6,779 research outputs found

    Rotary solenoid shutter drive assembly and rotary inertia damper and stop plate assembly

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    A camera shutter assembly composed of a pair of superposed opaque planar shutter blades, each having an aperture and being arranged for reciprocal linear movement is disclosed. A pair of rotary solenoids, each connected to one of the blades by a linkage and arranged to be actuated separately at a predetermined interval is provided. An inertia damper and stop plate is built into each solenoid to prevent rebound

    Flight and wind-tunnel correlation of boundary-layer transition on the AEDC transition cone

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    Transition and fluctuating surface pressure data were acquired on a 10 deg included angle cone, using the same instrumentation and technique over a wide range of Mach and Reynolds numbers in 23 wind tunnels and in flight. Transition was detected with a traversing pitot-pressure probe in contact with the surface. The surface pressure fluctuations were measured with microphones set flush in the cone surface. Good correlation of end of transition Reynolds number RE(T) was obtained between data from the lower disturbance wind tunnels and flight up to a boundary layer edge Mach number, M(e) = 1.2. Above M(e) = 1.2, however, this correlation deteriorates, with the flight Re(T) being 25 to 30% higher than the wind tunnel Re(T) at M(e) = 1.6. The end of transition Reynolds number correlated within + or - 20% with the surface pressure fluctuations, according to the equation used. Broad peaks in the power spectral density distributions indicated that Tollmien-Schlichting waves were the probable cause of transition in flight and in some of the wind tunnels

    WR146 - observing the OB-type companion

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    We present new radio and optical observations of the colliding-wind system WR146 aimed at understanding the nature of the companion to the Wolf-Rayet star and the collision of their winds. The radio observations reveal emission from three components: the WR stellar wind, the non-thermal wind-wind interaction region and, for the first time, the stellar wind of the OB companion. This provides the unique possibility of determining the mass-loss rate and terminal wind velocity ratios of the two winds, independent of distance. Respectively, these ratios are determined to be 0.20+/-0.06 and 0.56+/-0.17 for the OB-companion star relative to the WR star. A new optical spectrum indicates that the system is more luminous than had been believed previously. We deduce that the ``companion'' cannot be a single, low luminosity O8 star as previously suggested, but is either a high luminosity O8 star, or possibly an O8+WC binary system.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, ftp://fto.drao.nrc.ca/pub/smd/wr146/accepted.ps.gz To be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Making significant changes (‘prescribed alterations’) to maintained schools : statutory guidance for proposers and decision-makers

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    The women of the Beat generation are important artistic contributors to consider when analyzing the Beat movement. Through lives of Carolyn Cassady, Diane Di Prima, and Joan Vollmer Adams Burroughs a different experience to the Beat scene is revealed. Providing a brief but introspective analysis of three women essential to the Beat movement, this article presents a new perspective to consider when analyzing the artistic contributions and lives of the Beatnik women throughout the Beat era

    A Comparative Analysis of International Tribunals: The Formation of an Iraqi Judiciary to Try Sadaam Hussein

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    Comparative Analysis of Tribunals regarding the formation of a Judiciary to try Sadaam Hussein. Several models are discussed: ICC, hybrid model, Rwanda model, and Yugoslav model. Interesting glimpse into the current state of the Iraqi Criminal Court

    Road Salt Loading in the Fall Creek Watershed

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    This project models the rising chloride concentrations in the Fall Creek watershed located near Ithaca, New York. Base-line salinization levels for freshwater in the northeastern United States have been increasing over the past several year and road salt has been identified as a possible primary source (Kaushal et al., 2005). Investigation is required to determine what detriment this may be causing to freshwater sources and environments. Data shows current concentrations in Fall Creek watershed to be 18.8 ppm as of 2003 (Bouldin, unpublished). By modeling Fall Creek watershed as a continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR), it is possible to predict the increasing trends in salt concentrations in the watershed matching the data that was previously collected beginning in the 1970s. Based on data collected regarding quantities of salt purchased by local municipalities surrounding the watershed and inputs from wet atmospheric deposition, the model shows that the watershed system will reach steady state in approximately the year 2550 at a concentration of 35.4 ppm. Based on current conditions the salt concentration in the watershed could reach 30 ppm over the next hundred years. Harmful salt concentrations can range anywhere from 30 to 250 ppm as a conservative estimate, although accurate information in this area seems difficult to obtain. Though current concentrations in the watershed are below this range, continued monitoring of the area is important in order to supply data that could be used to make informed decisions regarding local salt spreading policies and management techniques

