2,513 research outputs found

    Studies of finite element analysis of composite material structures

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    Research in the area of finite element analysis is summarized. Topics discussed include finite element analysis of a picture frame shear test, BANSAP (a bandwidth reduction program for SAP IV), FEMESH (a finite element mesh generation program based on isoparametric zones), and finite element analysis of a composite bolted joint specimens

    Correlation Between Caregiver Reports of Physical Function and Performance-based Measures in a Cohort of Older Adults With Alzheimer Disease

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    The objectives of this report are to determine the association between performance-based measures of physical function with caregiver reports of physical function in older adults with Alzheimer disease (AD) and to examine whether those associations vary by the level of patients' cognitive functioning. Subjects included 180 patient-caregiver dyads who are enrolled in a clinical trial testing the impact of an occupational therapy intervention plus guideline-level care to delay functional decline among older adults with AD. The primary caregiver-reported measure is the Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study Group Activities of Daily Living Inventory (ADCS-ADL). Performance-based measures include the Short Physical Performance Battery and the Short Portable Sarcopenia Measure. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) models were used to determine the associations of each physical performance measure with ADCS-ADL, adjusting for cognition function and other covariates. We found significant correlations between caregiver reports and observed performance-based measures across all levels of cognitive function, with patients in the lowest cognitive group showing the highest correlation. These findings support the use of proxy reports to assess physical function among older adults with AD

    Targeting Functional Decline: Results from the Alzheimer’s Disease Multiple Intervention Trial

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    Background Alzheimer’s disease (AD) results in progressive functional decline leading to loss of independence Objective To determine whether collaborative care plus two years of home-based occupational therapy delays functional decline Design Randomized controlled clinical trial Setting Urban public health system Patients 180 community-dwelling subjects who were diagnosed with AD and their informal caregivers Interventions All subjects received collaborative care for dementia. Intervention patients also received in-home occupational therapy delivered in 24 sessions over 2 years. Measurements The primary outcome measures was the Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Studies Group Activities of Daily Living Scale (ADCS ADL); performance based measures included the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and Short Portable Sarcopenia Measure (SPSM) Results At baseline, there were no significant between group differences in clinical characteristics; the mean MMSE for both groups was 19 (SD=7). The intervention group received a median of 18 home visits from the study occupational therapists. Both groups declined in ADCS ADL scores over 24 months. At the primary endpoint of 24 months, there were no between group differences in ADCS ADL scores (mean difference 2.34, 95% CI −5.27, 9.96). We were also unable to definitively demonstrate between-group differences in the mean SPPB or SPSM. Limitations The results of this trial are indeterminate and do not rule out potentially clinically important effects of the intervention. Conclusions We were unable to definitively demonstrate whether the addition of two years of in-home occupational therapy to a collaborative care management model slows the rate of functional decline among persons with AD. This trial underscores the burden undertaken by family caregivers as they provide care for persons with AD and the difficulty in slowing functional decline

    Quantum chaos in a deformable billiard: Applications to quantum dots

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    We perform a detailed numerical study of energy-level and wavefunction statistics of a deformable quantum billiard focusing on properties relevant to semiconductor quantum dots. We consider the family of Robnik billiards generated by simple conformal maps of the unit disk; the shape of this family of billiards may be varied continuously at fixed area by tuning the parameters of the map. The classical dynamics of these billiards is well-understood and this allows us to study the quantum properties of subfamilies which span the transition from integrability to chaos as well as families at approximately constant degree of chaoticity (Kolmogorov entropy). In the regime of hard chaos we find that the statistical properties of interest are well-described by random-matrix theory and completely insensitive to the particular shape of the dot. However in the nearly-integrable regime non-universal behavior is found. Specifically, the level-width distribution is well-described by the predicted χ2\chi^2 distribution both in the presence and absence of magnetic flux when the system is fully chaotic; however it departs substantially from this behavior in the mixed regime. The chaotic behavior corroborates the previously predicted behavior of the peak-height distribution for deformed quantum dots. We also investigate the energy-level correlation functions which are found to agree well with the behavior calculated for quasi-zero-dimensional disordered systems.Comment: 25 pages (revtex 3.0). 16 figures are available by mail or fax upon request at [email protected]

    The Complete Plastid Genome Sequence of the Secondarily Nonphotosynthetic Alga Cryptomonas paramecium: Reduction, Compaction, and Accelerated Evolutionary Rate

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    The cryptomonads are a group of unicellular algae that acquired photosynthesis through the engulfment of a red algal cell, a process called secondary endosymbiosis. Here, we present the complete plastid genome sequence of the secondarily nonphotosynthetic species Cryptomonas paramecium CCAP977/2a. The ∼78 kilobase pair (Kbp) C. paramecium genome contains 82 predicted protein genes, 29 transfer RNA genes, and a single pseudogene (atpF). The C. paramecium plastid genome is approximately 50 Kbp smaller than those of the photosynthetic cryptomonads Guillardia theta and Rhodomonas salina; 71 genes present in the G. theta and/or R. salina plastid genomes are missing in C. paramecium. The pet, psa, and psb photosynthetic gene families are almost entirely absent. Interestingly, the ribosomal RNA operon, present as inverted repeats in most plastid genomes (including G. theta and R. salina), exists as a single copy in C. paramecium. The G + C content (38%) is higher in C. paramecium than in other cryptomonad plastid genomes, and C. paramecium plastid genes are characterized by significantly different codon usage patterns and increased evolutionary rates. The content and structure of the C. paramecium plastid genome provides insight into the changes associated with recent loss of photosynthesis in a predominantly photosynthetic group of algae and reveals features shared with the plastid genomes of other secondarily nonphotosynthetic eukaryotes

    A Threat Assessment and Security Analysis of the Three Sports Facilities of Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis NCAA Softball Fields, Carroll Stadium, and the IU Natatorium

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    This research report provides a security assessment of the Softball Fields, Carroll Stadium, and the Natatorium Complex at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). The purpose of this report is to prevent and mitigate harm to visitors and these facilities which resulting from human-made or natural disasters. Research is guided by the hypothesis that these facilities- due to their respective importance, locations, and attendance patterns are in harm’s way; and that certain strategies of prevention, protection, and mitigation coupled with effective preparedness, response, and recovery can lessen risk, improve security and provide A THREAT ASSESSMENT AND SECURITY ANALYSIS 5 added resilience. Further, “harm’s way” is considered to be either a natural disaster or a human-made disaster, accident, active provocation, or act of terrorism. Methods of analysis include applied research; predominantly utilizing qualitative data with some quantitative investigation. Results of this assessment illustrate that these venues possess numerous vulnerabilities to both natural and human-made threats that if exposed, could result in serious consequences. The two most likely natural hazards identified include straight-line winds and tornadoes. Further, the most likely human threats to these facilities arise from a potential terrorist vehicle attack (TVA) and an active shooter. This project also identifies a specific need for additional planning to prevent an IED or VBIED attack on the Natatorium. Common themes from the attached three case studies reveal that given theses vulnerabilities, the following safety and security adjustments are recommended: Surveillance equipment Metal detectors Security bollards or other temporary barriers Evacuation routes and shelter in place plans Special event security procedures Weather related technology and protocols Staff training for emergency situation