2,923 research outputs found

    Carbon isotope fractionation during aerobic biodegradation of trichloroethene by Burkholderia cepacia G4: a tool to map degradation mechanisms

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    The strain Burkholderia cepacia G4 aerobically mineralized trichloroethene (TCE) to CO2 over a time period of similar to20 h. Three biodegradation experiments were conducted with different bacterial optical densities at 540 nm (OD(540)s) in order to test whether isotope fractionation was consistent. The resulting TCE degradation was 93, 83.8, and 57.2% (i.e., 7.0, 16.2, and 42.8% TCE remaining) at OD(540)s of 2.0, 1.1, and 0.6, respectively. ODs also correlated linearly with zero-order degradation rates (1.99, 1.11, and 0.64 mumol h(-1)). While initial nonequilibrium mass losses of TCE produced only minor carbon isotope shifts (expressed in per mille delta C- 13(VPDB)), they were 57.2, 39.6, and 17.0parts per thousand between the initial and final TCE levels for the three experiments, in decreasing order of their OD(540)s. Despite these strong isotope shifts, we found a largely uniform isotope fractionation. The latter is expressed with a Rayleigh enrichment factor, E, and was -18.2 when all experiments were grouped to a common point of 42.8% TCE remaining. Although, decreases of epsilon to -20.7 were observed near complete degradation, our enrichment factors were significantly more negative than those reported for anaerobic dehalogenation of TCE. This indicates typical isotope fractionation for specific enzymatic mechanisms that can help to differentiate between degradation pathways

    A note on the differences of computably enumerable reals

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    We show that given any non-computable left-c.e. real Ī± there exists a left-c.e. real Ī² such that Ī±ā‰ Ī²+Ī³ for all left-c.e. reals and all right-c.e. reals Ī³. The proof is non-uniform, the dichotomy being whether the given real Ī± is Martin-Loef random or not. It follows that given any universal machine U, there is another universal machine V such that the halting probability of U is not a translation of the halting probability of V by a left-c.e. real. We do not know if there is a uniform proof of this fact

    A New Lower Bound on the Maximum Number of Satisfied Clauses in Max-SAT and its Algorithmic Applications

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    A pair of unit clauses is called conflicting if it is of the form (x)(x), (xĖ‰)(\bar{x}). A CNF formula is unit-conflict free (UCF) if it contains no pair of conflicting unit clauses. Lieberherr and Specker (J. ACM 28, 1981) showed that for each UCF CNF formula with mm clauses we can simultaneously satisfy at least \pp m clauses, where \pp =(\sqrt{5}-1)/2. We improve the Lieberherr-Specker bound by showing that for each UCF CNF formula FF with mm clauses we can find, in polynomial time, a subformula Fā€²F' with mā€²m' clauses such that we can simultaneously satisfy at least \pp m+(1-\pp)m'+(2-3\pp)n"/2 clauses (in FF), where n"n" is the number of variables in FF which are not in Fā€²F'. We consider two parameterized versions of MAX-SAT, where the parameter is the number of satisfied clauses above the bounds m/2m/2 and m(5āˆ’1)/2m(\sqrt{5}-1)/2. The former bound is tight for general formulas, and the later is tight for UCF formulas. Mahajan and Raman (J. Algorithms 31, 1999) showed that every instance of the first parameterized problem can be transformed, in polynomial time, into an equivalent one with at most 6k+36k+3 variables and 10k10k clauses. We improve this to 4k4k variables and (25+4)k(2\sqrt{5}+4)k clauses. Mahajan and Raman conjectured that the second parameterized problem is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT). We show that the problem is indeed FPT by describing a polynomial-time algorithm that transforms any problem instance into an equivalent one with at most (7+35)k(7+3\sqrt{5})k variables. Our results are obtained using our improvement of the Lieberherr-Specker bound above

    Embedding structure matters: Comparing methods to adapt multilingual vocabularies to new languages

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    Pre-trained multilingual language models underpin a large portion of modern NLP tools outside of English. A strong baseline for specializing these models for specific languages is Language-Adaptive Pre-Training (LAPT). However, retaining a large cross-lingual vocabulary and embedding matrix comes at considerable excess computational cost during adaptation. In this study, we propose several simple techniques to replace a cross-lingual vocabulary with a compact, language-specific one. Namely, we address strategies for re-initializing the token embedding matrix after vocabulary specialization. We then provide a systematic experimental comparison of our techniques, in addition to the recently-proposed Focus method. We demonstrate that: 1) Embedding-replacement techniques in the monolingual transfer literature are inadequate for adapting multilingual models. 2) Replacing cross-lingual vocabularies with smaller specialized ones provides an efficient method to improve performance in low-resource languages. 3) Simple embedding re-initialization techniques based on script-wise sub-distributions rival techniques such as Focus, which rely on similarity scores obtained from an auxiliary model

    Learning to translate by learning to communicate

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    We formulate and test a technique to use Emergent Communication (EC) with a pretrained multilingual model to improve on modern Unsupervised NMT systems, especially for low-resource languages. It has been argued that the currently dominant paradigm in NLP of pretraining on text-only corpora will not yield robust natural language understanding systems, and the need for grounded, goal-oriented, and interactive language learning has been highlighted. In our approach, we embed a modern multilingual model (mBART, Liu et. al. 2020) into an EC image-reference game, in which the model is incentivized to use multilingual generations to accomplish a vision-grounded task, with the hypothesis that this will align multiple languages to a shared task space. We present two variants of EC Fine-Tuning (Steinert-Threlkeld et. al. 2022), one of which outperforms a backtranslation-based baseline in 6/8 translation settings, and proves especially beneficial for the very low-resource languages of Nepali and Sinhala
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