    Electrostatic Contributions of Aromatic Residues in the Local Anesthetic Receptor of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels

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    Antiarrhythmics, anticonvulsants, and local anesthetics target voltage-gated sodium channels, decreasing excitability of nerve and muscle cells. Channel inhibition by members of this family of cationic, hydrophobic drugs relies on the presence of highly conserved aromatic residues in the pore-lining S6 segment of the fourth homologous domain of the channel. We tested whether channel inhibition was facilitated by an electrostatic attraction between lidocaine and {pi} electrons of the aromatic rings of these residues, namely a cation-{pi} interaction. To this end, we used the in vivo nonsense suppression method to incorporate a series of unnatural phenylalanine derivatives designed to systematically reduce the negative electrostatic potential on the face of the aromatic ring. In contrast to standard point mutations at the same sites, these subtly altered amino acids preserve the wild-type voltage dependence of channel activation and inactivation. Although these phenylalanine derivatives have no effect on low-affinity tonic inhibition by lidocaine or its permanently charged derivative QX-314 at any of the substituted sites, high-affinity use-dependent inhibition displays substantial cation-{pi} energetics for 1 residue only: Phe1579 in rNaV1.4. Replacement of the aromatic ring of Phe1579 by cyclohexane, for example, strongly reduces use-dependent inhibition and speeds recovery of lidocaine-engaged channels. Channel block by the neutral local anesthetic benzocaine is unaffected by the distribution of {pi} electrons at Phe1579, indicating that our aromatic manipulations expose electrostatic contributions to channel inhibition. These results fine tune our understanding of local anesthetic inhibition of voltage-gated sodium channels and will help the design of safer and more salutary therapeutic agents

    Novel mechanistic insight into ciliary regulation: old pathways yield new mechanisms

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    Cilia are structures present on most eukaryotic cells which provide important signaling and motile components to cells from early development to fully differentiated and matured cells. Regulation of these structures is critical to proper functioning of the cell and is known to be tied to the cell cycle. Preparation for ciliary assembly following cell cycle exit and ciliary disassembly following cell cycle reentry requires components throughout the cell body and within the cilium to facilitate this process. Here I identify how the cell adapts to ensure modifications to cilia occur for assembly or disassembly using the model organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. By chemically and genetically inhibiting map kinase phosphatases in Chlamydomonas which most closely match mammalian DUSP6, the phosphatase for ERK1/2 in the canonical cell cycle control ERK pathway, cilia shorten and fail to assemble. We find that DUSP6 inhibition also results in inhibited ciliary protein entry, altered protein localization to the transition zone, inhibited membrane trafficking or through inhibited cytoskeletal microtubule reorganization. Additionally, we find that maintaining cytoplasmic microtubules and short tracks of cilia can allow for cilia to immediately assemble within 5 minutes post deciliation. Together, this data provides a comprehensive view of how the cell induces changes outside of the cilium to regulate this critical signaling organelle

    The Growth of Elementary and Secondary Education In Russell County, Kansas

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    Throughout this work we shall carry one phase of the growth of education as it applies to a restricted geographical area. We must note from the beginning that the available material is very fragmentary even in a country whose existence spans only slightly more than half a century. No attempt was made by school administrators to keep an accurate history of their school systems. Records have been lost or misplaced. As a result, at this date it is impossible to clearly picture every part of the whole educational system within this restricted area , but the evidence which is still available indicates very definite trends which have occurred in the growth of public education in Russell County

    Thermal Control of an Electronic Enclosure Utilizing a Vapor Chamber

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    This thesis addresses the problem of extracting heat from sealed electronic enclosures. Typical industry practice is to use various air-to-air and air-to-liquid heat exchangers. These techniques are known to require costly custom designs. This thesis points out how one can apply heat pipe technology in the form of a vapor chamber to solve this type of problem. The details on the design and testing of two prototype vapor chambers are cited. Included in the text are typical industrial applications that require sealed enclosures to protect their associated electronic control hardware. Also mentioned is some historical background on heat pipes
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