136 research outputs found

    An FPGA-Based MIMO and Space-Time Processing Platform

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    Faced with the need to develop a research unit capable of up to twelve 20MHz bandwidth channels of real-time, space-time,and MIMO processing, the authors developed the STAR (space-time array research) platform. Analysis indicated that the possibledegree of processing complexity required in the platform was beyond that available from contemporary digital signal processors,and thus a novel approach was required toward the provision of baseband signal processing. This paper follows the analysis andthe consequential development of a flexible FPGA-based processing system. It describes the STAR platform and its use throughseveral novel implementations performed with it. Various pitfalls associated with the implementation of MIMO algorithms in realtime are highlighted, and finally, the development requirements for this FPGA-based solution are given to aid comparison withtraditional DSP development

    Ultraconserved element (UCE) probe set design: Base genome and initial design parameters critical for optimization

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Targeted capture and enrichment approaches have proven effective for phylogenetic study. Ultraconserved elements (UCEs) in particular have exhibited great utility for phylogenomic analyses, with the software package phyluce being among the most utilized pipelines for UCE phylogenomics, including probe design. Despite the success of UCEs, it is becoming increasing apparent that diverse lineages require probe sets tailored to focal taxa in order to improve locus recovery. However, factors affecting probe design and methods for optimizing probe sets to focal taxa remain underexplored. Here, we use newly available beetle (Coleoptera) genomic resources to investigate factors affecting UCE probe set design using phyluce. In particular, we explore the effects of stringency during initial design steps, as well as base genome choice on resulting probe sets and locus recovery. We found that both base genome choice and initial bait design stringency parameters greatly alter the number of resultant probes included in final probe sets and strongly affect the number of loci detected and recovered during in silico testing of these probe sets. In addition, we identify attributes of base genomes that correlated with high performance in probe design. Ultimately, we provide a recommended workflow for using Phyluce to design an optimized UCE probe set that will work across a targeted lineage, and use our findings to develop a new, open‐source UCE probe set for beetles of the suborder Adephaga.NIH IRACDA postdoctoral fellowship (5K12GM063651)Harold E. and Leona M. Rice Endowment Fund at Oregon State Universit

    Morphology of the ferritin iron core by aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy

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    As the major iron storage protein, ferritin stores and releases iron for maintaining the balance of iron in fauna, flora, and bacteria. We present an investigation of the morphology and iron loading of ferritin (from equine spleen) using aberration-corrected high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy. Atom counting method, with size selected Au clusters as mass standards, was employed to determine the number of iron atoms in the nanoparticle core of each ferritin protein. Quantitative analysis shows that the nuclearity of iron atoms in the mineral core varies from a few hundred iron atoms to around 5000 atoms. Moreover, a relationship between the iron loading and iron core morphology is established, in which mineral core nucleates from a single nanoparticle, then grows along the protein shell before finally forming either a solid or hollow core structure

    Helicoidal instability of a scroll vortex in three-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems

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    We study the dynamics of scroll vortices in excitable reaction-diffusion systems analytically and numerically. We demonstrate that intrinsic three-dimensional instability of a straight scroll leads to the formation of helicoidal structures. This behavior originates from the competition between the scroll curvature and unstable core dynamics. We show that the obtained instability persists even beyond the meander core instability of two-dimensional spiral wave.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, revte

    Scroll waves in isotropic excitable media : linear instabilities, bifurcations and restabilized states

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    Scroll waves are three-dimensional analogs of spiral waves. The linear stability spectrum of untwisted and twisted scroll waves is computed for a two-variable reaction-diffusion model of an excitable medium. Different bands of modes are seen to be unstable in different regions of parameter space. The corresponding bifurcations and bifurcated states are characterized by performing direct numerical simulations. In addition, computations of the adjoint linear stability operator eigenmodes are also performed and serve to obtain a number of matrix elements characterizing the long-wavelength deformations of scroll waves.Comment: 30 pages 16 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Lives before and after Stonehenge: An osteobiographical study of four prehistoric burials recently excavated from the Stonehenge World Heritage Site

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    Osteobiographies of four individuals whose skeletal remains were recovered in 2015–16 from the Stonehenge World Heritage Site are constructed, drawing upon evidence from funerary taphonomy, radiocarbon dating, osteological study, stable isotope analyses, and microscopic and biomolecular analyses of dental calculus. The burials comprise an adult from the Middle Neolithic period, immediately prior to the building of Stonehenge, and two adults and a perinatal infant dating from the Middle Bronze Age, shortly after the monument ceased to be structurally modified. The two Middle Bronze Age adults were closely contemporary, but differed from one another in ancestry, appearance and geographic origin (key components of ethnicity). They were nevertheless buried in very similar ways. This suggests that aspects they held in common (osteological analysis suggests perhaps a highly mobile lifestyle) were more important in determining the manner of deposition of their bodies than any differences between them in ethnicity. One of these individuals probably came from outside Britain, as perhaps did the Middle Neolithic adult. This would be consistent with the idea that the Stonehenge landscape had begun to draw people to it from beyond Britain before Stonehenge was constructed and that it continued to do so after structural modification to the monument had ceased