastruktury na území města Liberce, popis a analýzu jednotlivých složek sociální infrastruktury. Přibližuje plánovací metody, které se zabývají rozvojem sociální infrastruktury na daném území a vytyčením jejich charakteristik.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Assessment of natural and cultural landscape capacity to proposals the ecological model of tourism development (case study for the area of the Zamagurie region)

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    Agricultural and industrial conditions are not favourable in the uphill and mountain areas of the Zamagurie region, and tourism is often the only opportunity to create new jobs, develop the habitation areas and avoid the emigration of local inhabitants. The Walachian and Sholtys colonization has transformed the landscape and created unique significant spatial landscape elements that are traditionally utilized for agricultural purposes, and create a unique esthetical landscape preserved till the present times. This case study has been aimed at developing and applying the new quantification methods using GIS tools for evaluation of localizing, selective realization and environmental preconditions of the landscape, representing recreational (cultural) services of the landscape ecological systems, based on selected indicators. To evaluate the localizing preconditions of the landscape, we referred to the landscape-ecological complex geo-databases (LEC) (Thematic maps - internal ground document of ZB GIS , 2013), completed with the field survey during the period 2013−2014 and identification of secondary landscape structure elements (SLS) and selected morphometric indicators. While evaluating the selected town-planning, demographical and social-economic indicators, we quantified the selective landscape preconditions of tourism development. The realization preconditions were reviewed according to communication accessibility and material-technical equipment. As for environmental preconditions, we reviewed the presence of protected territory and landscape environmental load

    Assessment of natural and cultural landscape capacity to proposals the ecological model of tourism development (case study for the area of the Zamagurie region)

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    Agricultural and industrial conditions are not favourable in the uphill and mountain areas of the Zamagurie region, and tourism is often the only opportunity to create new jobs, develop the habitation areas and avoid the emigration of local inhabitants. The Walachian and Sholtys colonization has transformed the landscape and created unique significant spatial landscape elements that are traditionally utilized for agricultural purposes, and create a unique esthetical landscape preserved till the present times. This case study has been aimed at developing and applying the new quantification methods using GIS tools for evaluation of localizing, selective realization and environmental preconditions of the landscape, representing recreational (cultural) services of the landscape ecological systems, based on selected indicators. To evaluate the localizing preconditions of the landscape, we referred to the landscape-ecological complex geo-databases (LEC) (Thematic maps - internal ground document of ZB GIS , 2013), completed with the field survey during the period 2013−2014 and identification of secondary landscape structure elements (SLS) and selected morphometric indicators. While evaluating the selected town-planning, demographical and social-economic indicators, we quantified the selective landscape preconditions of tourism development. The realization preconditions were reviewed according to communication accessibility and material-technical equipment. As for environmental preconditions, we reviewed the presence of protected territory and landscape environmental load

    Traditional agricultural landscape and their management in less favoured areas in Slovakia

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    Traditional agricultural landscapes are a mosaic of small-scale arable fields and permanent agricultural cultivations such as grasslands, vineyards and high-trunk orchards. Most of them are threatened by abandonment as they are usually situated in marginal mountain regions with less favourable conditions for agriculture. Our aim was to analyse the distribution of traditional agricultural landscapes in less favoured areas and the effects of the supportive measures of the Common Agricultural Policy, which are oriented towards helping farmers from these areas in maintaining traditional agriculture. Except for traditional agricultural vineyard landscapes, almost all TAL plots are situated in less favoured areas. Most of them are located in mountain areas with less favourable conditions for agriculture. Abandonment of traditional agricultural landscape inside the less favoured areas is significantly higher than in locations elsewhere. The supportive measures of the Common Agricultural Policy do not effectively mitigate this abandonment. If we would like to maintain traditional agricultural landscape in less favoured areas, it is necessary to stop the existing negative trend of abandonment and search for new ways to motivate farmers to continue their traditional farming by adjusting the conditions of the common agricultural policy to benefit small farmers as well