886 research outputs found

    De landbouw als nevenberoep in 1970

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    Investigation into the supply of information and measurement of transparency in the listed property sector

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    This article investigates the information that is available to shareholders and the public by listed property companies in order to make investment decisions. It also mentions the usefulness of this information for purposes of mass valuation of the portfolio of properties that are owned by these entities, or to extrapolate to other non-portfolio properties. The study makes use of a multiple regression analysis with empirical testing of property loan stock (PLS) companies in South Africa. It was found that only six of the PLS companies publish any useful information with regards to their property portfolio and only one provided sufficient information to be of statistical significance. It was also found that the provided information is lacking specific property and portfolio details and is, therefore, of limited use overall as far as investment decision-making is concerned. The method applied is, however, confirmed to be applicable for mass valuation techniques, but limited by the amount of information available

    Measurements of Gamow-Teller strength in medium mass nuclei using (p,n) reactions at intermediate energies

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    The simplicity of the beta decay process makes it a powerful tool for the investigation of the weak interaction and of nuclear structure. The two main operators involved, the Fermi (F) and Gamow-Teller (GT) operators, change just the isospin projection, and the isospin and spin projections of a nucleon respectively. Beta decay studies enable the extraction of the transition matrix elements to high precision. However, most GT transition rates deduced from beta decay measurements turn out to be smaller than the calculated single particle rates [1, 2, 3], a phenomenon that has become known as the quenching of GT strength. Beta decay studies are limited io radioactive nuclei in which the transitions are energetically possible. These are invariably between states of low excitation energy, and are also often relatively weak transitions. In addition, the calculation of the beta decay strengths is model-dependent. The model-dependence and uncertainties would be reduced if larger fractions of the total strength were analysed [4]. It is, however, possible to do so with the use of other probes of spin-isospin strength and to compare the results of these to those of beta decay. One such probe is the zero degree (p,n) reaction at intermediate energies [2, 5, 6]. Such a reaction is not subject to some of the limitations of beta decay in that any desired target nucleus may be probed and that the GT strength function may be investigated up to high excitation energies in the final nucleus. The essential similarity of the transition matrix elements of the two processes allows the measured (p,n) strengths to be converted to beta decay strengths

    The impact of affordability on house price dynamics in South Africa

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    Lately, the residential property market in South Africa has experienced much turbulence. Some perceived growth as a ‘property bubble’, while others considered it a healthy investment opportunity. This article considers the fundamental drive behind residential property demand and analyses the recent property cycle compared to the past. It also considers the effects of residential property demand on the construction industry. The study investigates the variables that drive property demand and uses methods of statistical fit of historical macro-economic variables to apply to a South African context and to explain recent residential property activity. Research found that residential property demand and subsequent market prices are to a large extent influenced by affordability, which is indicated by capitalising rent as part of disposable income with the prime lending rate of banks. Gross domestic product, as the main indicator of growth within the country, is the main driver of disposable income for households, and can subsequently be used to foresee growth and its effect on affordability and residential property values. The article provides insight into the spending behaviour of households, and shows how that behaviour flows over into spending on housing, and the subsequent influence on residential property values

    Spectroscopic studies of hydrogen plasmas in a magnetic well

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    Experiments are described in which the containment times of plasmas in Andreoletti's modified theta-pinch apparatus are increased by the addition of an external D.C. field produced by a modified version of the "Tennis Ball Seam" conductor described by Larkin. The diagnostics used are all spectroscopic

    An investigation into cases of suspected poisoning in Africans in Northern Rhodesia

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    No Abstract

    Advancing Approaches to the Evaluation of Regional Scale Photochemical Air Quality Modeling Systems

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    Report on the first AQMEII workshop held in Stresa in May 2009JRC.DDG.H.4-Transport and air qualit

    The valuation of commercial grain silos

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    A grain silo is a unique form of real estate because of its construction, use and income generation. The study is based on vertical concrete silos built for the sole purpose of storing grain. Silos are, in essence, income-producing properties, but because the tenant is the owner of grain and oilseed, the income produced by the silo fluctuates from year to year depending on the size of annual grain harvests. The purpose of this qualitative study is to establish which valuation methodology is best applicable to grain silos and to explore the factors that make grain silos unique in the determination of their value. Sources of information include historical research, unstructured interviews and case studies. The results of this study indicate that grain silos should be valued using the income capitalisation method. Income is calculated based on a long-term trend; expenses are calculated on financial information, and a capitalisation rate is calculated by adding risk to a baseline capitalisation rate. This study provides a guide to valuers and silo owners on how to determine the value of silos. The study focuses on grain silos that store maize and soya beans in the Highveld of Mpumalanga. The principles determined will be the same if other silos in other regions charge for storage and handling in the same way as used in this study


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    This study aims to describe and analyze policies to improve the quality of Human Resources, work discipline, and career development at the Nabire Regency Transportation Service, as well as examine the factors that support and hinder their implementation. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The location of the research is the Department of Transportation of Nabire Regency with the consideration of the accessibility of the researcher. The data collection techniques used are interviews and observation. Informants were selected purposively. The research instrument used was an interview guide and a recording device. Data analysis includes data preparation, data processing, data coding, data description, and data interpretation. The results showed that the policy of improving the quality of human resources was carried out by increasing soft skills (skills) by including Education and Training & Bimtek and hard skills (knowledge) by encouraging continuing higher education; implementing an online attendance system to monitor the punctuality of work, as well as the implementation of cutting performance allowances for employees who are often undisciplined; implementation of promotion and selection of open positions for personnel career development with indicators of employee performance appraisal and education level. The supporting factors are the institution's commitment to facilitating personnel to increase knowledge and skills, work discipline supported by a monitoring and evaluation system of employee work discipline, and career development with institutional commitment that fairly provides opportunities for all personnel to develop careers. The inhibiting factors are the willingness of employees to move forward to develop their quality, lack of socialization regarding Education and Training and Technical Guidance, lack of budget and quotas in training implementation, lack of personnel awareness regarding work discipline, and lack of existing personnel initiatives to develop their careers
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